Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... (16 page)

BOOK: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...
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Long, deep, strong, and repetitive strokes were about to drive Danni crazy. Her soul was weeping, her lip was sore from biting down, and every nerve ending in her body was on high alert. This felt different on so many different levels. Instead of fast-paced, head board banging sex this was a conversation for the entire body. Sweet, slow, passionate, and downright erotic almost mimicking the real thing. Why would Mark make love to her? They weren’t in a relationship. They weren’t even dating. Nothing serious. No strings attached. Until now.

“Mark?” Danni half moaned, the other half questioned his movements. The sensations flowing through her veins were so hypnotizing that she was finding it hard to breathe. She didn’t know how long he had been gently stroking her body but her emotions were starting to get the best of her.

“Don’t hold back.” Mark said soothingly against her neck where he was brushing kisses and sucking. No doubt leaving behind love bites. The overwhelming sensation to let go was indeed powerful. Normally her eyes would be shut tight, this feeling however was different from all the others. Eyes wide open just in time to make eye contact with none other than Mark himself. From the look on his face he was thoroughly enjoying the reactions he was pulling from her.

Being it was extremely hard to tear her eyes away from his as it seemed it was equally hard for him. Danni was no dummy and she had read so many sex therapy books. According to the books, eye contact during intimacy was the ultimate experience. It causes the bodies to sync into one, share emotions, and increase the bond between lovers. Even with that information clear, she still couldn’t look away. An invisible force was keeping them paralyzed right in that spot moaning, panting, and breathing one another’s air.

“Cum with me baby.”

“…” Danni could only nod her head in recognition that she understood what he wanted her to. When the tense heated moment had passed, Mark smashed his lips against hers. Successfully taking her breath away. Her inner muscle perked up from the tingles that were quickly spreading. That only resulted in Mark’s member to stiffen considering he had just blew a load. Danni realized he never removed himself from inside her like he normally would with a rubber on.

“Round two it is.” Mark said while biting his bottom lip. Leaning his forehead against Danni’s he started grinding just little harder but still at an unhurried pace. The feeling was more intense than the one before but still saying something.

Danni noticed the music choices in the background described their meeting in the bedroom to a tee. Groups from Silk, Dru Hill, Jodeci, Guy, and so many more were crooning their sexual cocoon. Danni begun to dig her nails into his back, arch her back into him leaving her neck fully exposed. Mark took full advantage kissing her chin, throat, and down to her collar bone. Interlacing one of her hands with his and leaning on the other to keep all of his weight off of her, he delivered thrust after thrust.

Without warning Mark lifted up resting on his knees bringing Danni along with him. Wrapping her shapely legs around him, arms around his neck, she allowed him to move her body against his. The new position was another intense one that took her breath away once again. Mark was full of surprises as she could tell. Getting the hang of how he wanted her to move she started to mimic the pace he established. Chasing her own release she tried to speed things up but Mark wasn’t having any of that. Obviously he had something else in mind and fast banging was not it.

As if she were light as a feather, Mark maneuvered them further up the bed until her back hit the soft cool leather of his massive head board. She didn’t have a clue of how this was going to work but it left barely any room between the two. At the moment she couldn’t really complain. Enjoying the closeness they shared even if it was for the time being. In her mind she knew this had to stop. This needed to be the last time. Feelings were starting to get involved. At least on her part and she wasn’t anywhere near that type of commitment.

“OH Mark!” Danni exclaimed feeling him thrust in at a punishingly steady pace. Her toes were curling, digging into the soft mattress from being planted flat. Somehow he had managed to have her up in a deep squatted position with her knees at a perfect ninety degree angle. Her breasts were in his grasp as his head alternated from one to the other. Although her cookie was feeling a little over worked, she was tingling and shooting off her own essence happily. “Oh Gawd… I’m gonna cum.”

Dropping his hands down from her boobs to her butt, Mark grinding faster and faster chasing both of their releases. Danni felt like she was going to faint from the passion. Mark kept going like he was possessed ripping another scream of a release from Danni before the previous one could subside. She never knew that was possible. Of course she had read about it but felt it was another thing. By the time he came she was a shivering mess trying to get some relief anywhere.

Both of them were breathing hard trying to gain some sort of normalcy. Her body sagged against his completely drained, his strength held them both up. Tenderly he kissed her brow before extracting himself from her warmness. Mark had laid back on the mattress carefully bringing Danni with him. They laid at the foot of the bed for the top was saturated with juices and sweat. The last thing Danni remember was being pulled into his arms and the sheet being pulled over their sated bodies. She was out like a light soon followed by Mark.


