Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces) (19 page)

BOOK: Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)
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“What’s wrong
with it?” Lani snapped. “Kellan, you can’t go ordering me to simply make out
with your best friend, like—”

“Even if you
want to? Even if
want you to?”

She swiveled her
sneer to Tait, obviously in a bid for his support. “Is he always this much of a

Tait’s gaze
narrowed. “Yeah. Pretty much.”

Kell punched his
shoulder. “Like you understood that.”

“I know ‘bossy asshat’
when I hear it in any language.”

Lani arched her
brows in victory. “And he agrees with me.”

“Perfect. That’s
nnother thing you can thank him for.”

She bared her
teeth, threatening to actually snarl. When Kellan didn’t alter his own certainty,
her eyes joined the fight. “Fine,” she snipped, irises swirling with blue and
silver heat. “You really want this?”

She didn’t wait
for him to answer. Without any more hesitation, she grabbed both sides of
Tait’s head, and pulled his mouth to hers again.

Kellan’s cock
surged with new blood. He’d be stunned if Tait’s didn’t, too. The pure anger in
which Lani first seized him coalesced into a passion that ignited the air and
amped their connection. In a nutshell, it was fucking hot. If T wasn’t on board
with that message with the first smash of her lips, he signed up for the
program fast after that. A crease formed in his friend’s jaw as T shoved open
Lani’s mouth with his own. The guy growled while stabbing his tongue down, ruthlessly
invading her. Lani responded with a decadent moan, sweeping her arms around
Tait’s shoulders.

More thunder
growled overhead. Like it mattered. The energy shooting off the two of them was
a storm in its own right, whipping Kellan into its vortex, too. He gulped hard,
one of his hands on the back of Lani’s head, the other on Tait’s shoulder. A
glance down showed that Tait’s cock was definitely up to speed on the direction
of this mission. As his buddy continued kissing Lani, Tait cupped the generous
swells of her ass, using the hold to slide her crotch hard against his.

“Damn,” Kell
grated. He smiled when Lani moaned. “Sounds like you’re enjoying that,

“One of us sure
as fuck is,” Tait declared between harsh breaths when he pulled from her a

“Count me in as
the next vote,” Kell drawled.

T flashed an
intense stare. “Are you serious?”

“Hell, yeah.”
Kellan stepped in to tug at Lani, redirecting her toward him. “Let me show you
what I mean.”

Her eager sigh
told him she supported that decision. It blended with Tait’s growl as Kell drew
her closer, fitting her curves to his body before slanting his lips over hers
in relentless need. As she palmed his jaw in return, he felt Tait press in and squeeze
her ass again, working at the flesh through her clothes. Kellan groaned and
claimed her tongue harder with his own. Her taste was a heady assault of rain,
desire, and the spicy edge that had come from Tait’s kiss.

“Fuck.” Tait
blurted it on a harsh breath. “You’re right, man. Watching’s as much fun from
this distance as it was from the damn bushes.”

Lani lifted her
face and looked at them both. “Not
fun?” Her eyes were as bright as
a misbehaving fairy. Her lips trembled with a touch of fear…and
a lot

To his credit,
Tait breathed in and out, clearly thinking about his reply. Though Kellan was
grateful for his buddy’s consideration, he finally prompted, “Just say it, man.”

“Say what?” Lani’s
voice had turned into a sexy rasp.

Tait gave Kellan
a meaningful glance over her head while pressing behind her. He fitted his
crotch against her ass and tucked his mouth into her ear. “Sometimes, it’s not
a good idea to let me slide too close, dreamgirl.”

Lani’s eyes
drifted shut. Her thick lashes trembled against her cheeks. Goddamn, she was
breathtaking. “Wh-why?”

“Because when
I’m this close, I’m tempted to…do things.” He snaked his tongue along the rim of
her ear. “Demanding things. Dominating things.”

She shivered.
Her hands slid from Kell’s jaw to his shoulders, where she dug her grip in tight.

