UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2)
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Wow! It is awesome!
It’s an open bay area but has individual stations set up for photo shoots and filming. Moving from left to right, I see a green screen with big studio lights, then a kitchen, then a living area with sofas and chairs, then two bedrooms. In the middle is all the divider screens. There are elaborate scenes painted on them. Then there is all his equipment!
I smirk.
It is neat, clean and organized.
I slip my hand in his and he squeezes it.

"It’s nice." I whisper.

His demeanor is still strong and cold. I can feel he has withdrawn from me. I think of the elevator when "Wild Thing" played and he was afraid then, that he had lost me. I cling to his hand as I stare up into his face. He walks me to the center of the room where his photography editing equipment is set up. He turns it on and as we wait for it to load, I look around.
It’s really nice in here.
I see GoPro cameras lined up on the table and it hits me.
Ah! The Bastard Son of Thor is a handle! Probably for Tumblr.

When the computer screen is ready, he says to me. "This is the past. You are my present. You are more than I ever dreamed of. Much, much more and I am thankful everyday that I found you. I give you back your choice to leave me. I won’t make you my sex slave." I see a hint of a smirk. "But ... if you choose to stay, I want to film us in the future. I have big plans and lofty goals." He turns and walks across to one of the beds and lays down on it.

The screen starts a slide show of images upon images of nude women in various positions. There are both pictures and videos moving without sound. Some are tasteful, some are raunchy, and some are having sex with a fucking muscle I recognize. I watch for a little while to become familiar with this unknown part of my man, then I reach up and turn it off. When I walk over to stand next to him by the bed, I tell him.
"I don’t need to see anymore."

He sits up and stares at me with those gorgeous green eyes and I melt as they pierce my core. The Wild Thang purrs. His eyes plead, when he says. "Tell me you’ll stay." But they are proud and strong eyes. I see no weakness living behind them.

"Let me tell you a few things you have to know about me. First off, I know you’ve fucked hundreds of women, and ok, in the high hundreds. Will I be jealous? Not unless you give me reason to be. So don’t. I’m more likely to kick your ass than theirs." He smirks. "We are more alike than you realize, I think. You see Aurei. I am a nymphomaniac. I suspect you were starting to figure that out today, counting my orgasms." His smirk breaks into a sly grin. "I have always known my sexual libido is cranked up tighter than everyone else’s. That was one of the reasons I protected my virginity. I knew when I finally started to fuck, the flood gates would be opened and I would become a hussy, a slut, and a whore, trying to satisfy a drive that few men can keep up with. I would end up being the person I didn’t want to be. Someone who fucked for fun and fucked anyone, anytime. I knew I would fuck all the Tom, Dick and Harrys so I went cold turkey and practiced abstinence, but because of my high libido, I studied sex. Who, what, when, where, and why. I discovered I have real knack for tuning into other people’s sexual interest. It’s like I can feel what they desire. What they want when they are turned on, and I give them custom fucking fantasies based on that. I’m not leaving you. I’m staying." He smiles. "And I want to give you fucking fantasies every day of the rest of your life." I climb on the bed and sit next to him. "Let me tell you what the sexologist Seary sees when she sees you. You have satyriasis. Did you know that? I think you did. You might not have been clinically labeled, but I’m sure the term Don Juan has been used to describe you all your life." His eyes are glued to me and he isn’t smiling now. "Was I shocked at the high hundreds? Alabama Siri Wright was. I admit that. But Seary, the Sex Pot as you rightly called her, isn’t. I’m complicated. I’m a woman! What can I say. I’ll speak first and stick my foot in my mouth on plenty of occasions, but I’m not without rational thought. I just don’t always go there straight line. I’m curved." He smiles and his hands reach for me. I climb on him and push him over. I straddle his body and look down into his face, then I lower myself onto his cock. It slides into me easily. "This is when I feel whole." As I start to fuck him, I stare into his soul and I caress it.
His eyes are like green velvet.
The unspoken words shine bright and my vision of who he really is becomes crystal clear. "You were born Maximus Aurelius Moore. Son of a warrior. Grandson of an American Hero and a Roman Soldier. You are proud, honorable and just in your heart. You witnessed in your youth untold hatred and you felt untold rage. You witnessed in your youth unaccepted beauty and felt unaccepted love. You knew these things to be unjust and you vowed to fight to bring light to the darkness and healing to the wounded." He closes his eyes and frowns. I know he sees Ann. I continue letting my words express what my soul sees, letting them touch and caress him with the knowledge of who I see when I see his aura and I feel his thunder. Riding him to be one with him. "In your teens, you grew to accept that the beauty will have to coincide with the beast. That love will have to coincide with hatred. You grew to understand that life is not fair and you cannot make the wrongs right, but deep in your soul you do not accept this. Unjust is still unjust. Unfair is still unfair. Hate is still hate. As you developed into a man, your anger fed your desires. You rage inside and you build yourself up to conquer the unjust and the haters. You pump iron and body build to be prepared to defend beauty and love. You took photographs of beauty and then you 'loved' them, but you forgot them because even though they gave you the sexual release your libido demanded, they left you empty inside. You learned as a man that war and peace coincide and you had to fight. The choice of life and death a daily battle. You accept your fate, but you did not let go of the hope that you would find the one who completes you and makes the world a tolerable place to live. Your Father, and your Grandfathers, the superhero’s of your heart, all found theirs. You believed you would find yours too."

