War Bride (Battle Born Book 7) (5 page)

BOOK: War Bride (Battle Born Book 7)
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She kicked and twisted, trying to slow his progress at least, but he was so incredibly strong. He pushed her legs up and out, pinning her lower body to the bed as he spread her thighs. His gaze traveled down her body, lingering over her breasts before descending to her sex.

With obvious intention, he lowered his head between her thighs. She closed her eyes and willed her body to go numb. She would not surrender to this monster, regardless of how pleasing she found his outward appearance. He was Rodyte, for creation’s sake. Her enemy. Her—
. The word whispered through her mind as his lips brushed against her flesh.

Begging him to stop was pointless. Fighting him was useless. But surrender was not an option either.

His lips slid against her and he kept inhaling deeply, clearly savoring her scent. She held perfectly still, determined to ignore his efforts.

“Come for me and I’ll tell you my name,” he whispered against her slit. His warm breath teased as his offer tempted.

He lightly traced her crease with his tongue and heat coalesced between her thighs. She wanted to know his name. Would her soul shrivel and die if she offered him this one concession?

As if he heard her silent debate, he pushed his tongue deeper and gently circled her clit. Sensation spiraled out from the simple caress, threatening to shatter her resolve. Surrender was surrender. Once she started down that path, there would be no turning back.

“I can’t.” Her teeth clenched, making the claim sound harsh and muffled.

“Of course you can.” He parted her folds with his fingers and went to work on her clit.

His tongue stroked over and around the sensitive nerve cluster, instantly escalating her arousal. She cried out and arched, inadvertently pressing herself against his mouth.

Wait. If his hand was assisting his mouth, he was no longer holding her down. She moved her foot to his shoulder and tried to dislodge him with a firm kick. He simply shifted his body sharply and draped her leg over his shoulder.

He quickly lifted her other leg to his shoulder as well then resumed his attack on her senses. His tongue was persistent yet gentle as he learned which caresses made her gasp and wiggle.

“Gods, woman, you taste so good.” Again his lips brushed against her sex as he offered the titillating praise.

Helpless to resist him physically, she stared off into the distance. She thought about her brother, focusing on how exasperating she found his plans for her future. Her captor’s skill quickly burned through that distraction, so she summoned gruesome images of battle fields and—

His lips closed around her clit and softly sucked. Skyla cried out as sensations rippled through her body, echoing the rhythmic pull of his lips. But he didn’t stop when the sensations started to recede. Instead, he slipped two of his fingers into her core and pushed the pleasure higher.

She rocked her hips, panting harshly as she rode out the staggering orgasm. Her inner muscles contracted around his fingers and her clit twitched beneath his tongue, sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing over her. She’d never felt anything like it, never dreamed her body was capable of so much more than a quick burst of sensation.

He finally raised his head, but his hand kept up its steady shuttle between her thighs. “Now, was that so bad?”

She shook her head, eyes tightly closed, refusing to look at him.

“Say the word, Sky. Let me fill you.” He passed his thumb over her clit, reigniting the fire with his gentle caress.

She shook her head faster, not trusting her voice.

“Are you sure?” He slowly pulled his fingers out of her slick core and began a teasing figure eight that took him around her clit then around her opening, but made direct contact with neither. “I want to feel you come around my cock.”

The explicit claim made her tremble. She’d never been with a man who was so overtly sexual, or so wickedly skillful. “No.” The word tore from her mouth, harsh and hollow.

His fingers moved away and she opened her eyes. He arched over her, his big body still wedged between her thighs. Then his mouth claimed hers, his tongue covered in her cream. He kissed her with a nearly savage fervor until she was breathless and restless. Then he pushed up, dragging his chest off her as he stared into her eyes.

“So our battle of wills continues. How disappointing.” He balanced on one hand as he traced her lips with his fingertips. “Still, I’m a man of my word. My name is Kryton.” Then he untied her hands and left her sprawled across the bunk as he hurried from the room.

Skyla unwrapped the belt from around her wrists and closed the robe over her trembling body. Kryton. Now she had a name to put with the face that had haunted her dreams for so long.

Chapter Three


Kryton slammed back a shot of g’haut, welcoming the vicious burn as it slid down his throat. But Skyla’s taste lingered in his mouth. Not even the fiery liquor could wash away her tantalizing flavor or rid his mind of the sounds she’d made when release shuddered through her soft body.

“Still not going well?” Tonn’s amused tone drew Kryton’s attention to the doorway of his office. He wasn’t in the mood for company. Probably should have closed the door.

Rather than answer the irritating question, he held up the shot glass. “Want one?”

“Why not? I’m off duty for the next four hours.” Tonn sauntered into the small room and sat down in one of the chairs in front of Kryton’s desk.

“She’s irrational,” Kryton muttered as he retrieved a second glass from the bottom drawer of his desk. Then he filled both with the murky blue liquor and handed one to his lieutenant. “How am I supposed to combat complete irrationality?”

Tonn took the shot glass from him, but didn’t drink. “Maybe ‘combat’ is the wrong approach. Did you take any of my suggestions to heart?”

