Unstoppable (8 page)

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Authors: Christina Marie

BOOK: Unstoppable
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Chapter 9

I should have never even clicked on the pictures of Ryder at the bike rally.  He had posted pictures of his finished body painting/airbrushing and selfies with most of the woman.  I threw my phone down on the couch and groaned.

“Sup?” Sarah asked around a mouth full of the chocolate cupcake she was devouring.

“He won’t talk to me but look at the pictures he’s posting.  I think it’s pretty clear that he isn’t too concerned about what I’m doing.” I handed her my phone.

“Oh…wow!  Ohhh that’s cool, I like that one.”

“SARAH!” I yelled.

“Sorry,” she wiped her mouth, “He’s probably making some damn good money though.”

I rolled my eyes, “I know he is.  You know what I want to do?” I jumped up from the couch.  Sarah raised her eyebrows at me in question.  “I want to go out to a club!”

“AWESOME!” she replied in a sing song voice, “I know just the club, they don’t check ID’s.”

So, we both went to our rooms, and prepared ourselves for a night out. 

I chose a tight black tube dress and paired it with black strappy high heels.  I braded my hair off to the side, gave my eyes the smoky eye dusting and smacked my lips with the light pink lip gloss.  I stared at myself in the mirror, it was the same lip gloss that Ryder had smeared on his lips the night of Prom.  I shook my head and said to myself, “You’re going out to have fun tonight.”  As I exited my bedroom my cell phone rang on the nightstand.  A surge of hope coursed through me, hoping it was Ryder calling.  I smiled big when Star’s name flashed on the caller ID. 

“Hey sweet Star I miss you.” I answered the phone. 

“Harleyyyy, I miss you.  We are still on vacation.  The water is really pretty.”

“You’ll have to send me some pictures!” 

“MOM will you help me send her some pictures?” she yelled to her mom without moving the phone away.  I heard her mom laugh and answer her that she would. 

“I’ll see you when I come home in a few weeks, okay Star?"

“Okay, I hope you’re having fun at college!”

“It’s not too bad.” I replied.

“I miss Ryder too, I tried to call him but I couldn’t hear him because there was really loud music playing.  He did say he’d call me back when he could actually hear.” She giggled.

“Oh…”  he wouldn’t talk to me though.

“Well dad says I need to hang up so we can go for supper.  Love you and miss you Harley!”

“Love you too Star.”

Sarah walked out of her bedroom wearing a black knee length pencil skirt, silver top and a wide red belt around her waist.  I whistled at her, “Look at you, sexy lady!” I motioned for her to turn around.  “Love the platforms those look great!”

“I have the PERFECT heels you can have.” She held up a finger for me to wait then emerged from her room and handed me a pair of black high heels.  I flipped them over and gasped at the red soles.

“Sarah these are…”

“Loui’s I know,” she shrugged, “Mom bought them for me as an inspiration to lose weight.  Even if I dropped the weight my feet are still way too wide for them.”

“I can’t take them.” I tried to hand them back to her but she pushed them back at me. 

“Put them on…now.” She quirked her eyebrow at me waiting for me to argue back. 

So I did and instantly fell in love, “Wow!” I breathed out.  They fit perfect. 

“You look like a runway model,” she snapped her fingers, “You know who you look like?” she questioned with excitement.  I shook my head no.  “Izabella Miko that cute blonde from the Coyote Ugly movie!”

I laughed, “Pshh, I wish!”

Sarah narrowed her eyes at me, “I’ll prove it to you.  Let’s go.”  She called a cab company as we walked out of our dorm.  We waited for about ten minutes before one showed up.  Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to a club that had a bright red neon sign on the front of the building,
.  The line stretched for at least half a block but Sarah knew the guy working the entrance, “He’s an ex of my sister Shanny.” She shrugged and winked at me.  I grabbed her hand and walked beside her through the dark entrance.  When we finally made it through the crowd of people to the bar, I confessed to her that I hadn’t ever really drank before.  “Good to know, I’ll take it easy on you tonight.  Whatever you do, do NOT put your drink down and pick it up again.  You never know when somebody will slip you a roofie.  If you need to use the restroom let me know and I’ll go with you.  It’s always better to stay in pairs.  K?”

I nodded my head, “K!”

She ordered us both a cold beer, “I hope this is okay, I don’t much care for fruity drinks.”

I shrugged, “I can handle a beer or two.”

Light Em Up
Fall Out Boy
started blaring and thumping through the sound system.  Sarah grabbed my hand and pulled me to the busy dance floor.  With our beers in hand we bounced and danced to the song.  Sarah’s eyes got big then she smiled while looking past my shoulder.  I spun around and collided with a solid chest, a set of hands went to my waist and pulled me in tight.  I looked up at the person, he was gorgeous!  Sandy brown hair that was cut military style, whiskey colored eyes framed with dark lashes.  I smiled when he started moving his hips moving me in sync with him.  We danced until the song ended.  When there was a bit of silence he lowered his mouth next to my ear, “Want another one?” he tapped my beer bottle. 

