Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... (6 page)

BOOK: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...
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“No mom, I got this but I will call you afterwards. How does that sound?”

“That sounds good.”

“See you guys later. Love you.”

“Love you too.” They hugged one final time before Danni left to return to the huge, hallow shell she had to call home.


Lamont was livid that Danielle had to balls to come and confront him the way she did at his office. What if the CEO’s or any higher executive was around to witness her outbursts? He questioned her sanity for the rest of the day but that didn’t stop him from doing what he had knack for doing. Cheating. Sleeping with other women besides his wife. Flirting. You name it, he did it. He felt like it was only natural as a grown man to have as many women as it called for to suit his needs At least he wasn’t committing a crime of bigamy or polygamy for that matter. Technically what he was doing was child’s play.

Danielle had to learn as long as he came home after his late night romps or office flings, she had nothing to worry about. He still held her on a pedestal because at least he didn’t bring it into their home. Well that she knew of. All of his nasty, freaky, candid deeds were done where she would least expect it. That was one of the reasons he banished her from his job because he didn’t want there to be awkward moments such as that one. Half of the people in that building didn’t even know he was married. So many new employees hadn’t been there when he got married and used to bring her to the company functions.

Lately when they have functions, either he doesn’t mention anything to her so he can go alone or he doesn’t bother going at all. Between family functions, the few business gatherings he takes her to, and the boring hospital functions she has to attend that is all the faking he chooses to do. Faking sounded so harsh of a word. Technically he did have love for his wife, just not enough to be faithful. She was loyal, crafty, and most importantly she kept her vagina tight. Plus he had shaped and molded her to be the perfect specimen to be seen and not heard. No matter how upset she claims to be, Lamont knew she wasn’t going anywhere. She couldn’t. With the shortage of black men in the world, there is no way she would be dumb enough to let a stud like him go.

“Lamont?” He felt soft skin and perky breast brush against his back while he was taking a shower. It had been a little minute since he has seen Danielle. Her outrageous behavior was appalling.


“What are you doing out of bed?”

“Taking a shower.”

“I can see that.” She giggled. Kissing his back while running her hands down to his flaccid shaft made it slowly rise to the occasion. “What I don’t see is why didn’t you wake me to join you?”

“I didn’t want to wake you. You seem so tired.”

“You wore me out but you know I would never turn you away.”

“This I know.” It was true. The last two months of sleeping with her she never disappointed him.

“Why don’t you let me wash you?” Taking the soapy loofa from his hands she washed him from head to toe. The glorious attention she paid to his cock was wonderful. Once he was rinsed, she wasted no time assuming the position down before him. Worshiping his penis like it was the best delicacy. The few times Danielle had gone down on him because that was the only way to get him amped to have sex it was alright. Nothing compared to the skills he receives elsewhere.

“That a girl. Take it all in.” He coerced. She didn’t hesitate to do as he instructed taking him to the back of her throat. It didn’t take long before she removed him from her mouth slapping her pink lips with the tip. Soon enough, creamy semen spewed all over her face just the way he likes it. The sight alone turned him on but he was pretty drained from their activities of earlier.

“Get cleaned up.” He told her stepping out of the shower to dry off.

Once he was dressed he started to re-pack his belongings. If Danielle thought he would leave the house he picked out and customized the way he wanted it, she had better think again. The fact that she tore so many things up that first night made him want to beat some sense into her. Her father being an ex-cop vetoed that notion. When he got out the shower later that night to find she had left, he checked her closet to see if all of her stuff was still there. Then he knew she wasn’t going anywhere, she was just being dramatic. Later that night to receive a call from her phone, he was prepared to give her a hard time. As soon as another man’s voice came on the line, he went from zero to a hundred in anger. How dare she step out on him?

The unidentified man then went so far as to explain why he was calling. Stating his wife was seriously intoxicated and would need a ride home. Lamont found the humor in the situation and let it be known that he knew she needed him. Belittling her by calling her foolish for getting drunk, the line disconnected with no further words. He didn’t even get the location of his wife’s whereabouts. Tracking her credit card came back nothing after her cell phone went straight to voicemail. He considered having it tracked but thought better about it. After all she is the one that left, he would let her figure out how to get out of trouble. For all he knew the so called saver could have been a crazed lunatic.

“What are you doing?”

“Packing, what does it look like?”

“I can see that but why?”

“I’m going home.”

“Home? To her?”

“Yes home. To my house. She should have cooled down by now.”

“Why are you going back to her?”

“Because she is my wife.”

“But you don’t love her.”

“I don’t love you.”

“You could learn to.”

“Look, I am not going to throw away five years for two months. Are you crazy?”

“What about me?”

“Nothing will change between you and me. That’s my home and I won’t give that up. You will either have to deal with it or…”

“Or what?”

“Would you really like to find out? How will you pay your bills with no job? The gifts, trips, and perks of being with me, is it worth the risk of giving them up?”


“I didn’t think so.” Lamont finished getting his things together. The bulk of his belongings were fine to stay at his secret condo that Danielle knew nothing about. He was only taking a suitcase back for the meanwhile. “Let yourself out, turn the key into the attendant downstairs, and I will see you at the office.”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” He said roughly pulling the silent woman to him.

“Yes sir, Mr. Graves.”

“That’s more like it.” He turned to leave but another thought came to his mind. “Oh and don’t wear any panties today. We have that long boring ass meeting. I need something to occupy my mind.” That gained a blush from his temptress.

“As you wish sir.”

