We Didn’t See it Coming (23 page)

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Authors: Christine Young-Robinson

BOOK: We Didn’t See it Coming
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Kenley saw he was listening to the call. “Keep your mouth shut before you're to blame for someone getting seriously hurt.”

“No problem, Miss Houston,” the driver said.

Tessa told Baron about the whole event.

“Put Kenley on the phone,” he said.

“Here, Mr. Chavis would like to speak to you.” Tessa handed the phone to Kenley.

“Yes, Mr. Chavis.”

“Do me a favor and take Tessa with you to the Houston Villa. I'll meet you there. Thanks, you saved a life. No telling what her niece might have done to her.”

“You know Aniyah is a fake?” Kenley asked, startled.

“Yes, I found out a day ago. Tessa got in touch with me. I was in the midst of getting things worked out for your family.”

“Hold on a second, Mr. Chavis.” Kenley called to the driver, “Take us to the Houston Villa, please.” She went back to her conversation with Baron. “I'm so happy she's not my sister. I can't believe she lied to take over our lives.”

Tessa listened as Kenley rejoiced. She laid her head on the window.

Kenley said goodbye and hung up with Baron.

Tessa said, “I tried to talk to Rosie about how wrong she was to take your family fortune. She wouldn't listen to me. She became angry and threw me in the closet.”

Kenley was concerned for the woman her mother had called a whore. “I'm sorry you were tortured trying to help me and my sisters. Did she feed you?”

“She got mad at me and told me I would starve.”

“I know she's your niece, but the girl is schizophrenic.”

Chapter 25

he Houston Villa was silent as Kenley entered with Tessa at her side. No noises coming from her sister's rooms assured Kenley that they weren't at home.

“Let's get you something to eat.”

“I would love to take a bath, if that's okay, Miss Houston,” Tessa said as she lifted up her right arm and sniffed her underarms. She turned her nose up. Her deodorant had worn off.

Kenley showed her to the bathroom. Inside a Jacuzzi tub, she turned the brass faucet on and ran Tessa's bath.

Tessa reached for one of many fresh 100 percent pima cotton plush towels that were stacked neatly on a nearby shelf.

“Watch the water,” Kenley said. She left and returned with one of her white linen bathrobes and a brand new pair of panties. She handed the underwear to Tessa. “We keep extras around here.”

“My angel, you are,” Tessa said as she patted Kenley on the cheek.

“I'm glad to help.” Kenley smiled and closed the door, leaving Tessa to her bath.

Tessa turned the faucet off. She undressed and eased her foot down in the water. “Just right,” she mumbled as she sat down in the tub. She rested her head back, closed her eyes, and let the warm water soothe her body.

Downstairs, a servant was cooking dinner when Kenley entered the kitchen.

“Smells delicious in here. How long before the food will be done?”

“Are you hungry, Miss Houston?” the servant asked.

“I have a guest that hasn't eaten today.”

“One plate of stewed chicken and rice coming up,” the servant said.

“Thanks! I'll be back.”

Kenley ran back upstairs. She spoke through the bathroom door, “Miss Sanchez, your meal will be ready when you come down to the kitchen.”

“Thank you, Miss Houston,” Tessa answered back.

It wasn't long before Tessa came downstairs dressed in the robe Kenley had given her. She ran into the arms of Baron as he entered the house.

“Tessa, I've never been worried about anyone the way I've been worried about you. Are you really okay?” he asked as he kissed her on her lips.

“Yes, physically I'm fine, but emotionally I'm so hurt about my Rosie.”

Kenley watched the glow in their eyes as they embraced. She realized the true connection between Baron and Tessa. She interrupted them. “Miss Sanchez needs to eat. She hasn't had any food.”

“I can't believe Aniyah didn't feed you,” he said.

“Rosie became so mad after you left the estate,” Tessa said.

“You were there all the time?” Baron asked, wishing he'd been able to search the entire house.

“I tried to make noise, but Rosie had her music playing so loud and my mouth was taped up.”

“Where are Milandra and Noelle?” Baron asked as he turned his attention to Kenley.

“I have no idea,” Kenley said as she held out her hands.

