Vice (33 page)

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Authors: Lou Dubose

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———. "Dick Cheney Thinking About Job in Casper." January 11, 1976.

———. "Ford and Cheney." October 26, 1978.

———. "GOP Candidate Says Polls Put Him in the Lead." October 10, 1978.

———. "House Candidate Hospitalized." June 20, 1978.

———. "Restaurants Serve Up Campaign Money to GOP." November 1, 1978.

Cheney, Dick. Floor Remarks. Congressional Record, October 14, 1981.

———. Floor Remarks. Congressional Record, June 12, 1985.

———. Floor Remarks. Congressional Record, July 18, 1985.

———. Floor Remarks. Congressional Record, September 17, 1986.

———. Floor Remarks. Congressional Record, May 26, 1988.

Cheney, Mary.
Now It's My Turn: A Daughter's Chronicle of Political Life.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006.

Cohen, Richard. "Full Speed Ahead."
National Journal,
January 30, 1988.

Downey, Thomas. Author interview. July 28, 2006.

Dubose, Lou, and Jan Reid.
The Hammer: Tom DeLay, God, Money, and the Rise of the Republican Congress.
New York: Public Affairs, 2004.

Edwards, Mickey. Author interview. March 24, 2006.

Evans, Rowland, and Robert Novak. "House Democratic Leaders Compromise."
Chicago Sun-Times,
December 28, 1987.

———. "Reagan's in a Bind in Nicaragua."
Chicago Sun-Times,
May 13, 1986.

Gutman, Roy. "Behind Wright vs. Regan."
September 23, 1988.

Haas, Cliff. "Speaker's Partisan Tactics Provoke House GOP."
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
May 22, 1988.

Hunter-Gault, Charlene. Interview with Dick Cheney.
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,
September 30, 1988.

Inside Energy.
"Oil Firms Edgy as Wyoming Congressman Faces Pressure to Close Wilderness." July 20, 1981.

———. "Wyoming Wilderness Approved by Senate, Sent Back to House for Amending." October 8, 1984.

Kentworthy, Tom. "House Republicans Promote Cheney; Conference Chief Succeeds Kemp."
The Washington
Port, June 5, 1987.

Mann, Thomas E., and Norman Ornstein.
The Broken Branch: How Congress Is Failing America and How to Get It Back on Track.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

McCormack, Bruce. "Cheney Will Run."
Casper Star-Tribune,
December 15, 1977.

McGrory, Mary. "Lame Ducks Take Flight."
The Washington Post,
December 19, 1985.

Ornstein, Norman. Author interview. May 8, 2006.

———. "Minority Report: Ignored by Their President, Ill-Used by Their Democratic Colleagues, House Republicans Are in a Mutinous Mood."
The Atlantic,
December 1985.

Parry, Robert. "Congressional Trip to Grenada Boosts Reagan." Associated Press, November 8, 1983.

Parry, Robert. "House Loosens Rules on Nicaraguan Rebel Aid." Associated Press, November 19, 1985.

Partridge, Dan. "Town Welcomes Cheney."
Casper Star-Tribune,
April 2, 1976.

Roberts, Steven. "O'Neill Criticizes President."
The New York Times,
October 28, 1983.

Russakoff, Dale. "Unlikely Wyoming Posse Saddles Up for Energy Fight."
The Washington Post,
August 26, 1982.

Salisbury, David. "Reagan Begins Turning Key to 'Unlock' US Wilderness."
The Christian Science Monitor,
December 8, 1981.

Schmemann, Serge. "U.S. Lawmakers, in Moscow, Disagree About a 'Signal' on Missiles,"
The New York Times,
July 8, 1983.

Shabecoff, Philip. "House Studies Ban on Oil Leases in Wilderness Areas."
The New York Times,
November 18, 1981.

Swardson, Anne, and Tom Kentworthy. "Wright Ekes Out Tax Bill's Passage; Speaker Literally Turns Back Clock to Overcome Party Rebellion."
The Washington Post,
October 30, 1987.

Tolchin, Martin. "Congressional Fellowship: Up a Golden Ladder."
The New York Times,
February 3, 1984.

United Press International. "Cheney's Good Fortune Due to Luck, Even He Admits." October 29, 1978.

Wilson, Warren. "Cheney May Have Violated Campaign Law."
Casper Star-Tribune,
November 4, 1978.

Wright, Jim. Author interview. February 27, 2006.

Worth It All: My War for Peace.
McLean, Va.: Brassey's (US) / Maxwell Macmillan, 1993.

Covert Cover-up

Abshire, David M.
Saving the Reagan Presidency: Trust Is the Coin of the Realm.
College Station, Tex.: Texas A&M University Press, 2005.

