Valentino's Cowboy [Brac Village 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (2 page)

BOOK: Valentino's Cowboy [Brac Village 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“Pa sent me out here to help you!”

“Not now, Abe,” Riley said over his shoulder. “I have the vet here. Go see if anyone else needs help.”

Valentino turned to see who Riley was talking to and had to do a double take. The blond man standing there reminded Valentino of a wickedly playful angel. The guy’s eyes were the color of a cloudless summer day and his smile made Valentino’s heart jump an extra beat.

Had Valentino seen another set of lips that had been so perfectly made for kissing? They were full, delicious, and very naughty images came to mind. He knew he was openly appraising the man, but Valentino had never met a guy who looked so damn gorgeous before.

Valentino grinned widely and the little twink turned seven shades of red. Now that was a look he really liked. It told him the small man was very interested in him—which was great considering Valentino was just as interested in the guy.

“Abe,” Riley said as he snapped his fingers in the man’s face. “Did you hear me?”

Abe’s eyelids fluttered rapidly as he glanced from Valentino to Riley. Valentino gave an inaudible groan when he gazed into the man’s cornflower-blue eyes. “What did you say?”

Abe was staring directly at Valentino, not once giving any attention to Riley.

“Sorry, Dr. Prayze. Abe tends to be a little friendly,” Riley said to Valentino as he headed toward Abe. “You can get to work and I’ll take care of him.”

Valentino tore his eyes away from the sexy man as he dug into his bag. He had work to do, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t go find Abe once he was done. Valentino was definitely interested. His brain was already starting to imagine what he and the little imp could do together if Abe gave him a chance. And from the way the small guy was staring at him, he was definitely going to have a chance.

“But I’m not doing anything wrong,” Abe protested with a stomp to his foot. “I didn’t flirt with him or try to get his phone number or anything. Why are you kicking me out?”

“Because you are a very distracting man,” Riley replied, his tone filled with slight amusement. Valentino frowned at the jealous feeling that ripped through him.

Admittedly, the little man was sexy, but why would that strong of an emotion grip him for a stranger? Valentino’s sex life had been less than stellar, but he never became jealous—especially when he hadn’t even slept with the guy. It was a very peculiar emotion indeed.

Valentino straightened, unsure of what he was doing and playing with the idea of having a go at Abe. The man was totally worth it. “Come here, Abe,” he said in a casual tone, although he was feeling anything but calm toward the man. He wanted to gobble Abe up. “I could use your help.”

“Seriously?” Riley asked, his dark eyebrows high on his forehead. “But Abe has no medical experience, Dr. Prayze.”

Valentino tossed a pair of latex exam gloves at Abe. “He doesn’t need any, Riley. All he has to do is stand there and look gorgeous.” Valentino had a very strong urge to purr. He wasn’t sure why though. The flirtatious side of him was coming out, a little too strong.

Riley’s eyes widened as Abe snickered. When the sexy little twink approached Valentino, his senses went wild. His breath froze in his lungs as his heart picked up its pace. Valentino felt his palms become sweaty as his mouth went dry.

Abe stopped walking and shuddered. He stared at Valentino as if he had just discovered the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Abe’s cornflower-blue eyes widened as he gazed up at Valentino. “Y–you’re my mate.”

“Whoa,” Riley said as he took a step forward, wagging a finger at Abe. “That’s not something you should joke around about, Abe. You know mating is a very serious thing.”

“He’s not joking,” Valentino answered as he closed the distance and placed his hand on Abe’s jaw. He smiled down at the fey before he gave his mate a gentle kiss on his perfect lips. “I am Dr. Valentino Prayze. Now come help with this horse, sexy.”

“Pa!” Riley shouted as he walked from the barn. “You’re not going to believe this.”

Valentino’s eyes were riveted to the blond sex god as Abe sashayed past him. He knew he had a job to do but hell if he could take his eyes off the gorgeous man. He had hit the jackpot because his mate was stunning.

“Riley was right,” Abe said as his eyes darted toward Buster. “I have no idea how to fix a horse.”

