Voices From S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison (52 page)

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Authors: David P. Chandler

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Political Science, #Human Rights

BOOK: Voices From S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison
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27–29, 166n38.
See also
Photo Archive Group
Phouk Chhay, 24, 62
Phuong, 53, 99
Phuong Damrei (alias Phoeun), 31 Pok Pha, 101
Pol Pot (Saloth Sar), 9, 28, 54, 57, 66,
84, 104, 127; denies knowledge of Tuol Sleng, 8; on “enemies,” 42; on “enemy networks,” 94; explanations for what went wrong in DK, 108–109; paranoia of, 76; statues of, 3, 40; trial of, 76; visits China, 70; visits Sao Phim’s headquarters, 71
“Pol Pot–Ieng Sary genocidal clique,” 5, 9 Pon (Tang Sin Hean), 24, 58, 102, 116,
151, 169n31.
See also
Tuy-Pon notebook
Ponhea Yat, 4
Pracheachon (People’s) Party, 59 Prak Khoeun, 26
Prey So prison farm, 25, 28, 30–31, 38,

40, 152

PRK Ministry of Culture, 8, 11
Prum Phon, 97
psychoanalysis, and interrogation, 78, 107–8, 186n4, 194n98
Pu, 26
(boh samat),
41, 74–76; in 1975, 45–46, 176n19; of diplomats and intellectuals, 61; in Eastern Zone, 36–37, 140; final stages of, 74–76; in
northwest, 68–74
in postwar France, 45


racism in DK, 150, 151, 205n22
Re Bo, 81
recovered memory, 78
reeducation hall
(sala kay pray),
125 Regiment 411, 97
Rejali, Darius, 113, 116
Revolutionary Flags
(DK revolutionary journal).
Tung Padevat
Revolutionary Youth
(DK revolutionary journal), 11, 60
revolutionary prison
(kuk padevat),
66 Rivero, Miguel, 4
Roeun, 100
Ros Phuong, 53
Royal Palace, 52
Rwanda, 33


S-21, 1, 3, 37, 38, 162n11; entry records
for, 36; secrecy at, 15–17, 80; Son Sen on, 129, 166n4; transmission of prisoners to, 186–87n19.
See also
Museum of Genocidal Crimes; S-21 personnel; S-21 prisoners; S-21 survivors
S-21 Kh, 22
S-21 personnel, 32–35; defense unit, 28–29; documents unit, 27–28; economic support subunit, 30; guards, 28–29; interrogation unit, 26–27; paramedical subunit, 31–32; photography subunit, 27–28; self-criticism sessions for, 189n43; telephone directory for, 17–18
S-21 prisoners, 35–40; arrest of, 77–78;
dehumanization of, 44, 118, 121–22,
134, 136; executions of 139–41; medical experimentation on, 32, 171n53; numbers of, 35–36; sexual abuse of, 38, 131, 173n72, 201n53.
See also
confessions at S-21; photographs of S-21 prisoners; torture at S-21
S-21 survivors: Pha Thachan, 10, 82; Ruy Nikon, 40; Ten Chan, 115; Ung Pech, 5–6, 40, 131; Vann Nath, 10, 13,
23, 38, 77, 114, 118, 121, 125, 140
Saich, Tony, 90
Saloth Sar.
Pol Pot
Samlaut rebellion (1967), 65, 68
3, 59, 75.
See also
Sao Phim (alias Sovanna), Secretary of Eastern Zone, 46, 53, 65, 72, 74, 80;
suicide of, 74
Sar Kheng, 48
Sau Kang, 85
Sbauv Hin (alias Euan), 79 Scarry, Elaine, 111
Schliemann, Heinrich, 78
Scott, James, 99
Sean An, 61
SEATO, DK conception of, 41
sectors in DK: Sector 1, 69; Sector 4, 69;
Sector 7, 110; Sector 21, 73; Sector 22,
65, 73; Sector 23, 73; Sector 25, 17,
34, 35; Sector 31, 35; Sector 32, 73;
Sector 33, 21, 35 ; Sector 37, 85; Sector 41, 35
security police
term in DK used to identify S-21, 3, 59, 75
self-criticism sessions at S-21, 189n43 Sereny, Gita, 145–47, 155
Shawcross, William, on S-21, 3 Shklar, Judith, 144–45
show trials, in Eastern Europe, 124, 142.
See also
USSR, show trials in
Siet Chhe (alias Tum), 65–68, 84–85,
Sofsky, Wolfgang, 38, 110, 115, 129
Sok Thuok (alias Von Vet), 21, 72, 74, 93
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 80, 83, 123
Son Moeun, 115
Son Sen (alias Khieu, alias Brother 89), cadre responsible for S-21, 12, 15, 17,
50, 52, 62, 71, 86, 100, 123, 154;
assassination of in 1997, 20; biography
of, 18–21; suspected in 1978, 75 Soviet Union.
Spain: anarchism in, 151; Inquisition in, 77
special prison
(kuk pises)
at S-21, 37, 38 Spence, Donald, 51
Spence, Jonathan, 144
Stalin, Josef, 94, 121, 122, 124
Stanford University, 147–48
Stangl, Franz, 145–48
Stasi (East German security service), 15 Staub, Ervin, 155
Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo, 145 Suas Neou (alias Chhouk), 53
Sua Va Sy (alias Doeun), biography and confession of, 61–63
Summers, Laura, 62
Sun Hao, 56
Sun Ty, 129–30
Suong, 71, 73
Suos Thi, 24, 91, 140
survivors of S-21.
S-21 survivors Svang Kum, 132
Svay Rieng, Vietnamese occupation of, 71 Sy Chheng Huot, 78


