UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2)
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Adona clenches her teeth and looks out the window, but still doesn’t leave. She takes a deep breath then exhales exasperatingly loud, then she pouts. "I’m hurt Maximus."

Aurei ignores her as he asks silently for my empty plate, takes it and scoops himself a large helping. I pick my fork up and push my sausage around, waiting for her to leave, but she doesn’t.

"I’m not leaving until you promise to call me when you need me." Adona crosses her arms in front of her body and taps her toes. "Because you will need me. She will not last long. You will become bored with her."

I almost laugh out loud.
I’ve NEVER been called boring!

I sit straight up in my chair, take my spoon, pinky poised out and stir my coffee, but instead of proper etiquette where the liquid doesn’t noticeably move, I stir it so the coffee dances in the cup for me, and I smile at it. When Adona looks down her nose at me, I life my eyes to her as I open my mouth and bring the spoon to it. As it travels through the air, I flip it over. Her eyes flare when she realizes what I am about to do. Holding her eyes, unashamed and unafraid, I do it. I insert the spoon in and slide it all the way down my throat, then slowly draw it out, demonstrating my lack of gag reflex. She rolls her eyes, and we both look at Aurei.

He grins at me. "Ah.... I don’t think so."

I daintily set the spoon down then pick my fork up to continue my eating exhibition. With my pinky finger poised, I take a very small, dainty bite of sausage. I chew and chew, moaning softly, seductively rolling my head and slightly shrugging my shoulders. After I swallow, I work my tongue in and out wetting my lips. "Umm. I love sausage." I grin at Aurei.

"It obviously taste very good." Aurei chuckles.

"Disgustingly so." Adona whispers under her breath.

"Yes Sir. It was good, but not as good as yours." I bat my eyes at him as I bring the napkin up to tap my lips.

Aurei laughs out loud. Even the busboy clearing the table next to us laughs. Adona snaps her head at him and barks something in Italian, making him practically run to the kitchen. She stares after him, enjoying her power.

Bitch! I hate mean bitches.

Confident again, she turns on me. I can feel her silent growl as her eyes narrow.
Time to introduce you to my redneck side, and my southern charm.
I stand very slowly, being careful not to push my chair over and turn into the bad ass my man asked me not to be. My ladylike posture is relaxed and nonthreatening, but my eyes are hard as steel. "HI. My name is Siri Wright. I’m
Miss Wright. Thanks for stopping by
table. Please excuse
while we finish our meal. We have a busy day planned together exploring each other. Oh, excuse me. A little slip of the tongue." I laugh in her face then lick my lips. "I meant to say exploring the
It’s nice to have
you." I hold my hand out for her to shake and I wait. "No?" I shrug my shoulders.

Adona’s fists ball up, as she stares down at my hand, then it opens, flexing and for a split second I think she is going to slap me. I brace myself if she tries. A bloody vision flashes quickly across my mind in preparation. Her face, after I catch it and snatch her to me, then face plant her, hammering the table, busting her nose, is covered in red.

"Watch yourself, Adona." Aurei says as he slowly stands too. His voice has lost all laughter.

I see Carlo power walking into the restaurant, making a beeline for our table. "Ah, Adona. There you are. I need your assistance immediately." He nods at us. "Excuse me, Maximus. Siri. But I need to steal Adona away. I have an emergency."

"Certainly." Aurei says.

"Please do." I tell him with emphasis.

"Thank you." He says to us, then speaks to her in Italian. She smiles a cold smile at both of us but when she looks at Carlo her charm is turned on high. She answers him and he puts his hand on her elbow, then gestures her in the direction of the door. I watch him lead her out as Aurei steps back to my chair. I can’t help myself. I stick my tongue out at her back making Aurei laugh.

"I thought I was going to have to break up a cat fight."

I wipe imaginary crumbs out of my lap, and straighten my dress, then allow him to push it in for me. "Nah! I was going to smash her face on the table and break her nose."

"Damn. Tough girl." He laughs surprised.

"Yep. Brutus says always be on the offensive and fight to win."

"I’m looking forward to meeting him." He says as he sits down.

"He’ll like you. I know he will."

"Have you heard from him?" He asks as he starts to eat.

"No. Have you heard anything from your bro’s?"

"No. Nothing."

I change the subject. "How are the eggs, Dear?"

He chuckles. "Fine, Honey. A little on the cold side."

I sit back to watch him eat. "Adona was very upset she lost your fucking business."

He laughs at that. "I hired her models for legitimate photographs. Eat up. We will have a long day exploring."

