Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... (5 page)

BOOK: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...
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“What I was going to ask before you started to flatter yourself was if I could call you a cab? A loved one or something because it wouldn’t be right for me to let you leave like this.” He kindly offered.

“There is no one.” Danni was crying before she knew what came over her.

“Have a seat here and I will be right back.”

“What for?”

“Just until I check on a cab really fast.”

“Alright.” She watched as the guy walked away to the front desk of the hotel. Her eyelids were so heavy. They felt like they weighed a ton.  Suddenly she felt herself being lifted into the air. Her once heavy body felt light as a feather. She was floating on a cloud.

The cloud was so firm and fresh smelling. A manly scent was mixed with the fresh smell. It was so calming, Danni couldn’t help but snuggle into it as close as she could. Other movement was heard around her as she was in and out of a foggy sleepy state. Faintly she heard a deep voice speaking with someone in the distance. She thought she heard the man ask for the husband of Danielle Graves. Wait, she was Danielle Graves. Was she dead? What happened? She couldn’t make her body respond to her command. It was as if she was stuck inside her own head. A deep sleep she couldn’t wake up from.

“I see why you’re in such a pissy mood.” Danni grimaced mentally from his words. She was ashamed of herself that was for sure. Dozing off, letting her drunken state take over fully she was out like a light.

Waking up to an extremely bright light, she squinted her eyes trying to block out the intrusion. Opening her eyes, trying to figure out where she was, she had to shut them just as quick. The room was moving at a rapid pace causing her stomach to do back, front, and cartwheel style flips. Her head hurt so much she physically wanted to die to escape the pain. Dragging herself from the bed she was lying in, she went into the rest room to relieve herself in two different ways. All the alcohol she consumed the night before found its way on the floor and wall while she sat on the toilet.

There was no other choice for her to make as she stripped out of her sweaty clothes to take a shower. In her confused state she didn’t think of what she might wear when she got out, she just wanted to get the funk off of her. Stepping out of the shower she felt like a new person despite the heartache she felt. Everything from the day and night before came rushing back. It was obvious she was in a hotel room and a very luxurious one at that. How she got there was the mystery? There was a manly smelling cloud and a voice looking for her husband. Danni shook her head which turned out to be a huge mistake.

What she did last night was beyond foolish. She could have been raped, robbed, or so much worst, killed. Never in all of years had she been so drunk where she had to figure out what happened the night before. Without having to search too far, she found her purse with everything she remembered being in it still there. Although dead, her cell was next to the bed on the nightstand. Surveying her surroundings further she found a neatly folded stack of clothes. Looking around to be sure she was alone kicking herself for not checking that out first. There was a pair of oversized sweat pants, a large t-shirt, a pair of boxer briefs, and some footie socks still in the pack.

Danni was a big fan of not ‘looking a gift horse in the mouth.’ There was no way she wasn’t thankful to the kind stranger that helped her in her time of need. Now she regretted being so rude to him the night before. She had to figure out how to contact the mystery man to thank him properly. Looking at the clock on the nightstand she realized she was going to be late if she didn’t get a move on it. Even though her personal life was in turmoil she still needed to treat her patients. A brave face was what she was going to have to put on and do the best she could.

Briefly swinging by the front desk, Danni inquired about the fee for the room. The attendant confirmed that the room was covered by an unknown person. Although it was registered in her name, the balance was paid in cash. Instead of continuing her inquiry about the kind gentleman she tucked her tail and left. Relieved that her asshole of a husband was not home when she pulled up was an added bonus. She tried her best to get rid of the banging headache that was a constant reminder of her night of hitting the bottle. It had been years since she had gotten drunk. No matter how hard things got, it would probably be wise to never drink like that again.

“Good Morning Mrs. Graves. Your first appointment is waiting in the lobby.” The receptionist greeted Danni as she rushed to her office. Constantly juggling her purse, bag, and coffee in her hands she gave a curt head nod.

“Are you feeling alright?”

“Huh…Yes, just give me a minute.”

“Rough morning?”

“You could say that.”

“I will just peak in to assure they are waiting patiently. We wouldn’t want to add to your stress.” Jennie joked with her perky attitude. Danni only wished she could have a centimeter of her giddiness, she would be alright.

“Thank you Jennie.”

