Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces) (20 page)

BOOK: Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)
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T gazed hard at
her once more. “Then you also know I’m not going to be gentle.”

Lani trembled. Her
nipples jabbed to full erection, discernible even through the layers of her
clothes. “Yes,” she replied. “I know.”

“And you know
that unless you scream ‘red,’ your safe word to stop everything about this
night, I’m going to smack that luscious bottom until
think you’ve had

She processed that
one a lot longer. The moment Kellan figured she’d performed a “Lani mind game”
on herself and declared this “fantasy” too wild for her reality, she looked back
up and declared, “Yes. I understand. ‘Red’ is my safe word and I only use it
for a full stop.”

Tait jerked half
a smile at her in approval. “And the rest, too, babe. The part about my hand on
your flesh…”

“Yes.” Her voice
was a breath this time. “I understand.”

“And my will
acting as proxy for your needs. That I’ll do the thinking…and you’ll do the

“Yes, Tait.”

will be just fine, dreamgirl.”

Her face
softened, her eyelids dipping with arousal. “Oh, yes, Sir.”

“Ah. Very nice.
Maybe you
been practicing this fantasy, Hokulani.”

“Perhaps.” She
let her gaze shift to both of them in anticipation. “A little.”

Tait slipped his
hand from her scalp to her shoulders then down the length of her body, kneading
her curves with rough possession. With a nod, he motioned for Kellan to do the
same. “Then you probably know what comes next, babe.”

She swayed
between them. Little sighs tumbled from her at every commanding sweep of their
hands. “M-maybe,” she whispered. “Especially if it means more of this…”

“Oh, yeah,” Tait
assured. “So much more. But before we can feed our goddess’s soul, we want to
see her body…all of it. Let us see your naked beauty, Lani…all of it.”



Chapter Fourteen


She called this the fulfillment of her erotic dreams, but Tait couldn’t
remember ever having, let alone realizing, a fantasy this incredible. There was
an upside there. Knowing his libido would never give his dreams permission for
something like this confirmed the reality of it.
Thank fuck

That was only
the beginning of his gratitude. It continued on to the woman who’d entrusted him
and Kellan with her naughty secrets. As for Kellan himself? There were few
times when Tait was totally wordless, but this was definitely one of one of
them. He hoped that his glance at the man, full of as much thanks as he could
cram into a second and half, communicated how thoroughly his mind was blown. That
by inviting him into the cocoon of their island passion for tonight, Kell actually
made him look harder at the island into which his life had become. It wasn’t a
sight he enjoyed anymore.

Time to slip
another board into his bridge back to humanity.

Kellan gave him
a smirk in return, letting him know the message was received, before helping
Lani unfasten her bra. The lace fell away and her breasts came free, fully bare
for Tait’s gaze at last.

Dear Christ, she
was stunning.

“Dreamgirl.” He
ran reverent fingers over her nipples. “You make my knees weak.”

“Mmmm.” She
licked her lips as he intensified his caresses, circling his thumbs around areolas
that tightened into mahogany ovals, centered by nipples now resembling sweet little
cinnamon sticks. “That makes two of us, then.”

Kellan reached
around from the back to unhitch the latch on her pants. “She’s still way
overdressed, Bommer.”

“Roger that.

Lani huffed. “
?” She added the addendum only after he pinned her with
a pointed glare. “I—I mean that maybe you two would be more comfortable in
less, as well?”

Kellan groaned
before fitting himself tighter behind her. “Smart women are so fucking sexy.”

“Agreed once
more.” Tait tilted Lani’s face up with a finger beneath her chin then kissing
her lightly. “We’ll start shucking in a minute, impatient one. Right now, first
things first.” He made sure she understood his reference by finishing what Kell
started, tugging at the waistband of her pants, dragging down her underwear along
with it. Within three seconds, he had the clothes puddled at her feet, finally exposing
all of her glorious nudity. “God
,” Tait growled, palming the luscious
curve of her waist. “Just as beautiful at this distance as you were from the
bushes, babe.”

She sighed and
let her head fall back again. “Does this mean ‘first things’ have been

He took a knee
in front of her in a smooth sweep, flashing a wicked glance at Kell during the
dip. “Dreamgirl, they’ve only begun.”

Before the woman
could conceive a comeback let alone issue it, he parted her dark curls with a
couple of fingers, and flicked out his tongue to taste the slick treat beyond.

