Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...

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Something old, new, borrowed, an




K. K .Harris


Vows of Deception

K. K. Harris

Copyright © 2014 K. K. Harris


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This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.


I would like to dedicate this book to the love of my life, my number one supporter, my rock and wonderful husband Antonio Harris. You believed in me when no one had a clue what I was capable of accomplishing. Thank you for always pushing me to the next level.





I would like to acknowledge my wonderful family, there are too many to name one by one so please no one take offense. But there are ones that can be pinpointed by what they know they do, these are the ones who let me run my ideas by them as well as read my works to give their honest opinions. Thank you guys so much for your unconditional love, open minds, and constructive criticism. Thank you to my wattpad.com friends for supporting my stories from beginning to end and providing that much needed feedback from an unbiased viewpoint.

Also to my growing fan base, I want to thank each one of you for purchasing my books and overall giving me a chance to live my dream.


I pray you enjoy and God Bless!


“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Lamont, you may kiss your bride.” The pastor announced and the congregation went wild. St. Nichol’s Missionary Baptist church was filled to the brim with on-lookers. Lamont Graves III and Danielle Renee Graves exited the church hand in hand surrounded by their loved ones.

The driver was instructed to take the longest way possible to the venue where the reception would be held to give the couple some much needed time alone. Because of the extenuating circumstances, they would not be taking a honeymoon. Between a full-time job as a social worker at the area hospital, a full load in school, and Lamont’s entrance level position they didn’t have the time nor the finances. Thanks to some good credit during her college years they were afforded a reasonable wedding and reception. Afterwards adjourning to a suite that was discounted by his best friend who manages the most extravagant hotel in all of downtown Charlotte. Living on a budget was what they were subjected to but the plans for the future would be well worth the wait.

Having met during Danni’s senior year in college one faithful day on the campus of Harris University, Lamont, a graduate student, quickly turned up the charm trying to bag the face new to him. Danielle rejected his advances without a second glance. That alone pushed his like for her until it turned into an infatuation. Danielle turned down every attempt he made in trying to get to know her. Lamont made it a point to seek out the young lady who made a lasting impression at first bump. He had practically stalked poor Danielle until she agreed to go out with him. Being the beginning of a beautiful relationship to surpass all other failed attempts. After two years of courtship, Lamont thought it was time to pop the question.

An engagement of two years plus a couple of loans, Lamont and Danielle were able to buy their first home. With the left over from buying a fixer-upper they paid for the extra things they wanted for their wedding and reception.


“How does it feel to be Mrs. Graves?” Lamont asked his blushing wife.

“It feels great. Are you happy?”

“The happiest man on Earth.” Lamont said with a smile. “The real question is...are you happy?”

“Is this the face of a woman that isn’t happy?” Danielle made a funny face making Lamont laugh at her goofiness. “No seriously, I love you so much. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. Grow old together.”

“I can’t either baby.” He stated kissing his new wife’s lips. “I’m sorry we couldn’t take a honeymoon but I promise as soon as I am making more money, I will take you wherever you want to go.”

“You know I don’t need material things.”

“I hear you but don’t nag too much when all we have is ramen noodles for the next three to five years.” He joked.

“Boy stop, as long as we got hot sauce, crackers, and cheese we are good to go.”

“You are priceless young lady.”

“That will work.” They laughed. “Seriously, all I need is you. Plus have a mini me and you. What more could a girl ask for?”

“You got me whenever you want girl but…”

“I know, we shouldn’t have kids until we are both stable within our career. I got you but I can at least dream right.”

“Yeah baby, dream all you want.”


The couple finally arrived at their reception where they indulged in food, dancing, and endless congratulations. Pictures were taken as the two embraced throughout the evening. This was the beginning to the happily ever after or at least that’s what it was supposed to be.

Chapter One

This day five years ago, Lamont and Danielle said their vows of to have and to hold in front of all their witnesses. Danielle was anticipating all day long over what was to come. All the while getting her hair done, manicure, pedicure, and facial the nerves of standing in front of a bunch of people was still a lot to take in. Personally she would have preferred having a simple dinner just the two of them but Lamont wanted to go all out with a huge shindig. The guest list consisted of high powered businessmen, lawyers, doctors, and other influential people in the community. Unfortunately for her she didn’t have any friends of her own because Lamont was convinced that the ones she had were jealous of her. They were supposedly jealous because she had a good husband who loved her unconditionally. They were living the good life after all, his words not hers.

Currently they had remodeled their once simple two story family home on an acre of land for the third and final. Now the home was a plush three bedroom, three bathroom plus powder room, finished basement for his smoking room, and so many more amenities. Lamont had even insisted they have a wine cellar in the far corner of the basement for the good stuff to be stored. Lamont had changed over the years from the simple guy that grew up as a middle class citizen to an over the top trying to please the big wigs executive. In a few short years, he had moved up from the entrance level executive to the highest level executive before vice president. Danielle was happy that he had reached his goals taking some of the pressure off of her to be the main source of income.