Finally Danni had gotten herself situated, her things were put away, and now she sat at her desk ready to greet her first client of the day. The girl she had met during her admission stay was now at the office for her first outpatient family therapy session. Hopefully her dad could be in attendance seeing as she prefers to live with him instead of the maternal grandmother. It’s customary to have at least one family session a month, while she could visit with her a couple times a week at her school.

That was one of the things she had confided in Danni during one of their school sessions. Her desire to live with her father has caused her mother and grandmother to panic. According to Niecee, the hefty child support checks would stop if he was made aware of their treatment of her. Danni wondered what her paternal grandmother was referring to when speaking of ‘the other family.’ It was recommended to Niecee that her dad attend some of her sessions.

“Hey Miss Danni!”

“Hey Niecee. How have you been?” Danni greeted the pretty teen.

“I’ve been okay.”

“Just okay?” Danni questioned picking up on the sadness.

“Yes ma’am. Miss Danni this is my dad, De ’Marcus. Dad this is Miss Danni, my counselor.” Danni looked up to greet the person responsible for the alluring smell that tickled her nose. Starting at the designer jeans up to his fresh polo shirt, Danni finally made it to his well-defined face. He looked very familiar but she doubted she knew him. From the looks of his appearance, he could have some thuggish tendencies. She doesn’t know many people from that walk of life.

“Hello Mr. Jones. Danielle Hunter.” Danni waited for him to shake her outstretched hand. Firm yet soft, she couldn’t help but remark. The fact that she omitted Graves as being her last name, reverting back to her maiden name spoke volumes.

“Nice to
meet you Mrs. Hunter but please call me Marcus or Mark.” He smiled a dazzling smile with a hint of mischief as if he was thinking something really funny. She didn’t want to correct him on the Mrs. Since she was still wearing her wedding ring. It was quite immature of her to return to her maiden name but kept the token proven otherwise.

“In that case call me Danielle or Danni. Please have a seat. I will chat with you two together for a moment and then I will speak with Niecee alone. Then if you have anything else you would like to discuss we can talk as Niecee steps out. Is that alright?”

“That’s fine by me.”

“Great, let’s get started.” Danni spoke with the two of them about what she plans to accomplish seeing Niecee and then asked Marcus to step out. Unfortunately she couldn’t shake where she had seen him from. He didn’t mention anything so she was hoping it was all in her head that she thought she knew him.

Niecee informed her that things at her grandmothers had begun to get worst for her mother came back with a vengeance. The grandmother is threatening to send her away to a boot camp or admit her for long term stay on a unit. Danni had to listen to how the young lady really felt about her other parent that she should be looking up to instead of wanting to run away from. From the sounds of things, Niecee has bouts of depression where she contemplates the meaning of life. Danni figured with the way she was talking it was time to discuss some of these issues with her father. She just prayed he wasn’t a sometimey father like so many deadbeats in the world.

“First, I would like to say that I just love Niecee. She is such a sweet girl.”

“Thank you. She is my heart. I wish I could spend more time with her than what I do.”

“I apologize if I’m prying but why don’t you?”

“It’s difficult to explain. Let’s say she wasn’t a love child.”

“I think I get where you are coming from. Despite how she was conceived that shouldn’t affect your relationship with your daughter.”

“Do you have any kids?”

“No.” Danni answered with a pang in heart because of how desperately she wanted one. The realization of it never happening hurt deeply.

“Then you couldn’t possibly know how hard it is to fight over a living, breathing, and helpless individual.”

“I apologize Marcus. It is not my intention to jump down your back or accuse you of being a dead beat. That was very insensitive of me.”

“No need to apologize, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been the victim of stereotypes and I’m sure it won’t be the last.” He took an easy breath before continuing. “If the courts were in my corner my daughter would be living with me instead of those money grubbers she is forced to live with.”

“That’s one of the things I need to speak with you about. Niecee has expressed some concerns about living with her grandmother.”

“What about it?”

“Because Niecee is still a minor, I have to address certain concerns for her well-being when the need arises. In my professional opinion Niecee prefers to live with you over her grandmother. According to what she has said to me, I fear she could be facing depression.”

“Are you assuming it’s this bad or is it something she has specifically said to you?” Danni giggled with a sarcastic undertone. “I am being serious, no funny business.”

“From what I have gathered from our sessions, there is a real threat residing there. Ultimately it is up to you whether you would like to pursue this any further.”