The muscles in
T’s arms flexed again. When Lani let out a sharp yelp, Kell did the math. The
guy had found a way to pinch her ass good and sharp, even with her pants on.
T-Bomb could be a creative fucker when he wanted, a fact which didn’t always
make Kell happy. This occasion a huge exception.

“To start with,”
Tait went on, “I’d want to grab every inch of this fine, gorgeous ass.”

“Errmmm, you
mean like you are right now?” Her smirk was just as sarcastic as her jibe. Kell
arched his brows in warning, though it was probably too late. The T-Bomb Dom had
officially been awakened, meaning her sass would earn her at least a tiny swat.

Sure enough, the
next sound out of her kiss-plumped lips was an enticing yelp, coinciding with
the smack Tait delivered to her wriggling backside. The guy silenced
stilled her with his next move, pulling her hands off Kell to shackle them in a
commanding grip over her head. With her wrists joined in his grip and her neck
beneath his mouth, Tait growled low, openly enjoying the moment before spanking
her a second time. “No,” he murmured, emphasizing with a wolfish bite over her
carotid, “it’d be a lot more like

Lani’s face went
through a fascinating transformation. Kell looked on as her eyes widened a
little, and her lips parted with new need. “Ohhhh,” she rasped, letting her
head fall back. “Gods, why is it so warm now?”

“What is?”
Kellan stepped forward to take advantage of her new position, spreading his
hands across both her breasts. The camisole she wore under his sweatshirt had
minimal padding, thank fuck. “Talk to us, starshine.”

 “My—my backside.”
Her forehead pursed as she clearly struggled for focus on the words—just the
way he liked it. Her nipples jutted against his fingers. Her wrists writhed in
Tait’s sensual captivity. “It’s hot. And tingling. It—it feels…so…

“Mmmm. Yeah.
My point exactly.” Tait’s arm flexed as he massaged the stunning curves of her
ass again. “It’s only the beginning of the treatment I’m fantasizing for these
naughty buns of yours, girl.”

Her captivation
seemed conquered by confusion. “W-wait. You want to spank me
? Like
make me wear pigtails, call you daddy, and beg you for my punishment?”

Kell thanked God
that elite sniper work required the ability to stifle emotions. But even his
skill at the feat almost crumbled against his laughter at her
suggestion—especially when guessing that Tait would drool a bucket if she
appeared in a plaid mini, knee socks, and a knotted shirt over a red lace bra.

His buddy’s
reaction, not restrained nearly as well, confirmed that supposition. After
letting out a long rumble, Tait slipped his grip from her wrists in order to
shove both his hands beneath all her clothes. From the positions of the lumps
beneath her clothing, Kell guessed he’d dug his fingers in hard to the sides of
her waist.

“You have the
begging part right, dreamgirl. But I wouldn’t make you bend over for detention
swats. Not your first time in Sergeant Bommer’s class.”

Lani’s tongue
snuck across her lips. She looked a little drunk, clearly trying to comprehend
how she stood here, pressed so intimately between the two of them. “So…what’s
the purpose of class, then?”

Kellan watched as
T worked one of his hands toward the front of her body. As he dipped lower,
making her mouth drop in flagrant arousal, Kellan ground his teeth until his
jaw ached. God knew, his cock was already there.  

Hokulani,” Tait told her in a husky murmur. “That’s what Sergeant Bommer’s
class is
about. Your pleasure…and ours.”

He’d let a
significant pause lead toward his last two words.
And ours
. Kellan watched
T carefully after that, rewarded for his diligence when his friend glanced up. They
smiled together. The shorthand of their friendship was up to speed once more,
letting them silently agree on the same significant message.

Let’s give this
goddess a night she’ll never forget

Of course, that
plan. Securing Lani’s buy-in on the concept was going to be a
different challenge. As soon as she figured the intent of Tait’s words—and she
figure it—they’d learn just how high the wall of her resistance would be.
In case they were dealing with a steel-lined fortress instead of a thatched
fence, Kellan breathed down his erection a little. He noticed Tait doing the same
as he extracted his hand from beneath her clothes.

