War Torn Love (64 page)

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Authors: Jay M. Londo

BOOK: War Torn Love
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I knew he was doing his best to cheer me up. And I certainly did not want to waste the little time I had with him.


He went on, “The positive here is, the commander is giving me much more food to eat each day, I had been slowly getting my strength and health back, and he had been letting me train every day, I even seen a doctor, he at least it would seem wants me to be at my prime, before each fight. With my mind thinking more
I have been thinking of you guys. Pushing myself harder than I ever had. Hana, if you think about this, you darn well know I could do this, in all my heart, I know I can. I had been training very hard ever since I got here. Look at me Hana I feel so much better. You always said you thought I was the greatest in the world! Well I guess I get a chance to prove it to you, and them; I had the greatest motivation in the world, not to lose, the greatest prize of all if I can win. No matter what opponent comes at me, I will not stop fighting, and go on to a victory.


Oh, ya! There is one more thing to all this that I had to tell you; The Nazi said that if I won here tonight, than the three of you then would be moved out of the
work camp
. And would make sure you were moved into an officers house, probably be his, I am not sure. You are going to be made a cook I hope - I bragged to him what a great cook you are. At least your guys living standard will improve some, it’s the best I can do for you right now
sweetheart. And the girls can stay in the kitchen with you, I am sure they would like that. I cannot even begin to tell you how good it is to see you all! It has really lifted my spirits seeing you all, knowing you are all alive. I just hope that they allow you guys access to more food, you have lost so much weight.”


“It is so good seeing you too Abram, oh I do so wish you did not have to see me in this manner, I must look like a terrible fright without any hair - all my beautiful long hair is gone Abram. You on the other hand look rather handsome with short hair, you know get a better look at you, it sort of reminds me of when we were both little kids, remember your mother would cut all your hair off for the summer time, Oh how you hated it. And it is good to see you in boxing shorts once more, you look rather handsome! It is real good seeing you like this again!”


He had that look about him, that look in his eyes; a look I was all too familiar with, he slowly strutted over to me. He gave me such a reassuring glance, and as he did he then slowly moved in and began to kiss me, his hands gently held onto my cheeks. It was so good being in his presence once more.


“Hana you’ll always be amazingly beautiful to me! Hair or no hair it really does not matter. You are the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. There is a whole lot more about you that makes you beautiful other than your hair.”


The kiss was proving to be so passionate - I felt sparks, as our lips met. We had so much to catch up on, and it was playing through in our kisses.


I responded to his compliant directed at me, “Thank you, you always were a good liar, but you’re a kind liar. That is sweet of you to say, you surely flatter me, thank you that means a lot to me! You always know how to make me feel better. More than you could ever image, especially as much as this place has been taken from me.”


I knew he wanted to ask me about the status of the rest of our family, including his mother. I recognized that look of his, he had started saying something, but then pulled back, stopping himself in mid-tracks. I knew because he himself did not voluntarily saying anything about the men’s in the family’s whereabouts. He more than likely felt it better not to talk about it right now - we did not have much time to be together. He wanted to cherish every single second he was granted with us, not wasting a single moment. He could not take his eyes off of us he was so excited, even though he was exhausted from the fight.


“Girls, I am truly the lucky one here!”


Then we were reminded it just was not him and me at this precious moment, know there was too cute girls tugging at us. We were interrupted when both the girls came to us, their pretty big eyes gazing up at us, so adorable were they, they did not want to be left out of the picture, I think they felt sort of neglected wanting to receive loving. I guess it had been selfish of me to hog up all the time we had afforded to us, with Abram!


“Poppa pick me up please!”


“Me too, uncles Abram, please!”


He could easily pick them both up, with all the weight they had cumulatively lost. It nearly brought tears to his eyes, as he could probably feel their bones sticking out just under their skin. Momentarily choked up, in shock the condition he was now finding his family, he gained controlled of his emotions. He looked down at the girls, and smiled, he was so good with kids,


“Ok girls, how could I possibly resist such a lovely request from two such cute girls.” After Abram picked both girls up in his powerful arms, and began hugging and kissing them both! He was fighting back the tears. They both soaked it all in like a sponge. They began to laugh when he began tickling them. It certainly made me smile, seeing any bit of happiness right now. Hearing such laugher lit us both up! The best medicine in the whole world!


