UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2)
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"Why don’t we order room service for dinner tonight? I’m tired and we can take a nice hot bath together and not worry about coming back down to eat in the restaurant."

"I like the way you think, Wise Thang."

I yawn really big. I put my hand to my mouth and cover it. "See! I’m out of shape! I need to dance!"


The next day, I rise before Aurei. I’m so excited about seeing the sights. I shower and dress in one of the new outfits he bought for me yesterday. It’s a soft black leather mini-skirt with a mint green, mid-length sleeve, crew neck, sweater crop top and wedge heeled, silver grey suede pumps. I’m ready to go before he rolls over. I set his phone alarm for 15 minutes, sync mine, then put his by the bed to wake him. I ease out of the door and head upstairs to the restaurant. I walk right in and seat myself at our table. The hostess, Ana, comes over and greets me. "Ciao, Miss Wright.

"Ciao, Ana. How are you this morning?"

"Good." She smiles and surveys the room.

"Is there anyone here that I should be aware of?" I smile and wink at her.

Her smile broadens. "No. All shall be quiet."

"That’s good. Grazie, Ana."

She nods and bows slightly, then leaves to greet some new guests arriving. Our waiter comes over and asks. "Will you be ordering your usual, Miss Wright?"

"Yes, please." I smile at him and read his name tag.

He smiles, nods and leaves. He returns with a pot of cappuccino and pours me a cup. "I’ve put your order in. Shall I wait for Maximus before I serve you?"

"Yes, Federico. Grazie. He will be down shortly." I’m adding the cream and sugar when my iPhone begins to plays Tom Jones’ classic, "She’s a Lady." I laugh as I pull it out of my pocket.
Aurei’s been playing with my phone.
"That rascal!" I turn my alarm off and text him. *I’m sitting at our table. I’ve ordered your eggs and my sausage. Hurry up and shower. I’m ready to walk until I drop exploring the sights with you!* I hit send and I hear the swoosh sound as it leaves and flies through the atmosphere to him. Almost instantly, my iPhone dings.

There is a selfie pic of a perfect set of six pack abs below a perfect set of pecs and above a perfect hard cock pushing up the bed sheet. I can just see the edge of a scruff of beard on a chin and the tip of a tongue in the corner of a perfect mouth. *I was hoping you would eat my sausage this morning.*

My pussy lurches and tightens.
He is so fine!
*I’ll be right there.* I hit send and start to stand, scooting my chair back, but it stops and I plop back down in it. I smell him as he leans down to me and hums in my ear, then says. "Good morning, Beautiful Thang."

I melt right there as I stare up into those gorgeous, emerald green eyes, with the sunlight sitting on his hair and the gold highlights reflecting like glitter. He is dressed in a dark green J Crew shirt, that is unbuttoned to allow his big chest extra breathing room, and white jeans. "Fuck! You look good enough to eat right here, right now." I exclaim a little too loud.

He smiles lazily, puts his hand gently under my chin and holds my face still. "Shhh, Kitten Thang." He whispers as he leans down and plants a sweet kiss on my forehead. His eyes watch his hand as it traces the edges of my jaw to my ear. Goosebumps start at that spot and travel with his hand as I feel his electric current running into me. He gently tugs a strand of hair as he moves his hand down my arm on the table. He lays his hand over mine, back to back, thumb to thumb. His fingers fall between mine as he bends over to me and lightly places his heart shaped lips on mine. I smell the sweet smell of toothpaste as he whisper pecks my lips.
His kisses melt me. Umm.
His eyes grab and hold mine as he glides backwards and gracefully flows into his chair, rolling his hand over mine keeping us connected as he sits. He leans onto the table and studies our hands. I look at them too. His real man hand engulfs mine. He closes his fingers and cinches them tight. I pull against him instinctually, but his grip is firm. He rolls them over, turning our palms up and his fingers hook mine. He pulls me to him while he leans back in his chair. Like a seesaw, my body leans forward following him. He pulls until my breasts lay on the table like ripe grapefruits. His eyes fondle them as they push the threads of the sweater tight. I study his relaxed face as he enjoys the show.
He is a fine feast!
My tits tingle and when I see his tongue touch the corner of his mouth, the nipples harden remembering how exquisite he makes them feel when he plays with them. I watch hypnotized by his tongue as it moves up and down in the corner, then slides to the other side, wetting his lips. I hear his deep voice caressing my ears as his heart shaped lips form his words. "Come closer." I feel the pain as he bends my fingers back, but I ignore it, because his tongue touches that corner again, then vanishes and emerges back out on the other corner. As his tongue plays with my mind, sliding across his lips, back and forth rapidly three or four times, then slow, stopping to stroke the corners, the image of his Golden Rod pushing up the bed sheet emerges. Each time his tongue touches the corners, it looms larger until it is the size of a summer sausage and I shift in my seat. He tells me again. "Come closer." His tongue vanishes as his smile breaks out on his face and he pulls my aching fingers to him.

