War of the Whales (67 page)

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Authors: Joshua Horwitz

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and administration change, 346
and Bahamas stranding investigation, 73–75, 81, 134, 223, 231, 256, 261–68, 272–74
budget of, 74
and conflict of interest, 69, 71, 74, 81–82, 286, 305
crimes investigated by, 70
endangered species designated by, 312
and Environmental Assessments, 76, 116, 124, 131, 147, 319
evidence custody transferred to, 186, 231, 274
evidence mishandled by, 311
“Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI),” 76, 116, 174, 319
and Heard Island, 161–63, 166–67
and interim report, 272–74, 283–85, 289, 290
and lawsuit, 287, 289–90, 292–93, 303, 308
and Magellan II, 173–75
and Marine Mammal Protection Act, 69, 74, 116, 216
and marine mammal strandings (2003), 309, 310–11
and MARMAM posting, 72–73
and media stories, 131, 136
National Stranding Response Network, 70
NRDC inquiry about LFA sonar to, 172
Office of Protected Resources, 74, 265
orca captive permits from, 216–17, 218
and orca census, 217–19, 353, 354
permits issued to Navy by, 74, 75, 76, 98, 122, 125, 131, 147, 152, 162, 166, 174–75, 176, 287, 289, 296, 298–300, 351–52
and press conference, 229, 246–47, 248, 250, 252
and public relations, 267–68
responsibilities of, 69–71, 74, 216–17, 267, 350
and ship shock tests, 116, 122, 124–25
Southeast office of, 72–73, 147
and transport forms, 129
unusual mortality events (UMEs) of, 18, 70–71
and Washington politics, 81–82
whale specimens moved to Boston, 184, 186
and White House strategy meeting, 325
Fletcher, Betty Binns, 343
(movie), 207, 215, 226
Ford, Glenn, 235
Ford Foundation, 82
Fossey, Dian, 227
Foyn, Svend, 197
Franklin, Benjamin, 370n5
Frantzis, Alexandros, 71–72, 111–12, 178
Freedom of Information Act, 308
Freeport, Bahamas, whales stranded at (2000), 22–23
Freeport News,
Gaffney, Paul II, 140–42, 147, 151, 265, 266, 268
Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 349
Garre, Gregory, 337–38
Garrett, Howie, 42, 219
Garrett, Rick, 42
Garrett, Robert, 35
Gentry, Roger, 202
and Bahamas strandings, 131
and Balcomb, 133–34, 192, 247, 256–57, 263–64
and interim report, 273, 284, 290
and investigation meetings, 261, 263–64, 265, 266
and Magellan II, 174
and Navy-Fisheries public statement, 267–68
and press conference, 248, 250
and sonar hearing, 297
Geographe Bay, Western Australia, mass strandings on, 69
Georgetown University Law Center, 332
Germany, U-boats of, 46, 47
Gervais’ beaked whales, 64, 101
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 332, 338, 339, 343
Gisiner, Bob, 14–19
and Acoustic Thermometry, 166
and Bahamas strandings (2000), 18–19, 57–58, 73, 131, 142, 152, 231, 263, 264
and Balcomb, 14, 15–16, 18–19, 57–58, 77, 133, 192, 256–57
and Environmental Impact Statement, 304
and Greek stranding (1996), 72, 77
and Ketten, 103, 105, 106–7, 192, 268
and Magellan II, 174, 175
and media stories, 131
Navy career of, 16–17
and ONR, 14, 16, 17, 131
and ship shock tests, 122
and sonar hearing, 297
and UC Santa Cruz, 15–16, 114, 133, 202, 240, 257
and whale research, 77, 312
whale specimens moved to Boston, 185, 188, 192
global warming,
climate change
God and country vs. whales, 291
Goldberger, Mildred, 156
Golden Gate Fishing Company, 39–40
Goldsberry, Don, 214–15, 216, 217, 218
Goodall, Jane, 227
Gorda Cay, renamed Castaway Cay, 20
Gore, Al, 164, 371n10
Grand Bahama:
