War of the Whales (69 page)

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Authors: Joshua Horwitz

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oil and gas industry:
political backers of, 180
seismic surveys by, 375n4
underseas exploration by, 134
underwater noise pollution from, 179–80
whales stranded by sonar of, 351
Olmos, Edward James, 139
Operation Quickfind, 237
OrcaLab, 227
Orca Network, 347
ORCA—Observed Response of Cetaceans to Acoustics, 372n12
Orcinus orca
), xi, 212, 213n,
and animal rights movement, 223
Balcomb’s surveys of, 4, 16, 60, 101, 210–11, 217–19, 220, 223, 229, 257, 308–9, 347
documentary about, 352
echolocation by, 212
“endangered” designation of, 312, 350
as entertainers, 212, 214–17
hunting by, 69, 213
J Pod, 210–11, 218, 221, 230, 309, 353–54
K and L Pods, 210, 218
as killer whales, 213,
matrilineal society of, 220
media stories about, 214
migration of, 210, 269
panicked by Navy sonar (2003), 309–11
populations of, 212, 213, 218, 311–12, 350, 354
protection of, 312, 350
research without interference, 227
social complexity of, 220
Southern Resident Community of, 210–12, 213–14, 216, 218, 220, 308–12
surveys funded by Fisheries, 217–19, 353, 354
as toothed whales, 27
toxin concentrations in, 311–12
vocalizations of, 212, 227
and whale-watching trips, 220
wild captures of, 212, 214–17, 218, 237, 288, 311
O’Regan, Fred, 306, 315
Outer Banks, whales stranded in (2005), 308
acute night vision of, 224
spotted, 117
Paar, Jack, 207
Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), 85–86, 290
Pacific Northwest:
as home to orca pods, 210–12, 213–14, 218, 308–11
marine mammals panicked by Navy exercises in (2003), 308–11, 313
orcas captured in, 212, 214–17, 218, 237, 288, 311
orca surveys in, 4, 16, 60, 101, 210–12, 217–20, 229, 257, 308–9, 347
spotted owl defense in, 117
whale research in, 4, 16, 211
Parsons, Chris, 114, 336
Patriot Act, 285
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, 333, 340
Payne, Katy, 225, 374n17
Payne, Roger, 96, 174, 224–26, 367n10, 374n17
PCBs, 312
Peale’s Dolphin (
Lagenorhynchus australis
Pebble Mine, Alaska, 349–50
Pelagos Cetacean Research Institute, 71–72
Pentagon Papers, 371n6
Persian Gulf:
dolphins clearing mines in, 242
Navy action in, 114, 139, 271, 286
war games in preparation for, 275
and War on Terror, 285–86
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), 286
Navy work with, 16
in warfare, 200, 376n3
Pigmy Sperm Whale (
Kogia breviceps
Piked or Lesser Rorqual (
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
pilot whales:
Globiocephalus melas
Navy work with, 16
social bonds of, 69
pinnipeds, 16
Pirie, Robert Jr., 137–38, 140, 149
Pittenger, Dick, 142–46
and Antisubmarine Warfare Division, 154, 156
and conference call, 142, 145, 147–49
and LFA sonar, 153
and Magellan tests, 171
and midfrequency sonar, 143, 145–46, 314
on military preparedness, 147–48
and Munk, 157–61, 171
and Supreme Court, 327
at Woods Hole, 142, 144, 145
Pliny the Elder, 212
Pliny the Younger, 1
Ponce de León, 370n5
porpoises, stranded by Navy sonar (2003), 309–11
Potter, Charlie, 108, 251–52
Powell Cay, stranded dolphin on, 20, 72
Preston, Stephen, 140
primates, brain studies of, 203–4
Project Ahab, 227
Project Arion, 234–35
Project Artemis, 153
Project Artichoke, 207
Project Caesar, 49
Project Jezebel, 49
Project Pigeon, 376n3
Proni, John, 263
