Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... (13 page)

BOOK: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...
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The ride back to Mark’s house was silent. Niecee ended up being privy to some of the bickering going on at Ruby’s house. She even remained silent not knowing which way to turn from the chain of events. Danni felt the need to apologize for her family’s behavior and putting them in the middle of it. For the life of her she couldn’t find the words from being so angry at all the hateful things that were said about her. She wasn’t stupid or a waste, but wasted is what she felt like being. All she wanted to do was drown her sorrows in a big bottle and hopefully kill the pitiful demons that were attacking her soul. It was funny how no one knew to what extent her and Mark’s friendship went but they all had enough speculation to create a story.


Chapter Eleven

Danni had been summoned to dinner by her god sister whom she hadn’t seen in a little while. In all honesty they hadn’t shared a conversation lasting longer than a few minutes since she found out she was pregnant. Danni didn’t want to be a Debbie downer so she was okay with not talking to her. Being frank about it, she was embarrassed because she couldn’t do something as simple as keep her husband from wanting to tip out with other women. Not just one, he obviously had a few and weren’t that far between. Lack of being able to satisfy your husband was becoming hard to deal with. Here Nat was with something she always dreamed about. Some people would say it was never too late to have children but she had already destroyed any hopes of ever going down that road again.

“Hey girl. Long time no see.” Nat greeted.

“I know. I’ve just been so busy.”

“Girl you should have let Lamont’s ass take care of you and you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“What are you rambling about?”

“Come on now Danni. Remember when he wanted you to not work and stay home. What happened to that? You would have been there at his beck and call. Honey given the chance I would in a heartbeat. You probably still can if you would stop being so stubborn.”

“Wait a damn minute. Are you suggesting I go back to that no good, disease packing whore bag?”

“He’s human and he made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. You know how men are. All of them cheat but is it worth being alone? Hell no.”

“Cheating is no mistake Nat. What has gotten into you? He blatantly went out and started screwing random females no telling how many. People who work with him and all. I will not sit around and be some man’s door mat.”  Danni said on the verge of tears. Not from being hurt but for feeling stupid for being with someone like that. “Furthermore you never liked him anyway so why the sudden need to defend him?”

“What do you mean?” Danni noticed Nat was a little fidgety.

“Is he putting you up to this? How did you even know he cheated? Now that I recall you have been all too gung ho about talking about his infidelities but I just told you my suspicions. I don’t think I ever confirmed it.”

“To what? Of course you confirmed it.” She moved around a lot as if there was something else.

“Talking to me about giving him another chance that’s what.” She chose to ignore the confirmation of his cheating because so much has happened, she had a hard time recalling some conversations.

“Well he was still at Aunt Ruby’s when I got there. I didn’t know anything about you all’s altercation and so he filled me in. He told me that this guy wasn’t good for you. You were starting to take on his characteristics. Whatever the hell that meant? Danni you have to be careful who you associate yourself with. I know you can’t be that naïve. You are letting your hurt feelings run you in the wrong direction.”

“Over-exaggerating his innocence as usual. Typical Lamont behavior. Now he is the victim. What would you know about my so called decisions? I haven’t talked to you in what feels like forever. You are eating up everything he has to say like it’s nothing. Fuck Lamont.”

“I know you aren’t dumb enough to divorce him for real are you? You know you won’t get anything right?”

“Wow… You are something else.” Danni gathered her belongings.

“Where are you going? We haven’t even ordered yet.”

“I can’t do this as long as you are a Lamont cheerleader. I will see you around.”

“You are making a big mistake. Lots of women would kill to be in my shoes.”

“They don’t have to kill, steal, or anything else. Cause they can have his dog ass. Goodbye.” Lamont has turned her employer against her, some of her other family members, and now even the chick she considered as a sister. He was literally making her life a living hell.