location of, 100
strandings on shore of, 25, 72, 130, 265
see also
Grateful Dead, 225
gray literature, 253
Gray’s Whale (
Mesoplodon grayi
gray whales:
Rachianectes glaucus
friendliness of, 89–91, 95, 97
migration of, 69, 89, 92, 172, 178, 306, 374n1, 375n4
Navy threats to, 172, 374n1
populations of, 92
protection of, 92, 94
Scammon’s massacre of, 91–92
sonar sensitivity of, 176, 177–78, 296
Great Bahama Canyon:
beaked whales of, 4, 6, 26, 27, 31, 135, 220, 274
extent of, 26
flight over, 25
mass strandings along (2000), 25, 142
Navy destroyer in, 33, 56–57, 58–59, 107, 132
Navy mapping of, 140
Providence Channel in, 132, 139–40, 265, 268, 275–76
war games in, 57, 140, 149, 274–80
Great Northern Rorqual,
Hellenic Trench, 71
whales stranded in (1996), 18, 71–72, 77, 111, 142, 147, 178, 253, 296
Green, Marsha, 248
Greenpeace, 177, 228
Griffin, Donald, 199, 200, 201, 224
Griffin, Ted, 214–15, 216, 218, 237
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 333
Gulf of Alaska,
beaked whales stranded in (2004), 308
Gulf War (1992), 164
Gulf War (2003–2011), 243
Hall, John, 121, 123, 171, 236–38, 240
Handbook of Marine Mammals,
16, 101, 123
Haro Strait:
mass stranding (2003) in, 310–11, 313
whale-watching destination of, 310
harpoon cannons, 197
Harvard Medical School:
cochlear implant program, 105, 106
whale specimens moved to, 184–92
melon-headed whales panicked during Navy exercises (2004), 308, 319, 339
Navy expansion of underwater ranges in, 351–52
Navy settlement in, 323
public demonstrations in, 176
RIMPAC in, 381n1
US Navy range complex,
Heal the Bay, 121
Heard Island, 158–64, 372n13
and Acoustic Thermometry, 164–67
Cory Chouest,
160, 161–62, 163, 171
Feasibility Test, 161, 163, 164, 171
Fisheries permits for, 162–63, 164, 166
funding for, 164
geodesic ray-paths from, 159
in Munk’s map, 158–59,
Helvarg, David, 278, 389, 398
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr., 281
Homo sapiens:
and “the bends,” 364n4
blind, echolocation by, 27
diving depths of, 28, 236
diving limitations of, 236–37
encroachment on marine habitats, 70–71
evolution of, xvii
sonar effects on divers, 177
Honigman, Steven, 125, 140, 173–75, 287, 305
Horowitz, Cara, 315, 333
Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, 121
Humane Society:
and Bahamas strandings, 98, 114, 151
on dolphins in war zones, 286
marine mammal campaign of, 114–15
and midfrequency sonar case, 315
and press conference, 222
Homo sapiens
humpback whales:
Megaptera nodosa
beached at Half Moon Bay, 175
killed by whalers, 375n1
migration of, 61, 66, 69, 306, 344
Navy threats to, 116, 165, 172, 176
population depletion of, 224, 225, 344
sonar sensitivity of, 176, 178, 296, 372n13
songs of, 54, 96, 164, 224–26, 374n1
studies of, 174
Hunter, Bob, 227
hydrophones, 48, 49, 50–51, 54, 193, 263, 354–55
Iceland, orcas in, 213
International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling, 92
International Council on the Exploration of the Seas, 314
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), 96, 315, 382
International Symposium on Cetacean Research (1963), 208
International Whaling Commission, 198, 220, 228, 268, 314, 351
interspecies communication, 205–8, 235
Ionian Sea, Italian navy exercises in, 351
Iran, trained marine mammals sold to, 379n5
Iraq, Navy action in, 315
Irell & Manella, 315
Ishmael (orca), 237–38
Jackson, Jesse, 139
Jane’s Naval Weapons Systems,
Balcomb’s work in, 30, 60