Cheney, Dick. Question and Answer. Air Force Two en route to Muscat, Oman, December 20, 2005.

Department of State. Memo for the Record. Subject: Testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Regarding the Crash of a C-123 in Nicaragua. National Security Archives, October 14, 1986.

Fein, Bruce. Author interview. July 21, 2006.

Fisher, Louis. Author interview. June 9, 2006.

The Politics of Executive Privilege.
Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2004.

Fuerbringer, Jonathan. "Democrats Dispute Reagan View on Iran Dealings."
The New York Times,
November 14, 1986.

Hamilton, Lee. Author interview. June 23, 2006.

Hoffman, David. "North Drew Rodriguez into Contra Operation: Ex-CIA Operative Was Friend of Bush Aide."
The Washington Post,
April 26, 1987.

Iran-Contra Committee hearing transcripts, vols. 1-8, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1987.

Kornbluh, Peter, and Malcolm Byrne, eds. "The Iran-Contra Scandal: The Declassified History."
A National Security Archive Documents Reader,

Liman, Arthur L.
Lawyer: A Life of Counsel and Controversy.
New York: PublicAffairs, February 2003.

Locy, Toni. "Experts Say Cheney Can't Avoid Testifying." Associated Press, May 26, 2006.

The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,
July 7, 1987.

———July 24, 1987.

McNamee, Wally. "Two Leaks, but by Whom?"
July 27, 1987.

Osterlund, Peter. "GOP Congressman Warns Against Limiting Presidential Power."
The Christian Science Monitor,
November 24, 1987.

Report on the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair, with Supplemental, Minority, and Additional Views. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, November 1987.

Roland, Neil. "Reagan Urged Limited Disclosure of Iran Arms Deals." United Press International, July 31, 1987.

Rudman, Warren. Author interview. June 6, 2006.

Shales, Tom. "What a Difference a Day Makes: Lawmakers Pull Out Kid Gloves for North."
The Washington Post,
July 11, 1987.

Shenon, Philip. "G.O.P. Iran Report Defends President."
The New York Times,
November 17, 1987.

Thatcher, Gary. "Minority Report Takes Strong Issue."
The Christian Science Monitor,
November 19, 1987.

United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp.
Supreme Court of the United States, December 21, 1936.

Walker, Dana. "Cheney: Iran-Contra Scandal Will Be a Footnote in History." United Press International, April 7, 1987.

Walsh, Lawrence E.
Firewall: The Iran-Contra Conspiracy and Cover-up.
New York: WW. Norton, 1997.

Wright, Jim. Author interview. February 27, 2006.

Worth It All: My War for Peace.
McLean, Va.: Brassey's (US) / Maxwell Macmillan, 1993.

Secretary of War

Bernstein, James. "Dick Cheney Goes on the Offensive."
January 14, 1991.

Broder, John H., and Ralph Vartabedian. "Cheney Cancels Navy's $57-Billion Attack Jet."
Los Angeles Times,
January 1, 1981.

Church, George J. "How Much Is Too Much?"
February 12, 1990.

———. "Towering Troubles: Bush's Pick for the Pentagon Faces Questions About His Conduct."
February 13, 1989.

Clancy, Paul. "Congress Would OK Use of Force."
USA Today,
January 7, 1991.

Cohen, Richard E. "The Unhappy Few Lose Another Chief."
National Journal,
March 18, 1989.

Congressional Budget Office.
Defense Spending, 1969-2005.

Duffy, Brian. "Desert Storm."
U.S. News & World Report,
January 28, 1991.

The Economist,
"Central Intelligence Agency: Meaning to Kill People Is Wrong," October 28, 1989.

———. "Dick Cheney's Pentagon." January 19, 1991.

Elson, John. "Just Who Can Lead Us to War: A Legal Dilemma Pits the White House Against Congress,"
December 17, 1990.

Galtney, Liz, and Charles Fenyvesi. "What Did the Swallows Learn in Geneva?"
Business Week,
February 20, 1989.

Gordon, Michael R. "Cheney Blamed for Press Problems in Panama."
The New York Times,
March 20, 1990.

Hall, John. "Cheney Tackles Pentagon Waste by Sweeping Away Admiral."
Richmond Times,
December 13, 1990.

Lacayo, Richard. "The Insider."
The New York Times,
August 7, 2000.

Los Angeles Times.
"Cheney, Powell Back from Gulf, Meet with Bush Military: 'America Is Behind You,' President Tells Troops in a Broadcast Message for the Holiday." December 25, 1990.

Mann, James. "Colin Powell, Forever the 'Good Soldier.' "
Los Angeles Times,
March 28, 2004.