“Ohhhh!” Lani’s
moan layered atop another timpani roll from the sky. Both sounds vibrated
through Tait, stirring the beast inside who thrived on taming this incredible
creature beneath his tongue. With primal hunger, he licked at her folds again.
With untamed passion, Lani shrieked and bucked. “
. Tait—

“You’re turning
me way the fuck on with those screams, babe. Every time you let one out, your
whole pussy trembles.”

Kellan inserted
a long growl into things. “And look at what it’s doing to her tits. Mmmm…these nipples
are perfect for biting.”

“And clamping.”
He didn’t miss the extra moisture that dotted her labia as soon as he said it.

“Gods!” Lani’s
keen was an aching, nearly pleading, sound. She added another scream when Tait
pulled back to spread her intimate wings. Her folds shimmered and trembled for

“Damn,” he
exclaimed. “Her clit’s so hard already. So moist. You have to see this, Slash.”

Kellan slid
around and crouched next to him. “Yeah…this has definitely become a favorite
view.” He pressed a finger along the crest of dark pink flesh that Tait had
separated from the rest of her glimmering pussy.

“Is she always
this responsive?”

Kellan chuffed.
“Why do you think you haven’t seen a lot of me?”

Tait joined him
on the chuckle as he rose back to his feet, but let his humor go for the chance
to capture Lani’s mouth in another tongue-twisting kiss. “You wearing my buddy
out, dreamgirl?” he challenged. “Well, I don’t tire as easily as this fuzzball.”

Kell grunted. “I’m
at striking distance to your wank noodle, Bommer. You gonna revise that?”

Tait grinned.
Kell wasn’t good for the threat, and they both knew it.
. They did,
didn’t they? For the first time in a year, they stepped totally in sync with each
other. The comprehension was jolting but amazing. He was at last fearless
again. And confident as all fuck.

“You want a
revision? Send an email to my editor.” He congratulated himself on making Lani
giggle. The action made her breasts jiggle in decadent ways, instantly dipping
him back into one of the best preludes to Dom space he’d had in a very long
time. “Personally, I vote for stripping as naked as this goddess.”

you’re talking my language, man.”

The new gleam in
Lani’s eyes proclaimed her own approval for that plan. If Tait’s blood wasn’t
pumping so hard to start the swat party, he would’ve simply stared at her like
an idiot for the next ten minutes. Would there ever be a moment when the woman
didn’t captivate him like this? “Don’t worry. You get to watch, dreamgirl—from
your position on that couch.” He wheeled around to give her ass a commanding
smack. “Knees spread on the seat cushions. Ass nice and high. And notch in a
good grip on the back of that thing. You’re going to need it.”

With a shivery
little sigh, she hastened around the couch but stopped to whimper when Tait and
Kell pulled off their shirts together. Tait was impressed as fuck when Kellan
beat him to the punch on slicing a reprimanding scowl at her.
Well, well,
. He’d always respected Kell’s clear preference for the vanilla side of
sex—granted, it was boiling vanilla, if the screams of the guy’s lovers through
hotel walls bore any weight on the subject—but now he had to consider there may
be an unrealized Dom inside Sergeant Rush, after all.

That could all
change once everyone was fully naked.

Yeah, yeah; it
wasn’t like Tait had never seen the Slash-master in his bare-assed glory
before. But this, as the saying went, was a different ball of cum. Four of
them, if every nut sack in the room was being fully accounted for. The
situation wasn’t your typical third-wheel’s-a-charm date. It was a gift, plain
and simple, extended by a guy who took the term “brother” pretty damn
seriously. That tagged Tait to return the integrity. Okay, his erection raged
as hard as Kellan’s—but that didn’t mean he planned on putting it anywhere
except his own palm tonight.

“Come on, man.”
He offered a warm grin while beckoning Kellan to follow him to the couch. “You
can watch me melt this raindrop of ours. I’ll turn her into the perfect puddle
for you to fuck into oblivion.”

As Kellan
replied with an approving growl, Lani made a sweet little mewl. Tait expected
she’d drop the kitten act any minute, though. The opportunity was too ripe for
her to slide in at least one sarcastic zinger, if only to mask any lingering
awkwardness she had. But the beauty stunned him by keeping her head bowed low
and her hips raised high, even rolling them a little as he and Kellan came

He nearly froze
in bewilderment. In-fucking-credible. There wasn’t a shred of
self-consciousness in how she presented herself, not an ion of discomfort in
her atmosphere. He dropped a knee to the couch and leaned over, gently tilting
her head so he could see her face. He smiled as she dragged her eyes open. Her irises
had deepened to thick, burnished pewter. Her lashes swept her cheeks as she
blinked with indolent arousal, entrancing him and igniting him with each
languorous glide.