Kryton scooted his chair closer to the desk, drank the second shot, then slid his glass back and forth between his hands. “I tried. She won’t let me woo her.”

Tonn laughed then threw back the g’haut. “This I’ve got to hear. How did your captive keep you from being nice to her?”

Knowing g’haut had a tendency to sneak up on him, Kryton refilled the glasses then put the bottle away. “She keeps challenging me, even after I warned her not to.”

“So you, did what exactly?”

He glared at his friend. In his role as lieutenant, Tonn never would have asked such a personal question. They were definitely speaking as friends. “I’m not going to give you a blow by blow.”

“Not that every man on this ship isn’t already imagining it, but suit yourself.” He only took half the shot this time before he said, “You had me destroy her dress. Did you give her something else to wear?”


“And have you fed her?”

“Of course,” Kryton snapped. “I’m not a complete idiot.”

“Have you given her something to do? She has to be frightened and bored. Not a constructive combination.”

“Her boredom works to my advantage. I want her to imagine what will happen the next time I return.”

Tonn shook his head, disapproval clearly written on his face. “Why continue with this pretense? Tell her why she’s really here and see if she—”

“I’m Rodyte, her sworn enemy. I’m playing the role she expects of me.”

Challenge arched Tonn’s brow as he stared back at Kryton. “You’re covered in her scent. Are you still playing a role? You’re being damn convincing.”

Kryton sighed. “Our compatibility is more of a challenge than I anticipated.”

“So tell her the truth.”

“I can’t risk it!” He paused for a deep breath, not wanting to take out his frustration on his best friend. “The chances of her offering to help me are basically nonexistent. However, I think she’ll barter for her freedom. But to agree to barter, she has to believe she’s my war bride, not a potential mate.”

“If you persist with this pretense, you’ll ruin any hope you have of claiming her as your mate. Is that a chance you’re willing to take?”

“Do you have a better idea?” he snapped, exasperated by the situation. He had two conflicting goals. Advancing one crippled the other, and each was vitally important to him. How in hells’ rings was he supposed to choose?

“A battle of wills cannot be won, my friend. She knows you won’t really hurt her.”

Kryton closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. His muscles were tense, his mind chaotic, and he ached as he had never ached. “Then what should I do?” He opened his eyes, more than ready for a different strategy. “Give me specifics.”

* * * * *

Despite Skyla’s determination to remain strong and resolute, she cried herself to sleep. And even sleep was no escape from her exasperating captor. They wrestled and argued in her dreams with just as much chemistry as in reality. She awakened feeling nearly as exhausted as she’d been the night before.

She used the sonic shower, hoping to rid her body of his touch and the memory of his mouth moving over her flesh as if he had every right to explore her. The plush robe was her only garment and the soft fabric rubbing against her skin ignited her imagination all over again. It was torture, sensual, sweet torture, picturing all the things they could do together.

Pacing the cabin was futile. The floor space was so limited, she couldn’t create a soothing rhythm. So she sat on the compact sofa and stared at the walls. With nothing to engage her mind, she was left fixating on her situation. A battle of wills, that was what Kryton had called this.

. The name echoed through her mind and his image intensified. He was unlike any male she’d ever encountered before. He was undeniably savage, as the rumors warned. And yet, he was intelligent and cunning, preferring to negotiate for her surrender rather than taking her by force.

She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling trapped and claustrophobic. He would win. She already knew the outcome. It was only a matter of time. There was no escape from this, no ending that didn’t include being vanquished by a much stronger force. She would be an outcast, her life shattered by circumstances she couldn’t control. She was breathing too fast, causing her head to spin and her vision to blur.

Sheer exasperation dragged a scream from her throat. The sound was shrill and shocking in the silent room. She would not fall to pieces and reveal her weakness to the enemy! Through simple force of will, she slowed her breathing and unclenched her muscles one by one.

Moments passed as she concentrated on her breathing and forced the panic from her mind.

The door opened and a stranger stepped just inside the room. “Are you all right, miss?” He wore black-and-gray clothing similar to Kryton’s, though this man’s garments had the stripes and insignias of a military uniform. That was where the similarities ended. This man was lean, with sharp features and there was no hint of blue in his short dark hair. “The crew reported screams.” He spoke Bilarrian with a distinct accent.

She licked her lips and drew the sides of the robe more closely together. “I thought I saw some sort of rodent.” The ridiculous lie was better than admitting the truth.

“The maintenance bots keep the ship surprisingly clean, but I’ll report your concern to the appropriate crewmembers.” He remained by the door, as if he was worried about upsetting her. Still she was surprised Kryton had allowed another male anywhere near her. “My name is Tonn and I was going to come get you in a little while. Gener—I mean the commander wants you moved to a different cabin.”

She hadn’t missed the blunder. He’d started to say something other than commander. Gener? General? How strange. “Why?”

“The other cabin is larger and much more comfortable.” Tonn shrugged, yet challenge shone in his blue-ringed eyes. “I can inform the commander that you’d prefer to remain here.”

“I didn’t say that. I just want to know what it will cost me.”

Tonn smiled, the expression softening his features. “You’ll have to ask the commander. I’m just the messenger.”