Ta Khmau, suburb of Phnom Penh, 22, 34
Ta Mok, 15, 17, 57, 74–76, 92
Tan Doeurn, 99
Tang Sin Hean.
Pon Ten Chan, 115
Thailand, 56, 68–69
Thayer, Nate, 7, 24, 57, 94, 153–54
Thion, Serge, 5
Thong Vann, 83
Timerman, Jacobo, 83
Tiv Ol, 24, 61
Todorov, Tzvetan, 137, 155
torture, 11; Aristotle on, 123, 200n53; and Buddhism, 116; in Cambodian past, 117, 119; in DK, 120–22; in East
Asia, 117; in Iran, 113; judicial,
117–18, 120; medieval, 117; penal, 116; theoretical considerations, 195n5.
See also
torture at S-21
torture at S-21, 31, 82, 116, 127–34,
136–37; beatings, 82, 115, 125; electric shock, 131–32, 201n56.
See also
confessions at S-21; interrogation at S-21;
S-21 prisoners; Tuy-Pon notebook total institution, 14–15
Touch Phoeun, 61
Tung Padevat
Treblinka, 145–48
The Trial
(Kafka), 77
trial of Khmer Rouge, and S-21 archive, 165n34
Tum Taev
(Cambodian poem), 118 Tum Thun, 104
Tung Padevat (Revolutionary Flags),
11, 16, 43, 60, 63, 69, 90–91
Tuol Sleng.
Tuol Svay Prey, 2, 4; as site for S-21, 46, 163n15
Tuy-Pon notebook, 12, 88, 126, 128,



44, 123, 175n17, 205n22
United States bombing campaign in Cambodia, 34
United States Seventh Fleet, 41
Upper Brothers
(bong khang loeu),
15, 32 66, 85, 92, 136, 138, 154
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), 3, 15; show trials in, 6–7, 122–24.
See also
Ginzburg, Eugenia; Solzhenitsyn, Alexander; Stalin, Josef


Vairon, Lionel, 10
Vann Khoeurn, 97
Vickery, Michael, 150–51, 206n24 Vietnam, DK war with, 71–74.
See also
“Hanoi Khmer”; racism in DK Vietnamese prisoners at S-21, 36, 38,

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