Warped (9 page)

Read Warped Online

Authors: Alicia Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Warped
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Two hours later I’m dressed in black skinny jeans and a button down shirt. I leave my hair hanging loose in curls, and I’m barefoot.

Hearing Damon’s car pull up I have to stop myself from running to the door to greet him. Instead I sit down, pretending to be relaxed. When he comes into the lounge I can’t help but jump up, run to him, and wrap my legs around his waist.

I can see Damon is taken back with my show of affection but I’m in a really happy mood. Being spoilt on my birthday hasn’t happened since Pops. I feel loved and cherished. I know flowers are easy to buy but each delivery was delivered with a card, and a message from him. Each message touched my heart and made me smile.

Damon walks across the room to the chair with me still cradled in his arms. I pepper kisses all over his face as he walks and he squeezes my arse, making me squeal. He throws back his head and bursts out laughing as he turns and falls back into the chair, taking me with him

“Someone’s pleased to see me,” he murmurs, as he runs soft kisses along my jaw.

When his mouth finally gets to my lips I can't help it when I dart my tongue out to taste him. My lips meet his hungrily, my tongue pushing past his lips. Just as Damon tries to deepen the kiss I pull away before I lose total control.

“Thank you for my flowers,” I smile. “They’re perfect.” I turn so I’m now sitting across his lap with my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. It feels like home.
feels like home.

I feel like this is where I am meant to be. 

“I hope you don’t mind but I hired caterers to cook a meal. I’m not the best at cooking, unless you want beans on toast.” I chuckle at his cheeky grin as he wraps his arms tighter around me, pulling me closer.

The doorbell rings as I start to doze off. Realising that I was about to fall asleep, I jump to my feet and head to answer it. The caterers have arrived, carrying covered massive silver trays. I start to show them through to the kitchen, but Damon stops two, showing them to the dining room instead.

I lead the remaining three caterers into the kitchen and just stand awkwardly to the side. I’ve never been served like this and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. Do I go find Damon? Do I wait to assist the caterers? Do we serve the food ourselves?

I begin to feel overwhelmed. This isn’t how my life should be. I lived a simple life with Pops. I’m not meant to fit in this world, but Damon makes me feel like I do, like I deserve to. I feel tears prick my eyes at how thoughtful and attentive Damon has been in making today special, in making me feel loved.

I feel Damon approach from behind because my body hums when he’s near. He slides his arms around my shoulders and pulls me back firmly to his chest. A gentleman walks up to us before we have the chance to talk.

“Everything is set in the kitchen Mr. Hunt. All of the containers have been labelled and our staff will come back tomorrow to collect everything. Have a good evening.” With that he turns on his heel and heads through the kitchen and out the front door.

Damon doesn’t speak, he just leads me to the dining room. I gasp as I take in the room. The staff he directed into the dining room has decorated it. Teal and cream fabric runs down the table, settings are placed, and a massive bouquet of colourful flowers sits in the middle.

Damon walks me to the table and pulls out my chair and I sit down and wait while he goes to collect the starters. He’s making me feel extra special.

Returning, Damon places a bowl of soup in front of me. The delicious aroma hits me and my mouth waters. Damon leaves and comes back a second later with a bowl of hot bread.

“Tuck in. This is cream of tomato and red pepper soup.” I reach for some fresh bread first, breaking it apart before taking a bite. It’s crusty, warm, and light. I moan at the fresh dough. Picking up my spoon, I take a mouthful of soup. I can’t help the second moan of satisfaction that escapes. It’s the best tomato soup I’ve ever tasted. Damon’s spoon stops midair as he watches me, and his eyes grow dark.

“Ella, if you keep moaning like that I won’t be able to control myself.”

I take another mouthful, completely aware of what I’m doing. I let out a longer moan this time, making sure my eyes are firmly on Damon’s. He drops his spoon on the table and reaches over to pull my chair closer to his. I giggle and swat at his hands. He captures my wrists and pulls me forward, but just before his mouth lands on mine, his phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and before he can turn it away, I see it’s Leona.