“And I was serious,” Valentino said as he leaned against the stall, his eyes raking over the short and sexy man. “All you have to do is stand there and look gorgeous, little cowboy. I’m pretty sure Buster won’t mind.” He sure as hell wouldn’t. Although getting the exam done had just become harder for him. His concentration was nearly shot.

Abe’s blond brows crinkled. “Cowboy?”

“That would be you, Abe.” Valentino walked over to Buster, remembering he had a patient. He reached into his bag and pulled out his exam gloves. “You do work on a ranch, don’t you?”

“Well, yes.” Abe looked as if he were trying to connect the dots. He was chewing on the side of his plump lip, his brows deeply furrowed. Valentino chuckled as he turned to take a look at Buster’s leg. He spotted a laceration and began to examine it. It seemed Buster had cut his leg on a fence or other object. It didn’t look deep enough for stitches. That was a good thing. Some antibiotics and bandaging the leg should do the trick.

“Do you still think you’re not a cowboy?” he asked as he worked. Buster tried to pull his leg free, but Valentino kept a firm hold. He was not going to be bested by another animal today.

“I work on a ranch,” Abe finally answered and Valentino could tell the man still wasn’t convinced. “But I’m not a cowboy. Heck, I’m still afraid to get near the large horses.”

Valentino looked up at Buster, giving the horse his most grave expression. “A ranch hand afraid of the horses. Is this true, Buster?”

Abe moved a little closer, approaching Valentino with cautious steps. “The horse can’t answer you.” His mate’s tone was filled with amusement. “Buster isn’t a shifter.”

Valentino placed a hand on his chest, gasping. “You lied to me, Buster. I feel so used.”

Abe began to giggle-snort. The sound brought a silent smile to Valentino’s face as he finished up with the horse. He was glad as hell that his mate wasn’t an uptight jackass. That would’ve made things awkward. Valentino liked to laugh and have fun. Although a predatory cougar, his claws didn’t come out unless necessary.

Despite his harsh upbringing, he was too laid-back for all that macho alpha crap. He could hold his own, so why try to prove it all the time? Life was too fun to have a stick up his ass.
Wouldn’t dear old Dad be ashamed if he could see me now?

Pulling his gloves free, he tossed them back into his bag to dispose of later.

“Where’s your cowboy hat?” Valentino teased as he stood. “I love a man in a Stetson.” He patted Buster’s neck, smoothed his hand over the horse’s face, and then grabbed his bag. “You would look hot in spurs.” He wasn’t sure why he was teasing his mate. Maybe he liked seeing the deep blush that decorated the man’s cheeks.

His cat purred as Valentino moved closer to Abe, finally taking a long look at the guy. He was short, slim, and just so darn cute. Abe’s lips parted as he tilted his head back to look at Valentino and he could see the man was taking in small pants of air. Oh, goody, the guy was easily flustered.

This was going to be fun.

“Are you leaving?” Abe asked, almost in a panic. Valentino wasn’t sure what was going on or why Abe looked like he was about to pass out. That was a very strange reaction.

“I have to get back to work. Do you live here?” Valentino nodded toward the large Victorian-style home that could be seen from the barn. He didn’t like the panicked looked on Abe’s face and wanted to reassure the guy. He really did have to get back to work, but Valentino wanted to let Abe know that he would be back.

“I do.”

He gave Abe a wide smile before stepping into the man’s space and cupping his jaw. “Then I know where to find you.” He licked a long path over Abe’s bottom lip, hearing the small fey’s breath hitch as Valentino took another kiss—a longer one this time. He finally eased back, staring at his mate. “Kiss me back, cowboy.”

Valentino could tell that Abe wanted to kiss him. He could feel the desire sparking between them, but his mate’s lips were stiff. Abe opened, jabbing his tongue into Valentino’s mouth and nearly choking him. He placed his hand on the fey’s neck, stilling him. “Either no one has taught you the proper way to kiss”—Valentino pressed his fingers playfully against Abe’s neck—“or I am your first. Which is it?”