Mark woke up the next morning kind of early considering everything that had happened the night before. What possessed him to do the things he did with Danni? He wasn’t quite sure yet. One thing was for sure he wanted to give her a dose of how a woman should be treated. If she was his woman, there would be no doubt whether she was loved. Cherished every day and night without pause. And not just sexually. Danni was a good girl treated badly. So bad that she somehow didn’t think she deserved to have a good man by her side. He had caught her during one of her pity parties one too many times confirming she believed everything that bastard had said to her.

Every hateful word, sentence, threat, and insult aimed towards her from him was taken to heart. Just recalling the chance meeting with that bastard made his knuckles itch. What he wouldn’t give to sucker punch that fool with all of his body thrown into the mix. Speaking of his club, the punk bastard had the nerve to show up at the spot with a chick that looked awfully familiar. For some strange reason he couldn’t pin point where he’d knew her from. From what Danni had said, while being angry, he was into white women now. This chick, although light skinned was far from being that dang light. It took everything in him not to storm over there and knock him around a couple of times just for the sheer enjoyment of it.

Danni didn’t deserve the treatment that had been dished from him. He wanted to do everything within his power to prove to her that all men were not scum. Since they never officially said anything about dating, moving things to another level, or even being interested outside the bedroom he kept his opinion to himself. The truth was he was interested in Danni on a deeper level but considering the fragile state she was in, he knew she wouldn’t be ready. The first time he laid eyes on her, he knew she was special but the wedding ring pointed out she was not available. No matter how attractive a woman was, Mark didn’t do married women. Well at least up until he got to know Danni a bit more he didn’t. Ever since that faithful night that things went wild between them, he had been addicted to her. Technically she was married by law but emotionally she was free gain. Mark wanted that gain so very badly. 

“Mark…” Danni moaned. “What time is it?” She asked groggily.

“Time for you to open up.” Mark had grown impatient waiting for her to wake. Soon it would be time to pick Niecee up and he needed his fill before then.

“…Morning breath and all… really?” She asked and giggled. Trying to hide her face from him.

“Nothing a little mouth lip service won’t rid. It will be fine. Now open up and let daddy in.”

“Daddy huh?” Danni instinctively opened her legs allowing him to slide into place without much effort.

“That’s right baby. Daddy.” Mark glided in with ease knowing full well she always kept it wet for him. Using the bottom of the bed as leverage he gripped the mattress after situating Danni’s legs around his torso. Hitting all the right spots while tapping the very back of her tunnel. It felt so damn good he wanted to scream out his damn self.

“Oh shit...
just like that.”

“I thought you would see it my way.” Mark figured if she would let him have his way all of the time, then in no time she would be all his. In and out of the bedroom. Would she be willing, was the billion dollar question?


Chapter Thirteen

The friendship that Danni had with his daughter was another major attraction on the outside of her voluptuous body. At first meeting after introductions were made, he couldn’t help but watch her hips sway naturally as she showed them to her office. Pointing out he had been her savior the night before was only to sooth his bruised ego that she hadn’t remembered him. The fact that he went home that night wishing she would have been sober enough to ask him to stay with her was enough to never forget the beauty. When she spoke up on his parenting is when he felt a little defensive because he hadn’t known that his daughter was going through some things. He felt stupid for believing the ‘nothing is wrong daddy’ bit that Niecee always gave when in his gut he felt something was off.

Sadly that situation still wasn’t over. They had a court date scheduled for eight weeks’ time where the judge wants to hear everyone’s side of the story. Even Niecee will be summoned to tell her side and ultimately make a decision on where she would like to live. Unfortunately even though he has one of the best attorney’s money can buy he still doesn’t want to get his hopes up too soon. Things could always make a turn for the worst. Besides his mother, he hadn’t even thought about sharing his baby girl with another woman. That’s why he didn’t date because the whole step-parent thing tends to get tricky. Folks act a certain way until the papers are filed and then flip doing all kinds of screwed up things.

Danni had already developed a lioness protecting her cub syndrome to Niecee and didn’t even realize it yet. Niecee clung to her more than he could ever recall her clinging to her birth mother. That tramp still hadn’t reached out for anything other than to issue threats and demand money. Not once had she called to check up on her to see how she was doing. Something simple as demanding visitation, nothing. That further let him know she really didn’t care. She obviously only saw Niecee as a payday. A hefty payday at his current financial status. Back in the day was more of an on demand cash cow, now it was strictly through the courts of his own doing. He would never understand how selfish folks really are. Only if he knew then what he knew now.

