We Didn’t See it Coming (30 page)

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Authors: Christine Young-Robinson

BOOK: We Didn’t See it Coming
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Her face puddled in tears, Milandra decided to get out of bed and join her man.

Chapter 34

enley's sweet sixteen birthday party was one of the things that kept her from thinking of her parents' death. She gave out all twenty-five invitations—including one to Pete. She had convinced her sisters to have her entire party at their home instead of the yacht club. Her concern was who would be her date. She went to Milandra.

“My party is not going to be so good,” she whined.

“You have all the trimmings for it,” Milandra said as she went over the party list.

“I have no date to walk me in.” Kenley wept.

“Let's see if one of Father's colleagues' sons would like to escort you.”

“A stranger. I don't want anyone to feel pity for me,” Kenley wept.

“Well, do you have an idea?”

Kenley thought and whispered, “Pete.”

“Who?” Milandra stopped writing and turned around to look at her.


“The help? I better pick out your date.”

“I like Pete. He's fun and quite handsome. Please! He knows me.”

“He better not know you too well.”

“I'm just talking to him. I'm not mushy with him like you and Noelle are with your male friends.”

“Hush your mouth!”

Although she wanted to say no to Kenley, Milandra didn't dare upset her sister. “Okay, it's your sweet sixteenth birthday. I'll grant it.”

“Yippee,” Kenley yelled and twirled around like a ballerina and ran to find her date.

Inside the kitchen, Pete was polishing a silver bowl. Kenley came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

He jumped. “You scared me.”

“Sorry, I didn't mean to. But you must stop what you're doing.”

“I have to finish polishing this bowl before Elsa comes back from shopping.”

“I need to talk to you.”

Kenley watched as he set the bowl down on the table. Pete turned and gave her his full attention.

“What you want to talk about?”

“I need you to come with me and buy a tuxedo.”

“That's a funny name. What is it?”

Kenley laughed. “It's a fancy suit. You're going to be my escort for my party.”

“Escort?” Pete said as he wondered what an escort does.

“You'll walk me into my party.”

“Oh, I see, like a papa walks his daughter in for marriage.”

“Yes, like that.” Kenley giggled.

“How about your boyfriend?”

Kenley said sadly. “I have no boyfriend. Please escort me. If you don't, I won't have anyone.”

Pete grinned. “For you, señorita, I do it. What about the pants and shirt I got from Elsa to wear to party?”

“Give them back to her,” Kenley said. She abruptly kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for being my escort.”

The touch of her lips turned his groin into a frozen Popsicle. Without any thought, he in return placed a peck on her cheek.

Her heart fluttered as she wished he had kissed her on the lips. “Let's go get you a tuxedo.” Kenley smiled as she took him by the hand.

The afternoon was filled with shopping and grooming Pete for the party.

• • •

The servants decorated the estate with an arrangement of assorted flowers and balloons. A garland of pink roses adorned the staircase banister. Pete proudly stood in his tuxedo, not daring to sit down and mess it up. With the help of Elsa, his hair was slicked back, and the shirt he wore was white and crisp. The black cummerbund lay flat around his waist. His shoes dazzled like polished silver.

Pete kept looking up the stairs as he waited for Kenley to make her entrance; it wasn't long before she stood at the top of the stairs. She was dressed in a simple, pale-pink, low-cut, backless dress with sequins. Her hair was pulled back into a curly ponytail, and it showed off her mother's diamond stud earrings that sparkled in her ears. She strolled down the stairs on pink diamond stud high heels to match her dress. Her cheeks were rosy from pink blush and her lips glittered with pink lip gloss.

Pete held his head up high to show off the black bow tie as Kenley stepped down the last step to stand in front of him.

“Wow! You're the most beautiful black girl I've ever seen.”

She smiled. “You're the best looking Mexican boy in a tuxedo.”

“Black-Mexican,” he corrected her. “But thanks.” He smiled.

“Pictures,” Noelle and Milandra called. They had already snapped
several shots as Kenley came down the stairs, as if the occasion was a photo shoot.

