UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2) (28 page)

BOOK: UNSTOPPABLE (Siri's Saga Book 2)
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He gives me his most beautiful smile. "I stand corrected. Our collar looks beautiful on you." The lights are blinding as they pound us.

"I’m sure it will be a top point of discussion among the gossip bitches." My eyes twinkle into his. "I sure wish I knew what the inscription says."

He laughs and the crinkle is in his eyes. "You’ll know soon enough."

I turn to look out on the crowd. "I have a photographic memory. I can google it at any time."

He looks out over the lobby too. "Can, but won’t. I forbid you, Kitten Thang."

I turn my face to him and my eyes twinkle into his. "Shall we move down the stairs now, Mr. Moore?"

"Yes, Miss Wright. We shall." He looks down and steps off, then turns back to me.

"Eyes forward. Mr. Moore. Not eyes down. Show no weakness. Take no prisoners."

His smile is cocky as he looks out over the lobby and begins our descent. He walks in front, and I follow, side stepping at an angle. "I see your Dancing Diva descending. Sweet moves. Sweet Thang." He teases me.

"I’m ensuring no one gets a picture of the panty-less pussy."

He laughs out loud. At the bottom, he pulls my hand to his lips. His eyes twinkle into mine. "Good thinking there, Wild Thang. That would be disastrous." He kisses it, then places it on his arm.

"Meow." I tell him as he escorts me across the Lobby.

Flashes are going off, nonstop. Questions are being thrown at us as we walk by, but we ignore them. At the entrance, Aurei stops, takes the white fox fur off his arm, steps behind me, opens it for me, and slides it over my arms and sits it on my shoulders. "I feel like a million bucks in this baby. Thank you again." I tell him as he steps back around to the front and snugs it up tight.

"You’re welcome again and just for the record you look like a million bucks, Angel Thang."

As we walk out on our way to his Ferrari FF that’s pulled up to the door and waiting on us, I turn back and blow them all a kiss.
THAT should take the heat off of him and put it squarely on who is SHE? Buying him a little time, to get his publicity person in place.
The doorman opens the car door for me and I climb in as Aurei hurries around. He squeals the tires when we leave. Giggling I say. "Admit it. That is kinda fun."

He smiles, but doesn’t admit it. He drives us out of town. Speeding down the highway, I turn my face to watch the pilot fly his machine down the road. He cuts his eyes at me, then grins. I grin and lay my head back. "Where are you taking me?"

"E80 makes a circle around Rome. We will do the loop, then come back in and pick up Antonio and Yanni."

"I thought he said Gio earlier." I frown.

He did. "Gio is his wife, but Yanni is his mistress."

"Oh. Well. There you go."

"Yep. Gio doesn’t like to party anymore. She has little ones at home, so they agreed he could find a mistress. Yanni is part owner in a couple of bars here and they hit it off. You’ll like her. She is fun and flirty too."



We are quiet for a only a few moments before I say. "I better not be a mistress."

He laughs. "No. I’m not a lying bastard. I’m an honest asshole."

"You’re not an asshole." I put my hand on his leg. "There won’t be any mistresses either."

"No worries. I don’t share and neither will you."

"I’m very jealous, Aurei. It’s a new feeling for me. Brand new. I didn’t like Ruth, but when I thought you two might have had a relationship, I was absofuckinglutely green with jealousy. It was a bitter taste in my mouth. He cuts his eyes at me. "Then when she kept hitting on you, I saw red and it was evil jealousy. Elena too, not as bad, but it was there."

He hits the brakes and pulls off the road. His face is pale when he looks at me. "Siri. You know I’ve fucked a lot of women. I’ve been honest about that."

"I know, and I know I shouldn’t be jealous."

"I fucked a lot of Italian women. Women we will more than likely run into tonight."

"I realize that."

"There is no need to feel jealous, I promise you."

"I realize that, but knowing it and seeing it are two very different things. I honestly don’t know how I will feel if one of them comes on to you." I stare at the window.