He looked at both them, trying his darnedest to take a mental picture of them. Knowing once
it would have to last him.


He then told them both, “I love both you girls very much, I have missed you both so much, do not ever stop thinking about that! Girls I need you both to do me a favor, could you both be real good girls for me. If you are, than I will tell you what, I will come see you again next week! Would you both like that?”


“Ya that would be so wonderful!” Both girls answered back. Then they each kissed them on the opposite cheeks.


“Ok then, you have to be extra good girls this week, could you do that for me?” Abram said.


“Oh we will, Poppa we promise!”


Now gently touching his swollen eye,” does your eye hurt Poppa? It’s all swollen up, and changing colors. Did that happen when you were in the ring?”


“Yes honey, I am afraid so, but not to worry you should see the other guy’s eye! I got him real good, but both his eyes look like mine, but even worse.”


“Ok my husband, they do not need to hear all the gory details of your fight!”


“You’re absolutely right my love!”


I noticed Abram showed equal loving towards both of the girls, I think deep down without me saying it; he knew that if we could survive this, then we would be raising our niece as our own. 


It sadly became abundantly clear our five-minutes were now up. I had to say it went so quickly. The guard came over to us,


“Alright you, your time is up, let’s go!”


Abram acted quickly, and gave me a quick kiss - all the guard would allow him to do before he came over and grabbed him.


Abram told me, “I love you sweetheart, hang in there. Girls I love you both! I see you all next week I
promise! You can all give me a big kiss then, until we see each other again!” 


I felt a bit more reassured him saying this, as if he was pretty
confident of another chance already. I watched on with intensity, as they led my husband away as a mere prisoner once more, he looked back at us as he walked away. Fighting to watch us as long as he possible could. Nevertheless, the soldier leading him away jammed the but
of his gun in the mid of his back, ordering him to turn around.


Then the same soldier that had minutes earlier stuck up for us abruptly, and coldly I might add, said, “You three come with me,”


They both were now leading us to an area where there were houses, and tall trees off in the distance, it was rather pleasant; it made me think of home, seeing this. Clearly, this was the area where all the officers and their families must live, off away from the true horrors of the camp. We ended up walking right up to the nicest house on the entire lane.


We halted abruptly in front of the house, the place was so big I could not believe it, “You three, wait here a moment!”


The soldier then went up the steps located on the back of the house, and then knocked on the door.  A few moments later, answering the door was an older looking female Jew dressed just like me, but cleaner. The soldier spoke to her a moment. Getting a satisfactory answer, the
soldier turned and left us in her care, now saying a single thing to us as he walked by us. I think he was thankful he was done of three of us - he would in all likelihood just like to kill us. He had purposely bumped into me, as he had turned and walk on by. The blow was so hard it nearly knocked me right off my feet.
I managed to stay upright.


Then the Jewish female then signaled for us to come with her. We then walked inside the home, and shut the door quietly behind us; once inside the mason, she went ahead and introduced herself, “Hello my name is Sura, so your name is?”


“Hana, nice to meet you, Sura!”


Showing my manners, I extended my right hand out to her, but she did not bother shaking my hand. I had thought that to be rude.


She was not much for making small talk either, I quickly had learned; I guess she was like the rest of us, gloomy about our present situation, not wanting to be here. Realizing just because she was cleaner than we were. She still was a prisoner, and I would venture to say just being here, she had in fact lost everything, and probably much of her family. If you face what we all had been facing daily under German occupation, then you would identify with what I am saying. Understand the levels of torment every Jew had been facing since the beginning of the war. We had all suffered somehow at their hands.


She asked, “So Hana can you cook?”


Responding to her, “Oh yes, I am quite a good cook, so I am told, taught by my Momma who was the best in the town, where I was born!”


The thought of having a chance to cook again sounded so good! To get my mind off of things, Felt normal even on the smallest of level.


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