Danni was working behind the desk of the hotel. Lately she hadn’t seen much of Mark because he was always busy with work. Still she hadn’t the slightest clue what his ‘work’ consisted of. The relationship with Niecee was the same and had been invited by Mark’s mom to a pampering day followed by lunch. Miss Rita was so much fun to be around but she kept giving Danni these long hard glances. Her features were always soft as if she were in deep thought. It was just that Danni really wanted to know what she was thinking about.

Mark and Danni hadn’t done anything X-rated since the family gathering gone all wrong. She would be a bold faced lie if she said she wasn’t feeling neglected. Every time they would pass, one of them was on the way out to handle business. Besides the family dinners they happen to catch and see what’s going on in each other’s lives in a minimal way, they don’t talk much. At night she found herself dreaming about him on a serious note but she knew that was all in her head of wanting a happily ever after. Now it was evident to her that those didn’t exist.

Now that Mark didn’t visit her in the night anymore further validated that what they had was pure lustful attraction. Nothing more. And obviously the attraction had worn off. All the ugly things that Lamont had said about her was starting to make her think that maybe he was on to something. Mark was apparently successful in whatever his business was, sexy as sin, with the best humble personality. Wealthy, evidently powerful, and sweet as pie all wrapped up in one amazing body. She just knew her mind was playing tricks on her because she could have sworn she just heard his chuckle. Looking around the lobby of where she worked she spotted a large muscular body that looked a lot like Mark’s. The only difference is he was donning a suit. A very expensive looking suit, while Mark normally wore street clothes.

Upon further evaluation, she realized it was none other than Mark when she heard the woman with him call him Marcus. She was giggling horribly at something he said. It was evident she was flirting with him on the sly. Danni couldn’t hate and say the woman was ugly unfortunately. She was well endowed in the chest department even if they looked like some fake balloons. The rest of her body was on the small side but her short skirt was so short it gave off the impression that she had some sort of hips. Her face was almost Egyptian but with a tad bit too much makeup. Removing the scowl from her face she prepared to come face to face with her.

“Good afternoon ma’am. Welcome to…” Before Danni could finish her greeting the snooty woman had cut her off.

“Yes. Yes, dear. Reservation for Beverly Cranford.” She finished with an eye roll.

“Yes ma’am. I just need to see your I.D. or the credit card you booked the room with.”

“Excuse me? You must be new here.”

“I understand that ma’am but policy says…”

“Where is the manager?”

“Is there a problem?”

“No. No problem Marcus. It seems there is a new employee that isn’t aware of the regulars.” The way she said his name reminded her of how Eartha Kitt called Eddie Murphy in that movie ‘Boomerang.’

“Miss Danni.” Danni raised an eyebrow at Mark. Since when did they go back to the Miss?

“Mr. Jones.” Mark cocked an eyebrow at her greeting.

“I didn’t know you were working here.”

“Yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you exactly where I was working.”

“Mr. Jones, Ms. Cranford, nice to see you both. I apologize for the hold up.” The manager came from the rear. “Danielle I will handle this check in.”

“How do you know her and does she not know…” Mark cut off whatever else Beverly had to say.

“It’s quite alright Jimmy. She was just following protocol is all, isn’t that right Beverly?”

“Yes of course Marcus.” She swooned.

“Jimmy, please have someone show Miss Beverly to her room. If you don’t mind I would like to speak with your new employee. It should be nearing her break. Am I correct?”

“Yes sir. Not a problem.”

“Beverly I will meet you back in the restaurant.”

“Oh… I was hoping we could have a private lunch. With so much travel, I thought we could forego the hustle and bustle of a busy restaurant.”

“I completely understand that. Would you like to postpone this meeting to a later time, perhaps after you have rested?” At Beverly’s obviously stunned silence Mark made the executive decision to suggest a time. “How about we meet in the restaurant at say three?”

“Three it is.” The pure fakeness hopping off of the woman did nothing to ease the nerves in Danni. Watching the exchange between the two, there was an obvious attraction coming off of her. Somehow Mark seemed unfazed.

“Shall we Ms. Hunter?” Mark gestured for Danni to follow him.