black market in dolphins, 22
humpback songs in, 226
whale meat as comfort food in, 94
whaling fleet of, 93, 227
whaling stations in, 60
Jasny, Michael:
and Bahamas stranding, 97–99
and Balcomb’s MARMAM posting, 81
and lawsuit against Navy, 295
letter to Navy Secretary, 113–15
and Marine Mammal Protection Project, 81, 87, 350
and midfrequency sonar lawsuit, 319, 333
and NRDC, 87–88, 180, 335
NRDC v. Winter,
and press conference, 222, 231
Jason and the Argonauts, 156
Jasons, 155–57, 173n, 314, 370–71n6
Johnson, H. T., 305, 318
Johnson, Joe, 300, 304–6
Johnson, Mark, 312
Journal of Underwater Acoustics,
Justice Department, US, 287
and national security, 288
NRDC v. Winter,
327, 328
and public interest, 302
and separation of powers, 326–27
and settlement mediation, 304–5
and sonar hearing, 300
Kal Kan dog food, 39
Kaufman, Marc, 379, 381
Kellogg, Winthrop, 201–2, 374n17
Kendall, Richard:
and midfrequency sonar case, 319, 320
NRDC v. Winter,
328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 336, 338–40
and ship shock case, 122, 125, 315
Kennedy, Aiden Vieques, 139
Kennedy, Anthony, 332–33, 337–38, 339, 342
Kennedy, Robert F., 119–20
Kennedy, Robert F. Jr., 96, 139
Kenya, attack on US embassy in, 271
Ketten, Darlene:
and Acoustic Thermometry, 166
and Bahamas strandings (2000), 18–19, 57, 59, 73, 107, 256, 261, 298
and Balcomb, 100–101, 103–4, 107, 126–27, 129, 134, 274
and chain-of-custody forms, 129, 188, 192
and conference call, 145, 146–47
Cuvier’s head dissection by, 126–29
evidence denied by, 300–301
and Greek stranding (1996), 18, 72
and investigative meetings, 261–62, 267
and Madagascar strandings (2008), 351
and Madeira strandings (2000), 254
media statement by, 267–68
and Navy, 142, 145, 192
and noise pollution in oceans, 372n13
and porpoise necropsies, 311
and sonar hearing, 297–98, 300–301
and sperm whale stranding on Nantucket, 102–3
whale heads examined at Mass General, 188–92
and whale necropsies, 126–29, 192, 245, 256, 261–62, 298
as whale pathologist, 18, 73, 101–7
whale specimens moved from Bahamas to Boston, 184–92
killer whales,
King, Martin Luther Jr., 120
Knauss, John, 372n13
Knotty (dolphin), 233
KOMO 4 TV, 309–10
Korematsu v. United States,
Kublai Khan, 370n3
Kyparissiakos Gulf, 178
Laguna San Ignacio:
gray whales of, 89–91, 95, 97
industrial saltworks planned for, 93–97
saved from saltworks project, 97
whale massacre in, 91–92
Laporte, Elizabeth D.:
and LFA sonar case, 292–93, 294, 298–303
and preliminary injunction, 303, 304
rulings by, 301–3, 305, 343
and settlement agreement, 306
Lawrence, Barbara, 201–2, 234
lemon sharks, 11
Leonardo da Vinci, 200
Lilly, John, 202–9, 226, 264
Communications Research Institute, 206–7
dolphin studies of, 204–6, 241
and interspecies communication, 205–8, 235
LSD used by, 207–8
Man and Dolphin,
206, 232–33, 234, 236, 239
monkey brain studies of, 203–4
and Save the Whales, 202, 224
and Zen Buddhism, 208–9
Linnaeus, Carolus,
Systema Naturae,
212, 375n2
Los Angeles Times,
150–51, 165, 331
Low Frequency Active (LFA) sonar program:
and Acoustic Thermometry, 164, 168, 171–72, 175–76
and Antisubmarine Warfare, 156, 174
and Bahamas strandings (2000), 152, 153, 182
Cory Chouest,
160, 171, 174, 176, 177, 304, 373n15, 374n1
effect on humans, 177
effect on whale migration and communications, 177–79, 296
and Greek strandings (1996), 72, 178, 296
and Heard Island, 160–66

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