Voices From S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison (51 page)

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Authors: David P. Chandler

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Political Science, #Human Rights

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Eichmann, Adolf, 153
Elms, Alan, 148
Em Chhoeurn, 81
Engels, Friedrich, 50
“external enemies,” 40–43


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 15 Fleiss, Wilhem, 78
Forrest, Alain, 144
Foucault, Michel, 111, 114, 116–17, 149; on torture, 195n3
“Four-Year Plan to Build Socialism in All Fields” (DK document), 54–56, 60, 65,

68, 70, 85

95, 103
Freud, Sigmund, 78, 107–8, 194nn97–98


Ginzburg, Eugenia, 121–22
Goffman, Erving, 14
Gourevitch, Philip, 33
“Guidance from 870” (DK document), 71, 184n84


Hak Kin Chheang, 81 Hak Seang Lay Ni, 61 Hamilton, V. Lee, 137
“Hanoi Khmer,” 21, 46, 48, 176n21
Hawk, David, 4–5, 11, 131
Heder, Steve: on “CIA” in confessions, 93; on democracy activists, 62; on Eastern Zone massacres, 74; on final purges, 76; on racism in DK, 151; on S-21 archive, 49, 50; on worldview of confessions, 81, 86, 87
Heng Samrin, 48, 74
Hermann, Edward, 45
hidden transcripts of resistance, 99–100
Hiegel, Jean-Pierre, 9
Him Huy, 22, 23, 25, 87, 139–40
Hinton, Alexander, 113, 128, 148, 204–5n17
historiography: in Cambodia, 50–51, 194n96; Marxist-Leninst, 106
Ho Chi Minh, 72, 92, 150; image of at

S-21, 115, 132

Holocaust, 7, 38, 99, 143–44, 151,


Horowitz, Louis, 14 Ho Tang Ho, 99 Hou Youn, 62, 63
Hu Nim (alias Phoas), biography and confession of, 62, 64–65, 80
Huy Savon, 95


Ieng Sary, 5, 33, 19, 123, 153–54
illness at S-21, 31 images of S-21, 138–39
“imposing torture”
(dak tearunnikam),

82, 116

Indonesia, massacres in, 143, 151, 155, 198n22
(Dante), 118
In Nam, 73
innocence or guilt of S-21 prisoners, 47–49, 175n16, 177n25
(neak cheh dung),
61 “internal enemies,” 43–45, 176n18 interrogation at S-21: different types of,
26–27, 169n37; notebook for, 134–37;
interrogation techniques, 85, 88, 112; and suggestibility of subjects, 187n19
In Van, 99
Iran, torture in, 113


Johnson, Lyndon B., 132, 150


Kae San (alias Suk), 98 Kafka, Franz, 48, 77
Kamm, Henry, 33
Kampuchea Krom (Lower Cambodia), 70 Kang Kech Ieu.
K’ang Sheng, 126–27, 199–200n41, 200n42
Ke Kim Huot, 110 Kelman, Herbert C., 137 Keng Bak, 98
Keo Meas, 24, 53, 54, 57, 66, 116; confession of, 58–60
Ke Pauk, 71, 73
KGB (USSR security service), 54, 125 Kheang Sum Hin (alias But), 80 Khek Pen (alias Sou), 69
Son Sen
Khieu Lohr, 23
Khieu Ponnary, 66
Khieu Samphan, 15, 35, 61, 99, 123,
Khieu Thirith, 69, 93
Khim Phuong, 8
Khim Yu, 105
Khin Vat (alias Ho), 23, 24
Khloeung Run, 98
Khmer Issarak, 68
Khmer People’s Revolutionary Party (KPRP), 59
Khmer Rouge.
Communist Party of Kampuchea; Democratic Kampuchea
Khmer Serei, 52
Kiernan, Ben, 150, 205n22 killing field.
Choeung Ek Kim Chhoeung, 95
Kim Il Sung, 40
Kim Tuy, 25, 34–35, 67.
See also
Tuy-Pon notebook
Kok Sros, 4, 18, 26, 29, 44, 82, 128,

