Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... (23 page)

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“I don’t have all day Danni. I have to pick Niecee up from my mom’s house. What will it be?”

“Fine. Deal.”

“Alright. I will see you around.” Mark didn’t hesitate in his words or steps as he headed for the door. Out the door he went and damn near out of her life. This time unlike finding out about the betrayal from Lamont and later her sister, this hurt a hundred times worst. When the door closed she crumbled to the floor holding her chest rocking. What was she going to do now?


Chapter Eighteen

Danni wanted so bad to be with Niecee and Mark during the whole custody thing but she had to remain impassive. For a lack of better words, professionalism would be the key to this all. The ghetto crew made themselves present a few minutes before the judge was supposed to take his position to hear everyone’s testimony. They were all in the hallway no one speaking to the other besides Regina going over a few needed things. Danni could feel the shift of the atmosphere to several very confusing energy levels. Negative energy. Nervous energy. And scary enough, angry energy. There was no doubt that the angry energy was steaming off of Mark as he tried to ignore the ignorant activity going on around them.

The silly broad and her family were making crude remarks towards the other people around. Some low blow threats were mumbled if this didn’t go as planned. Finally it was time to start the ball to rolling so that everyone could go about their business. Hopefully it will go smoothly but dealing with such stupid people there was no telling what was going to happen. Unlike how she acted in the mall, Danni was determined to not show her tail. Every insult that was hissed her way she kept her eyes forward as to not give into their baiting. Miss Rita would pat her shaking leg ever so often to offer her own encouragement. There was no way she would be the downfall for Mark’s case. She would never be able to forgive herself.

“Good morning. We are here to deliberate the permanent placement and care of Shaniece Rene Jones. De’ Marcus Jones versus Theresa Williams for full custody. Mr. Jones, Shaniece has been in your custody temporarily for the last few months. Is that correct?”

“That’s correct your honor.”

“How has things been going pertaining the child’s behavior?”

“Wonderful your honor. There haven’t been any further disruptions at school or home sir.”

“That’s good to hear.” The judge said only glancing their way briefly before continuing. “There have been reports of child neglect and possible abuse by the maternal family. Is this correct?”

“That’s correct your honor.” Regina replied. There were several people grumbling from the other side of the court room that caused the bailiff to express the need for silence.

“Does your client have anything to say to that Mr. Watkins?”

“Sir there was never any witnesses to back those allegations up. We believe it was all a ploy to cause suspicion to land us in court now, your honor.”

“Good thing I am a fair man and look forward to hearing each one of your witnesses. After everyone’s testimony, I will retire to my chambers to review all that is provided where my final decision will be announced. Are there any other questions before we proceed?”

“No sir.” Both lawyers spoke busying themselves to get started.

“Very well. Mrs. Jones please call your first witness.”

“Yes your honor, I would like to call to the stand Danielle Hunter.” Regina announced. Danni rose to take the stand with grace. The chatter of voices heard over the room would have set an irrational minded person straight off. She was called everything from a bitch, hoe, home-wrecker, wanna be, and the list could go on for days. She proceeded to be sworn in ignoring the ill-informed people in the room.

“State your name for the record.”

“Danielle Hunter.”

“Ms. Hunter, please state your profession. If you please.”

“I am a licensed psychotherapist. Formally a social worker for Helping Hands behavioral health institute.” There was a hush over the crowd in the room that made her smile on the inside. Briefly she let her eyes travel around the strangers in the room, their mouths were hanging open in surprise.

“When did you meet Shaniece Jones?”

“When she was admitted into the children’s unit? It was a part of the process for her to speak with a social worker.”

“And you were that social worker?”

“Yes that’s correct. I was asked by a colleague to take the case because he felt I could reach her somehow.” Danni went on to explain how treatment was administered and how the patient responded. While also giving a sworn testimony as to why she felt the need to report the incidents to authorities. Although she hated being the center of attention she knew this was for a good cause. Sucking up her nerves she displayed complete professionalism in delivering the detailed extent of the conversations in question.

