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Authors: Dawn Stanton

Waiting for Us (27 page)

BOOK: Waiting for Us
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Chapter Forty - Three

July 12, 2015 - Cory



  I will never forget the morning of July 5, 2015, no matter how long I live. I woke up from a night of dreamless sleep to find Hailey nestled perfectly in my arms and in that moment I knew that I never wanted to be without her again. She made me the happiest man alive when she looked at me with her beautiful eyes reflecting her love for me and told me that she wanted to be with me. My heart pounded so hard in my chest that for a moment, I felt a little dizzy with shock. It was hard to wrap my brain around the fact that after so many years, my dream was actually coming true. Hailey was finally mine and we’re going to share our lives together. I’m going to make her the happiest she’s ever been.                                                         




It’s been a week since Hailey and I truly began our relationship. I consider our "start" to be the day after she spoke with Marcus. As it turns out, she didn’t have to let him down easy. She didn’t have to let him down at all because Marcus told her he wants to stay in California. What Hailey doesn’t know and never will is that Marcus also called me that Sunday night after he had already spoken to her. He told me that he saw us together and that he could see how much love there was between us. He said he was removing himself from the situation by staying in California and that I better do my best to make her happy because he’s not promising to stay there forever. I know that someday soon he may return and if I’m not enough for Hailey he will do his best to win her back. He swore me to secrecy and out of respect for how Marcus has given me this chance with her, I’m going to honor it. But he’s never going to have another opportunity to be with Hailey. He can come back to Massachusetts and give it his best shot, but I’m not going anywhere unless it’s with her. She and I were destined to be together and I love her more than I ever thought was possible.

This past week with her has been better than I imagined it would be. Last night was our first real date...the kind of date where you plan ahead and go pick your girl up. We had such a great time and I hope she’s starting to realize the depth of my feelings for her. I'm not quite ready to tell her how much I love her and if I did she wouldn't believe me. She doesn't understand that part of me has been in love with her since the first time our lips touched. Now that we’re together I'm going to do whatever it takes to make her happy. I'm going to shower her with my love so she will never have a reason to doubt me again. When I do say those three magical words to her, she will know that I mean them with every single fiber of my being.




Chapter Forty-Four

September - Hailey


   It’s the beginning of September and Cory has rented a beach house in Corolla, North Carolina for us to spend the week at. The bright yellow bungalow has blue shutters and a wraparound deck. The small size of the cottage is perfect for just the two of us and the immediate area surrounding it, reminds me of the dunes near our beach back in Massachusetts. This location is a lot more private, though, with no neighbors in sight. It feels nice to be so isolated from everyone and not have family and friends all around us. We’re in our own little bubble down here and I know I will always cherish the memories we make.

Cory mentioned that he wanted to take me out for a nice dinner tonight, so I’m wearing a new sundress that I bought specifically for this trip. It leaves a lot of my upper body bare, so I can’t wear a bra with it. I like it because it has a bra built into it and I won’t have to worry about my nipples poking out for all the diners at the restaurant to see.

When I walk downstairs, Cory is nowhere to be found. I finally notice him on the back part of the deck, through the sliding glass doors. He has left a trail of burning white pillar candles, in clear glass hurricane vases and covered the path with rose petals. When I step out onto the deck, I notice more lit candles spread around the area, casting a warm and romantic glow. He has a soft looking blanket spread over the queen size daybed where he is seated, waiting for me. I pause for a moment when I realize that he is only wearing a pair of his black boxer briefs. As I stand there admiring his hot as hell body, all I can think about are all the things I want to do to him.

“Babe, what’s that naughty gleam in your eye for? Get over here and make whatever you’re thinking a reality.” I giggle before kicking off my no longer needed stiletto heels and running across the rose petals that are strewn over the surface of the Trex decking. When I reach the daybed, I stop beside it to remove my sundress, leaving me bare except for a green lace G-string.

“Fuck. Babe, you are so gorgeous.” He whispers, reverently looking up at me. “I’m not a religious man Hailey, but I thank God for you, every single day. I love you so much. I’ve been waiting for weeks to tell you. Please tell me you feel the same for me.”

“I love you so much Cory. More than you can ever know.” He grabs me with both hands on my waist, pulling me down so I am straddling his lap and devours my mouth with his. His hands are everywhere at once, tearing off my G-string, gripping my ass and pushing me to my back so he can hover over me. His boxers got removed at some point without me noticing, leaving his phenomenal cock exposed, hard and straight against his stomach. The tip falls just below his bellybutton and I notice a pearl of pre-come glistening there. I bite my lip, wanting to taste him and feel him in my mouth for the first time. Waiting to have sex has been harder than I thought and I know it hasn’t been easy for him either. It has been like high school all over again... stopping at third base...but much hotter, because it’s Cory making me come.