I stop fucking. "Look at me." He opens his eyes and the word flows freely between us. "The two shall be as one." I whisper. "I understand your thunder.
I get it." I nod and smile. "I get you. I get that your thunder is like that bear outside on the door. Sometimes brutal, beastly, growling, but sometimes the bear’s hug is healing. It’s a Golden Bear, Aurei. You are a Golden Man. Don’t sell yourself short." I hold my hands up and spread my fingers wide. He puts his between mine and cinches us tight, bonding us. "I accept you for who you are and what you are." I stroke his cock but I don’t fuck him. I make sweet, passionate love to him. I see his face changing. His eyes are so intense they are frightening and terrifying because of the brutal honesty that lives within them. I recognize the lightening that creates his thunder. It is the purest form of love. Unconditional. I thought he was handsome before, but seeing him look at me with thunderous love.
"We are unstoppable! No one can tear us apart." I bring his hands to my throat. "Life, beauty, rage, and love are the four elements of what I see in you that I named your thunder." I lean into his hands.
You don’t choke to control. You only grip
to celebrate life and fully experience it. I understand that now and I won’t fight you and force you to dominate me harshly. When you told me to be still because you didn’t want to hurt me, I thought you were telling me because you wanted me to give in to your control of me, but you were only trying to enjoy me."

"Shut up." He commands me, and I grin.

"You sure are bossy, but I’ll be damned if I don’t like it!"

"Come here and kiss me." He demands as he stretches his arms above his head and my hands follow. My body slides down to rest against him and I hover my lips above his. He lifts his head to kiss me, but I withhold it. He growls and I grin at him.

"One last thing, Sugar Bare.... I love you." My mouth seals his and for a moment all is calm, then he is moving with lightning speed.

His fingers release mine, and seize my hair.

His mouth devours mine and his tongue fills me.

His body flexes and pushes me off, as he rolls us over and lands on top.

His cock thrusts in and pins me down.

His passion consumes me and explodes the fire within.

My hands grip his ass and ask him to pound me, pushing and kneading him.

He responds with an arching thrust, keeping his mouth locked onto mine.

He leans on his forearms as his tongue fills my mind and his golden rod fills my body.

Quickly we climb to climax, the now spoken words echoing in my mind with each glorious thrust.

When he arches his back and he gives himself to me, depositing his semen inside, his fingers find my throat and he presses gently under the necklace.

The soft thumping of my heartbeat fills me with unequivocal love.

I whimper as he growls and we cum together.


He collapses onto me but doesn’t roll off and doesn’t stop kissing me.

His tongue shifts from thrusting to exploring and I shift from sucking to dancing.

His kiss is sweet and tender now.

His hand in my hair massages and his hand at my throat caresses.

