Read We Didn’t See it Coming Online
Authors: Christine Young-Robinson
Unhooking her bra from behind, she exposed a set of breasts the size of coconuts. He admired the abundance.
Noelle pulled down her shorts to expose her white, lace panties, then she reached up and removed his shirt.
He touched her breasts as she unclothed him.
Noelle ran her fingers down his chest, a chest rippled with muscles. She pulled him by the hand to follow her off the boat.
Sid drooled over her curvy hips as they made their way over to an oak tree.
They felt the warm night air against their bodies.
Noelle turned around, swung her arms around him, and kissed him again with all her might. “Love me,” she whispered. “Show me what making love is all about.”
“This is your first time?”
“I'm afraid so,” she said embarrassed. “But I'm ready as ever to become a true woman.”
She slipped her panties off; Sid followed, stepping out of his boxers. His erect, protruding manhood caught her attention. Noelle got down on the ground, resting her back on the green grass.
Sid got down on his knees and crawled on top of her, letting his groin rub against her.
Noelle longed to have a man touched her forbidden zone. Moisture built up between her legs and she reached for his manhood, nervous, yet, longing for him to enter her.
“Hold up, baby.” Sid ran and got a condom out of the boat. He came back and put it on.
“I know you know what this is.”
“Of course I do. Men use it to keep a girl from getting pregnant.”
“Yeah, that's one reason.”
Sid lay back on top of her and pushed his hardened groin inside her. He stroked her gently, letting her first time be of comfort.
Noelle let out a loud moaned that echoed into the midnight air.
He kissed her with passion and licked her like she was a lollipop.
She felt tingling sensations in her breasts. Sid pressed all the way down on her. He held her arms above her head.
Noelle kept her lips locked to his to keep from screaming. The pleasure of his body outweighed the pain.
Sid knew how to drive and she enjoyed the ride. Their body heat created pools of moisture from their intense passion. Noelle came for the first time. Her body felt rejuvenated. All her worries dissipated into the night air. He kissed her on the nipple and lay next to her.
“How was it for you?” he asked, hoping that she was floating like a boat on smooth flowing waters.
“I can't explain in words. But I do know I want you to take me again before we leave here.”
“Only if you tell me I'm the only man you'll let have you.”
She gazed lovingly, longingly into his eyes. Her heart palpitated. “You have my promise.”
Sid let out a sigh of relief, happy that she felt a connection to him greater than a friend. He reached over, kissed her, and took a broken stick lying on the grass and gently tickled her. She was turned on again.
Noelle cried into the night as Sid tossed the stick away and gave her his own stick.
“I didn't know what I've been missing.”
“That's okay; I'll help you catch up on lost time,” he said willingly, in hopes that he would be good enough to be a longtime
partner with the Houston girl. It was not her fortune that he was attracted to; her beauty, innocence, and sexual being turned him on.
Sid drove himself into her with all his power. Noelle screamed his name, “Sid!”
In return, he screamed her name, “Noelle!” They released their ecstasy and rested on the grass. “We can stay here as long as you want,” he said as he held her.
“I wish we could stay here forever. It's so peaceful here.”
“Who knows, maybe you and I will become one. Man and wife one day,” he said wishfully.
Noelle smiled. “I believe our future is meant to be together.”
They kissed and talked a little while. Sid drove the boat back to the Houston Estate. He took her home and again kissed her goodnight. “See you tomorrow. I love you,” he blurted.
“I love you, too,” Noelle said joyfully, realizing since she couldn't have Baron, he was the type of man she had waited for all her life.
Noelle got out of the limo and watched him drive off. She ran into the house and took a shower. She cleansed her body, but hated she had to wash away the fresh smell of Sid's body odor from her flesh. Sadness came over her because she wondered, would her mother have been accepting of her newfound love?
Father would, no doubt, disown me.