I nodded my head, “Sure.”  I smiled up at him.  He winked at me, grabbed my hand and led me toward the bar.  I glanced back to look for Sarah, she was pushing her way through the crowd following us.  When we got to the bar the guy that still had a firm grip on my hand ordered three beers then turned around.

His smile was beautiful, straight white teeth, his lips were perfect shaped full bottom lip and cupid bow top lip.  “Names Hunter Hastings.”

“Harley Russell,” out of the corner of my eye I could see Sarah, “This is my roommate Sarah Davis.” He released my hand so he could shake her hand.  The bartender pushed the bottles of beer at him, Hunter turned and grabbed them, then handed one to Sarah and me.  We thanked him and stood there in awkward silence for a few seconds.

“You ladies go to WSU?” His smile was back. 

“Yep, what about you?” I asked. 

“Getting ready to start in a few weeks.” He grinned with his response.  The three of us walked away from the bar so we could find a table but ended up having to stand by the wall.  Sarah excused herself to go dance to
.  I smiled and nodded at her.  One thing about her, she could DANCE really, really, good and LOVED to. 

I turned back toward Hunter, he wasn’t looking at the dance floor he was looking right at me.  I tucked my hair behind my ear and cleared my throat, “So,” I laughed, “Um…”

“I feel ya, I have no idea what to talk about.  I can’t stop staring at how beautiful you are.” A wide smile crossed his face. 

“Thank you.” I replied and could feel my cheeks heating up. 

“I’m going to guess you’re going to school to become an Attorney and you’re a cheerleader?”

I laughed, “Nope, Elementary Education so I can teach specials needs students.  Not a cheerleader either.”

His smile faltered for a second, “I’ll be seeing you around some!”

A slower song started playing; he asked if I wanted to dance.  With a firm grip on my hand he led me to the dance floor. 
Hunter was a great dancer, with his hands on my hips he pulled me tight against his chest.  I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes, we slowly grinded against each other.  The corner of his mouth tugged up in a grin,
Ryder’s grin is better a voice inside me said
, then he lowered his head and inhaled against my neck, he slowly moved his hand around my hips and clasped them at the base of my back.  “God you smell fucking amazing.” He whispered in my ear, then he kissed just below it.  I moved my hands to the base of his hair line.  The short hairs were damp with sweat and prickled against the palms of my hands.
Ryder’s hair is longer and feels better against your hands the voice inside me said again.
A low growl came from Hunter when I gently scraped my fingernails against his scalp.  He kissed a line from my shoulder, up my jaw line until his lips were barely touching mine.  “Fuck, you’re testing my self-control Harley.”
When he said my name my stomach didn’t do the little flip that it did when Ryder would say my name.  I closed my eyes, I needed to stop thinking about Ryder.  We hadn’t talked to each other lately…probably for the better
.  Then Hunter softly pressed his lips against mine.  The song faded out and a fast song started playing.  People bumped against us causing the moment to be interrupted.  Hunter put his forehead against mine and slowly shook his head.  “If we don’t stop I’ll have you pinned against a wall in the back.”

I wasn’t that type of girl though, I smiled, “Sorry,” I smiled and Hunter stepped away, “I need to find Sarah.”

“Can I have your number?  I’d love to take you out on a date.” He handed me his cell phone so I programmed my number in it.  “You’ll definitely be hearing from me.” One quick kiss and we parted ways. 

Sarah was sitting at a table talking to some of the women that I recognized from the strippercize class.  “Holy shit!  Tell me you got his number!” Sarah yelled over the thumping bass. 

I laughed and pulled my phone out of my purse, “Yep!” I showed her the text from Hunter. 


This is so you have my #




Wanna go out some time next week


Text me when you have time


Will do

Sarah and I stayed at the club for a couple of more hours until I finally couldn’t stand walking in the heals anymore.  I was slightly buzzed from the beers I had consumed and Sarah was wobbly from the beers and Tequila shots she had taken with the group of ladies we had visited with throughout the night. 

“I had fun tonight.” I leaned my head against her shoulder. 

“I’m glad…I’m sorta drunk.” Sarah said with a giggle. 

A short time later the taxi driver pulled up in front of our dorm building.

We paid the driver then went up to our room.  Sarah hugged before going to her room. 

I plugged my phone in, went into the bathroom to wash my makeup off and change into my pajamas.  When I came out my phone lit up with a new message.  I was expecting it to be from Hunter, but, it was from Ryder. 


How’s college life

He hadn’t text or called me in weeks, I wanted to ignore him but I couldn’t. 


Just got back to the dor

How’s the business going?


It’s 1am I’m guessing you went clubbing




Buz’ is doing great.  Birthday weekend I’m coming to see you and we’re going clubbin’…

Another text came through but it was from Hunter;


Night beautiful…can’t wait to take you out



3 weeks later

Hunter and I had been out on several dates, to the movies, out for supper, to the club, and even miniature golf.  The only thing that bothered me about him was, he didn’t like talking about his family.  “They’re a bunch of assholes and that’s all I’m going to say.” He gave me a pointed look.  He asked about my family, mom had made it very clear to me not to mention that dad was in the MC, “You don’t even want to know what kind of assholes that will attract.” She had told me.  So I told him that dad was a mechanic and mom was in the fitness business. 

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