Voices From S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison (50 page)

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Authors: David P. Chandler

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Political Science, #Human Rights

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adolescent participants in Cambodian revolution, 29, 33–34, 172n59
agriculture, failure of, under DK, 68–70
Alice in Wonderland
(Carroll), 48, 123 American prisoners at S-21, 165n35 Amery, Jean, 111, 141
angkar. See
Organization, the Angkor Wat, 118–19, 123, 197n21
Angleton, James Jesus, 22 An Hot, 105
Anlong Veng, 76
Apter, David, 90
Arant, Richard, 157
archive at S-21: microfilming of, 11; rationale for, 49, 50
Argentina, “dirty war” in, 7, 38, 143
Asad, Talal, 117
Ashley, David, 40
At the Mind’s Limits
(Amery), 142 Auschwitz, 5, 122, 141, 147; “gray

zone” at, 147

autobiographies, as ideological tools, 89–90, 189n41


Baen Chae (alias Chhaon Savath), 85, 121
Battambang, 68, 77, 121
Bauman, Zygmunt, 137, 154–55
Becker, Elizabeth, 46, 69
Berger, Peter, 124
Bizot, François, 21
Bosnia, 144, 155


Brother 89.
Son Sen
Brother Number One.
Pol Pot Brother Number Two.
Nuon Chea Browning, Christopher, 146–47, 152–53
Buddhism, 95, 106, 188n27, 197n21; and evil, 205n22
Buddhist Institute Dictionary,
116 Bun Than, 115
Burgler, R. A., 64 Buth Heng, 131


Cambodia Genocide Program, 49 Carney, Timothy, 106
Case Examination Committee (Chinese security agency), 127; named changed to Central Case Examination Group, 15, 127
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), in S-21 confessions, 92–93, 190–91nn51,52,55
Chamraon Vichea School, 65
Chan (Mam Nay), 12, 20, 23–24, 28

133, 136, 152

Chan Chakrei, 52–53, 121, 178n36 “Characteristics of the CPK” (CPK pam—

phlet), 106

Chea Mai, 17
Chea Sim, 48
Cheng An, 74
Chey Saphon, 2, 4
Chhim Chhun, 96
Chhim Peou, 104



Chhin Chap, 96
Chikreng rebellion, 62
China: Cultural Revolution in, 94, 127,
131, 141; embassy in DK, 56, 103; prison camps in, 3; Red Guards, 129, 138; reeducation in 6, 107, 152; thought reform in, 51, 124.
See also
K’ang Sheng; Mao Zedong
Choeung Ek, killing field at, 8, 22, 25,
29, 138–42
Chomsky, Noam, 45
Chon Ny, 97
Chou Chet (alias Si), 73, 100
Chrui Changvar, 73
class status
in DK, 32, 91, 122, 190n50
Collins, Randall, 116
Colm, Sara, 9, 77 commanders
(neak prao),
Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), 14, 59–60, 67; membership categories,

18, 90, 122

Communist Youth League, 18, 122
confessions at S-21, 88, 102–3; biography
in, 90, 91; “compli—
cated,” 90, 104; “hidden Vietnamese” in, 101–102, 193n86 ; length of, 87–88; “plans” in, 104–5, 109; sexual offenses in, 96; “strings of traitors” named in, 6, 81, 109, 128; truth or falsity of, 47–49, 177n25.
See also
interrogation at S-21; torture at S-21
Cornell University, and S-21 archive, 11 counterrevolution, 150, 205n21; in
USSR, 78
crimes against humanity at S-21, 141 crimes of obedience, 137–39, 202n68 cult of personality, 40
cultural explanations for violence in DK, 148–49, 204–5n17, 206n24


Daniel, E. Valentine, 111 Dante, 118
Darley, John, 148
Documentation Center—
S-21 prisoners “democracy activists” in DK, 62, 182n60 Democratic Kampuchea (DK), 14; 1976
election in, 46; constitution of, 46, 120, 121.
See also
Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK); DK army divisions; Organization, the; sectors in DK; zones in DK
dialectical materialism, 188n27 discipline
at S-21, 15, 93
Discipline and Punish
(Foucault), 118, 152
Dith Kung, 96
Democratic Kampuchea
DK army divisions: Division 170, 52–53;
Division 310, 62, 79, 96; Division 450,
62, 105; Division 801, 100
Djilas, Milovan, 13 Documentation Center—Cambodia
(DC–Cam), 12, 87, 88
“doing politics”
(tvoeu nayabay)
at S-21, 82–83, 85, 114, 134
Duch (Kang Kech Ieu), 17, 18, 67, 82,
93, 116, 136, 152; and assistants,
23–25; biography of, 20–23; “Last
Plan” by, 12, 22, 41, 44, 61


“education halls”
(sala oprum),
42, 80

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