Her mind wondered back to Sid and a smile quickly returned to her face. It was the passionate love that she had encountered that gave her a sense of peace.
enley made her way over to the Houston Estate for the day. She hoped that Aniyah would let her in, but if Aniyah didn't, she would go to Plan Bâthe secret passage.
The driver helped take her shopping bags, which were filled with decorations, out of the limo. She was as ready as ever to get things prepared for her sixteenth birthday celebration.
They carried the bags to the front door. She rang the bell several times before Aniyah finally came and opened it.
“Oh hell no, not you again,” Aniyah called as she blocked the doorway.
“I need to get these things into the house.”
Aniyah noticed the shopping bags in their hands. “Take your stuff and get out of here.”
“I'm planning my sweet sixteen pool party. I'm having it here. It's traditional in my family. These are some of the things I need for my party.”
“Get real; you're not having a bunch of spoiled, rich brats up in here.”
“Before she died, my mother said that I could have a pool party. What she says goes, even if she's not here anymore.”
Kenley moved forward to go into the house. Aniyah swung the
door to close it, but Kenley pushed against it with the left side of her body.
“Please move out of my way. Some of these bags are heavy.”
“I'm not!” Aniyah yelled. “Take your stuff and get the hell out of here.”
“This is my house, too,” Kenley said. “You're such a bitch.”
“Watch your mouth,” Aniyah said as she pushed Kenley out of the entranceway and slammed the door in her face.
The bags fell to the ground as Kenley stumbled. As the driver came to her rescue, he asked, “Miss Houston, are you okay?” He put the bags he carried on the ground and helped her up.
“I'm fine. Just gather up my things and put them back in the limo.” Kenley brushed off her clothes.
The driver did as he was told. Kenley jumped into the backseat of the limo.
“Where would you like for me to drive you?”
“Straight down there,” she said, pointing toward the walkway that led to the secret passage.
Kenley got out of the limo, and with the help of the driver, she grabbed all of her bags. They placed them on the ground.
“You can go. I'm going to stick around here for a while. Please keep your cell phone on. I'll call you when I'm ready to leave.”
“Yes, Miss Houston. You sure you're going to be all right?”
“No one bosses me around and gets away with it. I'll be fine.”
The driver tilted his hat and drove off.
Her eyes traveled around the area to make sure no one noticed her. The coast was clear and she opened the secret entrance.
Kenley tossed the bags of unbreakable things down the steps of the wine cellar. She carried the rest of them, storing them all in a closet.
Nearby where bottles of wine were stored, she opened a refrigerator
filled with sodas. She took several swallows out of a Sprite soda to cool off. Once finished, she angrily squeezed the can and crushed it, thinking of Aniyah's head as she did it.
Kenley tossed the can into a trashcan before she climbed back up the steps and peeked outside. Again, the coast was clear. She eased out of the cellar. She went to walk toward the front of the house, but the servants were going home from a day's work. Her slender body disappeared behind a huge tree. As she waited, Aniyah came out of the house and got into a limo that had arrived to pick her up.
Yippee, the whore is leaving,
Kenley thought, even though she didn't care where Aniyah was going. She watched as the limo disappeared down the path leading out of the estate.
Kenley ran back down into the cellar, leaving the bags in the closet. She hurried up to the main floor of the house. Since everything was quiet there, she went into the kitchen, grabbed an apple out of a crystal bowl filled with fruit, and she bit into it.
On the second level of the house, Kenley heard a radio playing in the east wing of the house, but she went to the west wing to check out her bedroom. She wanted to see if Aniyah kept her promise and changed her room, but the bedroom was the same way that her mother had the designer decorate it.
She peeked out of the wood blinds to the front of the house to make sure that Aniyah had not decided to return because she had forgotten something.
Kenley went down the hall to the guest bedroom where she knew Aniyah slept. As she got closer, the music became louder. She went into the room and searched around.
Aniyah had left a few dresses scattered on the bed. The closet had shoes thrown all over the floor. An empty glass and a bottle of rum were on the nightstand.