"Siri. I’ve fucked a LOT of these women. I can’t guarantee that one of them won’t remind me tonight, or some other night, about some past time we had." The darkness behind the window creates a mirror. I see myself and Aurei. He is looking at me with real concern on his face. "You have to come to terms with this." He stares down at the steering wheel. A scared look on his face now.

I frown at him. "I will. I’ll be fine. I’m just not sure how I will feel that’s all."

He looks back at me. "It’s going to happen. It’s going to be thrown up in your face. Gawd! I’ve been a selfish fool!" He hangs his head and grips the steering wheel. "I have always been an honest asshole, but I see now that I’ve also been a real bastard. I think I need to introduce you to the Bastard Son of Thor. Now. Before we go out." My heart stops beating. His face looks so ... hurt. He doesn’t look over at me. He looks up, checks the traffic then pulls back onto the highway. He drives like demons are chasing him. I stare at the window and watch him. His jaw is hard. His eyes are tough. His face is full of pain. When we turn into the parking garage of his building, I know we are going to the top floor to his photography studio and he is scared shitless now to show me.

"Aurei." I take his hand.

He pulls it away and gets out of the car without looking at me. When he opens my door, he doesn’t offer his hand. He just walks to the foyer door and waits for me to follow. He opens it and I walk in. He commands. "Top floor." I start the climb. Only the sound of our feet on the stairs and the distant honking of car horns echoes. The sound is eerie. At the top, I stop and stare at the Golden Bear with new appreciation. Bears are brutal. He stands behind me, then takes a deep breath and walks to the door. He enters the key code and puts his hand on the knob.

"Wait!" I hurry up to him. He closes his eyes. "What is the key code?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It does. What is the key code?"


Relief floods my body. He is mine in his heart. "Tell me why you are scared now? Last Saturday, we were looking forward to this. We were going to have a lot of fun in here. The Bastard Son of Thor wasn’t bad. What has changed? I don’t understand."

"You’ve changed me in ways I had no idea were going to happen, Siri." He takes another deep breath and pushes open the door. "My perception just changed. Let’s go inside and I’ll explain everything." He walks through and holds the door open for me.

I glide through trying to be Seary and Surreal, confident and in control, but Siri Wright’s heart, the little Alabama girl, is the one he is holding and threatening to break. I stare around the room. Its a small room with a couch, some chairs and hooks for clothes. He shuts the door behind me. "Let me take your coat." He helps me out of it and hangs it up. "Sit." I sit submissively, passively waiting for him to explain. He takes my hand in his and stares at it. I can see how hard this is for him to say. "I just realized that the name Bastard fits more appropriately than I ...." He looks away. "The name Bastard Son of Thor? I earned. Son of Thor because I sometimes left bruises. Bastard because I couldn't remember their names." He looks at me. There is a real hurt in his eyes. "And I didn’t care. They were only objects to me. Soft, pretty objects to fuck, photograph and film. But I always wanted someone, some one person, to share all this with and I’ve found her." He looks away again. "And I would do nothing to hurt her. Nothing! She is my Every Thang. My dream come true. No.... That’s not true. She is more than I ever dreamed of." He looks back and the strain on his face, breaks my heart. "My Bastard past is going to threaten us. I was such a fool to think it wouldn’t." He shakes his head. "Siri. I have fucked hundreds of women. Not a few. Hundreds. Not low hundreds either. It’s in the high hundreds. I realize now what a callous bastard I was."

My throat begins to close.
Oh my! There are high hundreds of women to be jealous of.

He stands and starts to get undressed. "Get naked." He commands me again. "No clothes allowed past this point." He turns his back to me and begins to strip. I watch as his mounds of muscles reveal themselves and I visualize the hundreds of women that have received the same hard fucking from his perfect fucking muscle that I have received! I stare at his ass and the thought of it pumping all those other women.
High hundreds. It’s fucked high hundreds.
My mind battles my emotions. He turns around to see me standing shell shocked and clothed. He comes over to me and gently helps me take my beautiful gown off. When he turns and hangs it next to his, my mind races lightning fast. Siri, Seary and Surreal meet and battle for logical mind control over the emotions flooding my body. I put my hands in my hair.

