UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2)
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"Umm hmm. I knew it!"

I look over my shoulder at the musician and he smiles at us. I turn back to Aurei and lay my hands on his chest. I flex my fingers on him, kneading the tips of them in. "Meow." I say, grinning.

He chuckles. "I see the game you’re playing. You’re the sexy kitten when you want something now."

"Umm hmm. That’s right!" He laughs as I bat my eyes at him again. "You only have yourself to blame. You started it."

"Yes I did and I can end it too."

I laugh. "But we both know you won’t! You can sing something sweet to make me purr."

"Damn it, woman!" He laughs. I step aside as he digs in his pocket, pulls out his money clip and tosses a wad of bills in the hat. The musician is stunned and eagerly reaches for it as a big smile splits his face. "You have certainly given him a happy face." Aurei tells me, then he asks for the guitar. The musician offers Aurei the guitar like it was made of gold. Aurei takes it, walks over to the wall, and leans back against it. He bends his knee and props his foot so he can rest the guitar on his thigh. He strums the instrument, tunes it, then hits a few chords.

"What are you going to sing me first?"

"First?" He stops strumming and looks at me with a half-smile.

"Yep. I figured that big a tip should buy you at least two songs."

He smirks and rolls his eyes. "Ann was right about you."

I laugh. "So what’s the first song?"

He strums watching his left hand work as he picks the melody. "'Take It To The Limit' by The Eagles with some of my own lyrics thrown in."

"Interesting choice." I grin. "Not exactly the romantic serenade I was hoping for."

He chuckles, then he starts to sing. The lyrics are about being alone and thinking of an unknown woman, about being a dreamer and how hard it is to change and settle down, about a dream and that keeps turning out the same, about getting a sign and taking it to the limit one more time. Then he changes the words up a little. "I have spent all my time making money. I want to spend all my love making time with you because if it all falls to pieces tomorrow, I want you to still be mine. I’m no longer looking for freedom. I found someone who seems to care.... Who takes me to the limit. Who I’ll take to the limit. All the time."

When he finishes, I tell him. "Ok. That was much more romantic than I first thought it would be, but still not exactly a romantic serenade."

"How romantic a serenade do you want?"

"Swoon worthy would be nice. Can you do swoon worthy?"

He grins at me. "Trust me. I can do swoon worthy." Then he looks down at his left hand again as he picks the melody. I think I recognize it, but I’ve only heard it played on the piano before so I’m not sure. I tip my head, listening.
It is! Fuck! This is one of the most romantic love songs ever!
He looks up to see my face as he sings. "She’s Got A Way" about her...." I smile at him and make a heart shape with my fingers. He closes his eyes and sings from his heart. His words float into my ears and down into mine as it feels every note, every voice inflection, every word.

The first half of the song Aurei sings the lyrics as written. "
got a way." But then the last half of the song, he locks his gaze on me and makes it truly swoon worthy. He changes the lyrics to "You’ve."
Sweet Zeus! That’s the sweetest thing EVER!
When he sings "your smile heals me," I give him one worthy of the words, knowing he needs healing from something.
I’m just not sure what yet, but we are making real progress, together.
I walk over and stand right in front of him. I lay my hands, one on top of the other, on his knee.

When he is finished, I reach for the guitar and I hand it back to the young man, never taking my eyes off Aurei’s. When I feel the instrument leave my fingertips, I step into Aurei’s cupped hands and close my eyes. I feel his fingers as they slide along my jawline. His thumbs stroking my face in the shape of a heart, then as they slide to my ears and neck. His voice is husky with emotion and I feel a lump forming in my throat with his words. "You’ve got this ... sweet, wild thang about you, Siri. I can’t explain what happened to me the moment I laid eyes on you dancing on that runway, but something did, and my life changed. You must believe me. You must understand that. I’m not the man I was." My heart hugs itself as my breath circles it in my chest. Then he tips my face up to his and tenderly lays his lips on mine. I feel his breath hovering, then he speaks softly to me. "I changed inside that night. That night, and every night since, I’ve only desired one woman, Siri Wright, and since I’ve tasted that one woman, I know I will desire her over and over again. It just feels so right." He places sweet little pecks on my lips. "I’m not the man I was. I’m not. I don’t know why it happened and I don’t know what happened. I just know when it happened." My heart, my lips and my knees tremble, waiting for his kiss. "I’m so thankful I found you, Baby Thang." He rubs my nose back and forth with his. "Saturday night I told you that was the happiest day of my life." He pecks my lips once. "And it was, but then Sunday came along and it was." He pecks my lips again. "Then Monday replaced Sunday." Peck. "And Tuesday replaced Monday." Peck. "Here it is Wednesday, and it is beating them all by a long shot." He slides his tongue along my lips and into my mouth, then he withdraws it. "Look at me, Wild Thang." I open my eyes and focus on his. The honest sincerity grabs me and my knees buckle. His hands grip my ass and hold me steady. "You asked why I’ve said you were such an interesting find. It’s because not only do you radiate happiness from your smile, which is, on its own, contagious and beautiful, but you radiate happiness from your entire being. You radiate a joy for life, an acceptance of it as is with fearlessness. You are a wild, free spirit that accepts herself as she is without reservation or guilt. It is refreshing and so unique in a human." He smirks. "When I saw this super sexy, sassy, petite thang dancing down the runway in Vegas, I felt that something special radiating from you and it drew me like a moth to the flame. At the time, I didn’t know how special you are, but I knew I had to have you." His forgets the kiss and his forehead falls forward resting on mine.