The era of his life when he found out Theresa was pregnant was a blessing and curse. It was the happiest mixed with the saddest moment of his life. Happy blessing being that he was going to be a daddy. He was finally going to have someone to call his very own. Even if he was still in high school, Mark had a lot going for himself. Not all of it was legal starting out but things happen and some shit floats. The good part about it was that he knew he wouldn’t live illegally all of his life. That would just be plain stupid and the main reason why so many were locked up at the top of the game.

They didn’t know when to leave. Theresa was a sweet girl that loved her hard core man. Never had any qualms about his thug life days. As far as he knows she wasn’t a gutter rat or at least not until after him. He blamed himself for creating a money grubbing monster like her. When he was high in the game he was all she could dream of in a man. As soon as he found out she was pregnant he started to make his plans known to end his fast money living. That’s when she turned into the curse.

Come to find out Theresa loved the fast life so much that she didn’t want him to stop. After begging him didn’t pan out she resulted in threatening to leave him if he stopped. That was an eye-opener for Mark. Instead of getting the desired rise out of him as she thought, she got dumped. Crying, throwing fits, and threatening to sell him out proved pointless as well when he called her bluff. No matter, she knew she still had him where she wanted him because of the baby. The saddest part kicked in meaning his baby girl would be all the bargaining chip that Theresa would ever need to make him do whatever to keep seeing her. Whether it was extra money here or new clothes there, Mark provided.

Once he went legit and money wasn’t as easy to come by he put himself on child support. Mainly because he didn’t have money like that to keep throwing away. Sadly he didn’t have the means to take Niecee away at the time either. Business was his major and key take overs was his game. A professor he considered as more of a mentor had no dependents to leave his business to when he became ill with cancer. Having put Mark through a work study program in his small financial company and later allowing him to be an intern, helped him prove himself worthy. Some questioned his sanity at assigning this kid he barely knew as his beneficiary.

Either way it seemed he had to start from the ground up to make it so much more. Doubted by the employees that were already there as well as prove to himself he was more than a little punk from the hood. At twenty years old he worked from sun up to sun down pounding the pavement, gaining customers. In three years’ time thanks to his day and night dedication he forced the company to grow substantially. From a nickel and dime to a million dollar corporation, it didn’t take as long as most would think.

Sometimes he regrets he didn’t look into full custody sooner and he will have to live with his decision for the rest of his life. He just wanted to be sure he did all he could to make sure his child would have everything she ever needed as well as a legacy to pass on. Plus the claims that she was stable where she was always played a part. Niecee never complained about anything so he thought he would be uprooting her if he stepped in so late. Boy did he feel like an ass for believing anything Theresa or her buck-teeth mama had to say. One major corporation and countless investments in other venues was something he was proud of. But to have a family was one wish he would love to come true. Business was good but a family would be better.


“Hey baby. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hey mama.” Mark hugged his mother.

Their relationship was always touch and go earlier in his years, now it couldn’t be further from the truth. She had a tough time when he was coming up. Money was always funny but she made him promise to not fall into the wrong crowd. Of course he did the exact opposite of what she asked but what kid didn’t. As bad as it may sound he doesn’t regret or want to take back any of the things he has done. He honestly thinks they made him the man he is today. That is one of the reasons he has no qualms on hiring a brother with a sketchy background if he is at least expressing a need for change.

“I just wanted to come check on you. I missed you. All you seem to care about now a days is Niecee.” He pouted like the big baby he was. Mama’s baby. Only in private though.

“Mama’s baby boy.”

“Only boy.”

“Whatever. Where is my grandbaby?”

“At the mall with Danni and some of her friends.”

“Ah… How is my future daughter-in-law?”

“Did I miss something?” Mark asked with a brow raised. “Do you have another kid I don’t know about? What kind of secrets are you keeping woman?”

“Boy don’t play dumb with me. I see the way you look at her when you think no one is looking. News flash, I was looking. And as slick as you both think you are, so is Niecee.”

“Whoa! What?”

“I will not beat around the bush. Niecee has expressed her desire for you and Danni to be a couple. She has it in her head that you all would make the perfect family. And surprisingly enough she wants you two to give her siblings. I hate to break it to you but I have to agree with my very intelligent granddaughter. You two would make a great duo. In turn making great parents.”

“I admit I do feel something for Danni on the outside of friendship but…”

“But what?”

“She has been through a lot. Her ex has messed her up in the self-esteem department. I don’t know if I could deal with the constant skeptical looks and untrusting feelings.”

“You can and you will. In time.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because you’re already in love with her.”

