Vice (37 page)

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Authors: Lou Dubose

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Navy, U.S.


Neal, Anne

Negley, Nancy


Nessen, Ron

New Hampshire

New Republic, The,



New Yorker, The,

Abu Ghraib photos

New York Times, The,

Bush-Cheney administration and

Hersh articles on Ford administration

Niger uranium op-ed and Plame leak


illegal funding of Con-tras in

Reagan's secret war in


Somoza dynasty

Nields, John

Niger: Wilson's trip to

yellow cake documents


Halliburton corruption scandal in


Nixon, Richard M.

administration of

pardon of

resignation of


Noriega, Manuel

North, Oliver

Iran-Contra testimony

Iran-Contra role

trial of

North Carolina

Northern Alliance

North Korea

Novak, Robert

nuclear energy

nuclear weapons

end of Cold War

Iran and

Iraq and

MX missiles

Reagan policy

Nunn, Sam

Nunn-Lugar Comparative Threat Reduction Initiative

Odessa Permian Basin oilfields

Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)

Office of Legal Counsel (OLC),

Office of Legal Policy

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Office of the Vice President (OVP)



Halliburton and




Oil for Food program

O'Keefe, Sean


Oklahoma City bombing

Olson, Ted

O'Neill, Paul

O'Neill, Tip

Ornstein, Norman

Osborne, John

Osprey helicopter


Bush-Cheney absence of


Pace, Peter

Paige, Ron


Palmer, Fred


U.S. invasion of

Patchen, Mike

Patriot Act

Paxon, Bill


Peabody Energy



Cheney as defense secretary

Iraq War policy

plans for preemptive attack on Iran

September 11 attacks

torture policy

Perle, Richard

Philbin, Patrick


Pike Committee

Pincus, Walter

Pipes, Richard

Plame, Valerie
Wilson, Valerie Plame

Podhoretz, Norman

Poe, Heather

Poindexter, John

political action committees


Powell, Colin

Abu Ghraib and

as chair of Joint Chiefs

Cheney and

diplomacy-first position on Iraq

Gulf War and

as secretary of state

U.N. speech on Iraq


Bush-Cheney concept of executive-centered government

executive privilege

war powers

see also
presidential elections;

specific presidents

President Ford Committee (PFC)

presidential elections: of 1976

of 1980

of 1992

of 2000

2000 vote recount

Prettyman, E. Barrett

Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

Putin, Vladimir

Quayle, Dan

Racicot, Mark

Radice, Anne-Imelda

Rahman, Shiekh Omar Abdel

Rand Corporation

Rangel, Charles

Reagan, Ronald

administration of

defense spending

environmental policy

foreign policy

impeachment possibility

Iran-Contra and

MX missile program

1976 presidential campaign

Rehnquist, William

Republican Conference

Republican National Committee

Republican National Convention (2000)

Republican Party

hall parties

Republican Policy Committee

Restore Iraqi Oil (RIO)

Rice, Condoleezza

Iraq War and

as secretary of state

Richardson, Elliot

Ridge, Tom

Roberts, Cokie

Roberts, Pat

Rockefeller, Nelson

Halloween Massacre

as vice president

Rodriguez, Felix

Roncalio, Teno

oosevelt, Franklin D.

Root, Dan

Rove, Karl

plot to discredit Wilson

Rowe, John W.

Rudman, Warren

Rumsfeld, Donald

Cheney and

congressional career

as defense secretary

failed Iraq War plan

as Ford's chief of staff

ineptitude of

as NATO ambassador

OEO position

September 11 attacks and

torture policy

Russert, Tim

Russia (former Soviet Union)

Bush-Cheney administration and

Cheney and

see also
Soviet Union

Sanchez, Rick

sanctions, international

Halliburton vs.




Saudi Arabia


Savage, Charlie

Scalia, Antonin

Cheney and

Schlesinger, James

school vouchers

Schwarzkopf, Norman

Scowcroft, Brent

"Don't Attack Saddam" op-ed piece

Secord, Richard

Secret Service

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Senate, U.S.

Cheney's VP role in

see also
Congress, U.S.