“That is all Ms. Hunter. Thank you. No further questions your honor.” Regina winked and walked away.

“You may cross examine Mr. Watkins.” The judge directed his attention to the enemy’s side. Danni saw them whispering amongst themselves and mentally groaned. ‘Here comes the bullshit,’ she thought to herself.

“State you name and position again for us if you would.”

“Danielle Hunter. Psychotherapist. Former social worker for Helping Hands.”

“According to our records there isn’t a Danielle Hunter under their employee index. Is there perhaps another name you could be listed under?”

“Hunter-Graves. However I am in the process of returning to my maiden name.”

“That is a crucial piece of information you withheld from the courts. Wouldn’t you agree?” Mr. Watkins questioned without leaving room to respond. “When was your employment terminated from Helping Hands?”

“Objection your honor. Ms. Hunter is not on trial here.”

“Where is this line of questioning going Mr. Watkins?”

“I assure you your honor it has relevance to the case with Ms. Hunter being the one responsible for my client’s parenting to be in question.”

“This better be good. Answer the question Ms. Hunter.”

“Two months ago.”

“Why after years of service did you leave your former employer?”

“The terms of my leave were because of a personal matter.”

“According to witnesses who prefer to remain anonymous, it had to do with the personal relationship you have with the paternal parent.”

“Is there a question you would like for me to answer Mr. Watkins?” Danni asked as if she was unfazed by his insinuation. That seemed to throw him off a bit. They were expecting to make her lash out proving guilt.

“Is there a relationship between you and the father of the child?”

“I consider Mr. Jones a friend. If that answers your question.”

“Isn’t that against the regulations? You would risk your license for a friend?”

“We became friends after my departure from the facility. Last I check there wasn’t a crime in making new friends Mr. Watkins.”

“Do you sleep with all of your patients parents Ms. Hunter?” Mr. Watkins smirked. “Is that your idea of helping the children you see? By playing the parent role.”

“Objection your honor.”

“Questions withdrawn. No further questions your honor.” The male snake slithered back to his seat leaving the room full of snickers from the pit of others like him.

“You may step down Ms. Hunter.” Danni took her seat praying because of her the case wasn’t blown to hell. She was prepared to deny those accusations and commit perjury all for the greater good. Niecee needed to remain with Mark.

Everyone got to have their say so in the case before the judge asked all others to excuse themselves so that he could speak with Niecee. He wanted no other adults present for he felt she may be intimidated to speak freely. Once out into the hall, Danni grabbed a wall to post up on. Soon enough it would all be over with she just didn’t want to be the reason things didn’t go the way they hoped. In her opinion, Mr. Watkins throwing the low blow insinuating them being lovers could be detrimental. When it is reviewed from beginning to end, confirming they were friends it seems she would do anything for a friend. Including lie.

“Don’t worry Danni.” Regina tried to reassure her that it wasn’t as bad as she was thinking. Mark only looked lost in thought.

So bad she wanted to run to him. Hug him and tell him everything would be alright. The truth is she wasn’t even sure that was the case. Kiss him just enough to let him know she was there no matter what. Honestly they had only been associates currently to avoid any awkward moments from previously being intimate. Whoever said friends make the best lovers must have forgot to complete the warning label. A label that should read ‘careful: may destroy friendship.’ Could they really consider themselves as friends if one didn’t want to be in the room with other no longer than a few minutes?

They might as well be acquainted strangers because the only common ground they had now was that little girl. That was one thing they agreed on without a doubt and that was they loved her to pieces. Only wanting what was best for her, being with Mark no doubt was the best place for her to be. Those other folks didn’t know anything but how to be disruptive. A time too many the bailiff threaten to remove them from the courtroom and the judge threatened to shut down the proceedings. In Danni’s opinion that didn’t sound so bad. If he would have just done that, the decision would have been made immediately.