As I move forward, I watch his smile change to puckered lips as he brings my hand up to my line of sight. I watch as he closes the distance to it and I know that tongue is going to touch my palm. My clit pings then joins my tingling tits wanting badly for his tongue to touch it too. His movement is slow and deliberate, and the harsh angle of my hand makes me feel strangely vulnerable with my palm exposed so openly to his lips. He pauses before impact and I watch as they form a small perfect O. The O reminds me of the facial "O’s" I see on the faces of my Fucking Fantasy clients as Lei performs her part of our partnership to perfection. When he blows a thin stream of warm air through the O onto the center of my palm, I realize I could have one.
He hovers, lingering over my palm. I can feel his aura touching that spot.
That is so sensual!
My eyes devour his face as he leans over to kiss it making my breath hang suspended in my throat. When his moist lips touch the center of my palm, the firm yet soft sensation is surprisingly bold and loud on my skin. My eyes roll with the heavenly feeling. Then when he lightly licks it with only the very tip of his tongue, I moan.
My eyes fly to his.
His thunder slaps me. The unspoken words hang between us. The explosiveness of his kiss shoots into my palm and then moves with the speed of blood flow throughout my whole body, making me feel as alive as I have ever felt before. The power of that kiss with the combination of the emotion melds my entire being into a pool of pure passion. I stare down at the point of impact, mesmerized by the physical and emotional intensity of it, of him! He pulls away with a 'sexy as hell' half smile on his Golden God gorgeous face.
Umm! He is a beast!
As he gently lays my hand back down on the table, my palm vibrates from his wet lips. They have left a lasting imprint!
That spot feels hot like it’s been branded.
My eyes move from that point of pleasure to his beautiful golden fingers, then down his beautiful golden hand and up his dark golden forearms as they bulge naked from under turned-back sleeves. I tip my head and study him.
Hmm. He looks for all the world to see like a man sitting at breakfast, but his alpha male magnetism is turned on high! Not only can I feel him drawing me closer,
I can see his golden aura shining. He is a beastly feast!

"You do too." He tells me.

I frown slightly, confused.

"You look good enough to eat right here, right now too." He smiles that perfect smile, then his tongue touches the corner of his mouth.
What a tease!
My eyes twinkle at him, then he mouths so soft I see it, but I don’t hear it. "Shh." Then he looks down at his phone, reads my message and says. "It’s a little late for breakfast in bed."

Damn it too. I’m so hot and horny now.
I stare at him with glazed eyes, a soaked pussy and a smirk. As his fingers play with mine on the table, the sensual sensations are shooting straight to both hearts and beyond as my entire being pulsates with his light touch. I shift in my seat and he smirks.
You know what you do to me.
His expression wreaks of confidence. I hear Brad tell me at the Cock and Tail Party. "Confidence is sexy, Seary."
Yes, it is.
I hear Brad again. “Cockiness is sexy too!

Yes, it is. Super sexy, but there is more to that look.

"Would my Good Girl Goddess pour her Fucking Golden God a cup of cappuccino, please?"