“What kind of things has she said because she hasn’t told me anything?”

“I can’t tell you the full details due to it being a HIPPA violation.”

“But you feel I should seek custody from what you were told?”

“Yes, that’s right. Her being here was a cry for help. It was a ruse if you ask me. At the mention of your name, you should have seen her face light up with both admiration and fear. She speaks very highly of you.”

“I must say the same for you. You are all she seems to talk about lately when I talk to her. She was extremely happy to come see you today. It just so happened to be my visiting time with her that this appointment was scheduled.”

“Maybe. But for some reason I think someone else had a hand in the scheduling. This was the date picked by Niecee.”

“Well there is no doubt she set this up then.”

“The grandmother has already signed the consent forms for me to visit with her at school once a week. So I will just schedule another family session with you two at your earliest convenience.”

“That’s fine with me as well.”

“Good. Well it was very nice meeting you Marcus. Again I apologize for being presumptuous about your part in parenting.”

“No offense taken. But if I were you, making assumptions about a person before you know the entire story may not be a wise move. After all I didn’t judge your drunken outbursts last night.” At her shocked expression, Marcus continued with a smirk. “I trust your stay at the hotel was alright.”

“I knew you looked familiar. Oh God, I am so embarrassed.” Danni’s face darken about four solid shades from humiliation. “I assure you that is not the way I regularly behave. Honestly, I can’t recall much from last night.”

“No need to be embarrassed. We’ve all had those type of days.”

“I was wondering would I ever see my knight without all of the armor again. Here you were in my face this entire time and I didn’t even know it. Thank you so much for everything you did for me last night.” Danni said. “I insist on paying you back. And I will wash your stuff.”

“That isn’t necessary. I’m just happy I got to save a friend of my daughters.”

“Well thank you again. So many other men would have taken advantage of me in such a vulnerable state.”

“There are still some gentlemen left in the world, how about that?”

“Only a small amount but yes you could say that.”

“Here is a little free advice for you
Mrs. Graves
, don’t let the ignorance of one change your perception of others.” Marcus said with his final goodbye. After bidding farewell to Niecee they were gone. In his departure he left Danni’s mind in utter mayhem. She wasn’t punishing others for her hu… Lamont’s betrayal she was just stating the facts. There aren’t many gentlemen left in the world. Who knew she would be lucky enough to meet the last of his kind at such an awkward moment in her life? Its official, Lamont has unfortunately ruined her optimistic side.

Chapter Five

Danielle was going through some serious issues since the day she confronted Lamont about his infidelity. Her drunken night out had done little to get a rise out of him. If anything, he just accused her of being a loose whore. Calling her out as the one who should be branded with the scarlet letter for adultery. Danni couldn’t believe the audacity of him to accuse her of such actions when his glass house was just waiting for impact. There was no doubt that he had been cheating for a while and he later confirmed that he started about two years ago. Sadly she has allowed the actions of her estranged husband to push her to drinking now daily. It had been a whole week since the confrontation with him and he was resulting in rarely showing his face in the home they once shared.

By the middle of the second week she was starting to sink further and further into depression. Besides at work, there wasn’t any normalcy in her life. Her patients were her lifeline. They made her feel worth something. Especially one in particular. Niecee was always so excited to see her coming into her school to visit with her. Their time together was spent just talking about the random things happening around school. A couple of times, Danni has brought her lunch so they could talk on her lunch period. Most kids would hate that but Niecee seemed to be soaking that attention up. Actually Danni was soaking it up as well, so it was a win-win for them both. Once she arrives home to her cold, empty house full of broken promises and dreams of forever all she heard was silence.

A talkative thirteen year-old was a lot better than the silence that was threatening to drive her crazy. Her parents and god-sister had been calling her but she pretends to be swamped with paperwork. Speaking with family only poses to be a problem for her for she had some tough decisions to make. Just a reminder that a piece of her family was technically obsolete was wreaking havoc on her nerves. The reality that she would have to answer so many questions, announcing to the world that she was a failure. A failure is the title she felt she deserved. She couldn’t even keep her very own husband happy. So many women pray for a spouse, steal others, and basically do anything to have someone to call their own. She had that and lost it for reasons unknown.

