Vanessa Unveiled (4 page)

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Authors: Jodi Redford

BOOK: Vanessa Unveiled
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“I’m planning on riding your ass for a while. Don’t need you complaining tomorrow.” He took his time lubing up his cock and Braeden’s rear passage, knowing full well he was providing one hell of a show for Vanessa. It aroused him to no end imagining how wet her pussy must be, watching him prepare to fuck Braeden. He grazed the head of his dick against his lover’s puckered opening, teasing them both. And Vanessa. He didn’t fail to notice how she’d shuffled a bit closer, her eyes riveted on them. Gripping Braeden by the hips, he thrust into his ass in one slick glide.

Braeden’s head fell back, the cords in his neck tensed. “

He chuckled. “I’m planning to. Give me a second.” Balancing on his knees, he braced Braeden’s muscular calves with his forearms and sank deeper. The sound of panting reached his ears and he looked up to find Vanessa staring at them, her lips parted. Holding her gaze, he fisted Braeden’s cock and shafted his ass with steady strokes. “You could join us, you know. Braeden sure as hell wouldn’t mind. In fact, I bet he’d love nothing more than for you to straddle his face and grind that sweet pussy against his mouth.”

A rapturous groan shuddered from Braeden. Rand pumped his cock deeper. “Our boy here is all about the oral. The thought of eating you while I fuck him is a dream come true, isn’t it, Brae?” Looking down, he found Braeden already zoned out on the fantasy. It wouldn’t take much to lure Vanessa into it as well. The right words, perfectly woven, and she would be his.

Calling upon every ounce of his magical energy, he mentally reached out to her. “Imagine it, Vanessa. His tongue running little figure eights up and down your slit, teasing you. Fuck, you need it bad—that tongue deep in your pussy.” She gasped, and he smiled.
Got you
. “Your clit’s wet and swollen, begging for attention. Don’t worry, sweetest, Braeden’s on his way there.”

.” Vanessa wobbled, her hand shooting for the trunk of the nearby ficus tree. She steadied herself but her legs still trembled. “How…?”

“You feel him, don’t you? His lips tugging softly. Suckling. He can’t get enough of you.”

A hungry moan ripped from Braeden, verifying the statement. Rand was entangled in a web of his own making, on the edge and desperate to give his mates the releases they craved. The furious defeat that always swamped him thanks to the curse he and Braeden suffered still taunted him, but this time a spark of hope lit the darkness. They could satisfy Vanessa, and be one step closer to unity.

“It’s building inside you, sweetest. The biggest orgasm of your life. Nothing’s going to stop it now. Braeden’s tongue is flicking your luscious little clit like crazy…”

Vanessa gave a strangled cry.

“…making you come so hard you could pass out.”

Her entire body bowed in a stiff arch and her nails dug into the bark of the ficus. Eyes rolling back in her head, she slumped against the tree trunk, breathing fast and ragged.

Rand watched the dreamy glow of satisfaction soften her features while she slid to the ground, and he made a promise to himself. The next time she came like that, it would be around his cock.

Chapter Four

Vanessa woke in the middle of a strange bed, sandwiched between two naked strangers. For an awkward moment, she wondered what the hell she’d gotten up to the night before. But then her previous evening’s adventures came flooding back in Technicolor detail. Stifling her groan, she inched her way off the mattress. Neither Rand nor Braeden budged. Then again, not too surprising considering how they’d spent most of the night. That much sex was bound to tucker a man—or a pooka—out.

Recalling all the naughty acts she’d witnessed, sweat crawled over her skin. To say Rand and Braeden were lusty and uninhibited in their lovemaking would be a huge understatement. Still, despite their best efforts to convince her to join in, she’d held her ground. She deserved a damn medal for her willpower.

She stretched and grimaced as every bone in her body creaked in protest. That damn sprint down the hill last night had finally caught up with her. She glanced toward the aqua curtain and contemplated a fast dip in the pool. Her muscles practically screamed
yes, yes, yes
. After a quick peek to ensure Rand and Braeden were still zonked out, she rifled through her suitcase for a change of clothes. The purple miniskirt and midriff-bearing sweater were way more revealing than what she’d normally choose to wear, but they weren’t nearly as provocative as the rest of the garments. Tossing the red G-string on top of her armful of clothing, she ducked into the bathroom and tiptoed to the pool. She tested the temperature of the steaming, swirling water and shivered in pure pleasure when toasty warmth lapped at her fingers. Setting her fresh change of clothes on the nearby slipcovered lounge chair, she hurriedly stripped and hopped into the pool.