139, 146, 152

Kompong Thom, 20
Koy Thuon (alias Khuon), 46–47; biography and confession of, 61–63, 181–82n59
Kundera, Milan, 80, 186n9 Ky Suk Hy, 21


La Fontaine, Jean de, 149 Landrac, Colette, 9
Laos, 101
Ledgerwood, Judy, 8–9, 138 Leng Sin Hak, 62
Levi, Primo, 141, 147 Lifton, Robert Jay, 154 listeners
(neak sdap),
Lon Nol, 44, 45, 70, 93
London, Artur, 83
Luckman, Thomas, 124
Ly Phen, 53, 132
Ly Vay, 52
Lycée Choeung Prey, 21 Lycée Sisowath, 20, 61


Maguire, Peter, 25, 87, 139
Mai Lam: on Cambodians, 163n8, 164n28; and Museum of Genocidal Crimes, 4–6; and stupa at Choeung Ek, 144
Ma Meng Kheang (alias Rin), 26, 129 Mam Nay.
Manichean worldview in DK, 9, 153, 204n13
Mao Zedong, 4, 32, 126 ; death of, 56;
Little Red Book,
40; “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People,” 41, 56, 174n3; on permanent revolution, 173n1
Marston, John, 132
Marx, Karl, 50
medical experimentation at S-21, 32, 171n53
Mey Mann, 76
M. I. 5 (British security service), 15 Milgram, Stanley, experiments by,
148–49, 155, 206n27
Military-Security Commission and S-21, 53, 136n5
modernity and S-21, 108, 196n9 Mollica, Richard, 33
Mol Moeun, 10
Moscow show trials.
USSR, show tri-als in
mug shots.
photographs of S-21 prisoners
Muol Sambath (alias Nhem Ros), 64–65, 69, 73
Museum of American War Crimes (Ho Chi Minh City), 5
Museum of Genocidal Crimes (Phnom Penh), 4, 27, 33, 118, 138


narrative truth, 51, 178n32, 194n97 National Assembly, 35, 64
National Museum, 52
Nazi atrocities, 146–47, 152–153.
See also
Auschwitz; Holocaust; Stangl, Franz; Treblinka
Neak Ang Kear, 99 Nek Bun An, 21
“new people,” 65, 68, 69, 122
Ney Saran (alias Ya), 24, 54, 57–58, 129; gaps in confession of, 180n47
Nhem En, 25, 27–29, 30, 36, 90, 99,

128, 139

Niven, Douglas, 87, 128, 139, 152
Noeum Moeun, 103
Non Suon (alias Chey Suon) 54, 60, 91
Norodom Sihanouk, 4, 19, 52, 64, 68 Nun Huy (“Ricefield Huy”), 25
Nuon Chea (“Brother Number Two”), 15, 16, 17, 41–43, 57, 153–54


Oeur Iep, 104
Office 15, 22
Office 24.
Prey So Office 100, 19, 54, 66, 73
Office 870, 63, 64, 125
Ofshe, Richard, 78
“On the Problem of Hidden Vietnamese” (study document from S-21), 102
the, code name for CPK, 30, 66, 79, 87, 88, 90, 95,

99, 104, 105, 129, 132

Orwell, George, 152


Pak Chhean, 99
paranoia of CPK leaders, 50, 107–8
Party Center
(mochhim pak),
5, 14, 37,
44, 47, 55, 63– 65, 80, 86, 107, 112,


Party security
(santesuk pak),
67 Pasternak, Boris, 144
“peasant anger” in DK, 150–51, 206n24
Pedagogical Institute (Phnom Penh), 19, 20
Peng, 23
Pehn Sopheap, 93
People’s Republic of Kampuchea (PRK), 4 Pétain, Philippe, 48
Peters, Edward, 117 Pham Van Ba, 70 Phe Di, 93
Pheng Tri, 31
Phok Sary, 70
Photo Archive Group, 166n38, 170n42 photographs of S-21 prisoners, 8, 13,

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