Senate Armed Services Committee

separation of powers

September 11 terrorist attacks

fading effect of

Iraq connection theory invented by Cheney

Serrano, Andres


Shapiro, Robert

Shultz, George

Sierra Club

signing statements

Bush-Cheney use of

Simon & Schuster

Simpson, Alan

Skelton, George

Skinner, Samuel

Smith, Mike

Snow, Tony

Social Security

Social Security Trust Fund

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr


Somoza, Anastasio

South Africa

South Carolina

Southern Christian Republicans

Soviet Union

arms race

Cheney and

collapse of


Ford administration and

Reagan administration and

see also
Russia (former Soviet Union)


Specter, Arlen

Spielberg, Steven

Stanley, A. Jack

Starr, Ken

State Department

Stealth bomber

Steiger, Bill

stem cell research

Stennis, John

Stevens, Stuart

Stevens, Ted

Stevenson, Adlai

Strategic Air Command

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Stroock, Thomas

Sullivan, Brendan

Sununu, John

Supreme Court, U.S.

Bush v. Gore,

Hamdan v. Rumsfeld,

Hamdi v. Rumsfeld,

Rasul v. Bush,

role in 2000 presidential election

United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Group,

surveillance, government

Ford administration

see also

Suskind, Ron:
The One Percent Doctrine,

The Price of Loyalty,

Sutherland, George



Taft, William IV

Talbott, Strobe


Tappan, Sheryl Elam

Shock and Awe in Fort Worth,

tax cuts

Taylor, Anna Diggs

Team RIO

Teeter, Bob


Teller, Edward


Bush-Cheney torture policy and

Iraq link

September 11 attacks

war powers and

Tesler, Jeffrey



Bush as governor of

Republican Party

S & L industry

think tanks

Thomas, Bill

Thomas, Clarence


Today show,


Abu Ghraib

Bush-Cheney policy of

McCain anti-torture amendment


Supreme Court rulings


Tower, John Goodwin

drinking and womanizing

Train, Russell E.

Politics, Pollution, and Pandas,

Transportation Department

Treasury Department

Trible, Paul


Udall, Morris

unitary executive

United Arab Emirates

United Nations

Bush's speech to

Iraq debate

Oil for Food program

Powell's speech on Iraq

Security Council

weapons inspections in Iraq

U.S. Export Administration Act

United States of America v. I. Lewis Libby,

University of Texas, Austin

University of Wisconsin

University of Wyoming

USA Engage


Veteran of Foreign Wars convention

vice presidency

official residence

role defined by Cheney

see also specific vice presidents

Vietnam War

Cheney avoids service in

fall of Saigon



Walker, David

Wall Street Journal, The

Walsh, Lawrence

Walton, Reggie

War Crimes Act (1996)

Warner, John

war powers

War Powers Resolution

Warsaw Pact

Washakie Wilderness

Washington, D.C.

Washington, George

Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Washington Post, The,

Washington Times, The,


Watt, James

Waxman, Henry

energy task force investigation

Ways and Means Committee

weapons of mass destruction

false intelligence about

not found in Iraq

Wednesday Group

Weekly Standard,

Weinberger, Caspar

Weir, Bob

Welch, David

Welch, Lawrence

Western Union

Weyerhauser Special Political Action Committee

White, Mary Jo

White House

Christmas cards

PEOC bunker

Situation Room

see also specific administrations

Whitman, Christine Todd

Whittington, Harry

shot by Cheney

wilderness areas

Wilkerson, Lawrence

Williams, Pete

Wilson, Joseph

Niger uranium op-ed article

smear campaign against

Wilson, Valerie Plame

outed from CIA

Wilson, Woodrow


Bush-Cheney use of

court rulings on

Ford administration scandal

Wolfowitz, Paul

Limited Contingency Study

rise in Defense Department

role in Iraq War

Woodward, Bob

Bush at War,

Plan of Attack,

World Court

World News Tonight with Peter Jennings,

World War II

Wright, Jim

career ended by Cheney

ethics investigation

Iran-Contra hearings

as Speaker of the House


Dick and Lynne Cheney as teenagers in

federal land use policy

Washakie Wilderness

Wyoming Outdoor Council

Wyoming Wilderness Act

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