My playful mood vanishes in an instant, and I lean away from Damon’s touch. Damon, noticing my reaction, silences the call and puts it back in his pocket. He knows how I feel about her. She is always going to be there and I hate her. I know I sound childish but why doesn’t anyone see her for what she is? She’s a liar, a manipulator, and will use anyone to get what she wants. It suddenly occurs to me that I’ve described myself as well.

That thought plagues my mind.

We continue our starters in silence and I feel like the mood has been killed. Damon stands and picks up my empty bowl, taking it to the kitchen. Truthfully my appetite has gone and I just want this night to be over.

Damon returns and sets my plate down, “Filet mignon with red currant and green peppercorn sauce on a bed of creamy mash, and whole baby carrots.”

My appetite returns when the aroma hits me, but before I have a chance to pick up my knife and fork Damon pulls me up from my seat, and has his mouth pressed to mine in the next breath. I feel like he is trying to kiss away every hurt I feel. When he pulls away and sets me back in my chair, I’m breathing hard, all thoughts of Leona gone.

I watch as he sits back down in his chair. I expect him to start eating, but instead he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a long rectangular box. He places it on the table and slides it closer towards me, nodding at me to retrieve it. Damon leans back and watches me as I tentatively reach across the table, bringing the velvet box closer and opening it. Inside is the most beautiful diamond tennis bracelet, and each gem sparkles in the lights. I love it. Damon reaches across and helps put it on.

“Thank you. It’s beautiful, but it’s too much,” I say sadly. Damon clasps my chin and forces me to look at him.

“You’re worth every penny.” I can’t help the grin that is spreading across my face. Damon looks pleased at my reaction. He’s grinning back at me and his eyes are shining with happiness.

He places a chaste kiss on my lips and takes his seat again. He starts eating like he hasn’t just given me the most expensive jewellery I’ve ever held, never mind owned.

We sit in silence while we eat our dinner. It’s succulent and delicious. I’m completely stuffed by the time I eat the last bite. Damon goes to get the desert, even though I declined, but he is taking a while so I go to see if he is okay. He’s standing with his back to me, leaning against the counter looking down at his phone, a frown marring his perfect features. When he senses me, he turns and replaces his frown with a smile when he sees me. I know it’s fake.

“Everything okay?” I question. He reaches forward and pulls me into his arms, kissing the top of my head.

“Everything is perfect, beauty.” I feel his phone vibrating in his pocket so I pull away, expecting him to reach for it.

“Are you going to get that?” Damon shakes his head and takes my hand, pulling me back into the dining room. When he starts to fill my glass with wine to replace my water, I tell him I’ll pass. He hasn’t noticed my lack of alcohol tonight, which I’m grateful for.

I’m going to tell him about the baby when we’ve finished our dinner. He has a right to know and I want him to know before we go any further with the engagement.

Desert is profiteroles. I’m glad Damon decided to bring mine in anyway. He knew I wouldn’t be able to resist upon seeing them. They. Are. Divine. Each bite is filled with delicious cream and the hot chocolate sauce melts on my tongue. Damon is watching me with interest as I devour every single bite. I can’t help it, I have a sweet tooth.

His phone rings a couple more times during our dessert, but Damon rejects the calls each time, placing it down on the table.

When I’m done I lean back and close my eyes, feeling ridiculously full. I’m not paying attention when Damon’s hand reaches across the table, a small square box in his palm. I grasp the small velvet box, holding it in my hand, and I look up at Damon. I’m speechless. Damon starts talking and my eyes dart from his mouth back to the box.

“Ella, I know I’ve done this all wrong. You’ve already agreed to be my wife, but I needed you to know that you’re it for me. You’re all I’ll ever want. I love you so much baby. I think about you every...”