I take my fork and push my sausage around. "But hers are the models you told me you fucked here?"

He looks up, then sets his fork down. "Siri."

I smile at him. "It’s ok, Aurei. Really. Straight line." I take a bite.

He picks his fork up and continues eating. "Yes, but fucking isn’t her business. She runs a legitimate modeling agency."

"But she knew you were fucking them."

"Yes. I’m sure she knew."

"Did you tip them?"


I cock my head. "Never mind. I know you did."

"Yes. I did."

"They gave her a cut."

"You sound sure about that."

I smirk. "I absofuckinglutely am. There is no way she was that determined to keep you as a client for only her measly cut from photographs. I don’t care if they were super models or not."

I wipe my mouth and put my napkin in my plate.

"Are you full?" He asks surprised.

"As a tick."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "When the redneck girl comes out of you, it sounds so strange."


"Because I don’t see you that way."

I smirk. "How do you see me? As the sex pot, working the crowd in Vegas?"

He sets his fork down, wipes his mouth and puts his napkin on his plate. "No. I see you...." The waiter returns to clear the table. He smiles and says something to Aurei. They exchange pleasantries while he works, then Aurei stands and holds his hand out for me to take. When I rise, he hooks it in his arm. "I see you as Mio Bella Signorina."

My eyes twinkle at him. "Boom. Brownie points." His 'sexy as hell' smile fills his face, as he leads us toward the exit.

The hostess tells us. "Good day."

"Have a good one." I tell her.

We stand waiting on the elevator.

"You really are a sweet man."

"I know."


When we enter the elevator, I grin at Aurei because we are alone. He pushes the lobby button and pulls me to him. He kisses me the entire way down. When we land, the doors slide open and he kisses my forehead. "Ok. Let’s go shopping."

"Do you like shopping?" I ask him as we walk out hand in hand. "Most men don’t."

"No. Not really."

I stop at the top of the stairs. He steps down and turns to look at me. "Why are you going with me then?"

"I want to make sure you have the appropriate attire."

My eyes narrow and I say with a testy attitude. "Appropriate?"

"Warm." He clarifies.

"Warm as in covering most of my body?"

"Yes." He nods, then he realizes why I’m frowning. "I like your taste in clothes, Siri. This outfit is sexy as hell and you are fully clothed." He grins. "But the material is wrong for the unpredictable weather of Rome this time of year. It can be sunny or wet, but cold. There aren’t a lot of warm spring days."

"I don’t like to be cold." I admit. "But I don’t see why you would torture me by coming along. I am perfectly capable of shopping by myself and for myself."

He laughs and pulls me down the stairs. "We aren’t shopping the way you are used to doing it. We won’t be browsing the aisles for bargains. We are going to Via Condotti. It is quite an experience. Come on. We are walking."

When we enter the lobby area, I see Carlo is back behind the front desk. Franco is at his post discussing something with two new arrivals. Both lift their heads as we walk by. Aurei doesn’t look their way, but I do. I wink at them both and crinkle my nose. Neither of them break their professional facade but both of their eyes smile back at me.

We walk for about 10 minutes, holding hands and enjoying the morning. When we enter the street, there are people everywhere milling around, going in and out of stores. Some carrying bags and bags with designer names, like Gucci, Prada, Ferragamo, Bvlgari, and Louis Vuitton. Aurei takes me first to Gucci where we shop for a light weight, yet warm coat. He likes a white wool peacoat with a price tag of $2,500, but I protest. "Aurei! I will only wear this thing while I’m here in Italy. I have no use for it in Vegas."

He gives me his sweet, tolerant smile then tells me. "Yes. But you will be returning to Rome and Italy with me for visits regularly and you will need it." He turns to the store representative and tells her something in Italian that makes her smile and she walks off with it.

"Did you just buy that?" I ask him.

"Yes. I did. No arguments." He raises his eyebrows at me, challenging me not to. "You will wear it out of here, and you will be beautiful, and happy, and warm in it."

"Hmmph. I can see how this is going to go."

He grins. I roll my eyes and giggle. For the next few hours, I get a taste of Aurei’s idea of shopping. Which turns out to be us in a private sitting room with him explaining what he wants to buy; them parading items by us; us choosing the ones we like; then them taking me back to a dress room where they dress me in them; and me modeling it for Aurei to approve and purchase; and them packaging them in boxes; and labeling them with our Hotel name and room number.