I tease him. "You knew I made your cock grow needy."

He chuckles and lifts his eyes to mine. "You make me needy for you, for sure. But when we met and you started opening up to me, I saw someone so special, so interesting, so unique. You are simply stunning, Siri and I will always cherish you. I want you to stay."

"Maximus Aurelius Moore." I feel the tears laying heavy in my eyes as I cup his face now and smile weakly up at him. "That is the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to anyone, much less me. Truly swoon worthy, Sugar Bare."

His eyes crinkle as he barely blows his breath inside my parted lips before his tongue slides in, melting the world away. The only noise I hear is Rihanna’s singing, "Stay" in my mind. I want to stay with this beautiful man who wants me to stay with him. His kiss is deep and I cling to him, feeling his need for me. He lets it go, and buries his face in my neck.
We need each other. We make the other whole.
My mouth finds his earlobe and I suck it making him moan. "Aurei, listen to me." I tell him laying my mouth on his ear he can hear me. He is so still listening. I can’t feel him breathing. "You can trust me, Aurei, to stay. I promise." His lips find my skin and he lays them on me. He nibbles and goose bumps pop out, then he pulls back and I cup his ears holding his face to mine. "I truly cherish you, Sugar Bare." He lays his soft kiss on my lips. His soft breath blows gently in my mouth, then he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and his tongue touches it making my pussy pulsate. "Let’s get back to the Hotel. I’ve got a hot date with hot guy."

"Umm hmm."

We tell the young singer "Good Luck" and walk quickly to the metro station. As soon as we enter, the noise is loud and crazy. An announcement is made and Aurei drags me running down to the platforms. We weave in and out of the sparse crowd. When we stop to walk, he tells me. "I want to get you back to our room, get you naked, and give you your surprise."

"Oh yeah!" We stop at the edge of the crowd of impatient people pushers waiting to board and Aurei surveys the situation. I bounce around in front of him like a little girl. "If it’s half as good as my dance studio, I know I will love it!"

He chuckles. "Bouncy Thang! Did you know your tits dance all by themselves?"

"Of course, I did!" I roll my eyes and laugh.


When the crowd begins to move toward the bottleneck, I grip Aurei’s hand tight. He smiles down at me, takes my hand and puts it behind his back. I slide it into his back pocket, resting it on his ass. He reaches back with his other hand and hooks my arm, pulling my hand out. He tells me. "I got this." He grips my wrist and pulls my hand around as he turns his back on me, then he wiggles the fingers of the first hand.
I put my empty hand in it and he pulls me tight against his ass. I bury my nose and my tits in his back.
Umm. He smells like heaven.
I lay my hands on his cock, and he covers them with his own.
I can’t resist.
I tickle him with my finger tips and his cock hardens. I grin wickedly at his back then bite a hunk of meat, holding it lightly between my teeth. His fingers slide between mine, then out, then in.
Damn, that’s sensual.

When we begin to board, he moves my hands to his belt loops and hooks my thumbs in them. When he takes the first step forward, I sync my gait to his. When we enter the train, the pushy people seem nowhere to be found. We board without a problem, but he looks back over his shoulder and asks anyway. "You ok back there, Petite Thang."

"Yes, Mr. Competent. I’m excellent."

"Now that’s the right answer!"

When the train is full, the doors close and Aurei holds on to an overhead strap, keeping us stable while I hug him.
Best train ride ever.
I think about his sweet words, then wonder how I ever lived without him. As the tram sways and jerks making its way back to our starting point, I keep my thumbs hooked in Aurei’s belt loops.
It’s been such a perfect day.
The noise has a hypnotizing effect on me and I close my eyes, leaning on my hunk. Next thing I know, Aurei is patting my hands. "Wake up Sleepy Thang, we need to get off now."

"What?" I ask as I nuzzle him.

"It’s time to get off. Are you ready?"

"Yes. I guess."

"You’re gift is waiting."