He stops speaking, his eyes dart to his phone as a text message pops up.

Leona: Help Me!!!

He picks up his phone, forgetting everything he was about to say, and presses some number before bringing it to his ear. I can feel the tears build up behind my eyelids as I watch him hit call, knowing she’s once again being put first, even at a time like a real proposal.

“Leona?... What?... Calm down, I can’t understand you... WHAT?” he roars. I flinch at the sound of his voice. Worry is etched in his face. “Where are you?... I’m coming now... Did he hurt you?”

A range of emotions seep through me but I can’t hold on to one long enough to process what’s happening. Damon looks hurt and enraged. His chest is heaving and he’s panting. His jaw is clenched tight and he looks ready to murder.

I swallow hard, trying to dislodge the lump in my throat. Whatever line this bitch is spinning him seems to have him petrified and angry all at once. His reactions are far more than just friendship. He looks genuinely cut up from pain.

“I’m coming now baby. Calm down for me and take deep breaths. Don’t open the door to anyone but me. Lock the door, I’m leaving now.” Damon ends the call and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

When he reopens his eyes he doesn’t focus on me. He avoids all eye contact with me and moves about, collecting his things to leave.

Leona’s words from The Hunter come back to me. She fucking planned this. I know she did. She said as much when she said she could take Damon away.

Dread sets in. I’ll never be free of this bitch. She’s right, she owns him. He will always, always, run back to her. I feel numb. I know she’s playing games but Damon will never believe me. He will always choose her.

My head drops. I stare at my hands in my lap, trying to keep my emotions locked up. I won’t win this game. I don’t stand a chance when I am playing against, not just Damon, but Leona too. Tears flood my eyes, betraying me. I can’t let him see his game is working.

He claims to love me but always chooses Leona first. He claimed to love Lydia but look where that got her. Leona and Damon are one and the same. I wouldn’t be surprised if they play this game together, taking women down together. Manipulating and using them.

Corrupting them.

I freeze, my eyes widening. Fuck. FUCK. How have I only just realised that that’s a possibility?

Rage builds in me so fast that my body literally feels heavy, like the weight of this knowledge is holding me down. Why didn’t I think of this before?

I look up as Damon is heading towards the door. He’s just going to leave without saying anything? That there is enough of a statement to know how he really feels, who he really wants. A pain in my chest knocks the wind out of me. I mean nothing to him.

Jellybean and I will always be pushed aside. I can’t let him know. He can’t know about my baby. I can’t put my baby through a life of games, and as long as I’m tied to Damon, Leona will always be there too.

I won’t put my baby through that.

I need to get as far away from Damon as I can. My hearts screams at me that it’s not true. That Damon really does love me, but I can’t believe my heart. I’m not someone who can be loved.

My heart pounds with every step Damon takes away from me, cracking open my soul again. Flashes of our time together run through my mind. When he bought me my dress for NSPL charity event. Taking a photo of us in bed where he looks so happy and content. Swimming with him. The way he looks at me like I’m the only woman alive. The way he speaks to me, always asking to keep me.

I need to know the truth. I need to know how much he wants to keep me. I stand and take a step after him before calling out to him, “Damon.” He shakes his head and keeps walking. “Don’t go.” I plead. I know I sound pathetic, weak even, but I don’t want him to go. I want him to stay with me. I want my heart to be right. “Please.”

“I don’t have time for this, Ella. I need to go.” His voice tells me that that’s his final decision. He continues on his way out, ignoring me. His need to get to Leona is too important to pay me any attention.

“I won’t be here when you get back.” I say, my voice dead.

I lost.

His steps falter, his head whips around to look at me. When he gets a good look at me he turns around, his eyes searching mine. I drop eye contact and stare at my feet. I know his heart now. It’s Leona’s.

He’s still leaving. I can see it in his eyes. He’s checking to see how serious I am because he knows he’s still going.

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