“Babe, if you keep looking at me like that, I’m not gonna last. I need to taste you with my tongue first. You know how I’ve been dying to taste your honey.” I giggle as I remember the conversation he is referring to. We were in the elevator at work, about to leave for our July Fourth weekend at the beach. He licks my inner thigh, before nipping it with his teeth.

“I’m going to devour your pussy and then I’ll give you my cock.” His words cause me to groan out loud. I love his dirty talking mouth and what it’s about to do to me. He pauses and blows gently between my legs, teasing me.

“Please, Cory.” I plead, my voice shaking with need.

“Don’t worry babe, you’re gonna get everything you want.” He licks the whole length of my slit and I cry out from how exquisite it feels to finally have his mouth on me. I raise my hips toward his mouth, waiting for whatever he has in store for me. He lifts my legs, laying them over his shoulders and buries his face between my thighs. He licks and sucks me with a vengeance before slowing down to teasingly circle my clit with his tongue. It doesn’t take long before I’m crying out his name with my release. His head pops up from between my legs, a proud smile on his face.

“You are delicious babe. I want all your honey.” He waggles his eyebrows making me laugh before grabbing my ankles and pulling me down the daybed toward his hips.

“Are you ready babe? Are you ready to finally be all mine?” He nuzzles my nose with his and brushes his lips on mine.

“Yes Cory, please.” I plead with him as I raise my hips toward his waiting cock. He grips my hips with both his hands, raising them up as he thrusts inside me for the first time. We both gasp from how incredible it feels. He slowly begins to move as I wrap my legs tightly around him and meet his hips with mine, thrust for thrust.

“Babe, I’ve never felt anything like this. You were made for me." He begins to move faster and deeper inside of me as I grip his shoulders and dig my nails into his skin. I can feel my orgasm building as he slides one hand from my hip to my clit, slowly rubbing it while slamming his cock into me. I hit my peak first and two thrusts later he follows. We stay here, still joined together, savoring all our incredible firsts.



Chapter Forty - Five

November 2015 - Hailey


Cory and I have been an official couple for almost five months now and it’s been better than I could have imagined. We spent the first couple of months just getting to know each other by going on frequent dates. Cory would hold my hand and kiss me goodnight, but that was the extent of our physical relationship. He told me that he wanted to do things right this time and show me how much he cared without throwing sex into the mix. After the first six weeks, we finally progressed to beneath the clothes touching and I have to say I never realized how much fun it could be to just fool around. When we went on our vacation to North Carolina after being a couple for two months, we made love for the first time and exchanged I love you’s. I feel like that was a major turning point for me, in our relationship. It made me realize that I never want to be without Cory Marshall again. I’m not going to tell him that, though. I don’t want him to get any cockier than he already is. We’ve also decided that we’ll return to the Outer Banks each September to commemorate all of our firsts, not that I’ll ever forget them. The moment he told me he loved me, I was his forever. I’m not sure what the future has in store for us, but I do know that I want to face it together

Tonight Cory is taking me out for a special dinner. He won’t tell me where we’re going, but he did say I should get dressed up. I wonder what restaurant he’s taking me to? I try to think if he’s let any clues slip out as I’m putting the finishing touches on my makeup. By the time, I’m ready he’s been waiting for me for about fifteen minutes.

“You look beautiful Hailey. You are always worth the wait, babe.” He takes my hand and raises it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back. He takes my sweater from the coat rack and helps me slip it on before sliding on his black sports coat.

“Are you sure you’ll be warm enough in just a sweater babe?” He’s always thinking of me in some small way.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I smile at him as we walk out the door and make our way to his Range Rover. He opens my door and helps me inside, before getting in. Once we’re on the road, he looks over at me.

“I need to stop at your parent’s house and grab a file your dad left for me. I know going there is out of our way, but he asked me to do this as a personal favor to him. You know how great your dad has been to me. I couldn’t really in good conscience say no.”

“No worries hon, I like it when you chauffeur me around.”

“Just call me Jeeves,” He says with a smirk. “You know, if you want me to dress up in a chauffeur uniform, I’d totally do it for you, babe.”

“Cory.” I start to giggle as I picture him wearing only the hat.

“See babe, you’re thinking about it.”