“Don’t worry Danielle, I will handle the front until Debbie returns.” Jimmy said eagerly.

Mark led Danni to the grand elevators in silence. From the sound of clacking heels, Beverly was in a hurry to make it in time to ride with them. Ushering Danni into the elevator he was sure to settle in the corner near the panel. There was an evident layer of thickness in the air sending off all kinds of odd vibes that made her feel so uncomfortable. Someway it felt like the Beverly woman was shooting daggers at Danni but she couldn’t figure out why that was. The bellhop escorting the obnoxious woman was even fidgeting nervously. Noticing that only one floor number was pushed, Danni prepared to get off when they arrive. Only to have Mark place a hand on her elbow to halt her movements.

“After you.” Beverly attempted at being polite speaking to Danni.

“We won’t be getting off here Beverly.”

“Oh.” She said in disappointment leaving the two of them alone.

Mark scanned the little black box on the wall with his wallet and the elevator ascended to the private level. Danni knew of that level but was aware that it was mainly for the important people of the hotel chain. Owners, investors, and people of that nature. One question kept running over and over in her mind, ‘who was De’ Marcus Jones?’ Although that has been one answer she had been dreading to receive, it was just something she needed to get to the bottom of. At one point he seemed so thuggish and hardcore but now it seems there is something more distinguished. That only seemed to point to one thing in her mind, mafia. As ridicules as it sounded it could be true. Who said the mafia was only of none African American decent? He seemed so dangerous when the need arose.

Arriving at the room or apartment, whatever it was, Danni was awestruck. The room was huge with a living room, dining area, beautiful balcony, and French doors that lead to the bedroom no doubt. Glancing in that direction she saw the massive bed in the middle of the room covered in a thick white goose down comforter and pillows. The luxuriousness of the place was breathtaking. Only in her wildest dreams had she ever considered being in something like this. Here she was alone with her friend, on occasion lover, and in reality he was nothing more than a stranger. She knew nothing about him.

“Go ahead and ask away Danni.” Mark broke the silence. “I can practically see the questions swirling around in your head.” He chuckled. Danni had turned around only to see he had removed his jacket, loosened his tie, and was undoing his sleeves.

“Who are you really?” She asked the only question that seemed important.

“The real question is, who do you think I am?”


“That would be nice.” Mark easily slid his hands into his pockets watching her intently with no humor.

“I don’t know. Of course I have speculated but honestly I have no clue.”

“What did you speculate?” Mark asked not leaving room for her to answer. “That I was some no-good thug? Sold drugs? Kingpin. Mafia. What exactly?”

“…” Danni swallowed her nervousness.

“The crazy part is that I’m not even mad at you. I’ve heard it all before. Because I don’t dress in a suit twenty-four seven, I am labeled as a thug. Then when I do wear a suit, it seems I more dangerous. Why? I know that wasn’t how you were raised. So how did you develop that stereotype?”

“How would you know how I was raised?” Danni snapped back becoming defensive.

“I did have a conversation with your father. I happen to believe I am a good judge of character.”

“I apologize if I wrongly judged you.”

? That’s an understatement.” His face was set in stone.

“Come here Danni.” Mark never took his hands out of his pockets or changed his facial expression. He had moved around the room smoothly while they talked. Danni didn’t take her eyes off of him as he stopped at the large eating area. “Do you really think I would endanger my daughter by doing something illegal? As much as you love Niecee, if you really believed I was living that lifestyle would you report me?” She didn’t respond truly thinking about whether he seriously wanted her to answer.

“Tell me Danni. If you really allowed yourself to think the worst about me, why would you allow me to become so acquainted with you? Intimately?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do me a favor.”

“What is it?”

“Take off your clothes.”


“Take. Off. Your. Clothes.”


“Either you do or I will.” Danni didn’t know why his threat turned her on tremendously. No matter how bad she wanted to disagree and tell him to go to hell, she refrained. “Leave the thigh highs and heels on.” Feeling self-conscious of her out of shape body, she thought to cover up.

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