That could have possibly taken away the tension in the air that simmered around the two former lovers with Regina and Rita stuck nearby fidgeting uncomfortably. Not only did he feel uncomfortable around Danni because of their past but he would hate her if the judge ruled in Theresa’s favor. Danni couldn’t stand the queasy feeling she was experiencing being near him any longer so she was about to remove herself from the equation. Obviously Mark read her mind before she could take a step away.

“Mark…” Danni attempted to pull away from his penetrating gaze and strong grip on her wrist. A simple tug on her arm and she was pulled very close to him. His other hand brushed her cheek causing her to sigh from just the feel of his body next to hers. Brushing his thumb over her bottom lip made her heavy eye lids shut. The hand that was once holding her arm went to the back of her neck. His lips made contact with her forehead and she almost shed a tear of the sweet gesture. It was so sweet.

“Thank you.” His deep voice sent trimmers down her spine leaving her breathless.

The battle to hang on to all the hate her heart tried to hang onto… The bitterness that wanted to set up shop to keep her from ever loving again was slipping away. Too bad it may have been too little too late. Danni only nodded her head prepared to remove herself from his embrace again. Only this time when he pulled her back his hands dropped to two different destinations. Her face was cupped in his right while the left went effortlessly around her waist. All at the same time as his mouth attacked hers eagerly. Not waiting on an invitation, Mark plunged his tongue into Danni’s mouth sweeping from side to side. It was evident that Mark was staking his claim in front of the world and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Including Danni leaving her speechless and content.

“Friends my ass!” They heard Theresa shout. Followed with several disapproving comments to come behind. “I hope the judge saw through that fake ass testimony you gave. When this is all over, please believe you won’t ever see my daughter again!” That was like cold water splashed on Mark as Danni saw a different side of him. This animalistic side was a fire-breathing beast ready for its next meal.

“Careful now.” Mark smoothly said which was most definitely a threat but an onlooker wouldn’t know what to make of his calm demeanor.

“Mark, calm down.” Danni stood on her tip-toes and kissed his bottom lip. Mainly because that was as high as she could get. She fully expected him to pull away but was pleasantly surprised when he just wrapped both arms around her. Bone crusher describes his hugs to a tee but they are always so full of comfort.

“You could never be me. How does it feel to use a child to get a man? So pathetic!” She kept ranting until she said something that made Danni pull away from Mark in surprise. “You see baby she doesn’t care for you, she just wanted your dumb ass daddy. He’s only thinking with his dick.”

“Niecee…I can explain.” Danni was going to try and defend herself but was cut off by Niecee. She wasted no time embracing Danni in a hug rendering her speechless again. The Jones’ family was doing a number on her emotions.

“I already know.” Niecee said. “I have always known.”

“What?” Danni questioned looking accusingly at Mark. He just held his hands up in surrender with his signature smirk.

“So, now can we officially be a family? I mean can I call you mama?”

“She will never be your mama! I can’t believe you bastards poisoned my daughter against me!” She ranted.

“Please. You did that all on your own. Mother? You don’t know the meaning of such a term.” Rita said. That set the woman and posse on another louder rant. They could hear her attorney trying to calm the woman down. Regina was telling him he needed to get her under control before the judge appeared. Her only concern was that the court date would be rescheduled.

“What is the meaning of this foolishness?” The judge appeared at the door with a very angry expression on his face. The bailiff held the door open for him. “You are allowing your client to disrespect this courthouse in such a manor Mr. Watkins and it is not helping your case one bit. Since Ms. Williams is bent on causing a scene, I am ready to render my decision. Please come in quietly. If there is any disruption you will be held in contempt. Is that clear?”

“Yes your honor. I apologize on behalf of my client.” With that said the judge returned to his seat after he retrieved his paperwork from his office. The tension was so thick it would take a buzz saw to cut through it.

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