Vice (34 page)

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Authors: Lou Dubose

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KBR, Inc. Prospectus. April 14, 2006.

King, John. "With an Eye on White House, GOP Prospects Gear Up Fund-Raising." Associated Press, September 2, 1994.

Landers, Jim. "Halliburton Chief Calls U.S. 'Sanctions-Happy': Cheney Criticizes Government Policy in Cato Institute Address."
The Dallas Morning News,
June 24, 1998.

———, and Richard Whittle. "Details Emerge in Bribery Probe: Cheney Isn't Focus of French Inquiry of Nigerian Gas Project."
The Dallas Morning News,
January 25, 2004.

Linzer, Dafha. "Past Arguments Don't Square with Current Iran Policy."
The Washington Post,
March 27, 2005.

Lynch, Colum. "Firm's Iraq Deals Greater Than Cheney Has Said."
The Washington Post
, June 23, 2001.

Mayer, Jane. "Contract Sport: Why Did the Vice President Go to Halliburton?"
The New Yorker,
February 16, 2004.

Murray, Brendan. "Bushes' Assets May Top $20 Million; Cheneys', $94 million." Bloomberg News, May 16, 2006.

Teeter, Bob. NBC /
Wall Street Journal
National Public Opinion Survey Data, December 1992–March 1994. Gerald R. Ford Library.

Vice presidential debate. Danville, Kentucky, October 5, 2000.

Lady MacCheney

ABC News
This Week.
Interview with Lynne Cheney. July 30, 2000.

Alonso-Zaldivar, Ricardo, and Jean Merl. "Booklet That Upset Mrs. Cheney Is History: The Department of Education Destroys 300,000 Parent Guides to Remove References to National Standards."
Los Angeles Times,
October 8, 2004.

Barlow, John Perry. Author interview. May 16, 2006.

Cheney, Dick. Speech. Fort Myers, Florida. October 14, 2004.

———, and Lynne Cheney. Speech. Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, October 13, 2004.

———. Interview.
Missile Defense,
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———. Town Hall Meeting. Duluth, Minnesota, September 29, 2004.

———. Town Hall Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 10, 2004.

Cheney, Lynne.
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New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979.

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The Wall Street Journal,
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———. Prepared Testimony. House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, January 24, 1995.

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The Wall Street Journal,
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Telling the Truth.
New York: Touchstone, 1996.

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Cheney, Mary.
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New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006.

Larry King Live.
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Deseret Maiming News,
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Fox News
On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.
Interview with Lynne Cheney. November 28, 2002.

Gibson, Don. Author interview. May 11, 2006.

Hackney, Sheldon. Author interview. May 1, 2006.

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Montgomery, Ala.: NewSouth Books, 2002.

Hammer, John. Author interview. May 7, 2006.

Hughes, Robert. "Pulling the Fuse on Culture: The Conservatives' All-Out Assault on Federal Funding Is Unenlightened, Uneconomic and Undemocratic."
August 7, 1995.

Jacoby, Mary. "Madame Cheney's Cultural Revolution."
, August 26, 2004 (

Katz, Stanley. Author interview. May 1, 2006.

Kemper, Bob. "Mary Cheney Urged to Speak Out: Activists Appeal to VP's Gay Daughter."
Chicago Tribune,
March 7, 2004.

Lemann, Nicholas. "The Quiet Man: Dick Cheney's Discreet Rise to Unprecedented Power."
The New Yorker,
May 7, 2001.

Martin, Jerry L., and Anne D. Neal. "Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America and What Can Be Done About It." American Council of Trustees and Alumni, November 2001.

Nash, Gary. Author interview. May 1, 2006.

———, et al.
History on Trial.
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Rawlins Daily Times.
"Lynne Cheney Plugs 'Executive Privilege.' " August 8, 1979.

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The Nation,
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Segal, David. "Cheney's Command."
Lingua Franca,
September/October 1992.

The NewsHonr with Fim Lehrer.
Interview with Lynne Cheney. October 1, 2003.

Weiss, Mike. "Landing the Lineman: Lynne Cheney Knew What It Took to Get Her Man—from Wyoming to Washington."
San Francisco Chronicle,
October 3, 2004.

