Read We Didn’t See it Coming Online
Authors: Christine Young-Robinson
Noelle came back to see Aniyah on the floor and Kenley on the phone.
Instead of calling the police, Kenley called their lawyer while she kept an eye on Aniyah, still on the floor with her hair out of place and her dress rose up, exposing her thighs.
“I called Mr. Chavis. You speak to him,” Kenley said as she passed the phone to Milandra.
Milandra held the cell phone to her ear until he answered.
He tried to scold her. “What are you doing over there?”
“I'm handling my family business and you have no right to question a Houston,” Milandra relentlessly said.
“I apologize but the police will handle Tessa's niece. I'm on my way there,” Baron said.
Aniyah tried to stand up but Kenley grabbed her by her hair. She pulled her to the stairs. “Let me go!” Aniyah yelled.
“What kind of woman are you?” Milandra asked Aniyah as she watched Kenley drag her.
“Stupidâthat's what she is,” Noelle said.
“You tied up your own aunt and put her in a closet. How crazy are you? Your own family!” Kenley yelled as she yanked Aniyah's hair.
“Ouch!” Aniyah said, coming into the realization that her aunt Tessa was no longer upstairs. She wondered where she was.
“She deserved it,” Aniyah screamed. “Just like your papa deserved it.”
Kenley slapped her on the face. “Respect my dead father.”
Aniyah laughed. “I had plenty of pleasure from your papa. He was a male whore. He took me as his woman. The house you live in is where we made our love nest. I had him where I wanted himâright by the balls. That's when I told him I was his daughter. You should have seen the look on his face. That's what sent him straight to his grave.”
“Shut up!” Milandra said hysterically. “Respect my father.”
“He never gave my family respect!” Aniyah screamed.
Milandra lost control. “Move out of my way, Kenley.”
Kenley stepped away from Aniyah. Milandra ran over and kicked Aniyah with so much force that it bruised her right leg.
Noelle pulled her sister away. “Control yourself, Milandra. She's not worth it. The law will take care of her.”
Milandra fell to the floor and cried. It hurt her to have heard nothing but negative things against her father. She couldn't believe there was a cruel side of him that made him abusive to women when he had daughters of his own.
Baron and Tessa entered the house. Tessa saw her niece at the foot of the stairs. She ran over and whacked her across the face and she cried to Aniyah, “I will never tell your mama I found you. She almost lost her life worrying about you, Rosie. A heart attack almost took her life. I'd rather her think you're still lost. She would be so hurt to discover that her daughter was being so manipulative and cruel to others.”
Aniyah sobbed, “Stop lying on my mama. Aunt Tessa, you're a traitor and I hate you!”
“Everyone be quiet,” Baron said.
“Boss those heifers over there, not me,” Aniyah yelled to him.
“I'm not here to boss anyone. I'm saying let's all calm down. Aniyah or Rosie, whatever your name is, you need help to deal with
whatever pain you're going through,” Baron advised her, trying to give her the benefit of the doubt since she was Tessa's niece.
“What are you nowâa damn shrink? You need help on how to screw a woman. You're crappy in bed.” Aniyah laughed. “You're a sucker, just like Rupert.”
Noelle couldn't believe Baron had slept with Aniyah.
“Stop lying,” he said, even though it was the truth. Tessa also knew she was telling the truth, but she protected him in front of the Houstons.
“Rosie, no more lies,” Tessa said.
Aniyah sat on the steps and yelled, “I don't care whether you believe me or not. He screwed me.”
Noelle comforted Milandra. Kenley ran up the stairs. She grabbed some of Aniyah's belongings and tossed them in a pillowcase that was on the bed. She brought the stuffed pillowcase to the staircase.
“Here are your things. Take them and leave me and my sisters alone,” Kenley yelled. Everyone looked up and moved out of the way as the pillowcase tumbled down the stairs.
Kenley came down the stairs. Aniyah tried to attack her but Baron stopped her.
“I'm sick of you for real, little creep. Enough is enough. You're a pest,” Aniyah said.
Upset with Aniyah for going after her sister, Milandra ran over and pulled her by the hair.