Lani sure as
hell didn’t make their efforts at composure any easier. Tait’s words had made
her chest rise and fall with more urgency, and her gaze raced between the two
of them like she sought permission to reach into Lucifer’s candy jar.
fuck, woman. If it’s sweets you want, I have some hard treats right here.

While his brain
lingered in that torture chamber of a thought, she turned toward Tait. The
result was a view Kellan would remember forever: her profile, soft and
vulnerable in the lamp’s glow, yet so breathtakingly honest. And so thick with

“I like the
sound of this class,” she whispered.

Tait looked as
stunned as Kell felt. And elated. Fuck
, elated. “You’re certain?”

Lani nodded,
swiveling her magical gaze between them again. “I want to give you pleasure. Both
of you.”

Tait leaned
closer. “You’re

Kellan shot his
friend a glare. “Dude, don’t you know how to quit when you’re ahead?”

“And don’t
remember how I play this fucking game?” He snorted before turning back to Lani.
The woman returned his gaze with worlds of expectation in her eyes. Normally,
that kind of blind trust would scare the crap out of Kellan. But this was Tait
Bommer, the one person on the planet who wasn’t going to abuse such a gift.
Spending hours on rooftops with a guy didn’t leave a lot of his life unexposed,
ensuring that Kell knew, better than anyone, about Tait’s understanding of
broken trust and its lasting pain.

That didn’t mean
T was going to be gentle about making his point to Lani. With another growl, deeper
now, the guy used a ruthless grip in her hair to pull her back around to face
him, latching her stare onto him. A gasp spilled from her lips. Her eyes dilated.
Her chest pumped harder.

“Slash has told
you I like a little control, right? Sometimes, that phrase changes to
a lot
of control.” He lowered his head in order to skim his mouth along hers in a
back-and-forth tease. “Times like this one.”

A tiny sigh
echoed up Lani’s throat. That, along with this incredible view of her unfolding
passion, heated Kellan’s blood to unbearable levels. With a grunt, he shifted
in his shorts. Unable to resist, he reached and palmed her ass for himself.

“Wh-what do you
mean by…’a lot’?” she whispered.

Tait prefaced
his answer by capturing her top lip between his teeth. “I mean that nothing
makes my cock swell more than the idea of ripping those pants off you, bending
you over the back of the couch, and laying into your bare ass with my palm
until it glows deep red. Nothing turns my brain to fire more than wondering how
your screams will sound because of it. And nothing makes my balls pound harder
than thinking of watching Kell rub out the sting of my spanking, just before he
plunges his dick into your pussy from behind.”

“Oh,” she
squeaked. “Ohhhh.” It became a moan as T bit her bottom lip, too.

Kellan merged
his groan to her arousal. “For the record, I’m really on board with that flight

“For the record,”
—Lani’s rasp came between the little bites she gave Tait’s lips in return— “I
am, too.”

Tait’s face went
through a transformation. Kellan had seen it happen before, on the few nights
he’d gone to the Bastille dungeon to witness the guy in scenes with eager
submissives. The change happened when Tait crossed his final mental bridge into
Dom brain. His eyes gained hoods with their hot concentration. His cheeks sharpened.
His mouth firmed. His very posture changed, tautening yet bending as he focused
his power completely on his partner. T had attempted an explanation once. He
called the process “being invited into her soul.” At the time, Kellan had
openly laughed at his friend, had even called it a pretty crowd of words when
one would do fine.
. Now, he rammed a mental boot up his ass for
the foolishness.

relenting his hold on her head, Tait scanned her whole face before demanding,
“Do you absolutely want this, dreamgirl? You completely understand what you’re
asking for?”

Lani sent him a
steady smile. “I may live on an island, Sergeant, but I read. And I dream. And
I…fantasize.” She let the implication of that sink in for a few seconds before
going on. “I want you to make my fantasies come true…please. I know what I’m
asking for.” 

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