His breath blew hard and fast on my cheek, but now it is slow and steady.

His cock goes from hard to soft and from moving to quiet.

But only a few minutes pass before his tongue starts to thrust again.

His kiss becomes harsher.

His hands grip both hair and throat.

His breath quickens.

His cock hardens and pounds me, making me moan.

Like a whore.

Like his whore!

We are perfect for each other.

The revelation of my feelings for him, my choice to stay by his side, my confession of my addiction, my acknowledgment of his, begins to sink in and the true beauty of our thang is forceful. Both demanding and commanding of each other, we give and take pleasure and passion as we drive ourselves to new heights. The fierceness of this fuck is beyond words and thoughts. The fireworks are explosive and we lay spent, gasping for breath.

I know we will not devour each other. We will strengthen each other like the gold strains of my necklace.


Resting side by side, he plays with my hair while I play with the hair on his chest. We doze off then I feel him kissing the top to my hair and he continues kissing me from head to toe and back, taking his time and letting me know how much he loves me too.
Every inch.
This fuck is soft and sweet. When he shoots me, he tells me. "Me too."

"Truly." I answer.

His phone rings from the foyer and he grins at me, hovering over my lips. "Antonio is worried about us."

"Umm hmm."

"Do you still want to go dancing?"

"Absofuckinglutely! Do you?"

"Yes. I want to see your petite little thang dance in your Italian Black and Blue Baby." I grin at him. "I’ll go call Antonio. There’s a shower in the back."

"Yes sir."

When Aurei closes the door behind us, I tell him. "Let’s call the studio, Bare’s Room."

He grins. "I like it."

We trot down the stairs together and I ask. "Have you ever lived in Bare’s Room? It seems fully equipped."

"Yes. I stay here instead of a Hotel when I’m in Rome."

"Can we?"

He stops and stares at me. "You want to stay here?"

"Sure. It seems like a great place."

"There is no room service or restaurants." He warns.

"Hmm. I’ll have to do our laundry then, but you’ll have to cook." I tell him.

He grins. "Deal. We will move in tomorrow."


In the car, Aurei tells me. "I was going to take you to the ballet tonight first, but obviously, we will have to reschedule."

"Oh My Fucking Golden God! That’s awesome! You are so sweet and thoughtful!"

"Antonio and Yanni are waiting for us at The Club. She can’t wait to meet you. Antonio told me our picture was flashed on the news and now all her friends want to know who you are."

I giggle. "Imagine that!"

He smirks. "She said you blew them a kiss as we left and the search is on to identify you."

I giggle again. "Imagine that!"

He laughs. "Umm hmm. Wise Thang."

"Umm hmm! This Wise Thang got wise game!" I give him some of my Southern attitude, making him laugh. "Speaking of games. Let’s play guess the inscription."

"Let’s not." He grins.

"Let’s do and make it fun. Let’s wager a bet on it."

"Hmm. What do you have in mind?"

I take a deep breath. "Another trip maybe."

"Ok. Where?"

"Australia?" I ask. "I’ve always wanted to go there too."

"OK. If you win, I’ll take you to Australia. If I win, I’ll take you to New Zealand first, then Australia."

"Deal! Ok. My first guess is: Fucking = Sex Zombies."

He busts out laughing. "Do I need to say no?"

"Yes. You do."


My second guess is: Freedom = Sex Zombies!"


I continue with outrageous guesses and we are laughing our asses off when we arrive at The Club. Aurei parks in the rear and helps me out. We can hear the music blasting with the doors closed. "I don’t think we will be doing much talking inside."

"Doesn’t sound like it." Aurei hits a button next to the door and waves up at a security camera. The door swings open, and the Security Guard wraps Aurei up in a hug. I ask before we go in. "Sweet Zeus, are you related to everyone?"

"Not everyone, but Italians do have long, deep ties to family."

"Is this your Club?"

"No. It’s Yanni’s."