“Hold up lady. I never said that.”

“And you didn’t deny it neither.”

“What if that’s not enough?”

“Then it’s her loss.”

“Why are the answers so easy for you to reveal?”

“Because mama knows all dear.”

“If you say so.”

“I do say so. You want to know what else I say.” Rita didn’t give Mark a chance to respond. “That Danni is the one. It may not happen immediately but it will happen. Everything that has happened, you are her knight to restore her value. Mark my words.”

Mark took what his mother had to say about his situation with Danni as he left her place. He would be a bold face lie if he denied the fact that he felt strongly for her. Something on the lines of love. Was he absolutely in love with her? He couldn’t be sure. He had never been in love before. Had he loved before? Of course but this was deeper. It was different. Very intense feelings of this magnitude could break a person’s will to live if crushed. What if she didn’t return those feelings? That was the most important hiccup. If he were in love all alone with no inkling of her reciprocating would be devastating.


“Hey. If it isn’t my two favorite ladies.” Mark greeted walking into the den of his home. He hadn’t seen Danni all day. Ever since he woke her up with a bang. Literally. Danni had offered to go get Niecee from her friends because they were begging to keep the party going. Wanting to go to the movies and mall for a bit, Danni stepped in knowing Mark really didn’t want to do it.

“Hey daddy.”

“Hey baby girl.”

“Hey miss lady. How are you?”

“I’m okay, how has your day been?”

“It’s been cool. Just handling a little business here and there. Nothing strenuous. What have you two been up to?”

“Chilling. For now that is.” Danni sighed heavily.

“What’s going on? Something on your mind?”

“Nothing serious. I just have some investigations to do. A little research for myself. Not to mention I have to go by my old house to clean out some things. Since it’s about to be foreclosed on, I might as well finish getting rid of anything that belongs to me.”

“Need some help?”

“Nah, you have done enough. Mark you can’t keep bailing me out you know that right?”

“Who said I was trying to bail you out? I just want to make sure you get everything. Between your car and my truck we should be able to get everything.” Mark said easily while sifting through some mail. “Plus any investigation that you plan to do doesn’t sound too safe.”

“Are you kidding me? My dad is a private investigator.”

“Exactly sweetheart, he is. You are not.”

“You are so out of line.” Danni giggled. Mark remembered what his mother said about Niecee so he chose that moment to gage her reaction to their conversation. She just sat aside smiling like a Cheshire cat. Like she knew something that neither of them knew.

“Yeah Danni let daddy help. I would hate for you to throw your back out or something.”

“Alright, ganging up on me I see.” Danni smiled. “Honestly there is no need for us both to drive. Actually it would be fine if we just took your truck.”

“I can stay here until you two get back. I have homework anyway.”

“You are so not slick young lady.” Mark whispered for only Niecee to hear. She just smirked. “You ready to roll out so we can get back.”

“Yeah sure.”

“Pizza good for dinner?”

“Works for me.” Both Niecee and Danni said before busting out laughing.

“Two peas in a pod or double mint twins?” Mark shook his head escorting Danni to his Avalanche.


Pulling up to a modern two story home, Mark couldn’t help but compliment the look of the place. It was indeed a nice looking place if you were into that type. He preferred the suburban feel over city living. It just felt more personal for him. Upon entering is when he wanted to take it all back. Although the inside was sleek and pristine, it had a cold feel to it. Nothing about it screamed, ‘honey I’m home.’ That was a definite no-no to him. How on earth did she manage to live here? It was so dreary and felt damn near untouchable.

“It used to look a little homier but I kind of rectified that.” Danni spoke into the silence that stretched between them. Mark hadn’t said a thing about what he felt. Another sign that she may just be what Doctor Rita ordered.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to. The look on your face said it all.”

“How did you rectify it?”

“Let’s just say it was a lot messier a while ago. Well actually twice I destroyed things in here.” Danni giggled nervously.

“You went all Angela Basset in here huh?”

“Screaming ‘I’m not gone cry, I’m not gone shed no tears!’”

“I can see that.”

“I’m kidding. I wasn’t singing but I did do quite a bit of damage.”

“Come on let’s get done with this. This place is…”


“Pretty much.”

“Sadly that described my marriage, yet I am just now figuring that out.”

“It will get better with time.”

“Honestly, I don’t really care anymore.” Danni showed Mark what all she wanted to take. He didn’t want her to lift a finger so she basically packed anything else she wanted while he loaded. Hearing a car pull into the garage out back broke her from her thoughts. She was dreading the day she came face to face with HIM again.

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