UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2)
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I walk back out and he is standing by the bed naked too, except for a flashlight. As soon as he sees me, his cock starts to harden. "You are simply stunning, Siri."

"Umm. You are too." I walk over with my hand stretching out for him.

"No." He points to the bed.

"Ok." I pout but comply. I lay flat on my stomach. While he shines the light over my backside, I make light conversation. "I enjoyed the tour tonight. Angelo speaks perfect English too, like Antonio. Their accent is the same."

"All kids learn English in European schools, but they both attended the University of Texas. My grandfather's influence."

"Oh. Angelo is kin to you too? I didn’t realize that. He doesn’t have the gorgeousness you and Antonio have."

"Yes, he is family. He is married to Mia."

"Cousin in law then."


"Do you have a big family?"


"Do you have a lot of them working for you?"

"Yes. I surround myself with family. Of the six brothers and sisters my grandfather had, he is the only one who was wealthy."

"The Texas oilman?"

"Yes, but he spread it around the family unit, hiring them. It’s a wise investment. No one is more loyal than family. I’ve continued the practice. Rollover."

I flip over and lay with my hands to my side and watch him as he takes the light to my neck and arms. His face is so sincere and his inspection is studious.
He looks like a doctor examining a patient.
"I’m an only child from two only children. My parents are all I have now."

"Wait until you attend the birthday celebration. You will be amazed at the size of ours."

"Oh, gosh. I’m nervous thinking about it."

"Don’t be. Everyone will fall for you like I have. You’re so contagious, you know."

"Umm. I hope so."

"I know so. Don’t move." He tells me as he lays the flashlight down on the nightstand, then climbs on top of me and pins me down, lengthwise. He kisses me, filling me with his essence. His tongue goes deep and I suck. He withdraws to peck, then he fills me again. Each time, I melt more, becoming one with each long kiss. Over and over, he kisses me. All I can think of is his tongue. Wanting it to fill me. Needing it in me.
Umm. His tongue completing me.
He kisses me until it feels as natural to have his tongue in my mouth as it is to have my own. Then he releases me, rolls onto his back and pulls me next to him, under his arm next to his ribs. I lay my face on his bicep and kiss it, then I roll onto my side and lay my arm over his chest and my leg over his. I squeeze him. "Did you find any marks?"

"No. I’ll look again in the morning. I’m surprised. I really expected to. We fucked hard." He kisses the top of my head. "You’re pretty tough to be a petite, little thing."

"Elena told me I was short and plump."

He laughs and his chest bounces me. "Elena is jealous of your tits and booty. She thinks a stick pole is attractive."

"Aurei, I know she was your first love."

"First. Not last."

"She’s beautiful."

"You’re more beautiful without a drop of makeup on than she will ever hope to be covered in it."

"You’re so sweet for saying that."

"I really am a sweet guy." He cuddles me. "You will learn exactly how sweet soon."

I lick him. "Umm. When?"

He chuckles. "Soon. Now goodnight, Wild Thang."

"Goodnight, My Fucking Golden God."


I wake the next morning to butterfly kisses. Aurei is dressed and leaning over me. "Wake up, Sleepy Thang. The sun is up and it’s a beautiful day to spend some money on a gorgeous girl."

"What time is it?" I ask sitting up and stretching.

"It’s eight. Antonio is on his way up. I’m going to have a brief meeting with him while you get your bath and get dressed. Your cappuccino is there on the nightstand."

"Oh." I flop back down.

"Get up now. Don’t go back to sleep."

"Ok." I pull a pillow over my face.

He laughs and pulls the covers off me. "Don’t do your stretches either. There isn’t time."

I throw the pillow off and sit up. "Ok. Ok. Where’s the coffee?" I rub my eyes.

"On the table there." He points and I turn to see it.

"Ah! Nectar of the Gods!" I slide my feet off the bed and pick it up. The first sip is as good as the last, but by the last, my heart rate is up. "That’s some strong shit!" I stretch my arms over my head, then walk into the bathroom. Turning the water on, I wait until it’s hot, then step under it. "Ah that feels good!" I wash away the remaining cobwebs from jet lag. As I turn the water off, the shower curtain slides back quickly and cold air rushes in. "Hey! What’s the big idea! Brrr!" I shiver and grab at the towel Aurei is holding out for me just out of my reach. "I thought you didn’t like me cold."

"I don’t, but I like your tits cold."

I try to cover myself as big giant goosebumps pop out. My nipples draw up and try to hide inside themselves. "This isn’t very sweet!" I pout.

He chuckles. "Put your arms down."

"Hurry!" I tell him and I put them straight against my body and he wraps me like a papoose in the big, oversized towel.
It’s warm.
"Umm. This feels so good!"