“You high-class bitch, let go of my hair,” Aniyah argued.
Baron dared not to stop Milandra; he watched her as she dragged Aniyah out the door.
“Please, Rosie has done wrong, but she's my niece. Don't hurt her,” Tessa begged.
Noelle could see by the look in Tessa's eyes that she was in as
much pain as they were, but in her own way. She called to her sister. “Milandra, let's not get in trouble with the law.”
Milandra listened to her sister and let go of Aniyah.
Aniyah sat on the outside of the door and tried to pat her hair neatly in place.
Two officers, who were notified by security that Aniyah had arrived home, pulled up to the front door.
Aniyah stood up and still tried to put on until the end. “Officers, please make them leave my house,” she yelled.
“Are you Rosie Sanchez?” the officer asked Aniyah as they got out of the police car.
“I'm Aniyah Sanchez.”
“Liar!” Kenley shouted. “She's a fake.”
The officer noticed Tessa from speaking to her at the villa. “Can you identify your niece for us?” the head officer asked.
Tessa pointed at Aniyah and cried, “She's my niece. Her name is Rosie Aniyah Sanchez. She's using her middle name and my dead daughter's name, Aniyah, for her own.”
One of the officers went over to Aniyah, grabbed her hands, and put them behind her. He handcuffed her and read her Miranda Rights.
“You traitor. Aunt Tessa, how could you do this to me?”
Kenley took one of the officers upstairs and showed him the rope and tape Aniyah had used on her aunt. The officer took the items for evidence.
“I want to make sure you have the story of what happened,” Milandra said. “She got this home because my father left it to her in the will under the assumption that she was his child. She isn't.”
“I was told this earlier by Mr. Chavis,” the head officer said. “Is this true?” he asked as he turned his attention to Aniyah.
She laughed. “She's jealous because I'm our papa's favorite daughter.”
Tessa begged, “For God's sake, Rosie, stop lying. You know you're not Mr. Houston's daughter. His real fourth daughter is dead.”
“Is this true?” the officer asked Aniyah a second time.
“I'm not answering any more damn questions. I plead the fifth. Speak to my lawyer right there.” Aniyah pointed to Baron.
“You're her lawyer?” the officer wondered.
“No. I'm the Houstons' attorney,” Baron said.
“He's my lover and he's my lawyer.” Aniyah blurted to the officer.
Tessa yelled, “Rosie, stop making a fool of yourself.”
Aniyah turned and looked at her. “Rot in hell, bitch.”
Those words made Tessa feel like her niece had taken a knife and stuck it in her heart.
The officer took Aniyah out and put her in the police car.
Baron ordered them all to go home. The girls locked up the house until they could get all the paperwork straightened out.
aron and Tessa arrived at Baron's home. Tessa was distraught. “Thank you so much for making the Houstons listen to my side of the story.”
“They should know what really went on; even if it's not anything they wanted to hear.”
“I guess it's hard for them to hear that their papa was cruel in his own way.”
Tessa took off her blouse. Baron came up behind her and put his arms around her. He caressed her breasts as he kissed her on the neck.
Turning Tessa around, he put his lips to hers. They kissed passionately. He unhooked her bra to release her breasts. He cupped one as he took it for his pleasure.
Tessa moaned from the delight of his teeth biting on her. She helped remove his shirt, and then placed kisses on his chest and all the way up to his neck and lips.
Baron eased up as he thought of the roses and bottle of Sangria he bought for her. “I'll be right back.”
“I'll make you a warm bath.”
“I'll do that for you when I get back,” Baron said as he went downstairs and took a bowl of strawberries and a chilled bottle of
wine out of the refrigerator. He placed the bottle under his right arm and grabbed two glasses. He left the bouquet of roses on the kitchen counter and he went back to join her. When he entered the bathroom, Tessa already had the water running in the Jacuzzi tub. “You don't listen. I told you I would do that for you.”
“It's okay.” She noticed the treats he held. “What do we have here?”
“A few goodies, but I do have one more thing to get from downstairs.” He set the bowl of strawberries, wine, and glasses on the edge of the tub and then ran back down to the kitchen to get the roses.