Danielle had applied for so many jobs to hopefully reach her goal of where she wanted to be in five years. When she finally finished her final course work just last year, she was officially a licensed psychotherapist not just a social worker. She loved what she did at Helping Hand but that wasn’t where she wanted to remain the remainder of years. The fact that she could help the troubled kids that came into the facility was good and all but she wanted to broaden her scope of work. Increasing in income wasn’t such a bad idea either, sadly no one has considered her for the positions she has sought out.

“Sweetheart are you ready?” Lamont sauntered into their bathroom as she sat at her vanity retouching her makeup. She couldn’t help but to admire how sexy he looked in his Armani suit.

“Depends on what you mean by ready?” Danielle said seductively giving her husband the eye. The smirk on his face let her know he knew exactly where her mind had drifted off to.

“Maybe I should be asking you what exactly you are ready for.”

“I am ready for you to make love to me. It’s been a little while since the last time we were together.”

“I know baby but we’ve both been really busy.”

“Well I got a surprise for you.”

“Oh yeah and what’s that?” Danielle removed her robe to reveal her clean shaven kitty with his name in beautiful script over the triangle.

“Is that a real tattoo?” Lamont asked with an appalled look on his face.

“No silly it’s airbrushed.”

“As good as you look half naked and all, you should probably get dressed so we can get out of here. We don’t want to keep our guests waiting.”

“I am standing here with this gift on display and all you can think about is our guests.”

“I promise after we get back from our party, I will gladly ravish every inch of my gift. How does that sound?” Lamont kissed Danielle on the nose before pulling her into a tight embrace. “You smell so good.”

“Thank you but I probably taste even better. Would you like a taste husband?”

“I will take your word for it. The limo is downstairs honey. Chop, chop we have to get going.”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Danielle exclaimed because she was big heaping coal of horny. It had been at least two months since they had sex lasting longer than a quickie. In the beginning he would make it last for quite some time but now he was always in a rush.

Danielle continued to dress in her floor length gown, scanning her body in the floor mirror at every angle. Perfection was Lamont’s motto. Her designer gown and red bottom heels, she was flawless. They looked like a million dollar couple, everyone was envious of the love they had for one another. Compared to some of the other women around her whose husbands or boyfriends were some dirty dogs, Lamont was always so dedicated to her. Never has she had to worry about their being another with her man. He worships the ground she walks on, literally. They have their small disagreements every so often but what couple didn’t. At the end of the day they were still one.

The party was beautifully decorated and the food was delicious. Soft music played throughout the venue serenading the lovers. Drinks flowed heavily causing some to cut loose. Their families were in attendance mingling with the other guests even though they didn’t see the point in all the extras. She could tell that her parents felt a little out of place by all the established, well-to-do people in the building. If she were honest with herself, she was as well but it was what Lamont wanted. She would do just about anything for him. After all their vows were clear, to have and to hold, for better or for worst. He liked the extravagant life, she liked the simple life. The meaning of opposites attract held true to its definition when it came to their current state.

“Where is that husband of yours?” Her parents asked towards the end of the night.

“I’m not sure. I was just looking for him myself.”

“We are about to head out. It’s been a long night.”

“I understand. I can’t wait to leave myself.”

“I suggest you track down Lamont and let him know.” Her mother Lena said with an all too knowing smile.

“Come on dear.” William whispered something to his wife causing her to giggle. Danielle just smiled at the love they shared and was thankful she found that in Lamont.

“See you later guys. Drive careful.”

“We will honey.” Her dad said kissing her on the cheek.

“Hopefully you two will start working on making me a grandmother.” Her mom said on the sly as they hugged.

“Bye mom.” After seeing her parents off she went in search for her husband or at least her sister so she wouldn’t be left alone.

“Hey Nat, what’s wrong?” Danielle asked her sister Natalie.

“Hey Danni, nothing girl just tired. I think I’m about to head out.”

“Where is Thomas?”

“He stormed out a while ago pissed about only God knows what.”

“Maybe you should go talk to him.”

“Girl please, I’m not kissing his ass. There are more men out there that would cherish a woman like me. Instead of jumping wrong every chance he got.” Nat said confidently. “Where has my brother-in-law ran off too? I wanted to remind him that he needs to find me one of those executives that work in his office.”

“Maybe you should have come alone then you would have pulled you one.”

“Oh there will be other chances.”

“I bet.”

“There he is now. Hey brother-in-law, what corner were you hiding in?”

“Just chatting business with some colleagues. You would know how that was if you had a profession like normal grown-ups.”

“Oh it’s like that huh… I got you homeboy. Ole stick in the mud.”

“Homeboy? I see that thug has been rubbing off on you.”

“Lamont that’s rude.” Danielle chastised him.

