Untamable (2 page)

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Authors: Sayde Grace

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Untamable
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Jasper stopped as her eyes narrowed even farther. Her chest rose and fell with each heavy breath. A lemon aroma of fear surrounded her spiced scent in the night breeze. Even with her anger flaming from her in waves of scorching heat that washed over him, arousal sizzled in the flames of anger and fear. Whether that passion caused her fear or he did, he wasn’t sure. Only one way to find out.

* * * *

Sidda’s heart pounded harder with each snap of a limb. She sucked in a deep breath, held it and tried to count to three to calm her nerves. The unwanted swell of fear grew in her mind. She didn’t truly fear Jasper, but the scorched bark scent of anger drifted from the forest. Every cell in her screamed that he was out there and not himself. Instead of calming her nerves with deep breaths, she succeeded in only making the panic rise higher.

Two bright orange eyes glowed in the darkness of the forest. She gasped. Those weren’t the eyes she knew and loved. She’d seen them when he fought, but Jasper had never been that angry with her before. Her wolf had never looked at her that way. Sidda’s feet were heavy, not wanting to move, as she tried to back her way to the door. She reached behind her, never taking her gaze from the eyes in the woods. The doorknob was just out of reach, and she inched backward to it. Her soles scraped over the ground as she tried desperately to fight off her fear.

A growl rippled through the dark forest. Birds, previously asleep for the night, startled and flew away. She cringed at the harsh, angry sound.

A large deep brown, almost black, wolf emerged from the forest. “Where is he?” the predator behind the eyes snarled. Jasper’s voice flowed from the wolf. It never failed to shock her that even in wolf form Jasper was still Jasper.

She shook her head in confusion and disbelief.

“Siddalee Brighton.” His voice dripped with rage. “Where is the little fucker?”

Her stomach clenched. She had no idea what the hell was going on, but she wanted to turn and run, far, far away. She sucked in a breath through her open mouth. Her blood raced, pounding in her ears and causing all reasonable thought to cease.

The cold air blowing her hair from her face warmed with the heat from the snarling beast. “If you so much as move, I will mark you right here, right now. I want to wait and do it when I’m thrusting into you and you’re screaming with passion, but I swear, one move, one wrong word, and your pretty little throat is mine.” Jasper’s wolf eyes blazed orange.

The threat missed its mark. Little did he know, but she’d fantasized about that same scene many times. The thought of him marking her as his instantly made her throb with desire. She wanted him to mark, bite, and fuck her. Plain and simple, she wanted him.

Finding her voice and somewhat sane mind, she cocked her hip to the side and pasted on a smile. “Look at you. Playing the big bad wolf now, are you? Well, if you want to eat me, come on, but don’t think I’m going to make it easy for you.” She hoped he’d take the bait.

She’d been waiting four long lonely years for him to finish what he’d started. Growing up with Jasper, she’d always known she loved him, but when he’d nipped her neck at the airport before he left, she hadn’t known how much she wanted him. That small nip had left her burning each minute of the day for him to come home and finish the mating. Now a part of her screamed with fear of the extremely angry wolf, but inside that pissed wolf was
her wolf
. The one she’d been waiting on and used to compare every man who even looked at her. There was no doubt he’d hurt her, but the pain would be worth the pleasure of his love.

The wolf shook his head. “Wrong answer.” He lunged, and in midair, his shift started.

His large paws shifted to feet and hands. Those feet landed inches away from her, hands on either side of her head to pin her against the cabin. His hard, tanned, naked body pushed her into the wooden door. It held, holding her in place, trapped.

Air wheezed in her shriveling lungs, not giving her enough oxygen to focus. With him this close, the cold weather vanished. A fire blazed between them, white, searing heat, sure to burn them both up. His long, dark, furry muzzle drew back to shape a perfectly sinful mouth, with lips so full and red she ached to lick and nibble them. His eyes stayed glowing orange, only rounder, shadowed by long black lashes, and eyebrows that were drawn together in a frown.

“Where is he, Sidda?” His rumbling voice sent chills across her skin.

She opened her mouth to ask what he was talking about, but her voice wouldn’t come out. She swallowed hard, pushing away the thoughts of running her hands across his chest to feel the dark fur receding to light wisps of hair that trailed across his chest before growing thicker and downward. Her eyes strayed from his, unable to stand not seeing where the hair would lead. She stared at the hair receding, and it revealed his long, hard, throbbing cock.

As if knowing her thoughts centered around that one part of him, that one glorious part she’d craved for so long, he thrust it forward to brush against her stomach. “I’m glad you like it. It’ll be inside you shortly.” His warm breath blew the hair away from her ear. “I asked you a question, more than once. I won’t ask again.”

“Wh–Wh–What the hell are you talking about?” She panted, resisting the urge to touch the cock brushing against her.

“Your lover.” He drew back, looking down into her eyes. “You’re not stalling me to give him a chance to run, are you? He’s a dead man for touching what is mine anyway, but if he runs, I’ll make it a slow death.”

With Jasper’s possessive words, she found the will to resist him. Her hands balled into fists so tight her nails dug into the flesh of her palms. She raised her fists and pounded them on his rock hard chest. Her vision blurred with the tears of rage filling her eyes. She wasn’t his, not after he left her alone after telling her he loved her and breaking her flesh with his elongated canines. That bite, small as it had been, had sealed them together forever, yet he hadn’t finished marking her completely, thus leaving her in a constant state of longing. She’d waited for him until he’d stopped calling her. She knew he’d called their friend Cole, yet he hadn’t cared enough to call her, the woman he’d declared his mate. Her heart constricted thinking about it. Cole, their best friend had been there for Sidda her entire life, especially when Jasper left.