Was she not small enough? Did she talk too much? Was the sex not worth it? What do the other women have that she doesn’t? Well the answer to the last question was pretty evident. They had HIM. From the looks of the way he just blew off her feelings of resentment, they were pretty damn good at pleasing him. In fact, it was getting so good too him, he accidently butt-dialed her phone during one of his trysts. Or at least it may have been an accident. She didn’t know for sure but either way he was having the time of his life with whomever he was with. The crazy part about it was that Danni couldn’t even force tears to fall for his pathetic behavior. She was all cried out for now. Maybe she was in initial shock for what her marriage has become. Nothing.

The phone call was the icing on the cake that made her get up off her butt and quit moping around. The sadness was now replaced with fury. A smoldering inferno of anger was oozing out. She almost felt like she was in the old movie ‘Waiting to Exhale’ the way she was throwing his clothes in garbage bags. The expensive suit cases that she charged on her credit card were too good for his belongings. All of the duffle bugs they had for gym usage or overnight stays didn’t deserve to be subjected to transporting the clothes she has envisioned him burning in hell in.

Sadly she had just cleaned up the mess she made when she first found out everything. Only this time she didn’t really destroy anything but his closet. The bags were so full that she physically had to drag them down the stairs. Some of them even broke open as she sat them on the porch. The whiskey in her system made her giggle at the irony. He had been dragging her around with empty promises and vows that he didn’t plan to fulfill. Until in the end he ripped her heart out and left it for the coyote’s to feast on. Turning to walk back into the house she realized she forgot one crucial detail. Just because she put all of his belongings out didn’t mean he couldn’t just unlock the door and make his way back in. Shit in tow.

              Calling a locksmith was next on the agenda. Within a fifteen minute conversation, a charged payment of one-hundred and fifty dollars all the locks were changed. Did she fear for her life? No. Was she afraid of his reaction when he returned and discovered he had been unlawfully evicted? No. If anything he should be the one afraid of her. Deadly revenge plots were steadily popping up in her head. There were so many things she could think of to torture his poor cheating heart and make him wish he married the Bobbitt woman instead of her. Chopping his pathetic joystick off was the last thing on her mind. Her imagination was running wild as she basked in her sinister smile.

              “What’s going on with that sinister smile there lady?” Beejay asked as they sat at lunch. She had been on autopilot for so long now it’s kind of natural for her to lose minutes, hours, and even a day or two. Although unsafe, the good Lord has obviously been keeping a close eye on her to be sure she is still unharmed. Well physically unharmed because emotionally and mentally, she should be in a battered women’s shelter. “Hello! Anybody home in there?” He snapped his fingers in her face.

“What did you just say?”

“Alright, what’s going on with you girl? You have been putting on this pretty fake face for a minute now. I have been trying not to pry but you are taking too damn long to come around on your own. I know something is going on so you might as well spill it. That façade you are putting on isn’t fooling me sweetheart. So sorry to disappoint you. I would rather you tell me it’s none of my business than to sit here as fake as the shell of a person you are right now.”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle myself.”

“Bullshit. Let’s take a walk outside.”

“I’m not really up for it to be honest.”

“You would deny a suffocating man some fresh air.”

“You are so dramatic.” Danni laughed genuinely for the first time in a while.

“My dear, whatever do you mean?”

“You are too much for me right now.” Danni continued to giggle as they made their way outdoors. Having a seat at the picnic tables before either said anything else.

“I know you said it’s nothing but... I’m worried about you.”

“I’m fine.”

“Please stop insulting my intelligence.” Beejay said sternly. “I have to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“I saw Lamont recently.”

“Oh really?”



“A friend and I were out to dinner at an exclusive restaurant downtown. I thought maybe you would have been there somewhere but to my dismay you weren’t.”

“Did you speak?”

“No.” Beejay didn’t elaborate any further and it was killing Danni to ask the dreaded question. “Go ahead and ask what you really want to know. My volunteer days are so over.” He sighed dramatically.

“Was he alone?” There she asked even if she did already know the answer.

“No.” Beejay answered after a brief bout of silence. “I am your friend Danni, never forget that. I get that you aren’t ready but know that I am here when you are.”

“Thank you Beejay.”

“If you want me to handle that punk for you. I can call somebody for that.” He joked causing Danni to laugh again. One thing she could count as a blessing out of this ordeal was that she could openly be friends with Beejay now.

“Do you happen to know a good lawyer?” Danni asked once she sobered up.

“What’s my name?”

“Mr. Know it all who knows all.”