"Oh! That’s trickery. You know I’ll wake up for that."

He laughs and calls cadence for me. "Left. Right. Left."

"I’m with ya."

We exit the train the same way we boarded without incident. When we are clear, I take his hand and we start the short walk to the bus station. The air is crisp and the sun is low, but there is still plenty of sunshine left. We stroll along and I swing our arms again.
Life is good.

Aurei’s firm voice startles me. "Siri, get on the other side." He pulls my hand and I turn it into a twirl, but I move to the other side. "Stay over here."

The crispness in his delivery makes me wonder what has him on alert. I follow his eyes to a pack of punks coming toward us. They are behind several couples, but they have spotted us too, and are already beginning to taunt us. I hear them shouting Americana and then laughing. I watch as the couples in front of them increase their speed and pass by us without eye contact. When our line of sight is clear, the hair on my neck stands up. There are seven guys and four girls. All dressed in black leathers and boots.
They look like badass bikers without the bikes.
Aurei’s hand remains relaxed in mine. I glance up at him.
He’s one cool cat strolling along, walking like a God towards what could be an explosive opportunity. Confident, competent and yes, cocky.
I squeeze his hand and lay my head on his arm. He looks down on me quickly and I smile at him. He winks, then looks back at the thugs.

We stroll along, both alert, but acting as if we aren’t. As they draw near I smell their body odor. "What the fuck? Their funk!" I wave my hand under my nose. "For the love of Zeus! They need a bath! They smell like hell warmed over!" Aurei glances at me again, and I pinch my nose. "Pew! My eyes are pure watering!" He chuckles and looks back at them. He stares them down as we pass. They make fun of me making fun of them, but walk by. "That could have been bad."

"Umm hmm. It ain’t over yet." He says nonchalantly.

I look back at them. Three of the guys are walking backwards watching us. I look back up at Aurei and his demeanor is still the same, self-assured.

When we reach the end of the block, we wait for the light to change. There are only a few people waiting on the other side to cross and none standing with us. Aurei leans down to get a kiss from my lips. As he raises his eyes, he looks across the street. I notice the pilot’s hawk eyes pinpoint something with the faintest of squints and I see his wheels start to turn as his jaw sets.

The light changes and I swat at him playfully, throw my head back and dance around in front of him, holding his hand and twirling myself around then walk backwards in front of him. Smiling and laughing at his pretend words, I say. "Oh boy. That ain’t good." The thugs are on the other side of the street, keeping pace with us.

"No. Probably not."

"Should we make a run for it?" I ask.

He laughs. "I think we have the best cardio and stamina, but we are only going one more block. The bus station is right around the corner. They know that. They’ll likely try to rob us there."

"What’s the plan then?"

"I’m going to put you up against the wall and stand between you and them. Hopefully Antonio will get here before anything bad happens to anyone." He takes his phone out and texts him.

"I’ll spy on them." I spin and twirl, dancing up the sidewalk. My hair fanning out and falling when I stop or change directions. "I’m proud to report nothing new, Sir. Wait. I retract that last transmission. The enemy has crossed the street and is preparing to attack." I twirl back to him, reaching my hand for his, then lift it up and duck under it, spinning behind him and pulling him around so he can see, as I lean back and touch the sidewalk. "See?" I ask.

"You would make a great spy. Very intuitive."

"Yes. I would!" I giggle as I pull back up and make him walk backwards.

"It’s def going down." He tells me. "When we turn the corner would be my bet."

"Aren’t you worried?" I stare amazed at his cool, calm demeanor.


"I think you should be. We are way out numbered."

His eyes pierce mine. "Siri. There isn’t any 'we' in this fight. I got this. I’m going to put you up against the wall, and stand between you and them. Your job is to stay behind me."

I smirk. "That’s no fun."

He frowns. "I expect you to stay behind me, even if hell breaks loose. Your job is to dance your ass off to stay with me. I need to know where you are at all times, because my eyes will be on the battle. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but...."

"NO! No buts. If I call your name, I want you to respond immediately. I need to know you are okay and where you are. Do you understand?" His words are crisp and sharp.
The commander has returned.

"Yes. Of course. But that’s too confrontational. I propose I push
up against the wall, dance for you then 'pretend' to suck your cock."

He laughs. "Does sex enter into everything you do?"

"Why ... yes. It does. Sex
what I do."

"But not everything is about sex."

"Now, Aurei, trust me on this. I’m the expert here." I roll my eyes and dramatically inform him.
"Everything is about sex or money."

"Exactly. This particular event is about money. Which I would gladly give them, but being an American takes on a whole other dimension. If I appear weak and give up the money too easy, they may want sex too." His eyes bore into mine. "And that, they cannot have. So, Sweet Thang, I’m going to put you up against the wall and protect you. End of discussion!"