“Get your sisters on the phone. Tell them to come home quick. We have plenty to discuss and clear up,” Baron said.

Kenley led the way to the kitchen as she got her sisters on the phone. She called each one of their cell phones and urged them to hurry home, not knowing she'd interrupted their dates. “They're on their way home,” she reported to Baron.

In the kitchen, Tessa had taken a seat at the table; a plate of stewed chicken and rice was ready for her. She stuffed her mouth with a forkful of food, gobbling it down like she was a homeless person glad for a meal.

“I'll call the police,” Baron said as he took a seat beside Tessa.

“No police.” Tessa panicked. “I don't want my Rosie in jail.”

“You're her auntie and look what happened to you,” Kenley said as she poured Tessa a glass of tea and handed it to her.

“We have to put a stop to her or someone can get seriously hurt because of her. She might even try to come after you again. And the next time there is no telling what she'll try to do to you,” Baron said.

Tessa knew what he said was true. She took a gulp of her drink and placed the glass on the table. “All right, call the authorities,” she submitted.

• • •

The police arrived before the Houston sisters got home. Tessa explained to the police her ordeal and Aniyah's identity.

“Would you like to press charges?” the police asked.

Tessa bowed her head and tears flowed down her face. Kenley and Baron waited for her to answer. Finally, Tessa held her head up. “Oh, Julia, my sister, please forgive me. Yes.”

Baron patted Tessa on the back, and then he left Kenley to stay with her while he walked the officers out.

By the time the rest of the Houston sisters arrived home, the officers had left. Noelle and Sid came first. Milandra came in behind her with Nolan.

With his eyes lit up and a smile across his face, Baron couldn't believe that Rupert's daughters were accompanied by men who were clearly not up to Rupert's standards. “You ladies have been holding out on me.”

“Mr. Chavis, we don't have to discuss our private lives with you, only business.” Milandra rolled her eyes at him. “What's the rush for us to come home?”

Milandra looked to see Tessa wrapped up in the bathrobe. She recalled who she was. “What is Father's whore doing here? Get out!” she yelled, pointing in the direction that would lead her out of the house.

“She's my guest,” Kenley said as she kept Tessa company at the table.

“I'll leave,” Tessa said and was about to stand up.

“No, you don't have to go anywhere. Milandra, you don't know what's going on. Before you pass judgment on Miss Sanchez, hear her out,” Kenley said.

Nolan put his arm on Milandra's shoulder. “Give the lady a chance to speak.”

Baron stepped in. “Let's all gather in the family room.”

Baron led the way and everyone followed. They took seats around the room. Baron spoke first. “These past few weeks have been terrible for you all. But a brighter day is coming. Tessa has something to tell you.”

“Aniyah, as you girls know her, is not my daughter. She's no daughter of your father. She's my niece, Rosie

“What?” Milandra yelled. “We have been living here falsely? But the will stated father left the estate to her.”

Tessa went on, “Mr. Houston thought she was truly his daughter. She made him believe that by telling him she was my daughter. You see, I did have a baby by your papa.”

Milandra stood to her feet. “Get this whore out of here.” She directed her attention to Baron.

“Have a seat and listen to her story,” Baron said.

“Let her finish her words,” Noelle said.

“Will everyone be quiet? This is like a story out of the movies. I want to hear it,” Kenley said as she sat on the edge of her seat.

Milandra cut her eyes at Kenley. She sat back down in her seat with her arms crossed.

Tessa cried and took a deep breath. “Mr. Houston hated that my heart was with Mr. Chavis. He knew we liked each other. Mr. Houston decided to take me for himself. I'm sorry to speak of your papa this way, but he came after me as he did so many of the other female servants. I became pregnant the same time as your mother. Mr. Houston rushed me out in the night and sent me back to Mexico. I lost my precious baby girl. I named her Aniyah after my niece's middle name.”

Kenley stood up and added her two cents. “The crazy girl locked her aunt up in a closet in Father's study.”

“She did?” Sid asked. “Yeah, she's a crazy bitch.”

“Your sister,” Tessa said, pointing to Kenley, “she's an angel. She helped me out of the closet.”