Sidda squared her shoulders. “I’m not yours. You haven’t wanted a goddamn thing to do with me in four years and especially the last six months. You have no right to come here now and act this way.” She slapped his face with her right hand as hard as she could. Her palm stung from the force, but he stood unmoved. She raised the other, but one of his large hands grasped both. He held them above her, and before her knee could make contact with his crotch, he spun her to face the door.

mine. And now I’ll prove it.” His free hand reached the front of her pants, slipping easily under the pajama shorts. “No man can touch you but me.” He inhaled deeply. “You may pretend to be mad, but that delicious smell coming from your pussy tells me just what I want to know. You want me, need me to take you, and I am. I’m going to fuck you so long and hard that no other man will ever wander into your thoughts.”

She gasped in shock. He’d never talked to her this way. Cole didn’t care what he said about women in front of Sidda. He had no shame, but Jasper was different. He never spoke so crudely. The knowledge that she’d driven him to that point made her tremble with desire. Her body overruled her brain and the anger from his leaving. His hand lowered, reaching the top of her underwear, and a moan tore from her lips. Heat rushed out of her, completely soaking her cotton underwear. Shame should have overwhelmed her, yet it didn’t. Instead she wanted more. She wanted his hands on her, in her, with his tongue following and then his dick.

“No man ever has,” she whispered the God’s honest truth before resting her head against the cold wood door just as his fingers spread her wet folds.

Chapter Two

Never in any of her fantasies had it been like this. She always knew Jasper would be wild, untamed, but never thought he’d be so animalistic. His fingers dug into her wrist while his other hand pushed her pajama shorts and underwear down to her ankles.

Panic rose within her. She’d never been naked in front of a guy before.

“Do not squirm. You have no idea how close I am to pulling that ass up and taking you. Be still.” He pushed his dick against her flesh. She wanted to jump, to try and get away, but with him so angry, she knew it’d only make it worse.

“Jasper, please. Not like this.” Her voice was barely a whisper. She wanted him so bad, yet wanted her first time to be in a bed, not against a door and from behind.

“I’ll let you go, but if you run, I will catch you. Then I will have you any way I want.” The hand between her thighs slipped, stroking her. He eased his fingers to her swollen clit before pinching it hard.

The air in her lungs rushed out, and breathing no longer mattered. All that mattered to her was Jasper, and the pain/pleasure he brought. His teeth scraped the back of her neck. The tender flesh tingled with want. Something in her, a part of her, begged for him to bite, to mark her skin for all to see. She wanted it, and he wanted it.

Without thinking, that part of her brain took over. She turned her head, exposing her neck for him. The marking bond hadn’t been finished at the airport, but now it would be. Jasper would mark her with his teeth, showing all others she was his. And God knew Sidda was his, always had been.

“Jasper,” she hissed when his teeth skimmed down her neck. His sharp teeth left her skin blazing.

Jasper held on to his control by not even a thread, not even a fiber. She had to know what she was offering by exposing her neck to him. Showing her throat to her Alpha made his beast soar with pride. She accepted him. His hands trembled when she reached behind her and wrapped her slender arms around his neck to pull his head down to the same spot he’d nipped so many years before. He craved to bend her over and fuck her right there, outside in the open for anyone and all to see she was his. He inhaled, held his breath and then on the release, his mouth closed over her jugular and bit. All control snapped as her sweet rich flavor filled his mouth.

She whimpered, and he slipped a finger between her folds to work inside her. Jasper growled deep in his throat while he continued to press his teeth down on her neck and stroke her sweet, smooth pussy. Her arousal filled his nose, and he fought not to push inside her. He’d waited so long to have her, to have his mate. The intimacy of marking her, filling her, drove his beast into a frenzy.

Jasper drew in a ragged breath through his nose. His bite hardened again, this time breaking the skin just as his finger slid palm-deep into her. His palm brushed over her clit before grinding against it.

His growl tore from his throat. “Mine.” He thrust closer to her. His cock slid between her thighs, over his hand and her opening. Creamy wetness met his hard cock. She dripped with desire for him, and when she rocked her hips to rub that sweetness on his cock, he struggled to even think.

“Fuck, don’t move again. You grinding against me with your hot, wet pussy and the smell of how bad you want me will bring the beast. I can’t control him. I’ll hurt you.”A hard edge rode his voice. “I’m going to pull your pants up, turn you around, and you’re going to tell me what the fuck you’re doing up here with another man. You’re mine. You wear my mark now, and no one is ever to touch you but me.”

He glanced at the bite he’d left on her neck and smiled. No one in the Luna Nation would dare question him about his mate now. The Visioner might have said he was to mate with Vivian Dowery, but there was no way in hell he would. His heart was Sidda’s, and now everyone would know it. The mark glowed red. The throbbing pain from it reached out to him, and his own neck began to throb. The bond between them was already strong. He could feel the need pulsing through her body move to his. She fueled his desire for her with hers for him.

His hands slid down her body. One hand lingered over her swollen folds, and he was loath to move it. She leaned back on him, resting the back of her head on his shoulder. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, but that feels…”

Anger radiated in him. “Think hard and don’t lie to me. If you do, I promise I will spank your perfect ass.” He gathered her underwear and pants in his hands. Slowly, he eased them back up her body, over her ass, and back into place. His arms circled around her waist to turn her to face him.

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