Anything had to be better than this tiny cage. Besides, she already knew what “the commander” wanted and she was determined to withhold it from him for as long as her sanity allowed. “Am I the only female on this ship?”

His gaze narrowed. “Why do you ask?”

“I’d like to borrow something else to wear. This is a little impractical.” And much too easy to take off.

He dipped his head and his smile turned secretive. “I was in the process of gathering some things to make you more comfortable when I heard the report that you were screaming.”

She folded her arms and raised her chin. “I screamed once. I assure you I’m not prone to hysterics.” Just the occasional panic attack when subjected to the pressures of being kidnapped by a Rodyte.

“Why don’t I take you to your new quarters? You can settle in while I finish gathering the supplies.”

Still unsure if accepting the upgrade was a strategic misstep or not, she simply nodded. She followed Tonn from the small cabin and hurried down one corridor after another. The ship was larger than she’d thought, much larger. Kryton must have shuttled her from the estate to his ship while she was unconscious.

Each crewman they passed immediately pressed his back against the wall and averted his gaze. Would they have reacted that way to any visitor, or was the show of deference the result of Kryton’s personal claim on her? Either way, the reaction was making her uncomfortable.

“What happens if they look at me?” she whispered as Tonn scanned open the door to her new quarters.

“They don’t want to find out.”

Though Tonn’s tone was almost playful, dread sent icy tingles down her spine. If Kryton’s crew was terrified of him, what hope did she have of avoiding his brutality? But he wasn’t really brutal with her. He was aggressive and unreasonable, but not violent.

Unless she counted the actual kidnapping.

She shook away the disturbing thoughts and looked around the new cabin. Easily twice the size of the first, this one was sleek and elegant, the furniture upholstered and inviting. The bedroom was offset from the main living space by a translucent divider. “Was someone displaced so I could stay here?” It was unlikely a cabin this nice would have been left vacant.

Tonn winked at her. “I don’t mind.”

“This is your cabin?” She shook her head. “Take me back to the other room. I won’t stay here if—”

“I insist.” He waved away her objection. “I don’t spend enough time in here to care. Honestly. I want you to be more comfortable.”

“Why are you worried about my comfort? Your commander certainly isn’t.”

Tonn squared his shoulders and regret cut through the warmth in his eyes. “Kryton is the ultimate authority on this vessel. I can’t undermine his decisions. I’ve never claimed a war bride, nor will I ever consider the practice, but that doesn’t change what’s happening to you. If I can make your situation a little less traumatic, I will. It’s as simple as that.”

He felt sorry for her. She bristled at the realization. She’d never accepted pity from anyone. “You don’t need to worry about me. I can deal with Kryton.”

His brow arched and a disbelieving smile teased the corners of his mouth, but he didn’t challenge her assertion. “Food will be brought to you, but the nutria-gen will now create beverages whenever you like. Have you ever used one?” He motioned toward the kiosk inset in the wall near the dining area.

“I know how they work, but I don’t speak or read Rodyte.” Her tone grew tight and impatient. Regardless of how comfortable he made her accommodations, she was still a prisoner.

“The menus are now in Bilarrian,” Tonn told her. “You also have limited access to the ship’s computer. You’ll be able to search the library and entertainment files. Any flat surface in the room can become a display.”

Having something to fill her time would make her stay much more bearable. Still, she didn’t want to become complacent. “Thank you.” He’d clearly intervened on her behalf and she needed to be gracious.

“I’ll return shortly.” He turned and left the cabin without waiting for a response.

How long did Kryton intend to keep her aboard this ship? She couldn’t pilot a shuttle, so her chances of escaping were basically nonexistent as long as they were in space. Should she give in and allow him to bed her? Could she lure him into a false security if she pretended to surrender?

The possibility made her laugh. Who was she trying to fool? It wouldn’t be a pretense. She just wanted to join her body with his, if only for a night or two. It had been so long since a male touched her the way Kryton touched her. That was rubbish too. No one had ever affected her the way Kryton did.

She’d never tried to suppress her sexual nature. She wasn’t ashamed of her desire, but she refused to be ruled by it either. If she’d met Kryton under different circumstances, they would be lovers, likely mates. A genetically compatible male was something to treasure. She’d been searching for a potential mate for the past six years. Even so, succumbing to an enemy was unthinkable. She had to resist him, and resist her desire for him, for as long as possible.

Tonn returned a few minutes later with a stack of garments draped over his arm and a canvas bag clutched in his other hand. “I’m no expert on female attire, so I brought an assortment.” He raised the bag and went on. “This contains personal items. If you need anything else, just let me know.” He walked into the bedroom then returned without his burden. “Do you have any questions? I really do need to get back to work.”

She shook her head, not looking forward to being alone again. “You’ve been very kind. Thank you.”

“Someone will bring you a tray within the hour.”

“If the kiosk is unlocked, can’t I just choose my own meals?”

“The commander wants to start with beverages.” Tonn’s smile appeared almost apologetic. “If you behave yourself with the privileges you’ve been given, he’ll allow you even more freedom.”

She nodded, dreading the answer to her next question. “When will

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