I can’t help but tease him while he sits so confident and even cocky in the various chairs in the various boutiques, watching and passing judgement on my attire. I bend over to touch my palms to the ground with each outfit and he chuckles. "I had no idea the criteria a dancer uses to determine if an outfit is comfy." Occasionally I stretch my legs by putting one above my head in a standing split or placing my foot on his shoulder and swinging my hair around, or doing a booty bounce or twerk in them, but whatever I do, I am constantly checking the "roominess" and "movement" of the clothing.

When we leave the last shop, he drapes his arm over my shoulder, puts my head in a headlock and rubs my hair with his knuckles. "That didn’t hurt too bad, did it?"

I laugh and squirm against him. "Oui! That hurts much worse."

He laughs and lets my head go, but hugs me tight to him. "Admit it. I have excellent taste." He teases me as he dials his phone and he says into it. "Angelo. We are finished."

I laugh too. "Yes. You have excellent taste, and I did have a very nice time shopping with you, but you spent entirely too much on a wardrobe I won’t be wearing very often."

"Ah. But you will be." He smiles at me. "I don’t intend to let you out of my sight and I have to come to Rome often for business."

"But I dance a lot! All the time. Six days a week."

He stops and kisses me in the middle of the street. His tongue slides between my teeth and my mouth takes him in. I lose my protests, and my thoughts know only Aurei is my world now. His kiss is so comfortable. When he releases me, I’m breathless and he smiles. "Can you think of a really valid reason why you have to dance six days a week, fifty-two weeks out of the year?"

My eyes are glassy as I stare into his. "No. Just that I have to dance. I can’t quit."

"I’m not asking you to quit. I’m only asking you to not dance that much."

"I’ll think about it." I grin at him.

He reaches down and pinches my ass. "That’s a start." He cinches my hand again, and we start walking up the street. "You look very fly in that pantsuit."

"I feel much warmer in it too." I’m wearing the last outfit I tried on in the last shop. It is a chic pants suit with boots from Bvlgari.

"We have one more shop to visit before your surprise."

"Oh shit! I can’t believe I forgot about my surprise. I can’t wait!" We walk down a block and stand on the corner. Angelo pulls up in front of us in the Maserati Quattroporte, and Aurei opens the door for me.

I slide it. "Ciao, Angelo!"

"Ciao, Siri. You look radiant today."

"Thank you! I feel very pretty too."

Aurei slides in and says. "Funny how spending money on a woman has a way of making her feel good."

Angelo laughs. "It works for me! If Mia is unhappy, the whole house is unhappy so I take her shopping. Works every time."

"Men! We are not hard to please!"

Angelo laughs out loud. "No. That is very simple. Shopping."

"That’s not what I meant." I swat at him and we all laugh.

"Where to boss?" He asks Aurei. Aurei tells him and he pulls away. My nose finds the window again. Aurei puts his hand up my shirt and plays with my bra strap. "Angelo, please become the tour guide again." I request and he begins talking. When we reach our destination, there isn’t any available parking, so he stops in the road and we get out. Aurei tells him to return for us in two hours, then he leads me into a very secluded but swank shop. Immediately the older woman at the counter comes around and greets Aurei. They converse and she smiles at me, then motions for me to follow her. Aurei settles onto the couch. I follow her into the back of the shop curious what kind of clothes he will let me choose without him. When she stops, she waves me to an elevated platform in the center of the room. I can hear a sewing machine sewing just out of sight. She indicates I’m to get undressed and stand on the platform. I strip down to my new navy undies and climb up. She breaks out the soft fabric tape and proceeds to gather my measurements. She measures every dimension imaginable of my body.
I guess they don’t use 3D scanning here.
She goes back and forth from me to Aurei and I hear them discussing what I can only assume is me and the outfit he is ordering. When we leave, I have no idea what he just bought. "I guess this is one of my surprises?"

"Yes, but not the one you are getting today."