“Good girl.” With one last wink he was on his way to make someone else’s day. Life was good. He had a wife, a home, a stellar career, and endless playmates around town. He was the luckiest man on earth, if he didn’t say so himself. Most men wish they could have it that good. His father taught him well coming up. Now that the wife was on to his game now it would be no conversation of whether he was cheating or not. The answer has been made evident. Unfortunately she will start to be needier and requesting he give her more time than the others. Just as his mother had.

Like it was yesterday he could remember his parents going at it strong about his father’s infidelities. His mother was hysterically crying about how terrible he was treating her. The countless threats she had made to leave him fell on deaf ears as his father just nodded his head. Then smirking with a deadly undertone he laid out some simple speech of encouragement.

“Then what will you do?” “Where will you go?” “You are going to let another broad reap the benefits of having me. Me? The sole provider of this house. The man of this house. My house. With so many influential people in my pocket how far do you think you will get if you leave me? NO money. NO place to lay your head. You were poor when I found you and you keep being ungrateful you will be once again. As long as I come home to you there is nothing to worry about. I will always come home to you when it’s said and done. Remember I chose you to share my name and for you to have my children. It could have been another but it was YOU. Now, what’s for dinner?”

Listening to that speech from the hallway of his childhood home, Lamont decided then and there that his father was on to something. He was only twelve years old so he understood everything that was being said. Not that he hadn’t already taken him around some of his women before. He just explained that he needed to talk to his friend for a minute and he was to keep this from his mother. It was a man thing, he would then say. Feeling so good about being called a man at his young age, Lamont was all gong ho on keeping the secrets of his father’s dealings. He played with heads, hearts, and bodies all throughout high school. By college he just had mad hoes.

When he met Danielle he knew she was different. Successfully getting into her head, he managed to get her virginity. Once the deed was done he knew he had a keeper. She was easily persuaded with his smooth words, attentiveness, and promises of her being the only one. Whispering words of love and forever sealed the deal. For a while he only dealt with her, she really was his only one. Being so consumed with his studies, he only had time for the main chick. Plus the rate she was going she had a lot going on with her educational wise. Even though she didn’t come from a poor upbringing like his mother, he made her depend on him in another arena all together. Emotionally dependent on him was better. There is no way she would try to divorce her first love. That would just be foolish.

“I was wondering when you would grace me with your presence.”

“I can leave if you are going to pretend you aren’t happy to see me.”

“I’m not pretending to be anything.”

“Do you want me to leave? Standing here talking at the door is becoming quite boring.”

“You are so pompous.”

“I’m surprised your ghetto-ass knows what pompous is.”

“Fuck you Lamont.”

“My pleasure.” Lamont forced his way into the apartment he paid the rent for monthly and got right down to business.

“I see someone has popped a blue pill before coming over.” She chanted between pumps. Lamont currently had her bent over the back of the couch drilling holes in her cervix.

“SHUT.UP.” It only made him hit harder. The angrier she made him the rougher the sex was.

“I bet your wife doesn’t let you hit it like this.” She taunted further. “Ahhhhh… Yesssss… Take it daddy!”

“What did I tell you about calling me daddy?” All of the chemicals from the pills he had taken was swirling through his blood stream making him feel on top of the world. He really didn’t have a problem being called daddy during sex it’s just the way she says it reminds him that his wife desperately wants a baby. A baby he isn’t prepared to give her. Then again now that she was so upset maybe it was time to relent and give her what she wants.

“Oohhh right there. RIGHT. THERE! YES!” Pulling out of her with a plop he sat on the sofa with his pants still around his ankles.

“You know what I want. Do what you do best? Besides all that back talk you are famous for.”

“You are an asshole.”

“Shut up before I slap your ass.”

“Careful Lamont, you don’t want to end up like my ghetto ass.”

“Are you going to ride this dick or what? I can always give it to someone else.” He said while rubbing his stiff member.

“It’s not like you aren’t already. Let’s be real.”

“…” Lamont chose not to comment all he wanted was to show equal love amongst his women today and this one wanted to be difficult.

“Why can’t I be enough for you Lamont?” She asked distracting him from the task at hand by this conversation.

“Wait…go grab a condom. I almost forgot.”

“Don’t change the subject. Just answer my question and I will go get one.” She said grinding into him. Swirling her hips around slowly, hypnotizing him. He was so damn addicted to pussy it was ridicules. “I know she will always be your wife. I get it but the others. Why?”

“You’re distracting me.” He tried to sober up long enough to think clearly but she was squeezing him eternally causing him to groan from the feeling.

“Sorry. I just want to please you. I can be everything you aren’t getting at home. Just give me that chance.” He wanted to ask how much did she know about his other conquests but couldn’t form the words. His brain was fogged up with lust. “You don’t need them. Just me.” Bouncing faster and faster, blowing his mind literally. He would tell her anything to make sure she didn’t stop.

“Alright. Soon.”

“…” She stopped abruptly.

“Why did you stop?” Lamont popped his eyes open pissed because he was so close to blowing his lid.

“Soon? Don’t lie to me Lamont.”

“Please just keep going.”

“Promise me?”

“…” Lamont didn’t reply as he felt that inner beast creep up wanting to let out. He forcefully bounced her on his lap, holding on to her hips. She screamed from the force but didn’t tell him to stop.

“Promise. Me.” She kept chanting over and over again. The only answer she received was a grunt of frustration. His balls were drawing up into his body, heart was racing, and it felt like he was going to combust if he didn’t relieve himself soon. Seeing stars he came hard, zoning completely out. This was the life. There was no way in hell he would stop spreading his joy around. Promise my ass. That wasn’t going to happen but she didn’t need to know that.

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