Ooh mama
. The blissful cocoon of heat that enveloped her was almost as mind-blowing as the orgasm she’d experienced last night. An extra burst of heat that had nothing to do with the temperature of the water rippled through her. How sad was it that the most amazing sex of her life hadn’t even involved physical contact?

Spreading her arms out, she floated onto her back, bobbing amongst the sweet-smelling flowers. It’d been at least a year and a half since she’d indulged in sex with anyone other than BOB—her battery operated boyfriend. Yeah, sometimes she craved a little flesh-on-flesh intimacy, but at least with BOB she never had to worry about it being freaked out over her ability to interact with the Otherworlders, or leaving her when the going got tough. Because one way or another, they always left. It was the fucking story of her life.

Her heavy thoughts were enough to ruin the idyllic tranquility she’d briefly discovered. Plunging her legs beneath her, she stood and trudged through waist-deep water to the steps leading from the pool. Grabbing one of the fluffy towels stacked by the chaise lounge, she quickly dried off and got dressed. She returned to the bedroom. Rand and Braeden were still sawing logs, but they’d rolled closer to each other on the mattress. Their heads rested on the same pillow and Braeden’s leg was flung over Rand’s. The sight of them stabbed an odd, tiny ache of longing deep in her heart.

What would it be like to belong to each other like that? To feel compelled to always touch and hold your loved one, even when asleep? She shook her head. “You’re getting sappy, you moron.”

Grumbling at her own idiocy, she tugged on her boots. They clashed with the rest of her outfit, but what the hell could she do about it? She tromped into the garden-like front living space. Thanks to a brief investigation the evening before, she knew Rand hadn’t stashed her car anywhere inside their hotel room. Not that she’d expected him to make it that easy for her. Of course, even if he had, she still would have been faced with the problem of driving the car out of the room. Pretty damn doubtful the SUV would have fit in the elevator. And while the idea of doing an Evel Knievel through the walls and down into the lobby sounded super cool, it was probably a stunt best left to the experts. Or those with an insane death wish.

She made a beeline for the section of wall where the elevator had earlier dropped her and Rand off, half-convinced she’d have no luck hailing the conveyance. Considering the way things operated in this damn Alice-in-Wonderland hotel, it’d be a miracle if she didn’t end up trapped here forever.

She almost fell over in shock when the wall slid back and the elevator doors popped open with a cheery ding. Jumping inside before the thing decided to disappear again, she scanned the mirrored interior for the button keypad, but found none.

That made no sense. Hadn’t there been one yesterday? She gritted her teeth. Damn it, this is what she got for being too preoccupied with Rand’s scrumdidilyumptious body. The elevator started descending and she quickly grasped the gold-plated handlebar to keep from falling. Hopefully the thing had a better idea of where they were going than she did.

The elevator slid to a stop and she stumbled out into the lobby. Despite knowing she had better odds of running into Elvis than a staff member, she rounded the corner of the enormous fountain. A flash of white moved to her right. She spun, fully expecting to encounter the receptionist or the mythical valet attendant. Possibly even Mr. Saturday Night Fever chupacabra. Instead, she practically smacked headfirst into a unicorn.

unicorn. The son-of-a-bitchin’ one responsible for the full set of teeth marks tattooed on the outside of her ankle. “

The unicorn backed up a step and blinked at her before its eyes went comically wide. “Shit.” With a clatter of hooves, it dashed in the opposite direction.

“Get your ass back here!” Her throat scratched raw from her fierce bellow, Vanessa barreled after the fleeing creature. It charged toward the far wall. Just when she swore the insane unicorn was going to crash into the plaster and drywall, a shimmering archway materialized. The unicorn bolted through the opening.

Not giving herself a second to rethink the wisdom of jumping through a possible mirage, she followed suit. A long hallway stretched in front of her. Boots pounding on the carpeted aisle, she attempted to close the distance between her and the unicorn, but the little ankle-biting bastard powered up its gallop. Ahead, a door yawned open. Its powerful back legs kicking like twin pistons, the unicorn leapt past the doorway. A solid wall appeared, cutting off the faint strains of a mocking ninny.