“Is she okay?”
Concern underlined Kellan’s query.

Tait nodded.
“Ohhh, yeah.” He held back from sharing his impression that the woman had
slipped into a preliminary version of subspace, without even knowing what the
euphoria actually was. “Sweet woman,” he murmured, “you really
entertained this fantasy before, haven’t you?” He swept a kiss across her lips,
taking his time, making sure she felt how much he’d heard her, truly saw her.
“You need this to take the silver dome off, don’t you? You need someone to show
you the way, to make the choice for you.”

After Lani
blinked again, tear tracks streaked her cheeks. “Yes. Take me away…please.”

Tait kept his
mouth close to hers. “We’re on our way, dreamgirl. Your trust has opened the
gate on this path. Now let us handle the rest of the journey.”

He reached and
skimmed her spine in a long, praising stroke. A high sigh rolled out of her in
direct proportion, until he reached the end, raised his hand, and—



He grinned as
her sweet cry pierced the air then threw his smirk at Kell, too. “I love that
sound almost as much as I love nailing the first swat.”

His buddy
nodded, swallowed, and shifted on his feet. Tait empathized will his buddy’s
hot and horny discomfort, having experienced it from the middle of a lantana
bush last night. “Goddamn,” Kellan finally uttered. “You turned her that red
from one blow?”

“I did say I
nailed it.”

Kell stepped
forward and reached out a hand toward their woman’s backside, still raised at a
perfect angle for their admiring gazes. “May I?” he asked. After Tait swept out
a hand in gentlemanly invitation, the guy swirled his touch across his woman’s
backside in a figure eight pattern, emitting a low whistle of sensual approval.
“Hell, starshine,” he finally grated. “You’re so fucking beautiful like this.”
He paused, savoring the seductive undulation she gave him in thanks, before
straightening again. By this point, the guy grimaced like he could hang a lead
counterweight off his dick. “I don’t know who’s going to be suffering more at
the end of this, her or me.”

Tait lifted one
side of his mouth and shook his head. “Prepare for your ordeal, dude. The
destination for this goddess is
the valley of suffering.”

Though Kell smiled
as well, something extra entered the guy’s gaze. Complete curiosity. Tait
almost pumped a fist in triumph. It was damn satisfying to see his friend’s
eyes opening about the Dominant/submissive dynamic, and what it could do for a
submissive. Yeah, Kell had accompanied him to Bastille plenty of times, but
even after all those nights, the guy still didn’t get it. Kell still thought
the BDSM lifestyle was a one-sided advantage for the Doms, an objectification
of women wrapped in flowery terms and Victorian manners to make it “romantic”
for the subbies. But now, Kellan couldn’t deny the reality that drenched every
inch of Lani’s face in satisfaction—and every inch of her pussy in glistening

 God, he
couldn’t wait to take her deeper into bliss.

“Hang on tight,
sweet girl.” He angled himself to lower a steadying hand to her waist. “Here
comes more.”

“Yes, Sir,” she
rasped. “Thank you, S—”



Smack, smack.


Smack, smack,


“I sure hope
that translates to ‘thank you, Sir; may I have more?’”

She let out an
adorable girl growl. “Not exactly.”

“Hmm.” He paused
to massage the burn into her skin, making her writhe like a wet cat. “Too bad.”



Kellan came back
over. He secured one knee on the couch in order to press his upper body atop
hers. “Starshine, if you take your mind off the screaming and direct it toward
the experiencing, maybe you’ll get the program of what T-Bomb’s trying to do

. The guy really
did understand now. Tait dipped an appreciative nod at his buddy. “Good point,
Slash-gasm. But I don’t mind subbies with a little spirit. Makes it so much
more fun when they tumble over for me.”

“Tumble?” Lani
snapped. “Tumble where? What are you—”

Smack, smack.



Are you doing it

“Maybe I
wouldn’t have to, babe, if I could hear myself working here.”

Kellan chuckled.
“What was that about liking a little spirit?”

“Shut up.”

“Damn. Maybe I
will. The view alone is worthy of silence.” His friend dropped his gaze, transfixed
on the new condition of Lani’s gorgeous bottom. “Fuck me, starshine. If you
could see how breathtaking your ass is…”

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