Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... (12 page)

BOOK: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...
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“Shit…” Mark didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t say anything Mark. We are both adults.”

“Adults that are attracted to each other.”

“Sexually. It’s no big deal.”

“…” Mark didn’t say anything to her statement. He just stepped back and looked at her with an unreadable expression.

“I guess I made quite a mess.” She hinted looking down at the small puddle on the floor. Most of it had soaked into his shorts that were now covering his member.

“I got it, just clean yourself up.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, technically it’s my fault so…yeah.”

“…” Danni couldn’t find any words to say. She just walked away feeling incomplete but satisfied in the same breath if that made sense. If only she had met Mark before she had been damaged by Lamont, circumstances would have been different.



Danni had finally gotten the hang of working at the hotel she woke up in a while back. That was the night she first got confirmation of Lamont’s horrid ways and on the bright side Mark was placed in her life. She often wondered if she hadn’t been practically saved by him that night would they have become fast friends. Would he have taken her in if they first met at Niecee’s visit? Mark had become a wonderful asset in her life and not just because he could do things to her body to make her forget her problems. If only just for a little while.

Since the incident in the kitchen a week ago, it had become hard to get her daily eye candy because she was at work in the day. The schedule has changed a bit as of late. He would tip to the basement late at night and take her there one good time before going back to his own room. They spent time together just the three of them when time permits. Whereas if Niecee was gone it would get downright dirty. He would break her off in few new places in the house, having her begging him for more and a break in one scream. A couple times she felt something during their encounter but she pushed it away. Honing in on the pure lust of the situation. The only place they hadn’t been was his room which felt a little too intimate to her and of course Niecee’s room.

In Danni’s mind they were the epitome of friends with benefits. The benefit for her was she could open up to him about anything and he would listen. Giving his honest opinion when she asked for it. When she desired sex, he gave in with no questions asked. Why would he ask questions? He is a man after all, a sexy well-endowed man, with a sensational sexual appetite. She was helping him out or so she kept trying to convince herself. The sad part was she didn’t know what he did for a living besides him owning the nightclub. There was no way he made enough money to live like he did off of a nightclub. The fear of sounding stupid kept her from inquiring about his whereabouts when he says he has business meetings. He seems to keep quite busy but still finds time to spend with her and Niecee.

Danni had asked him to accompany her to a picnic given by her family. Her aunt was actually the one that was throwing it at her house. She hadn’t really been around any of her family on the outside of her mom and dad since the divorce proceedings were on the way. As far as she was concerned no one was the wiser about her recent separation. That was alright with her cause she didn’t feel like explaining anything to anyone anyway. Niecee was excited to meet more of Danni’s family while she in turn wasn’t all that thrilled about going. If it wasn’t for her mom bringing it up in front of Niecee she might have ignored the invitation.

“What’s wrong Danni?” Mark asked.


“You don’t really want to go do you?”

“Not really.”


“I don’t feel like explaining myself or my situation.” She said being mindful of Niecee being in the car. Mark was driving them there.

“Then don’t. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone if you don’t feel like it.”

“They are going to ask where he is and why I am arriving with you. This I know for sure.”

“Would you rather I drop you off? You insisted that I come remember.”

“You didn’t refuse.” Danni snapped unconsciously.

“Whoa. Check your tone.” Mark said sternly. Luckily Niecee had her headphones on and couldn’t hear their conversation.

“I apologize. That was out of line.”

“I’m just trying to be there for you but if you rather me not. Then so be it. I’m not forcing myself on you Danni.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have asked you to come with me if I didn’t want you to. Thank you for being my friend.”

“Amongst other things.”

“You are so nasty.”

“I can show you nasty baby.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Remember no running. No tap outs.”

“I can’t deal with you right now.” Danni shook her head trying to clear the fog she was in. She could feel the moisture start to gather in between her legs. Her breathing had increased just from his hints. Letting her mouth get her into something her cookie couldn’t get her out of once again. This had become one of their rituals, he talked dirty she talked back, and boom she was left screaming.

“You are looking good in them jeans by the way.” Danni felt more confident in her appearance than she had in a while. Mainly because Mark always complimented her on what she was wearing or how she looked in general.

“Thank you.”

Finally they arrived at her aunt’s house. There were cars lined up and down the block. The drive way was full and even the yard had a few cars. Walking around back she went straight to looking for her mom and dad. As soon as they stepped foot in the back yard it’s like time stood still. People who were chatting with others stopped mid-sentence assessing the situation. Niecee was walking beside her in a similar outfit as hers consisting of skinny capri jeans, layered tank tops, and sandals. While Mark walked behind them dressed down for the occasion in cargo shorts, Jordan’s, and a coordinated shirt. Spotting her parents sitting with some other relatives, she wasted no time getting over to them.

“Hey Ma. Hey daddy.” Danni greeted giving them a hug.

“Hey Sweetpea.” Her daddy hugged her tight. “Hey pretty girl. How are you doing today?” He said speaking to Niecee.

“Good.” She spoke shyly.

“And who is this handsome young man?” Her mother asked eyeing Mark.

“Mom, dad, this is Mark. Niecee’s dad. Mark these are my parents, William and Lena Hunter.”

“It’s nice to meet you folks.” Mark shook their hands.

“Nice to meet you as well.” Her mother gushed. Danni scrunched up her eyebrows in wonderment. Her mother was acting like a love sick cougar.