Providence Channel, 132, 139–40, 265, 268, 275–76
Pygmy Right Whale (
Neobalaena marginata
Pygmy Sperm Whale (
Kogia breviceps
radar, 365n1
Redford, Robert, 349
Regina Maris,
60–62, 219, 220
Reville, Roger, 371n10, 372n13
Reynolds, Bill, 119
Reynolds, Joel, 83–88, 178–81
and Acoustic Thermometry, 165, 166, 167
and advocacy law, 84, 335, 344, 347, 349–50
and Bahamas stranding, 97–99, 151, 183, 268, 283, 285–90
and Balcomb, 352–55
and Center for Law in the Public Interest, 84, 335
and Diablo Canyon, 84–87, 181
early years of, 118–20
and Exxon seismic surveys, 375n4
and Fisheries, 165
and gray whales, 89–91, 95, 97
and Greek strandings, 178
lawsuit filed against Fisheries and Navy (2002), 292, 303, 308
and letter to Navy Secretary (2000), 98, 113, 114–16
and Magellan II, 169, 170–75
and media stories, 150–51, 283, 285, 287, 331, 334, 343–44
and midfrequency sonar case (2006), 313–16, 319–22, 327–28
and Mitsubishi, 93–97
and Navy, 115–16, 117–18, 121–25, 152, 165, 167, 174–75, 285–90, 303–6, 313–16, 324, 335, 346
and NRDC,
NRDC v. Winter
(2007), 327, 328, 330–34, 336–37, 339–40, 342–45
preparation for lawsuits, 287–93, 295–97, 329
and press conference, 222, 248–50
saving the planet, 95, 119, 182
seeing blue, 117–18
and settlement negotiations (2002), 303–6; (2007), 324; (2008), 345–46
and sonar hearing (2002), 297–306
and Stringfellow Acid Pits (1980s), 330
and Supreme Court, 329–30
Reynolds, Linda, 181
Reynolds, Mary Lee, 118, 119
Reynolds, Sam, 336
Reynolds, Susan, 181–82, 335
Rice, Dale, 40, 41, 42
Richmond whaling station, 41–42
Richter scale, 171
Ridgway, Sam Houston, 178
and bionic drones, 240, 242
and dolphins in captivity, 234–35, 236, 240, 264
Handbook of Marine Mammals,
and Navy-Fisheries strategy meeting, 264, 266
and Navy’s Marine Mammal Training Program, 123, 235, 311
and orcas in captivity, 237
and “safety threshold” for hearing loss, 264, 266
and settlement meeting, 123
maneuvers, 311
right whales, 76–77
as endangered species, 77, 344
migration of, 344
RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise), 381n1, 382n2
Ripley, S. Dillon, 250
Risso’s Dolphin (
Grampus griseus
Roberts, John, 332, 338, 342, 343, 345, 347
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 120
Rocky Point, whale beached at, 9–11
Roosevelt, Theodore, 342, 347
Rose, Naomi, 219, 336
and Bahamas strandings, 151
and Humane Society, 114, 121, 315
and letter to Navy Secretary, 114
and LFA sonar, 289, 297
and midfrequency sonar, 315
and NRDC protest, 114, 121
and press conference, 222, 248, 250
and ship shock test, 121
Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius, 154
Rothenberg, David, 398
Roughead, Gary, 323, 324
Rowles, Teri, 73–75, 77, 106, 267, 268
Royal Island, minke whales stranded near, 13
Royal Navy:
dolphins stranded by sonar exercises of (2008), 351
dolphins used by, 286
sonar study issued by, 305
whales stranded by sonar exercises of (2006), 308
Rumsfeld, Donald, 286, 319
Russia, whaling fleet of, 227
Sabey, Andrew, 287, 293, 295–96, 298, 299
Chinook, 350, 354
wild, 349
San Diego:
Navy home port in, 117, 123
SeaWorld in, 121
Sandy Point, whale beached at (2000), 11–13
Sanes, David, 138–39
San Juan Island,
Pacific Northwest
Save the Whales, 93, 223
and humpback songs, 96, 224–26
and Navy researchers, 202, 209, 224
as never-ending quest, 344–45, 347
and ship shock test, 116, 121
saving the planet, 95, 119, 182, 347
Scalia, Antonin, 332, 338, 339