“It’s okay Danni we all know that your husband has turned quite snooty.”

“Nat, this is not the place for the bickering.”

“You are right sis, I will see you later. Goodnight Lamont, take care of my sissy.”

“Always.” Lamont gave her a look as she walked away.

“Are you ready to leave?”

“Lamont, this was a wonderful party. I really enjoyed myself.” One of his female colleagues interrupted their moment. Danielle couldn’t help but admire how beautifully sculptured the snow white gem was. Pouty rosy lips, blush tented cheeks, and the brightest blue eyes.

“Thanks so much for coming. We really appreciate it.” Lamont stated pulling Danielle impossibly close to him.

“Yes thanks for coming.” Danielle added.

“You’re quite welcome, thanks for inviting me. See you in the office next week.”

“Not next week, I’m taking my lovely wife here away for a much needed vacation.”

“Oh how sweet. I can’t wait to find a husband to spoil me that way. Anyway, you guys have a good night.”

“You too.” They said in unison.

“You were saying…” Lamont asked.

“I’m ready to go. It’s time for you to unwrap your present as promised.”

“What was it that I promised again?”

“Oh now you have amnesia?”

“One thing I will always remember is how much I love you.”

“Aww… I love you too.”

“Let’s get out of here.”



Danielle felt elated from the attention, affection, and intimacy that Lamont was paying her. Even though it still didn’t get any deeper than the regular missionary position, they still made love. There were no stars or overpowering feelings of reaching paradise but it felt good none the less. Lamont was a nice size and could pack a powerful punch when motivated enough. She loved when they made love but she enjoyed it so much more when he would take it on the aggressive side. In the beginning he would take her there and back, as of late he is more on the reserve side. And she isn’t going to mention how neglected she has become in the oral department. He didn’t do that part at all anymore. For sure she thought by it being their anniversary he would give her some special attention. Sad to say she was indeed wrong.

What spoiled their time together was the fact that he still didn’t want to have babies yet. He stated it still wasn’t the right time to start a family so upon his request she remained on birth control pills. As a matter of fact he still practiced the pull out method and a time or two he’s even used a condom. Since he went to such extremes to be sure she didn’t get pregnant the thought of having a baby was not an option. It saddened her to an extent because she really wanted to have a little her or him running around the house. Having been married for the good part of five years and they both were working, the finance area had increased substantially. On the business side, they both were quite busy but she was willing to put her work on hold to bring a child into the world.

“I don’t know what to do Nat. Lamont is so against having kids. I’m starting to think he will never come around.”

“Just give him time girl. Pressuring him may not be the right way to go about it. You said it yourself, he is always busy with work.”

“I know but…”

“But nothing girl, you know better than to nag a man. What did god mama always tell us coming up?”

“Don’t nag your husband or he will retreat to a less hostile environment.”

“Right. You wouldn’t want to push him into another woman’s arms.”

“Sometimes I wonder would he actually cheat on me. It seems he has so little time as is, I just don’t see it. Me personally instead of cheating I would prefer he just leaves.”

“Lamont cherishes you too much to leave.”

“You never know now a days but I do hope you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right. Speaking of leaving, that’s my cue for a rendezvous.” Nat stated excitedly as her phone beeped. Danielle rolled her eyes at her god-sister’s dramatics.

“I thought you were done with Thomas.” Danielle asked but didn’t miss the scowl on Nat’s face at the mention of his name. 

“This is actually someone I see from time to time, nothing serious.” Nat said evasively.

“What are you not saying?”

“Nothing girl I have to get going.”

“Be careful girl, don’t do anything reckless.”

“Never that sis. I will see you soon.”

Danielle and her god-sister had practically grown up in the same house. Natalie’s mom died in a car accident coming home from the casino one night. She was hit by a drunk driver who crossed the median. Danielle’s mom was a very close friend of hers ultimately being named the god mother of Natalie. No other family offered, so it was only logical for her to take her in after the accident. Even though Natalie was three years younger than her, she never treated her any different. Allowing her to hang with her group of friends as well, letting her tag along like a blood little sister would. They were so close that Lamont and Natalie grew close while they dated. Just like all brother and sister relationships they bickered often but it eventually went away. Nothing serious enough that Danielle ever suspected them not to love each other as family.

Natalie was the only female Lamont really approved of for her to hang out with but even that was only seldom. He claimed that it wasn’t right for her to hang with a single woman seeing as though she is a happily married woman. ‘
Single women have no one they have to worry about questioning whether what they do is appropriate or not,’
he would constantly rant. All of her high school and college friends were scattered to the wind as well over time for one reason or another. Some female colleagues would invite her out for happy hour cocktails after work on the weekends but she would find herself declining their offers. Not really feeling comfortable making new friends for fear of getting attached to catty, fake women. Keeping it strictly professional is how she chose to keep it, sharing an occasional lunch with them during work hours.

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