“Come along son and tell me about yourself.” William pulled Mark away from the women. Danni was still stuck on the whole ‘son’ word. He didn’t even call Lamont son.

“He is nice looking.” Her mother said.

“Mom? What has gotten into you? You are ogling like some old cougar.”

“What? I was just admiring how nice looking he was. You all looked so cute together when you came in. Looking like a little family.” She beamed.

“Really mom?”

“I say the same thing all the time.” Niecee chimed in. The whole time Danni thought she had her music on.

“See even the baby sees it.” Lena smiled. “Come on sugar, let grandma show you where the kids are. Introduce you to some new friends hopefully.”

“Okay. See you later Danni.” She skipped off with her new found friend. Danni was floored when Lena referred to herself as grandma. Walking over to the other women, she decided to stop being rude and interact with everyone.

“So who is your friend?” One of her nosey cousins asked. They meant well but they were always in somebody’s business.

“He sure is fine.” Another said.

“I’ve seen him somewhere before.”

“Way to go Danni.”

“You are playing with fire.” One of her aunts chimed in with distaste.

“What do you mean, playing with fire?”

“You are walking around here gallivanting with another man while you are a married woman. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Where is your husband anyway?”

“Oh Ruby, stop that finger pointing right now.” Lena interrupted with much attitude. She had just walked in on the butt end of the conversation. “Where is your husband?”

“Hell, she ain’t got one.” Aunt Celia said scowling at her sister’s choice of reprimand.

“You shut up Celia you ain’t got one either.” Ruby exclaimed.

“I’m a widow, what’s your excuse?” Celia shot back.

“She ain’t got one. She talks too much.” Lena said causing everyone to snicker at Ruby’s embarrassment.

“Lena you ain’t right. How you gon’ let your child sit up here and embarrass her husband like this? I don’t have to be married to know what she is doing is wrong. Bringing that thug up in here and with a half grown child at that. She is running around here playing mama instead of having her own.”

“You don’t know my story or anything that’s going on in my life. For your information, Mark is a really good friend of mine. You really don’t have to worry about what I do with him or her.”

“Well, what do we have here?” Danni stiffened at the last voice she expected to hear before they went to court to put their sorry excuse for a marriage to rest. “Who is this character I have been hearing so much about?”


“Of course it’s me honey. Why didn’t you tell me about
family function?” He said gently rubbing circles in her lower back. Danni instantly tried to move away but his grip tightened on her to prevent her from moving.

“There you are Lamont. I was wondering when you would show up.” Ruby cooed before rolling her eyes at Danni.

“Thanks for inviting me since my lovely wife neglected to.”

“Oh please.” Lena retorted giving him a death stare.

“Is there a problem here?” William asked with enough venom to kill a rattle snake.

“No problem sir. How are you today Mr. Hunter?” Lamont turned to him with an award winning smile.

“I will be better when you remove your hands from my daughter.”

“Is there a problem with showing my wife some affection?” Lamont leaned to kiss Danni but she snatched away forcefully. Gaining her freedom, she unconsciously stood next to Mark. “Who do we have here?” He turned his attention to the huge man standing next to her. Mark beat Lamont out by a couple of inches in height and quite a few more in width. His muscles could crush Lamont’s leaner frame. The stone cold face he revealed would make a bear retreat.

“My name isn’t important homeboy but I know who you are.” Mark said with a sinister sneer. “You alright Danni?”

“Yeah I’m good.”

“Tsk. Tsk. Danielle this is the best you could do? Some no good, designer dressed thug from the hood. Is this who you snuck off to be with? This is who you shacked up with now? With boys in the hood? I thought you were better than that. You’re just a simple little wh…”

“WATCH IT!” Mark growled. From the corner of her eye she saw her father getting agitated.

“Or what?”

“You don’t know me or what I am capable of but with this one…” He gestured toward Danni. “I suggest you tread lightly.”

“Are you threatening me boy?” Lamont smirked. “I have you know I am a very influential person in this city and I can have your little cartel dismantled in an instant. I have seen your kind before.” Mark only glared at him for a few minutes before he displayed a smile that shook Danni to the core.

“Mark it’s alright. Let’s just grab Niecee and go.”

“No he should be the one to leave.” Lena said. “Don’t let him ruin the day.”

“That’s enough. I won’t have you and your little boy toy disrespecting my house. You need to tell your company to leave. He isn’t welcomed here. I don’t like that kind of riffraff around where I lay my head. I know how they operate. Hoodlums are all the same.”

“Ruby you need to get a life, you don’t know nothing about this young man.” William defended roughly. “And furthermore with you siding with this low-life says a lot about your character. Any snake with scales could see one of their own kind standing before them. Yet you are bashing a complete stranger to you. Influential my ass! Boy you aren’t fit to wipe his shoes. For all you know…” He went on until Mark cut him off.

“It’s alright William.” Mark said silencing the older man from telling the grumpy old battleax and the pompous ass what the deal was.

“I’ll grab Niecee and meet you at the car.” Danni said.

“I’m not done talking to you Danielle.” Lamont barked.

“But I’m done talking to you. Anything else you have to say will be said only with our lawyers present.”

“LAWYERS?” She heard everyone question at once.

“That’s right the almighty wonderful Lamont and I are getting a divorce. SURPRISE!”

“Just stupid.” Ruby hissed. “You young girls kill me running around here after these no good men when you could have a good one. Just a waste.”

“Lena let’s go, I’m done with this shit.”

“Right behind you.” Lena stated with a bad taste in her mouth following her husband.

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