“Exactly and have I got the perfect person for you. When she gets done, you will have effectively raped his wallet, pockets, and any hidden accounts he may have.”

“I just want out. I don’t care about any materialistic things.”

“I know you don’t sweetie but miracles still happen every day.”

“What does that mean exactly?”

“I’m not quite sure.”

“I can’t with you today.” Danni laughed and he joined in. He just wanted to make her soul a little lighter with laughter and it was working.


The time had come for her to address her parents and quit hiding from the inevitable. Once she pulled into their drive-way she sat for a minute to collect herself. There was no need to get in a hurry to explain her situation and try to put on a brave front. Pretending to be alright with everything that was going on was taking its toll on Danni. Upon looking in the mirror, she noticed the dark circles under her eyes. Her skin looked scaly and chapped. Overall her appearance was very poor. No doubt that it was written all over her face that she was a tad bit distraught, disturbed, and discombobulated. Not to mention she had most definitely lost some weight being that her appetite has been missing in action.

“Hi Mom.” Danni greeted like a long lost child returning home.

“Danni, how are you?” Her mother pulled her into a big hug while rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back.

“I’ve been better.”

“I’m sure you have. Come on in.”

“Where’s dad?”

“On the patio.”

“You already told him right?”



“I thought you didn’t want me to tell him.” She said with an eyebrow raised in questioning.

“I don’t think I would have been able to get the words out. I am having a hard enough time convincing myself that this is all real.”

“It would be even more real if you let me at him.” The ladies were interrupted by a strong baritone voice.

“Hey daddy.”

“Hey sweatpea.” He pulled Danni into a hug with no other words. “How is my girl?”

“I’m okay daddy.”

“Your mom told me what happened but I would much rather hear it from your point of view.”

“Just know that my maiden name is back into play when this is all said and done.”

“So you have decided to file for divorce?”

“Yes, I have to. I can’t live like that. Sharing was never one of my strong suits.”

“Don’t I know it? You lived to be in trouble in grade school.” That caused them all to chuckle just a little trying to break the tension.

“Where is he now?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care. I sat all of his stuff out on the porch earlier in the week and haven’t heard from him since.”

“That a girl.” Her mother said with glee.

“I won’t hunt that bastard down and rip him a new asshole because you mother made me promise not to. But I want you to be aware that by law you can’t sit his things out. That alone can come back and bite you in the butt.” Danni’s dad was a retired police officer that moonlighted as a private investigator from time to time. When money talks he could find out just about anything that was required.

“Yes, I know. I called myself researching the law after I did it but he didn’t bother coming back so I left it alone.”

“Well if he does and jumps wrong, please let me know.”

“I will daddy.”

“Do you need an attorney?”

“Actually I contacted a friend of a friend and she has agreed to at least hear my case during a consult for free. Then her retainer is $2,500. Since we have so much to go over it is going to be quite hard. Especially if he makes it hard by contesting it.”

“Do you need some help coming up with that money?”

“No, I will be fine.”

“Are you sure? How will you maintain your bills? Have you separated your accounts?” Her father fired one question after the next.

“Well no… that hadn’t crossed my mind until now. You don’t think he…”

“We certainly do!” Her mother exclaimed.

“If a person cheats, they already lie so stealing isn’t so far-fetched.” Her father stated.

“As for my bills, I will just have to figure it out. It’s a part of being an adult, right?”

“If you need anything, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you guys for everything.”

“You’re most welcome sweetie and I know that everything is going to work out.” Her mother hugged her from the side. “Have you spoken to Natalie?”

“No I hadn’t spoken to her in a couple of weeks. I tried to call her the night I confronted…him and she didn’t answer. I needed to get out of that house because I was about to commit a crime.”

“I would have gotten you off with a ‘crime of passion plea,’ I’m just saying.”

“You could have come here.”

“Mom I didn’t want to burden you all with my marital issues. Actually once I didn’t get an answer from her, I regretted calling her anyway. This is my problem to deal with I shouldn’t drag others in it.”

“We are family. If you have a problem then so do we. Don’t ever think that you are burden on us. That’s one of the reasons the good Lord put us on earth. We are parents first.”

“Thank you guys. I’m going to head home.”

“So soon?”

“Yes, I just want to relax.”

“When is your appointment with the lawyer?”

“Monday morning.”

“Do you need us to go with you?”

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