"But we, ok you, are outnumbered by big odds. They will think those odds will tilt the battle their way, regardless if it’s true or not. They, most likely, won’t think twice about just taking what they want, money or sex." He rolls his eyes and I duck under his arm, then I walk backwards to watch them. "And that will def draw blood!" I spin out and then back into his arms. He wraps me tight and puts his face next to mine. "If my way works, no blood and no money!" He scoops me off my feet and spins us around. I put my arms around his neck. "You will have the perfect view of them and can easily move into 'kick their ass' mode if you need to, but maybe, just maybe, they will walk away. Maybe, just maybe, you won’t need to fight. Maybe, just maybe, you will be alright."

He sets me down, and with his hand nestled in my back, pulls me roughly to him. Then he runs the back of his fingers down my face and across my jaw. I tip my face into the feeling.
His touch is so gentle with me right now.
He pinches my chin and stares down into my eyes. His green pools are dark. His voice is low and husky. I hear the dangerous, sweetness in it too. "Siri. I’m protecting you. End of discussion."

"No argument there, Sugar Bare." I start to spin around and around, moving in a slow circle while he turns to walk backward. "But my way has the best possible outcome, and the odds are favorable that it will work. If I were in Vegas, I would bet on my odds."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Simple. Most guys don’t want to cock block another guy about to get head."

He throws his head back and laughs out loud. "Can’t argue that logic."

"Can we at least try my idea then?" I pull my shirt up and flash him.

He misses a step, surprised. "Damn, woman, don’t do that right now."

"What did they do?"

"I don’t know. I was too shocked to notice."

"Well... do over then." I flash him again, then whip my hair around once.

"They stopped." He walks up to me.

"Anyone talking?"

"No." He tells me as he towers over me. His body language is prepared to reject another attempt to flash him my tits. I grab a handful of his cod sack. "Easy there, Wild Thang. Be careful."

I laugh. "Just because I haven’t touched anyone else’s junk before doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve watched this done literally hundreds of times." I cup them, then push down and squeeze them. His eyes leave the punks and look at me.

"If they aren’t talking, we have an audience. Now time to make them decide. Cock block or not." I release his cods, run my hand up his abs, over his chest and down his arm as I bend down, showing my enticing ass to the group. I stretch the distance between us as I hold Aurei’s hand with both of mine and back away then I run around the corner with him in tow. As soon as we leave their view, Aurei takes the lead and we haul ass to the other side of the bus stop. There isn’t anyone else waiting. He takes a relaxed position against the wall. "Siri, this is only a short test. If they don’t give it up immediately, then get behind me. Tell me you will. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you."

"I will. I’m with you, Sugar Bare, and don’t worry so much about me. I can hold my own for a short time."

He laughs. "My badass baby got game. I’ll have to make sure I recount it for Scarlett later."

"Brutus taught me a thing or two about self-defense and I really did get some training with Ronda Rousey. I wasn’t spoofing about that."

"I believe you, but we
outnumbered at least until Antonio gets here."

I put my hands on my hips and mash my lips together. "Fuck! Now I’m thinking I might
to see you two cousins transform into Roman Soldiers before my very eyes and kick some serious gangsta ass."

"There is still time." He laughs, then with all seriousness he says. "We’ll try stalling them with your idea, but I doubt it will work. They have too much of an advantage."

"Never underestimate the power of sex, Aurelius Moore. It has ruled kingdoms and destroyed them too." I tell him as I pull out my iPhone and key up "Wild Ones" by Flo rida (featuring Sia), then hit pause and put it back. "Brutus taught me, you only have to make them afraid to be the first beating. There is only one alpha male or female per group. Don’t call him or her out. Call out all the yes men at once, and make them decide who the sacrificial lamb will be. Make them understand they are going into be slaughtered! Guarantee them their ass will be kicked!" He laughs out loud. "What’s so funny? It’s true."

instructions on kicking ass, Petite Thang."

I laugh now too. "That is funny, isn’t it?" He puts his arms around me, draws me against his body and kisses the top of my head. "They are rounding the corner."

"It’s almost showtime then."

"Yep." He dips his head down to my neck and inhales deeply. "I love the way you smell, Wild Thang. And ... your advice is spot on. If I say pickle, you are to give this up, and I’ll take the lead. Get behind me and be prepared to defend your honor, but don’t engage unless you have to."

"I’ll stay with you, Baby." I stare into his face, then give him a sweet peck on the lips. The sweetness of his breath tastes heavenly. The softness of his kiss makes me determined.
I know sex. I know men. I know I can win. I can do this!
I shove my tits in his face and hang my head back, resting my body weight onto his arms. Our hips grind. "Pickle? Really? That’s our safe word?"

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