Vanessa dug her feet in, a string of profanities bulleting past her lips as the wall loomed closer.
. Grunting at the impact, she bounced backwards, her legs flying upward and her butt smacking into the floor. Dazed and winded, she wobbled up onto her elbows. “Ow.” Man, she was really racking up entries for the record book of epically bad ideas.

Rubbing the arm that’d suffered the brunt of the collision, she hobbled onto her feet and glared at the pristine expanse of wall. She couldn’t say for certain, but she swore she detected the muffled clip-clop of hooves and the opening bars of Jimmy Buffett’s “Cheeseburger in Paradise”.

After wasting at least ten minutes trying to find a way to trigger the door to open, she admitted defeat and headed back the way she came. The hallway stretched on and on for what seemed forever. “This can’t be right.” Sure, she’d been running before, which partly explained why it’d taken her less time, but she wasn’t
fast of a sprinter. Panic beginning to creep in, she scanned her surroundings for any familiar landmarks. It all looked the same. One long-ass hallway leading to…nowhere. How could that be? It had to eventually take her back to the lobby, right?

? Adrenaline surging through her bloodstream, she ratcheted up her pace to a full-speed dash. Ignoring the painful stitch in her side and the unpleasant jarring in her knees, she bolted down the hall. Her gaze darted left and right, desperately seeking the exit. She was so caught up in her panicked quest that she didn’t notice Rand until she plowed into him. He tugged her against his chest, where she willingly collapsed, gasping.

“Damn it, Nessie, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”

She continued clutching him, labored breaths sawing from her lungs. “Th-that makes t-two of us.”

He shoved a sweat-dampened lock of hair away from her eye before cupping her cheek. Concern softened his previously fierce expression. “Are you all right?”

She nodded. “J-just give me a sec.” Rather than honor her request, he swept her up into his arms. Caught unawares, she clung to his neck. “Whoa, what are you doing?”

“Taking you back upstairs.” He peered down at her, the dark fire once again crackling in his eyes. “Where you should have been to begin with, damn it.”

“Are you saying I’m not allowed to leave the room?” If she hadn’t been concerned with tumbling out of his arms, she would have smacked him upside his arrogant head. “I don’t know how things work back in your home dimension, but this is a free country, buster. Keeping women trapped prisoners in hotel rooms is a federal offense.” At least she was fairly certain it was. If not, it damn well should be.

“You’re not a prisoner, Nessie. But this isn’t a place you should gallivant about without a chaperone. As you’ve no doubt discovered, it’s not exactly designed with humans in mind.”

“Boy, that’s putting it mildly.”

“Then you see the wisdom in not leaving the room without me or Braeden to accompany you?”

She slumped against him in reluctant acquiescence. “Fine. Not that it matters anyway. Come tomorrow night, we’ll be on our way to the veil detainment center and this weird place will be a distant memory.”

Rand’s furious strides slowed and beneath her palm, his neck muscles tensed. “Why are you so determined to leave us? You’re our mate, Nessie. We belong together.”

She squinted up at him. “What did I tell you about that stupid pet name? And you’re only saying that because I brought up the detainment center. Admit it.”

He returned her narrow-eyed stare. “Is your stubbornness a genetic trait, or are you just naturally bullheaded?”

Though she tried not to let his question bother her, her expression apparently betrayed her. Rand jerked to a halt, guilt seizing his features. “Sweetest, I didn’t mean it. You’re not really that bullheaded.”

She snorted. “Please. We both know that’s a big, fat lie.”

“Then I don’t understand. What did I say to upset you?” He shifted her in his arms when she attempted to break their locked gazes. “I can’t make it right if you don’t tell me.”

“It’s nothing. Drop it.”

“I’m going to drop
if you don’t spill it.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” She sighed when he cocked one dark eyebrow in challenge. “Fine. The truth is I have no clue about my genetics, because I have no family. Now can we please get off this subject?”

He frowned. “Everyone has a family.”

“Well, not me.” She tucked her cheek against his chest in an effort to escape his penetrating stare. The last thing she wanted to do was get into a conversation about her past. She’d spent too many years burying those god-awful memories to begin dredging them up now. “Are you going to take me upstairs, or what? I’ve seen enough of this hallway to last me a lifetime.”

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