Kenley came out of the bedroom. She cautiously looked out of the window to be sure that Aniyah had not circled back. She was ready to use the basic skills she learned in martial arts on Aniyah.
Kenley decided to go into her father's old study. She saw the sign on the door. It declared “DO NOT GO INTO THIS ROOM.”
I go where I please,
Kenley thought as she started to pull the sign down but then decided not to. She didn't want Aniyah to have a clue that anyone had been in the house. Instead, she just opened the door and went in. She looked at her father's empty deskâthere weren't any photos of his family. His computer was in her possession.
Tessa was sound asleep but woke up when she heard Kenley in the room. She stayed quiet. Aniyah insisted that she would not get fed, but if she cooperated, maybe she would give her breakfast the next morning. She had to be sure of who was in the room.
Kenley went over to a drawer that held office supplies. She took out a letter opener with her father's name engraved on it. It was one of the things they had left behind while packing his things.
Tessa let out a sneeze. The sound frightened Kenley. She held the letter opener up for protection.
Pointing the letter opener toward the closet, the youngest Houston tiptoed over to the closet and opened the door fast. She screamed and Tessa made a mumbling sound.
Kenley saw that she was fragile, sweaty, and had a tear-stained face.
Tessa began to cry as her eyes pleaded for help. She was tied up and her mouth was bound with tape.
“I'll be right back,” Kenley said frantically. She ran to search the drawers for scissors but couldn't find any. She ran down the hallway to the guest bedroom and found a pair of scissors in the nightstand.
“Who did this to you?” Kenley asked as she returned. She gently removed the cloth and tape from around Tessa's mouth.
“God bless you. You're my angel,” Tessa cried. “Aniyah, as you know her name, did this to me.”
“Who are you?” Kenley asked; she didn't recognize Tessa from the funeral.
“I'm Tessa Sanchez,” she said as she gasped for breath.
“Aniyah's mother?” Kenley said, baffled.
“She's my niece. I'm not her mother.”
“Really! And she did this to you?”
“Yes, my own family did this to me.”
“She's going to jail.”
Kenley finished freeing her. Tessa tried to stand up but fell back down; her body was stiff from sitting in the closet.
Kenley felt sorry for her. “Let me help you up. Hold on to me so we can hurry and get out of here before Aniyah comes back. Your niece is sick in the head.”
“Not yet. We must leave things as they were. We don't want Rosie to notice I'm gone right away.”
Kenley stopped for a second. “Her name is a lie, too?”
“Kind of, her middle name is Aniyah.”
“She's a fraud.”
“Let's hurry. I don't want anything to happen to you.”
“I'm not scared. But I'll handle putting everything back in place. Hold on to the desk until I finish.”
Kenley worked really fast, tossing the rope and tape into the closet. She closed all of the doors when she finished.
They hurried to the ground floor.
“We can't go out the front door. She may come back. Or someone may see us,” Kenley said.
Tessa gained strength and was able to walk and follow Kenley. “Where are we going?”
“Down to the wine cellar,” Kenley said as they made their way to the cellar.
“I don't want to stay in the cellar. No telling what Rosie would do to us if she found us.”
“Trust me. We're not staying down there. There's a way to get to the outside from the cellar. My driver is waiting on me to call for him to pick me up.”
Closing the cellar door behind them, they hurried down the stairs, where Kenley called for the driver. She ordered that he pick her up as fast as he could in the same place where he dropped her off earlier. They were in luck. The driver was still on the property.
They came out of the secret passage and walked down the brick paved walkway. The driver drove up just a few seconds later. They quickly got into the limo.
“Get us out of here,” Kenley ordered.
“Where do you want to be dropped off?” the driver asked.
“Just get us off the grounds of the estate,” Kenley said.
“I have to make a call,” Tessa said as she called Baron.
Baron answered the phone and was glad to hear from Tessa. “Where the hell are you? I've been worried sick about you.”
Tessa said, “Rosie tied and taped me up in a closet.”
The driver heard what she said. He looked through his rearview mirror at her.