Back to the White House

ABC News
This Week.
Interview with Dick Cheney, July 30, 2000.

World News Now.
Interview with Dick Cheney, July 26, 2001.

Altman, Lawrence K. "His Own E.R. in His Chest."
The New York Times,
June 30, 2001.

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The New York Times,
January 8, 1981.

Associated Press. "Cheney Says He Would Not Join Bush Administration." May 17, 2000.

Bowden, Mark, et al. "How Bush Selected Cheney."
The Philadelphia Inquirer,
July 26, 2000.

Bresnahan, John, and Mark Preston. "Congressional Republicans Blast Bush Team's Failure to Be Prepared for Attacks on VP Candidate Cheney."
Roll Call,
July 31, 2000.

Bruni, Frank. "The 2000 Campaign: The Search; Bush's List of Possible Running Mates Getting Shorter, but Not Clearer."
The New York Times,
June 19, 2000.

Cannon, James M. Author interview. May 18, 2006.

Cheney, Mary.
Now It's My Turn: A Daughter's Chronicle of Political Life.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006.

Larry King Live.
Interview with Dick Cheney. July 25, 2000.

Cooper, Michael. "The 2000 Campaign: The Republican Running Mate; In Harshest Attack Yet, Cheney Accuses Gore of Fabrications."
The New York Times,
September 20, 2000.

Dart, Bob. "GOP Raising Funds to Ease Forced Delay in Transition."
The Atlanta Journal Constitution,
November 28, 2000.

DeFrank, Thomas M. "Bush Taps Cheney to Head Running Mate Search."
New York Daily News,
April 20, 2000.

———, and Joe Mahoney. "Cheney's in Veep Chase." New York
Daily News,
July 21, 2000.

Fournier, Ron. "Bush Picks Cheney as Running Mate; Former Defense Secretary Accepts, GOP Source Says." Associated Press, July 25, 2000.

Gamboa, Suzanne. "Bush, Cheney Meet to Scour Running Mate Data." Associated Press, July 3, 2000.

George W. Bush, et al., Petitioners v. Albert Gore, Jr., et al.
Supreme Court of the United States, December 12, 2000.

Gullo, Karen. "Cheney: Cabinet Appointments Coming," Associated Press, December 15,2000.

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Harris, Leon, et al. "Cheney Released from George Washington University Hospital." CNN, November 24, 2000.

Isikoff, Michael. "Why Keating Didn't Cut It."
January 15, 2001.

Johnson, Glen. "Bush Picks Cheney to Head Running Mate Selection." Associated Press, April 25, 2000.

Kurtz, Howard. "Speculation Hardly Idle in Veepstakes."
The Washington Post,
July 26, 2000.

Macintyre, Ben. "Bush Retreats to Select a Running Mate."
The Times
(London), July 6, 2000.

Mann, James.
Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet.
New York: Viking, 2004.

Mashek, John W. "Bush Advisers Tout Cheney for Chief of Staff: Campaign '92."
Boston Globe,
June 1, 1992.

Miller, Karin. "Alexander Was Among 'Handful' of Serious Veep Candidates." Associated Press, July 25, 2000.

Mittelstadt, Michelle. "Bush Builds Campaign Brain Trust." Associated Press, February 25, 1999.

NBC News
Meet the Press.
Interview with Dick Cheney, July 30, 2000.

Neal, Steve, and Lynn Sweet. "Cheney on the Offensive: 'It Is Time for Them to Go,' Republican Candidate Says in Acceptance Speech."
Chicago Sun-Times,
August 4, 2000.

Neal, Terry M., and Dan Balz. "GOP Hails Cheney's Inclusion on Ticket; Democrats Prepare to Fight 'Big Oil.' "
The Washington Post,
July 26, 2000.

The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.
Interview with Dick Cheney, November 8, 2000.

Pearson, Rick. "Cheney Defends Record as Democrats Scramble to Attack."
Chicago Tribune,
July 27, 2000.

Raum, Tom. "Cheney's Health Poses New Uncertainty for GOP Planning." Associated Press, November 24, 2000.