Inside the place is packed! The music is entirely too loud and the lights come on and off with the beat. Aurei steers us into the main room, then up a few small steps to an elevated table. He mouths introductions, but we can’t hear anything. Yanni reaches to shake my hand. We grin at each other, then Aurei sits and pulls me onto his lap. Yanni slides onto Antonio’s and they beam at us. She is as dark and as gorgeous as he is. Her black hair hangs straight and long. Her caramel eyes are almond shaped and her lips are red and pouty perfect. Her smile is genuine and I like her immediately.

The waiter brings us shots. Aurei and I have Crown Royal, and Yanni and Antonio have Tuaca, an Italian Liqueur. We toast, then throw them back. As soon as we do, the waiter brings another and we hit them again. The liquor relaxes me and my foot starts to tap to the beat of the song playing. Then my whole body is pumping. Aurei’s hands start to play the drums on my thighs. After the next of round of shots, I’m standing next to him, dancing in my chair. When the next round of shots are thrown back, he takes my hand and helps me down. He points to the table and wags his finger. I giggle as he leads me to the dance floor. Antonio and Yanni watch from the table as Aurei and I pump it up together. I don’t know the song. It’s an Italian singer I guess, but it doesn’t matter. It’s music and I’m a dancer. Aurei’s sexy side to side rock is looser and sexier and we play off each other well.

But when "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk The Moon starts to play. We both get into the song. I do all the different steps in the video, and he plays along as much as he can with the space available. We are having a blast and laughing at each other. When the song ends, he kisses me deeply and completely. The world instantly vanishes and there is only Aurei. I can hear the music, but my dance is lost in his embrace. His lips are velvet and his breath blows on my cheeks. His tongue touches mine, and I clamp down on it, sucking it down my throat.
I’m never letting you go!
His hands move to my jaw and he strokes me gently, while he tries to pull his tongue back in. My eyes are closed and I am thoroughly enjoying holding him captive, while I suck his mouth meat. I feel a sharp pinch on my ass. My eyes fly open and I say. "Oui." His tongue disappears and I see his eyes laughing at me. He raises his eyebrows and I giggle. "You’re just too yummy!" I yell at him.

We pump and grind to the rest of the song playing, then Jason Derulo sings, "Want to Want Me." This time we dance our own sexy interpretation. I’m all up on him, and he lets me, while he puts his arms over his head and dips, thumps and grinds me.
He is so fucking sexy right now, I’m on top of the world!
At the end of song, the waiter brings us another round of shots. Aurei turns to the table and salutes Antonio, then clinks my glass and we slam them back.

"New Flame" by Chris Brown featuring Usher and Rick Ross begins and Aurei grins as I give him a little stripper tease and dip my shoulder, cock my ass and toss my hair at him. He holds both hands out to me and I place my fingertips on his. He starts that sexy step and I sync with it. He sings to me as he walks our hands up over our heads drawing me to him, but each time Chris dances his foot funk, I do too. Aurei shakes his head, knowing what’s coming when Usher starts singing and when he does, I grin and dance it perfectly. When Usher gives himself a pat-down to "Baby, Baby, Baby." I’m spot on mimicking the moves and Aurei is pointing over our heads at me to Antonio and Yanni with a 'see my girl owning the groove' smile on his face. When I bounce to the beat with "I don’t want to let you go," the people around us start to take notice and give me some space to entertain them. I drop low and lunge to Aurei with "I want to treat you right." I’m rewarded with a beautiful smile as he dips his head over to see between my legs. I stand and twirl away preparing for the "Love in the Club" dance sequence. As soon as I hit the first groove dead on, the crowd around begins to point me up to the beat. I own them all! Cell phones come out and I’m the center of attention on the dance floor. With Rick Ross’s rap, I dance over to Aurei and rub up and down on him, even giving him a soft twerk. But when the chorus starts again, I’m back in the middle, giving the crowd the dancing Diva. As the song ends, I very casually walk back to Aurei and he puts his arms around me.
I 'm happy!
I arch away, letting my upper body roll in his arms. My dress stays in place thanks to the fabric tape while my breasts roll freely around. Aurei’s eyes devour them and I tease him, giving them a little extra shimmy shake so they jiggle. His tongue touches the corner of his mouth and I roll back up.