Kenley and Pete posed for photos. Kenley knew her friends would think Pete was her boyfriend. She didn't care because he was fine.

They made their way out into the entrance of the yard. Many young teens sat around the pool under tents decorated in pink and white roses. The tables were covered in white linen.

In the center of the tables were bouquets of pink and white roses. A white runner was put down on the walkway, which extended to a hand-built arch filled with pink and white roses.

Kenley and Pete made it to the entrance. She put her arm under his. Pete reached over and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy Birthday, Miss Houston.”

“It's Kenley to you.”

Milandra stood outside and held a microphone. She announced, “May I have your attention, everyone?” The guests became silent. “Everyone, please stand.” The audience stood up. “On behalf of my sister, Noelle and I, we would like to thank everyone for attending Kenley's Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party. At this time we graciously introduce to you, our sister, Sweet Sixteen Miss Kenley Houston escorted by Mr. Pete Gomez.”

Kenley walked down the aisle on Pete's arm. Cameras flashed in their faces. They showed teeth until they made it under the arch. There, Pete stepped back and cameras continued to flash. Some of the local media were allowed in to take photos. Under the arch was a table set up for Kenley. There, she sat and prepared to dine on her favorite dish—lobster.

Pete sat at a nearby table with Milandra, Noelle, Nolan, Sid, Tessa, and Baron. Even Elsa was able to sit at the table at Kenley's request.

Later on, a toast was made in her honor. Then it was time for the guests to change from their dainty clothes into their swimwear. The girl invitees changed in the pool house. The boys changed in an outdoor bathroom. Kenley changed into a two-piece swimsuit.

Milandra saw her make her way back out to the poolside. “That's not the bathing suit Kenley is supposed to be wearing. It's a one-piece. I must go and talk to her.”

Nolan grabbed Milandra by the arm. He was about to comment but Noelle handled it. “Leave her alone, Milandra. It's her birthday. Please let her be happy for this day. She deserves some happiness after all the hardship we've been through.”

Milandra stayed put.

Pete changed into his swimming trunks. He dove into the pool for fun—not to help clean it as he sometimes did. Kenley splashed into the pool. She and her guests played volleyball.

“We adults should go inside and let the young people have fun,” Noelle said as she got out of her seat.

“We're not leaving a bunch of teenagers alone. The boys might get out of hand,” Milandra said and she stayed put.

Nolan grabbed Milandra by the arm again, this time to help her up out of her seat. “We can watch from inside. They're not babies.”

The adults went into the house. Milandra stayed close enough to see as much as she could at the pool area.

Kenley enjoyed her party. The end had come too soon. She saw all her guests to the door. Pete was the last one to go home. She walked him halfway to the servants' quarters.

“Thanks, Pete. I'll always remember that you're the one who made my sixteenth birthday the coolest.”

“I had fun. It was like a fiesta,” he said as he handed her the tuxedo.

“My sister will see that it gets back to the renters, but I better get back to the house. Milandra will be looking for me.”

Pete reached over to kiss her on the cheek. Kenley turned her face enough for their lips to connect. He put his arms around her and pressed his lips hard against hers. Kenley could tell Aniyah had taught him more than he should know.

Pete tried to touch her breasts, but Kenley pushed his hand away.

“I'm not ready for that. A kiss is fine for now. I like kissing.” She blushed.

“The other stuff—that's for my sisters. They're old enough. I just want to have fun being a teen.”

“I understand. I like kissing you, too. I just thought…”

“I know you have experienced more. That crazy fake Aniyah.”

“Yeah, she's a hot tamale.” He giggled.

“I'm in no way like her.”

“You're a princess,” Pete said as he bowed his head to her.

“Thanks! I'm ready for bed. It's been too much fun,” Kenley yawned.

“Kiss, one more time,” Pete said as he pointed to his lips.

Kenley reached out and they pecked each other on the lips.

“You be my girlfriend?”

Kenley called out to him as she ran to go home, “Yes, but let it be our secret.”

“Okay, goodnight,” Pete said and ran off toward the servants' quarters.