I take his arm as we walk up the street. We round a few corners during the walk and then he stops in front of brick high rise, down a back cobblestone street. I look up at the building as he enters the passcode to open the door. He pulls the door open for me and his phone dings. I enter into a very large foyer alone as he stops outside to answer it. The floor is pale gray marble and the walls are a dull red tone. The effect is cold yet warm.
Interesting color scheme.
I walk across to the closest door. There is a small vertical window and I peer in. It is an open bay area. Nothing inside, but concrete floor.
A parking garage, maybe?
I walk to the other end and pull the door open. LED lights instantly come on.
Stairs. I look back over my shoulder. The CEO of Maximus Enterprises is still outside talking shop. I’m going to start without him.
The heels of my new boots step soft onto the cold gray marble. The walls in the stairwell are the same dull red, softening the harsh effects of the bright lights. The bannister is carved wood much like the one at the Hotel only more modern. My hand flows along its top rail as I start my ascent. On the second floor landing, the door is a lead stained glass house door. The picture is of a sun. The golden hues jump elegant against the dark red.
I try the door, and it’s unlocked. I slowly pull it open. I peek my head in and find an apartment under renovation.
Better wait for Aurei before I explore this.
I close the door and continue up to the next floor. This door is wrapped in gold wrapping paper and has a big blue bow on it.
Obviously my surprise is in here. I def have to wait on Aurei.

I continue up the last flight of stairs and find a golden hued stained glass door with a picture of a monstrous bear!
Fucking crucial!
Standing tall and proud, it towers above the landing and stares out at something unseen in the distance.
It’s magnificent, but intimidating!
Not sure if I really want to, but unable to help myself, I lay my hand on the handle and test it, but it is locked. The echo of the door downstairs opening and closing drifts up to me, then I hear Aurei’s footsteps on the stairs.
He is taking two stairs at a time.
I trot down to meet him in front of the wrapped door. When he comes around the last landing, he is grinning. "Did you peek?"

"No." I smile back at him. "I wanted to wait for you."

"Good girl." When he steps up the last step, he takes my hand, cinches it and puts it behind him, drawing me up against him. His breath blows hard against my cheek, and his lips only graze mine. His eyes dance excited, sparkling as they crinkle in the corners.
He is so fucking cute!
"I can’t wait for you to see this." He positions me to face the door, and stands behind me. I can feel him but he isn’t touching me.

Looking at the locked door, I wonder what stained glass design will be on this door. "You’re very pleased with your choice." I smirk, looking over my shoulder at him. "It’s all over your face."

He laughs. "Yes I am." I reach my hand out to the paper. "Don’t unwrap the door yet. I want to show you what is behind the door first." He puts his arms around me and snugs his body up on mine. "The key code to unlock the door is special. It’s taken from what you said to me when I took your precious virginity. Do you remember what you said?"

My eyes drop to the locked door handle. "Not really. I was so horny." I laugh. "I had been so horny for so long too. Waiting for you, Sugar Bare." I kiss his cheek. "What did I say?"

He laughs softly, then lays his lips on my neck. He pulls the skin off in his slow, seductive nibble. Goosebumps pops out all over my body. I lean my head over to give him full access and he starts slow, nibbling, sucking, pulling, small mouthfuls. "Umm." He moves my hair out of the way with his face and becomes more aggressive with his neck love. Still nibbling, sucking, and pulling, but larger mouthfuls. The feeling is like being eaten and devoured while being cherished and desired. "UMM HMM!" My hands try to find his cock, but he has them pinned. My legs grow weak and I lean my weight on his body. Mouthfuls of my skin in his mouth, driving me wild, making me hot, I moan loud, then he stops and breathes on the wet kisses he has left. Small goosebumps from the cold temperature break out and run down my skin.

"You said to me. 'Ah, don't stop, baby.'" His voice inflects the exact way I said it. "Sexy wasn’t it?"

"Umm hmm. Is that the key code?" I ask confused. "Ah don’t stop baby?"

"No." He chuckles.

"Sexy?" I lift my head and look out of the corner of my eye at him.

His eyes are crinkled and dancing at me. "No, Sexy Thang."

"Sexy Thang?"

"No." He laughs, then his face drops onto my neck again and his deep voice vibrates into my throat. "I want you to know. I will never stop ... wanting you, needing you, desiring you. Only you." I spin around in his embrace. He lays his sweet lips on mine. "The key code is 'unstoppable.'" My heart almost stops with his romantic words. His lips seal themselves over mine and his tongue floats into my mouth. I lick it, tasting it as if for the first time, then I close down on it and suck him in. I massage his tongue as his hands slip around my neck, holding my head still, captive. When he lets me go, we are both breathless. Our foreheads touch and we breathe each other’s air.

"I wouldn’t have guessed that word."

"No, but it’s fitting. What word would you have guessed?"


"Ah. Now that’s a great word too. Are you ready to see your surprise?"


He spins me around to face the door. "Open it." I enter 'unstoppable' and the latch clicks open. His golden hand moves to the door handle as he says. "Close your eyes. Take five steps inside, then open them." I close my eyes, then hear the door opening.

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