Matthews, Thomas. "The Secret History of the War."
March 18, 1991.

———. "War in the Gulf: The Road to War."
January 28, 1991.

Meyer, Peter. "A Week in the Life of Dick Cheney."
February 25, 1991.

Morganthau, Tom, and Russell Watson. "War in the Gulf: The War: Desert Storm."
March 4, 1991.

Morrison, David C. " 'Whiz Kids' Rebound."
National Journal,
November 11, 1989.

Nelan, Bruce W. "Ready for Action: Dick Cheney and Colin Powell Are the Savviest Pair to Lead the Pentagon in Years."
November 12, 1990.

Nelson, Lars-Erik. "Defense Contractors Learn Business as Usual Too Costly for Cheney."
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
January 11, 1991.

Perry, Nancy. "How Defense Will Change."
March 25, 1991.

Romano, Lois. "The Pentagon's Dapper Spokesman: Pete Williams Has Regained Confidence of Media After Panama Fiasco."
San Francisco Chronicle,
January 24, 1991.

San Francisco Chronicle.
"Cheney 'Livid' About Confusion over Bombing." April 11, 1990.

Schneider, William. "The In-box President: George Bush Is a Master of Unheroic Politics in Which Everything, or Almost Everything, Is Negotiable."
The Atlantic,
January 1990.

Shanker, Thorn, and Elaine Povich. "Cheney Dodges Growing Flak over Uprising."
Chicago Tribune,
October 6, 1989.

Walsh, Kenneth T. "The Brief Eclipse of James Baker."
U.S. News & World Report,
March 4, 1991.

Walte, Juan J. "Cheney to Congress: Hands Off Foreign Crisis."
USA Today,
October 11, 1989.

Wartzman, Rick, and Bob Davis. "Cheney's Bomb Rattles Aerospace World—No Ready Replacement Seen for Canceled Navy Program."
The Wall Street Journal,
January 9, 1991.

Wildstrom, Stephen. "The Loneliness of the Last Cold Warrior."
Business Week,
May 7, 1990.

Wilkerson, Lawrence, Col. Author interview. June 16, 2006.

———. Speech to New American Foundation. October 19, 2005.

Woodward, Bob.
The Commanders: The Pentagon and the First Gulf War, 1989-1991.
New York: Touchstone, 2002.

Lawless CEO: The Halliburton Years

ABC News
This Week.
Interview with Dick Cheney. July 30, 2000.

Berenson, Alex, and Lowell Bergman. "Under Cheney, Halliburton Altered Policy on Accounting."
The New York Times,
May 22, 2002.

Bergman, Lowell, et al. "The 2000 Campaign: The Republican Running Mate: Cheney Is Said to Be Receiving $20 Million Retirement Package."
The New York Times,
August 12, 2000.

Briody, Dan.
The Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.

Bruno, Kenny, and Jim Vallette. "Halliburton's Destructive Engagement." A report by EarthRights International, October 2000.

Bryce, Robert. "Halliburton's Boss from Hell."
, July 21, 2004 (

CBS News
60 Minutes.
"Doing Business with the Enemy." August 29, 2004.

Cheney, Dick. "Defending Liberty in a Global Economy." Collateral Damage Conference,

Cato Institute, Washington, D.C., June 23, 1998.

———. Speech. Astana, Kazakhstan, May 5, 2006.

———. Speech. Vilnius, Lithuania, May 4, 2006.

DeFrank, Thomas M., and Kenneth R. Bazinet. "Putin Takes Poke at 'Bad Shot' Veep." New York
Daily News,
July 13, 2006.

Elkind, Peter. "The Truth About Halliburton."
April 18, 2005.

Gerth, Jeff, and Richard W. Stevenson. "Cheney's Role in Acquisition Under Scrutiny."
The New York Times,
August 1, 2002.

Gold, Russell. "Halliburton to Put KBR Unit on the Auction Block."
The Wall Street Journal,
January 31, 2005.

Gwynne, S. C. "Did Dick Cheney Sink Halliburton (and Will It Sink Him)?"
Texas Monthly,
October 2002.

Halliburton Earnings Conference Call. Q2 2002. FDCHeMedia, Inc., July 24, 2002.

Halliburton Watch,

Hays, Kristen. "Halliburton Bribery Investigation Expands." Associated Press, March 2, 2005.

Hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Secretary of Defense Confirmation, March 14, 1989.

Highland Insurance Group, Inc., et al. v. Halliburton Company, et al.
Court of Chancery of Delaware, March 21, 2001.

Ivanovich, David, and Tom Fowler. "Cheney at Halliburton."
Houston Chronicle,
August 29, 2004.

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