Chapter 35

he fall season had arrived. The waves wobbled in the lake and gave off a cool breeze. Kenley hurried down to the lake to meet Pete. They had been boyfriend and girlfriend for two years. Her father's boat was their private spot away from everyone.

Kenley stepped inside the boat that was tied to end of the dock. She walked to the bottom level of it. Pete sat there drinking a soda.

“I thought you weren't coming today.”

“It's Friday. My sisters and I have lunch together, something my mother used to have us do. It's the time we talk about our daily lives.”

“You talk about us?”

“My lips are sealed,” Kenley said as she took the soda out of his hand and took a sip. “Ah…that hit the spot.”

“No kiss for me?”

“I forgot.”

Kenley pecked him on the lips. “Turn on the television. Let's watch a movie.”

“Not yet! More kisses,” he said as he squeezed her close to him, pressing his lips to hers.

Pete touched her blossomed breasts. She didn't push him away. He caressed her breasts as he kept kissing her. Kenley let her hand
travel to his crotch. She touched his muscle and felt it become stronger.

Pete nudged her to get on the floor of the boat. Kenley pulled him right along with her until he was on top of her.

“You're ready.”

“Yes, I'm a woman now. I've been waiting for you to take me since I turned eighteen.”

“Why didn't you say something?” He wanted to know.

“I'm a lady. I wanted you to approach me first.”

Pete said no more. He reached under her skirt and went to pull her panties off, but felt nothing but her flesh.

“I told you I was ready for you,” she whispered. She wiggled her hips and removed her skirt.

Kenley spread her legs apart. She gave him a clear view of her garden. “Put this on,” she said as she handed him a condom.

He slipped it on and eased inside of her. A sharp pain hit her between the legs, but as he stroked her, the pain turned to pleasure.

As Kenley moved her body to his mambo, she was unaware that her sisters had made their way to the boat with their male partners.

Milandra led the way on to the boat. She went down the stairs and saw Pete on top of her sister. She ran over and slapped him on the back of his head. Nolan ran after her, pulling her off him.

Kenley lay nude. She hid her breasts with one hand and with the other she covered her garden.

“What the hell are you doing to my sister?” Milandra yelled.

“Kenley,” Noelle called, in shock at the position Kenley and Pete were in.

“We're having sex!” Kenley yelled. “How dare you come and interrupt us? We are boyfriend and girlfriend. We have been for a long time.”

“Kenley Houston, you've been having sex?” Milandra scolded her.

Nolan and Sid turned their backs to them.

“Today is my first time and all of you ruined it for me!” Kenley yelled, pointing at her siblings and their gentlemen callers. She snatched her clothes and ran into a bathroom to get dressed. Pete grabbed his clothes and ran out.

Kenley returned fully dressed and saw that he was gone. “Where's Pete?” she yelled.

“I don't know where he went, but he's fired,” Milandra said.

“Then I'll go with him. I love Pete just like you guys love each other. I love him,” Kenley cried. “You ruined my first time!” she screamed and left the boat.

Milandra took the nearest seat as Nolan consoled her.

“Don't let this get to you. Your sister is young,” Nolan said.

“Getting that first piece is a major thing.” Sid smiled.

“I don't think this is something to joke about,” Milandra said as she looked over at Sid.

“Sorry, I know this is a serious matter for your family.” Sid saw that she didn't take kindly to his words.

• • •

“Stop running,” Noelle called as she left the others behind in the boat to run after her baby sister.

Kenley fell down on the ground. She cried, “Please don't let her fire Pete. He's my boyfriend. I do love him, Noelle, with all my heart.”

“Kenley, those are strong words.”

“You love Sid.”

“Yes, but we're much older. Loving a man is something you must be sure of. And you must find out if Pete really feels the same way.”

Kenley got up. “I'll go find out. Just leave me alone to find out.”

“All right.” Noelle gave in.

Kenley ran barefooted through the grass to the servants' quarters. She ran inside the open door to Pete's room and saw he was packing his suitcase. She shut the door behind her.

“Pete, don't pack yet. We must talk.”

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