Abe gazed up at Valentino from under his blond lashes, a very seductive grin on his face. “Or maybe I want to play hard to get, let you chase me.” He took a step back, turning and smacking his backside. “I guess you’ll just have to find out.”

The little imp walked away!

He chuckled to himself as he watched his mate go. The man had fire in him. He liked that. Valentino pressed the palm of his hand into his cock as he bit his bottom lip. Oh, how he wanted that man.

It was going to be fun catching him.

In the meantime he needed to talk to Malcolm and make sure there was nothing else the bear needed before Valentino took off.


* * * *


Abe stepped into the house and pressed his back into the wall, taking in a deep and wobbly breath. He had to steady his frazzled nerves. Although he had issued the challenge to his mate, Abe was a wreck. There were many times when he had flirted with the men on this ranch, but Abe had never meant anything by it and there was no stake in him being rejected.

He had been passing the time, having a bit of fun, and just plain old lonely when he flirted with the Lakeland men. Now the stakes were high and the flirting actually meant something. It was amazing how he had gone from an outspoken man to a guy hiding in the house in the blink of an eye.

And his mate had basically called him a bad kisser. Abe was mortified. He had joked and teased with Bryce, leading the bear to believe that Abe was worldly. That had been a tall tale that was coming back to bite him on the ass because Abe didn’t know diddly-squat about being with another man.

Abe groaned when the twins strode into the living room. He normally loved their antics and hanging out with them, but he didn’t want to be teased. Chauncey and Chance were harmless, but Abe needed to figure out what he was going to do.

He didn’t want Valentino to call him a bad kisser again. He wanted to be everything the cougar shifter wanted in a mate. Abe just had to figure out what Valentino wanted, besides a cowboy.

That was something Abe had never been. He was a Wood elf who helped the Lakelands out and they took him in. He spent half his time running from the animals. If only he had a gift with the creatures like Sterling had. The human had a way with the animals that Abe envied right now.

“So, we hear you finally found a man you can flirt with who won’t chase you off,” Chance said as he dropped down onto the sofa. “Then again he might, but this one is all yours.”

Abe turned to head out of the door when he spotted his mate walking toward his car. He stood at the screen door as he finally had a chance to look at the man unencumbered. Valentino had dark-brown hair that seemed to stand up in all directions, eyes the color of greyish-brown, and a goatee that turned Abe on. Valentino was strong and manly, sexy as sin, and Abe felt as if he was going to fall short when compared.

?” Chauncey teased as he stepped up behind Abe.

“In your dreams,” Abe replied, holding his own with Chauncey. “Have I ever come off as someone who was afraid of men?”

The bear leaned his arm against the door frame, staring down at Abe with a wicked grin. “Then what are you doing in here?”

“He’s scared,” Chance needled. “He talked all that shit and flirted his ass off with everyone on the ranch. But now when it’s time to put his money where his mouth is, little Abe is trembling.”

“Chicken shit,” Chauncey whispered with a smile. “I know you would prefer to have a bear as a mate”—Chauncey ran his hand down his chest in an overt gesture—“but I’m taken. You’ll have to make due with a cat.”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” Abe replied. “You are
last week.”

“Then prove you’re not scared and go talk to your mate,” Chauncey challenged. “Go flirt with the man.”

“He has work to do,” Abe supplied the feeble excuse. “Something you would know nothing about.”

“You got me there,” Chauncey said. “But at least I’m not afraid to talk to my mate.”

Without thought, Abe slammed his hand into the screen door and headed outside. He walked down the front steps and made a beeline straight for Valentino. He would show that annoying bear that he wasn’t afraid to flirt with his very own mate!

But when Valentino turned and stared at Abe with those taupe-colored eyes, Abe’s confidence packed its bags and left town. He stood there feeling like a big goober as he gazed at the handsome man.

“Did you come to give me that kiss?” Valentino asked as he crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned against the car. “My lips are primed and ready, my little cowboy.”

Abe swallowed hard, his mouth growing bone-dry as he rubbed the palms of his hands on his jeans. He could literally feel the twins’ eyes boring into his back.

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