"The basket, there in the corner, has a heater in it. Put your towel in there when you get in and it will be warm by the time you get out." He tells me as he totes me off, walking through the bedroom to the living room. He stands me up, then sits down on a chair in front of the window and points to a spot on the floor directly in front of him. "Stand right here. I want to examine your skin in the light of the sun." He is dressed in a dark charcoal suit with a black shirt, but this time he doesn’t have on a tie.
He looks so serious but so yummy too.

I hug the towel tight to me and shiver. "Can’t we do this in the bed again?"

"No. I’m wise to your trickery." He chuckles. "Come on over. The sun is warm. Stand right here." He leans over and taps the exact place he wants me to stand. His shirt is unbuttoned, and it opens wide as his perfect pecs push out against it.

I can see the small patch of hair on his golden chest and the muscles constricting and relaxing with his movement. My tummy lurches hard and my mouth waters.
I wonder if he will let me have a protein sausage shake before breakfast.
The thought of eating him in the sunlight makes my blood start to pump. The towel feels cold to my skin now as my body gets hot for him.

"Be a good girl, Siri, and let me look you over, up and down, everywhere. I have something special planned for you today. Come on now."

I smirk to myself as I drop my eyes to the floor, then roll up on my toes and tiptoe over, like a ballerina.
I’m gonna give you an eyeful.

"Now take the towel off."

Famous last words!
"It’s You" by Syn Cole starts playing in my head. I turn my back to him, grab the edges of the towel and open it wide. I cock my hip, raise one foot on my toe, put my arms in the air, then swing them down and swing my hips and cock up on the other side. I push my ass into the towel and shake it.

He sucks air in. "Oh...."

"Do you still want that lap dance?" I ask as I start to twerk behind the towel.


"Now or later?" I drop the towel and it falls at my feet. I stand and replay the same swinging of my hips.

"Damn! Now.... But...later."

I lean over, put my hands under my ass cheeks and jiggle them. "Butt what?"

"That butt is hot!"

I bend over and flash my pussy at him. "Did you say hot?" I reach my hand between my legs and "Zssst" again when it touches.

"Don’t do it." He commands me.

I laugh as I insert my finger in. "Don’t do what?"

"That!" He stands and takes a step toward me. I drop down and flip my hair up and over. It cascades down him. "Damn! That move is hot!"

I spin to face him. I tell him as I look up from my position below his hard cock. "I’m hot."

"You sure as hell are! But...."

"But what?" I put my hands on the floor between my legs, lean on them and slide my legs apart, doing a middle split onto the floor, sinking away from him, then I twerk on the floor to the beat thumping in my head.

"But.... Fuck! I can’t remember."

I chuckle now and pull my legs together as I arch my back. Putting my hand down, I push my tits up to him as I do a backbend. I place a foot on his chest, push off and ease my chest to the ground. Then I roll onto my tummy, spreading my legs again into a middle split and push my chest up. Then I place my hands on the floor and drag myself up into a handstand.

"Fuck! You are strong!"

I pick my hands up one at a time, setting them down precisely so I spin around in front of him. I stop and bend my legs at the knees and kick them to the rhythm of the song.

"You are one magnificent muscle."

"Umm hmm." I tease him as I open my legs wide, exposing my pussy.

"Damn it, Siri! You are torturing me."

"Umm hmm." I close them and kick them again to the beat.

"Now you are teasing me."

"Umm hmm." I’m feeling strong and sassy. Since it’s has been a few days since I worked on my handstand push-ups I know I have a reserve of strength ready so I brave it and attempt the maneuver for "Happy" that I know I have to master for my return performance. I put my head on the floor, doing a headstand, and kick my feet, then I fold my legs Indian style. Bracing for the lift, I take a deep breath then exhale as I push them up. Using their momentum, I shove the rest of my body off the floor. It lifts with ease! Half way there, I pick one hand up and push hard as I straighten my legs. My body moves into a perfect straight line and I hold myself there for a second gaining my balance, then I drop to the floor with a squeal and collapse in a pile of silly, girlie giggles. I clap and kick my feet, elated. "I fucking did it!" I open my eyes to see Aurei upside down, standing over me, laughing too. I hold my hands up to him and he takes them, pulls me to him, sliding my ass on the floor, then he pulls me up to my feet. I bounce and spin around on him, then jump up and down, kissing his face. "I did it! I did it! I fucking did it!"

"Yes, you did my silly, sexy, little Siri." He laughs and kisses me each time I bounce up to his lips, then he puts his arms around me and pulls me in tight. He squeezes me and tells me. "I LOVE how strong you are." I lean my head way back and let my arms hang down, knowing he won’t let me fall. "I LOVE how you love your life." He leans his head down to my chest, listening to me giggle. "I LOVE the infectious sound of your happiness."

I put my hands in my hair. "I absofuckinglutely LOVE that I just did that and that it was easy!"