Scammon, Charles Melville, 91–92, 213
Scherr, Jacob, 93
and Mitsubishi, 94, 95–97
Schevill, William, 53–54, 201–2, 212, 234, 264
162, 225
Scientific American,
Scott, George C., 239
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 17
and Acoustic Thermometry, 164, 165, 166, 167–68, 175–76, 373n14
and Munk, 154–55, 157
and NRDC, 168–69
and nuclear nonproliferation project, 167
Sealab, Project Arion, 234–35
sea lions:
Navy collection of, 242
Navy threats to, 116
on recovery missions, 237
hunted in Canada, 96
Navy threats to, 116
Navy work with, 16
Sea Technology,
171, 173
Seattle Aquarium, 214–15
SeaWorld marine parks, 121, 215–17, 223
Secretary of the Navy:
as arbiter among Navy branches, 136–37
and Bahamas strandings, 136, 141–42, 267
conference call of, 142, 145, 146–49, 152–53
and Fleet Command, 136, 137
media statements by, 136
and midfrequency sonar lawsuit, 318, 324, 327, 345
NRDC inquiry about LFA sonar to (1995), 172–73
NRDC letter about Bahamas strandings to (2000), 98, 113, 114–16
public and political fallout handled by, 136–37, 141, 267
and settlement mediation, 305
temporary shutdown ordered by, 150, 152
and White House strategy meeting, 326
sei whales:
communications of, 54
killed by whalers, 375n1
September 11 attacks, 272, 285, 291
Shamu (orca), 215, 223
cookie-cutter, 7
lemon, 11
and stranded whales, 11
tiger, 11
whale defenses against, 31
whales attacked by, 7
Sharpton, Al, 139
Shearman & Sterling, 122
shrews, echolocation by, 27
shrimp, snapping, 54
Sidenstecker, Maris, 116–17
Sikorsky Seahawks, 57
60 Minutes,
229, 231, 244–46, 270
The Six Million Dollar Man
(movie), 240
Skinner, B. F., 376n3
Smith, Greg, 130, 131
Smithsonian Institution, 250–54
and investigative team for Bahamas strandings, 74
mammal specimens collected by, 251–52
US Army contract of, 42, 364–65n2
Smits, Jimmy, 139
Society for Marine Mammalogy, 77, 178, 220, 252
SOFAR channel, 49
Solomon Islands, black market in dolphins, 22
acoustic cueing, 143
acoustic modeling, 265, 274, 299
and Acoustic Thermometry, 164–69, 171–72, 175–76
and acoustic warfare, 145–46
active systems, 46–47, 143–46, 148, 153–54, 177, 277
audio evidence of, 310
and biological investigations, 268
coining of term, 365n1
documentation of threats to whales, 255, 270, 289–90, 293, 299, 314
and echolocation, 46
effects on human divers, 177
environmental laws breached by, 172
force field of sound produced by, 299
and Heard Island, 158–64, 372n13
international campaign against, 306
legal limits on, 296, 299, 302–3, 306
LFA program of,
Low Frequency Active (LFA) sonar program
and Magellan I and II, 169, 170–75
and marine mammal strandings (2003), 309–11
midfrequency active sonar, 143, 273, 284, 290, 310, 313–16;
see also
midfrequency sonar lawsuit
Navy investments in, 288
Navy’s court record in cases of, 327
and Navy’s “need to operate,” 305–6, 323–24
passive, 47, 276–77
public awareness of threats from, 308
and regulation process, 145–46, 289
and settlement mediation, 303–6
sonobuoys, 52, 107, 131, 141, 150, 276
sound levels increased in warm water, 265, 274, 277–78, 290
technical problems in, 300
testing of, 113, 116, 131, 140, 168, 269, 272, 273
transmission frequency 250 hertz, 170
whale sensitivity to, 142, 162, 163, 165–66, 176, 178, 255, 270–71, 273, 283–85, 287, 288–89, 293, 299, 302, 331, 350–51, 372n13

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