“Kenley, you went to the estate?” Milandra asked.

“Yes, I went shopping for my pool party. Aniyah wouldn't let me in. I waited until she left, and let's just say I found my way in. When I got upstairs, I found Miss Sanchez.”

“You weren't supposed to be over there. You'll have your pool party here,” Milandra said.

“It's good I did go to the estate. Miss Sanchez would still be
locked up. Be thankful I was there. Hey, hopefully, fake Aniyah will be out and I can have my party at the estate.” Kenley smiled.

“I am thankful,” Tessa said as she took a tissue and wiped her tears.

“The girl must have mental problems to do the things she's done. But Father, how could he use women? And how could Mother sit there and let him do it? I don't understand it,” Noelle said.

“Mother married Father unconditionally. She loved him. She let him have his way out of loyalty to her vows,” Milandra explained.

“Your mother was such a sweet lady. I felt bad letting Mr. Houston touch me in ways he was only supposed to touch her. I stayed and took his abuse because I needed the money for my family. I guess I'm no better than Rosie.”

“Please, don't put yourself in the same category as your niece. As my big sister would probably say, she's a lunatic,” Kenley said.

Tessa bowed her head. “You girls…I'm willing to work for you for free. I owe a debt to your family. I, too, took money from your papa. I hated him. I made him think I still had our baby. I never told him I lost the baby. He paid me three hundred dollars a month just to keep anyone from knowing about our baby.”

“You're a thief like your niece. Yes, you will work off every penny you owe my father,” Milandra yelled as she ran over to Tessa, pointing her finger in her face.

Kenley hurried and stood in front of Milandra. She argued at her sister, “Are you kidding me? I say she owes nothing. I love Father with all my heart, but she did what she had to do to pay him back.”

“You're out of line, Kenley. Stay in a child's place,” Milandra ordered her.

“Sometimes you can be so heartless,” Kenley said and marched back over to her seat.

Nolan wanted to jump in and agree with Kenley. But he wasn't
about to jeopardize his hopeful relationship with Milandra. He would find a way later to make her have forgiveness in her heart.

“Stop bickering,” Noelle said. “Milandra, I have to take sides with Kenley. I love Father, too, but he was wrong. Tessa, you were wrong too, but you did it because it was your way of getting some kind of payback from my father. That's all in the past. Let's move on. There's been enough hurt for all of us. Milandra, Father is gone.”

“Come on. Lighten up, Milandra,” Nolan said. He couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer. He patted her on the hand.

Milandra felt smothered from everyone ganging up on her. She threw her hands up in the air. “Fine! I won't punish you, Tessa. But your niece will pay dearly. She took our grieving time and turned it into a circus. I want her behind bars,” she demanded.

“The police are on the case as we speak. They'll be arresting her soon,” Baron said as he stood up. He helped Tessa out of her seat. “You ready to go?” he asked as he grabbed her by the hand.

Everyone in the room saw that there was a definite bond between them.

“I'll have to put my clothes back on,” Tessa said.

“Keep on the robe. Think of it as a gift from your angel.” Kenley smiled.

Tessa gave Kenley a hug. “I would love to be the help for your party. That's if you like, Miss Houston.”

“Just be a guest chaperone.” Kenley smiled and gave Tessa a hug.

Baron and Tessa made their way out of the house.

Chapter 26

niyah sat at the bar sipping on rum as she waited for her latest client—or what she would call her latest victim.
What does this fool look like?
Aniyah thought. She hoped he wasn't too old that she had to be a home attendant instead of an escort.

Her goal was to turn the Houston Estate into quarters for male clients who needed escorts while they were in town. With Rupert's fortune, she'd hire girls to entertain them.

This client had come along before she could get her girls set up. Aniyah figured
would start out with the client, then pass him off to the first girl she hired.

Kenley, Aniyah thought. Kenley was turning the same age as she was when she started out. But to her, Kenley didn't have what it took to carry out the job. She crossed Kenley off the list as one of her potential girls.

The phone rang several times before Aniyah heard it among the noise in the bar. “Hello,” she hollered.

“Change of plans,” the caller said.

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