I roll my face to look into his. I see his beautiful green eyes, smiling at me from under the dark brows that frame them to perfection, above the nose that is straight and the lips that form a heart but now expose his bright white teeth in a perfect, beautiful smile, under a halo of glittering gold hair that sways into place and then stops.
I absofuckinglutely LOVE this man.
In that moment, time freezes.
Did he read my thoughts?
He smiles so sweet and sincere, I know he feels it too.
Oh no!
My giggles stop as the blood drains from my face, leaving me weak. I quickly close my eyes and turn my face away. The power of that word overwhelming me.

"Siri. Look at me." He commands and his voice sounds normal but confused. My heart grips itself as I ignore him, keeping my face turned away and my eyes shut tight against the truth in my heart and in his eyes.

"Siri." It is not a request now. It is more of a revelation of my reaction. I put my hands on his arms as he pulls me up to search my face. My heart tremors with my refusal to look at him, but I refuse to give in.
He has to

"Siri. Look at me." It is a command now and he waits, fully expecting me to obey him, but I don’t obey. My heart starts to shake with my refusal, but I buckle down and grip it tight. I keep my face turned away, protecting us from that word.

Then he says so soft I can barely hear him. "Siri. Look at me." It is a plea and my heart trembles as I protect our forever.

He puts his hand under my chin and brings my face to his. I keep my eyes closed tight and I put my hands to his face, blindly placing my fingers over his lips. The feel of his warm, moist, kissable lips.
I want to kiss those lips for the rest of my life.
With that thought, my resolve sets deep inside the core of my being. I rest my forehead on my fingers and promise myself.
I will fight for him with all the wildness I possess.
I lift my face and tap my fingers on his lips, thinking.
How do I tell him what I truly believe in a way he will understand? He has to understand! Once this word is uttered between us, we can’t it take back. It will take on a life of its own and it has the power to tear us apart if we are not ready... and we are NOT ready.
I stroke my fingers against his lips.
Time will either be the key that shows this beautiful thing we have to be true love, or it will prove to be our enemy, but either way we need time to know for sure.

"Siri. Look at me." His voice is husky with emotion. He tightens his grip, pulling me into his strong arms. My body presses against his. Only the fabric of his suit shields me from his hot aura and prevents my resolve from melting away.

"Aurei." I whisper and he rubs his thumbs on my back while he nibbles at my fingers.
Sweet Zeus, this is hard! My insides are shaking.
"Aurei, please don’t say you love me."

I feel his mouth open to speak and my fingertips fall inside his lips. His tongue touches the tips and his lips close around them. My whole world becomes that precious spot of caressing as he runs his tongue up them, down them, around them. His hand slides down to my butt cheeks and squeezes me. He pulls my groin firmly to his and I feel his erection pressing into my flesh. It is hard and ready to take me.

"Aurei. Don’t." I squeak out and my voice cracks.

He brings both hands to my face. He traces the back side of his finger down my cheek as he whispers against my fingers in his mouth. "Siri."

Afraid that if I wait my words will be lost forever with his tender touch, I rush them and they spill out as he takes a stray strand of my hair, and curls it around his finger as his tongue sucks my fingertips again.
Sweet Zeus, give me strength to say this.
"The word love is thrown around so carelessly and it shouldn’t be. It’s the most precious thing between two people that there is." I pause, thinking of what to say next in the most concise way.
Straight line, no curves.

He picks his head up and my fingers leave his mouth, resting on his chin. "Look at me." His deep tone strikes a raw cord down deep, jolting my wild nature. Giving me the strength I need to say what I must say because I know I will never be able to resist him. His touch. His tone. His magnetism.
I am his. I belong to him.
"Please, Baby Thang." He whispers.

I know I cannot resist him any longer. I steal myself for his searching look, forcing my poker facade to enter my eyes as I lay my head back and do what he requests. I open my eyes and look into his gorgeous green pools of peace. He smiles that 'sexy as hell' smile at me and winks that killer wink as he tells me. "But...."
Sweet Zeus I’m going to swoon.

I slam my eyes shut and push a finger into his mouth onto his tongue to stop his next words. His tongue folds around it and sucks it into his mouth. My knees buckle and he holds me tight to him. A small whimper escapes my throat as I pull my finger out before I faint.

He drops his face into my neck and buries his nose. The waves and waves of sweet sensations, send love coursing through my veins. He nuzzles my neck and I hear that low, almost inaudible, throat moan he doesn’t know he does.
Can true love be this easy?
Surely not. I have witnessed too many people in my line of work, struggling and failing to be true to the one they say they love. I don’t want that.
I put my arms around him and pull myself tight to him. He is so strong. I feel so secure in his arms. His hands slide down my back and cup my ass.
Aurei and I must have a relationship built on a solid foundation.
My heart pounds in my chest. I know I have to continue or I run the risk of losing him one day,
but it’s so hard to say!
I turn my face so I speak directly into his ear and a soft whisper is all I can manage. "Aurei, I prefer you don’t use that word just yet. Not right now. Maybe later." He nuzzles me and his hands slide down between the crack of my ass and between my legs to my vagina. My eyes roll back into my head. "We have to be sure that this beautiful thing we have

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