You knew he had fucked a lot of women! What difference does it make if it is 50 or 500? Why are you acting this way? Siri Wright! You are a Fucking Fantasy Sex Diva, For The Love of Zeus! You have watched hundreds, in the high hundreds, of men ejaculate! Don’t you dare judge him for this!

When Aurei turns around to face me, my thoughts go quiet.
He has the power to make the world fall away and completely disappear.
I hold my hands out to him, but he doesn’t take them. He stares at me for what feels like an eternity. His thunderous eyes pierce my core and the wildness stays still, waiting, unsure what to do. He tells me as he walks past without touching me and without looking at me. "Come in." He opens the door to his studio, flips on the lights and walks through. He stands with his back to me, waiting for me to follow.

My heart wants to crack. Tears fall silently down and I wipe them away angrily.
Get a fucking grip!
I coach myself. I grab control of my hysteria and taking deep cleansing breaths of my own, I look at the fucking muscle and see the Golden God I fell for when he walked away from me that first time in the lobby. Then our conversation replays from the elevator when he asked me. "
there someone significant?"
A man like you would rarely be turned down by any woman, available or not. I can only imagine the number of women you have seduced. And yet, here you are
if there is someone significant. Why?
Why would it matter to you if
had someone special if I was willing to hook up with you anyway? Why were you seducing me so aggressively?
The simple truth stares me in the face.
Because my body turns his body on like never before too! We do share an unusual physical connection. We do have a beautiful thing together. No one is perfect. We have each made our own choices on how to deal with the hyped up chemistry we were born with and we now choose how we will look at this. We can choose to be like everyone else and condemn ourselves, or we can choose to be different and celebrate how we were born, celebrate the gift of finding a partner who also shares a hyped up chemistry, and celebrate finding someone who wants to share our life. I’m all about celebrating! I choose to celebrate this man who wants a beautiful thing called Us.
I square my shoulders and decide right there.
I’m not like other women. I don’t care how many women he has fucked. Or how many women I face in the future who try to regain him. I won’t be jealous! I won’t be! I can do this! I can handle this! He fell for me! I was the only one whose name he has remembered! He even forgot Elena’s.
I smile.
I was his first choice!
I smirk with that acknowledgment and my confidence begins to sink back into place.
I’m the one he wanted badly enough to pay a high price for! I’m the one he waited for to return. I’m the one he didn’t want to fuck after all when he thought his secrets might destroy Us before we had a chance to become Us.
I set me jaw.
I’m down with this now. I’m his one and I choose to be his only. He is mine! He said I set him free. I know now from what! He’s a 'Don Juan.'
I roll my eyes.
Fucking labels! He has 'satyriasis.' His sexual cravings are 'excessive.' How ridiculous to tell someone that. We are wired how we are wired.
I shake my head at the 'normal’ people who label us.

I remember my confession to Cat. The only other person who I’ve ever shared my secret with. She was so sweet.
"I get it, Siri.
High octane. High maintenance. You’re a nymphomaniac, Baby Girl. It’s ok. Sin City will be perfect for you. No one will judge you here."

"Yes! But I don’t want to be a whore. I want to dance!
Cat, that’s why I have to remain untouchable!"

"Ok." She agreed and that was that, then she hugged me.

I stare at his beautiful body and wonder how anyone can say he is flawed. He is beautiful inside and out!
I set him free. He wants to be monogamous.
Perfect! Me too!

I follow him in, close the door and stand silently behind him. The tension in the air between us is thick. Everything about his posture says he is listening.
He wasn’t afraid until I told him he should be with my stupid ass jealousy remark! He can’t remember who the hell he’s fucked and I have just told him, the only one he has ever wanted to repeat fucking, that I might not be able to handle his past. FUCK SIRI! Poor guy! You need to go straighten this out!
I wipe away the evidence of my tears. Calm and composed, I walk up to stand next to him and look out over his studio.

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