Sanger, David E., and Lawrence K. Altman. "Cheney Gets Heart Device and Declares, 'I Feel Good.' "
The New York Times,
July 1, 2001.

Slater, Wayne, and Sam Attlesey. "Bush Picks Cheney to Be GOP Running Mate."
The Dallas Morning News,
July 26, 2000.

Stevens, Stuart.
The Big Enchilada: Campaign Adventures with the Cockeyed Optimists from Texas Who Won the Biggest Prize in Politics.
New York: Free Press, 2001.

Tapper, Jake. "I Pick Me!"
, July 26, 2000 (

Texas Monthly.
"Fantastic Four." August 1999.

Wetzstein, Cheryl. "Oklahoma's Keating Claims Comfort in Any Role for Bush; Ready to 'Serve Iced Tea' If Needed."
The Washington Times,
July 21, 2000.

The White House Bulletin. "Bush Transition Team Begins to Take Shape." December 12, 2000.

Soldiers of Fortune

Bolton, Claude M., Jr. (Assistant Secretary of the Army). Justification and Approval Memorandum for Commander Army Corps of Engineers. Department of the Army, February 28, 2003.

Business Wire.
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Callister, Fiona. "Eversheds' Moscow Office Poaches McDermotts
The Lawyer,
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———. Audit Report, October 8, 2004.

Flowers, Robert B., Lt. Gen. Letter to Rep. Henry Waxman. May 2, 2003.

Fox News
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Hamdi et al. v. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, et al.
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Hansen, Susan. "Lost in the Ruble."
The American Lawyer,
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Hecker, Charles. "Peanut Butter Process to Defuse Toxic Fuel."
The Moscow Times,
July 13, 1995.

Holland, Steve. "Cheney Took $178,473 from Halliburton in 2003." Reuters, April 13, 2004.

House Government Reform Committee. Hearing: "Efforts to Build Iraq," July 22, 2004.

The International Lawyer.
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Kohn, Michael D., et al. Letter to Acting Secretary of the Army Les Browning, October 21, 2004.

KBR, Inc. Prospectus. April 14, 2006.

Legal Times.
"Mobbs Scene." April 7, 2003.

Lowenberg, Sam. "Defensive Touch."
International Business,
June 1996.

NBC News
Meet the Press.
Interview with Dick Cheney, September 14, 2003.

O'Harrow, Robert. "E-Mail Lists Cheney's Office Contact; Officials Say Only Involvement with Halliburton Contract Was Announcing It."
The Washington Post,
June 2, 2004.

Shnayerson, Michael. "Oh! What a Lucrative War."
Vanity Fair,
April 2005.

Tappan, Sheryl Elam. Author interview. March 22, 2006.

Shock and Awe in Fort Worth: How the U.S. Army Rigged the "Free and Open Competition" to Replace Halliburton's Sole-Source Oil Field Contract in Iraq.
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———. Testimony. Senate Democratic Policy Committee, September 10, 2004.

United Press International. "Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger Announces the Appointment of Michael Mobbs." April 16, 1982.

———. "Michael Mobbs, assistant director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, announced his resignation." June 4, 1987.

Waxman, Henry. Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives. Fact Sheet: "Halliburton Contracts Worth $10 Billion." December 9, 2004.

———. Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives. Letter to Christopher Shays, Chair, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives. March 15, 2005.

———. Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives. Letter to Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers. March 26, 2003.

———. Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives. Letter to Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers. April 10, 2003.

———. Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives. Letter to Rep. Tom Davis. February 27, 2006.

———. Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives. Letter to Vice President Dick Cheney. June 13, 2004.

Wolfowitz, Paul (Assistant Secretary of Defense). "Determination and Findings." December 5, 2005.

Dick Cheney's War

Ackerman, Spencer, and Franklin Foer. "The Radical."
The New Republic,
December 1,2003.

Cheney, Dick. Speech. Discovery Institute, August 14, 1992.

———. Speech. Vietnam Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, August 26, 2002.

Cheney, Elizabeth. Financial Disclosure Report, 2002.

Clarke, Richard A.
Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror.
New York: Free Press, 2004.

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