Soft bells echo through the room with the next song.
OMG! This is the perfect song!
I grab Aurei’s face between my hands. "Aurei, listen." My desperate eyes stare into his and he freezes listening. Standing still, not moving at all, his eyes watch me as I give him a perfect personal concert singing "Dark Side" with Kelli Clarkson. The volume is so high, I can barely hear myself, so I belt it out and sing the song with all the passion of someone who feels the lyrics down deep in her soul to someone who needs to hear, understand and feel the lyrics down deep in his soul. My hands and my hair do as much communicating as the lyrics. I touch and pat him with my hands and fingers as I sing. My hair floats around my face and my hands clench and pound him for emphasis. I feel my soul touching his. His eyes are so intense, they burn into mine. As I sing the last line softly to him, I hold his face tenderly in my hands and I tell him. "I promise to stay!"

His lips crush mine and the world vanishes again. I barely hear the next song, but it’s a fast melody. People dance and move around us pumping up to it, but we make out right there, oblivious to them. We embrace our new found love, no longer two drowning souls trapped by our natures, but two souls who have found salvation in each other. We celebrate our beautiful thing. Us!

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and we break apart. Breathing hard, my wild eyes flash Aurei and his thunder stares at me. Then we turn to see who interrupted us. Antonio stands there and his eyes are serious. He points to the door. The bouncers are escorting a group out. Antonio shows us his phone. Our dancing together, my solo and our kiss are blasting the social media sites. I start to laugh.
Déjà vu
. Then I turn my hands up innocently and shrug at Aurei. He starts to laugh and shrugs too. When we turn to look at Antonio, he looks totally confused for a moment, then smiles and shrugs too. He turns back to the table and waves to Yanni. She texts someone on her phone. I see the bouncers letting the group stay. Then she winds her way to us. She is both graceful and elegant.

As soon as she hits the dance floor, "Footloose" by Kenny Loggins begins to play. The people immediately form a dance line and the fun begins. Yanni dances all the way over to us, showing off her assets.
I like her! A lot! She’s a girl I can relate to! The girl’s got moves!
She tries to grab my hand to pull me on the floor with her, but Aurei’s arms encircle me. I feel him shaking his head and she quickly turns her attention to Antonio. She drags him into the middle and they proceed to join the crowd line dancing the choreography.

  Leaning back on Aurei, I watch them, then he puts his phone in front of my face. There is a text from Steve. *Bro. I finally did it. She said YES! Come home. You’re going to be my best man!* There’s a beautiful pic of him and Gaby. She is holding up a nice ring on her finger. I bust a big grin and spin around to see Aurei’s face. He is grinning. The crinkle at his eyes shows his happiness. He texts back. *It’s about damn time! Congrats. I’m honored Bro. Wouldn’t miss it. When?* He shows it to me, then hits send. He starts to stuff it back in his pocket, but then he checks it. *Real soon. I’ll let you know.* He shows me, then he puts it in his pocket and hugs me tight.
I guess we are heading back to Alabama before we go to Vegas.

"Footloose" ends and "Truly" by Lionel Richie plays. We transition from standing to swaying then slow dancing, holding each other, thinking about the news.
Two people perfect for each other getting married. That’s fantastic!
Our bodies sync, then his lips kiss my neck and I melt in his arms. He sings in my ear, and the sound of his voice vibrating against the bone gives me that thrill only his voice delivers. His imitation sends shivers down my spine. His hand moves up my back, making my skin sing with his naked touch, then it moves to his mouth at my ear and cups it while his lips begins to nibble, tiny firm bites, moving to mine. His other hand slides down my arm, and he slips his fingers between mine. With our foreheads together, we breathe the essence of us, bonded, being one. With my eyes closed, I know that this is where I belong.
With him.

Violins play over the sound system and we keep swaying together. The crowd shouts. "Conchita." Then Conchita Wurst sings.

"Karma." I grin at him. "We are! You and me! We are strong! Unstoppable!"

He grins, then picks my hand up and twirls me around and around. My hair fans out, flying free and my dress stays in place perfectly.

The song is "You are Unstoppable" and we are.

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