When we pull into my parent’s driveway, it doesn’t look like anyone is home. The house is mostly dark and my dad’s car isn’t there. I wonder what my parents are doing tonight?

“Come in with me babe, I want to look the file over quick and make sure it’s the right one and I don’t want you waiting out here for me. He opens my door and escorts me along the flagstone path that leads to the red-painted front door. He unlocks the handle with the key my parents gave him ten years ago. Even back then they knew he was becoming an important part of our family. I’m hopeful that someday he’ll legally be a part of our family when we get married. I definitely see him as the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. We haven’t talked about it much. I think he’s afraid he’ll scare me off or that he’ll make me feel pressured. In many relationships, it’s the girl that pressures the guy for more, but not in ours. I was definitely skittish when we got our start, but he won me over with his sweet and loving ways. If the people that knew us best could be a fly on the wall, I know they’d be shocked at what Cory is like with me; although, I’m sure they can see, just by looking at us, how happy we are. Little do they know, that he is the more romantic one and that I struggle to find the words to express the depth of my love for him. Sometimes, I love you doesn’t seem adequate and I feel like I need to come up with a better word to describe how all-encompassing my love for him is. The same words that I struggle to find seem to flow gracefully out of his mouth, on a daily basis. These are words that I know he has never said to anyone else and it makes me appreciate them even more.

I was relieved when Cory filled me in on his talk with Jake, all those months ago. It’s nice that Jake supports my decisions and trusts that I know what’s best for me. My parents were surprisingly pleased when Cory and I told them we were together. I think my dad is especially thrilled because this bodes well for his law firm. Seriously, though, one day last summer, my dad took me aside and told me that he always knew Cory and I would end up together. I was shocked and asked him why he would say that? He told me it was the way we secretly looked at each other with so much love. I guess I wasn’t being as covert as I thought I was if my dad noticed.

Once we’re inside my parent’s house Cory and I head towards the kitchen. It smells like vanilla in here and I wonder what treat my mom whipped up today. I open up the fridge to peek inside like I do every time we come here. I check out what’s in the crisper drawers as I wait for Cory to be done looking over the file. I don’t see any kind of desserts hiding anywhere inside here so I step back and close the stainless steel door. When I turn around Cory is down on one knee in front of me with a diamond ring pinched between his index finger and his thumb. I cover my mouth in shock. It seems so surreal to me that I can’t believe this is actually happening. He takes my left hand in his before he begins to speak.

“Hailey, we met in this kitchen eleven years ago today. That was the most important day of my life because it was the first step in a long, long, long ass journey to where we’re at now.” I giggle at him as the tears start to well up in my eyes.

“When we first met, you were just a young, adorable pre-teen but after a few years you blossomed into a beautiful young woman and you had no idea the pull I felt towards you. Once you were an adult, I kept telling myself to hang in there and that someday we would have our moment. And here we are after all that time I spent waiting for our chance and destiny finally stepped in and made me the happiest man in the world when I woke up with you in my arms and you said you wanted to be mine. There’s only one thing that could possibly make me happier than I already am babe.” He pauses and I can see his amber eyes shining with unshed tears.

“Hailey, will you marry me?”

“Yes!” I shriek and launch myself at him. We topple over on the floor laughing and kissing.

“Wait, you need your ring, babe.” As he’s sliding it on my ring finger, I see it clearly for the first time. The center stone is a large princess cut diamond and there are smaller aquamarine stones flanking it on either side.

“I chose aquamarine to match your eyes, babe.” God, this man of mine is so sweet.

“I can’t wait to be your wife, Cory Marshall.”

“Hailey Marshall does have a nice ring to it. Come on,” he says as he gets up from the floor and holds his hand out to pull me up and into his arms. He leans down and catches my lips with his before sliding his tongue in to tangle with mine. We continue to kiss until we hear my stomach rumble. We both laugh as we separate.

“I can’t believe you remember the date we met. I didn’t even remember that.”

“I remember everything when it comes to you, Hailey.”

I hold my left hand out in front of me so I can admire my gorgeous ring.

“Did I do good, babe?” Cory asks.

“You did perfect.”

         When I was a little girl, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that my prince was out there somewhere and someday we would be together. As I got older, life’s experiences changed me and for a while, I lost my faith in finding my happily ever after. All these years of never being able to commit to anyone made me think that there was something wrong with me and that I must be fickle or heartless. It wasn’t until I made the decision to be with Cory that I realized what had been holding me back. All that time...I was waiting for us.



The end.

BOOK: Waiting for Us
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