I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face.
Ah! That’s what it is. He wants to play. He called me Kitten Thang when he came in! Ok. I’ll play Pet.
I silently nod and smile up at him as the twinkle appears in my eyes. He recognizes it and narrows his.
He is watching me like a hawk. Time to tease too.
As I reach for the pot and his cup, I stick my tongue in the corner of my mouth and bite it, then I lick my lips as I pour his cream and add his sugar. Concentrating hard, I bite my bottom lip as I stir his coffee nice and slow, being extremely careful not to bang the spoon on the side. I hear him hum.
I am a quiet kitten.
When I pick it up to hand it to him, I make big duck lips and his eyes hold mine as his hands wrap mine in an embrace. His thumbs lightly caress me and my skin sings. When he pulls the cup from my hands, they submissively find my lap. I feel his eyes devouring me.

The wildness inside purrs.

Federico brings our food and I sit quietly purring inside, while Aurei’s eyes softly caress and fondle what he can see of me. My tits feel the gentleness of his eyes. My neck, the warmth of his breath and the firmness of his grip. My scalp the gentle tug. Neither of us pay Federico any attention. We have eyes only for each other. He sets the plates down, then looks from me to Aurei and leaves without asking "Can I get you anything else?"

I wait as Aurei takes his napkin and unfolds it then puts it in his lap. His eyes give me permission to do the same. When I reach for my napkin, I’m surprised to see my hands trembling. Aurei’s hawkish, pilot eyes notice it too, and he raises his eyebrows to me. He asks concerned as I place my napkin in my lap. "Are you feeling weak?" I hesitate and look down at my hands. The concern makes the purring inside stronger, and my fingers flex and pull at the napkin, like a kitten.
Like his kitten.
I smile at them.

"Only for you." I whisper truthfully. I can feel him smile and I glance up at him from under my lashes to see his tongue sliding across his lips.

"Good girl. That’s the correct answer." He reaches across the table for my hand again. "You’re a good student. I have so much I could teach you. Would you like to learn?"

I purr as I keep my hands to myself, but kick off my shoes and put my foot in his lap. I knead his cock with my toes under the tablecloth.

"Oh damn! That is sexy." He says. "But, of course. It is. You’re a Sex Kitten."

Sex Kitten." I whisper. "Teach me everything you know, and I’ll teach you everything I know."

"Show me yours and I’ll show you mine, sort of thing?"

I purr out loud again.

"Oh, Wild Thang, you make my heart sang! You’re my Every Thang!"

I look up grinning and his green God gaze pierces me like a sword.
Boom! There it is again!
I drop my eyes to my napkin as I see Franco out of the corner of my eye. He stops at our table, and addresses Aurei with pleasantries.
OMFGG! The urge to utter the words was overwhelming!
I almost blurted them out! They sprang as easy to the tip of my tongue and felt as natural as any words I’ve every spoken. Thank Zeus, I swallowed them down!
My fingers begin to claw my napkin, more like a cat than a kitten.
Holy Fucking Hades! I almost blurted them out.
Me! Out loud! Wow!
My heart begins to beat hard in my chest and I drop my foot to the ground. I inhale deep, hold it for a count of one, two, three, then slowly release it. I repeat the breath and smile sweetly when Franco tells us he has located the peanut butter and it should be here soon.

When Franco excuses himself, I slide my foot back in my shoe and lean over to put it on. When I sit back up, Aurei says softly to me. "I saw your beautiful breathing, Kitten Thang." His hand reaches for mine, and I stare at it. Then I smile, trembling inside now too at the thought of his touch, knowing the unspoken words will forever rage inside me and I’m so turned on by him, I could easily have an orgasm sitting here if his fingers play with mine again. I hesitate too long and he beckons me with those golden fingers. My pussy starts to pulsate with his rhythm remembering his strumming of her. I bite my lip as I lay my hand in his. The electric shock pops me, and shoots my clit. As he strokes the middle of my palm with his thumb, I cross my legs and lean forward. He chuckles, but lets go of my hand.
He knows what he is doing to me!
He asks softly as he takes the spoon to serve the sausage and eggs, and pauses over the tray of food. "Are you hungry?" I don’t answer, so his eyes find mine.

Knowing he will read my lips, I mouth. "Only for you."

His soft approving laugh is music to my ears. "Ah. Another Good Girl answer." He spoons a huge helping of sausage and eggs onto his plate, then he takes his fork, scoops up a mouthful and leans over the table to feed me. "Here, Kitten Thang. Eat."

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