After the tub was filled with water, Tessa turned the jets on.
“Roses for a beautiful lady,” Baron said as he walked into the bathroom.
Tessa relieved him of the bouquet of roses. She took one of the roses, plucked the petals off it, and tossed them in the water to let them float. She removed her panties, stepped into the Jacuzzi tub, and reached for his hand.
“One more thing,” Baron said. He left and came back with a few candles. He placed three candles on the tub and lit them. The rose petals glowed as they floated in the water. He poured two glasses of wine. He removed his shorts and eased into the tub so his body would adjust to the water temperature.
“You're so romantic,” Tessa said.
Baron gave her a peck on the lips before he leaned over and took a strawberry out of the bowl, putting it between his teeth and brushing it across her lips before she gripped it with her teeth. She chewed on the other end of the strawberry until their lips met.
Tessa reached for a strawberry and rubbed it on his chest to lick the juices off him.
Baron picked up the glass of wine. He poured some in her mouth,
letting some trickle down her left breast. He sucked the wine off her. She playfully poured the wine on top of his head, and then she licked it off every place it appeared on him.
Tessa stood up in front of him, took one of the long-stemmed roses and began to dance with it. She rubbed the rose across her body as she danced. He admired her moves. Her hips swayed from side to side. Her breasts jiggled as she danced. She sat back down in the water and slid the rose down his chest to his manhood. He moaned.
Baron took another rose and worked her body with it. She moaned from the tingling sensation she felt.
Tessa whispered in his ear, “I thought we'd never see each other again.”
“I would have come to Mexico to find you.”
“You would have brought all this chocolate to Mexico for me?”
“Yes, just to dip you right in it.” He giggled.
“Dip me in chocolate now.”
Baron took her in his arms and held her tightly as he kissed her with force. The water splashed as they became one. “I love you, Baron,” Tessa screamed.
“Love you forever,” he said, forcing himself inside her harder. She scratched his back as she held on to him. She tickled his neck with her tongue. Together, they rocked to their own beat until they reached their climax.
ack at the Houston Villa, the girls went straight to the kitchen. Noelle opened the refrigerator. She searched for something to eat while her sisters took a seat at the table.
Milandra couldn't believe her sister had an appetite. “How can you think of food? All I want to do is move back to the estate.”
“I'm just happy I get to have my pool party there,” Kenley said, smiling as she thought of her birthday.
“Kenley, is that all you think about?” Noelle asked as she took out a glass casserole dish of lasagna.
“You had your day; I'm looking forward to mine.” Kenley pouted.
“How do you work this microwave?” Noelle asked as she played around with the buttons.
Kenley got up and went over to help her sister. “Move out of the way.” Kenley pressed on the buttons as if it was a calculator.
“And when did you learn how to work a microwave?” Noelle wondered.
“Elsa taught me how to use it,” Kenley bragged.
The aroma of the tomato sauce perfumed the kitchen as it heated up. Noelle, with a dish towel in her hand, took the glass dish out of the microwave. She and Kenley made plates for themselves.
“Well, Milandra, are you going to join us?” Noelle asked as she went on to taste some of the lasagna on her plate.
“Yes.” She pouted as she sniffed the aroma of cheese as well. She grabbed a plate out of the cabinet and joined her sisters.
They sat together and ate the lasagna. Kenley's thoughts went to boys as she chewed her food. “I can't wait to have a boyfriend,” Kenley said.
“You have plenty of time,” Milandra replied as she took her napkin and wiped sauce from her lowered lip.
“I won't wait as long as you and Noelle,” Kenley said.
“Please don't wait as long as us.” Noelle laughed.
“Father kept you away from men while he had fun with lots of women,” Kenley said.
“I wish I could confront Father. I would ask him to explain in his own words all his best-kept secrets,” Milandra said as she ate.
“It's no secret. Father probably thought men would treat us the way he treated womenâterribly,” Noelle said.
“Not Mother. He treated her with respect,” Milandra said, defending him.
“You call it respect. He ran from her bed to others,” Kenley said as she got up and poured iced tea for all of them.