Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces) (21 page)

BOOK: Wet For Her Warriors (Book 5 of the WILD -- Warriors Intense in Love & Domination -- Boys of Special Forces)
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Tait motioned
him over with a jerk of his head. “Wait until you feel it.”

“Shit.” The word
was a verbal form of Kellan’s appreciative sweep across one half of the woman’s
ass. Tait took charge of the other half, reveling in the burn of her skin
beneath his palm, greedily watching as the heat prowled her whole body, too.
Her shoulders bunched. Her nipples beaded. Her breathing shallowed. “I had no
idea…this is incredible,” Kell uttered.

“Yeah,” Tait
replied, “it is.” He smoothed his hand up from her bottom, over the gorgeous
landscape of her hips, her waist, her back. Kellan wasted no time in following
his lead on her other side. Beneath them, Lani had slipped into silence. That
wasn’t surprising.

“Is she still

He grinned at
his friend. “Oh, she’s fantastic.”

“She sure as
fuck is. Damn. Think anyone has a radioactive meter handy?”

“There’s a
reason it’s called power exchange, my friend. She entrusted hers to me, and now
we’re returning it in a transformed state. Purified by her pain…but strengthened
by her surrender.”


“That’s a good
way of putting it.”

 “And what
happens now?”

He let a grin
spread. “The really good stuff.”

In short, the best
way he knew how to show her that she didn’t have a monopoly on profound
gratitude tonight.



Chapter Fifteen


Lani heard
Kellan and Tait talking, but they could have been reciting regulation manuals
for all she comprehended—or cared. Had it been minutes since Tait rained that
sting storm on her ass, or hours? She couldn’t figure that part out, either,
and still didn’t care to. Right now, all that mattered was the heat. Covering
her. Consuming her. Lifting off the shell of her control, and pulling her
senses into a haze where she was weightless yet anchored, soaring yet safe…free
to simply feel.

did she feel. Every exquisite moment. Hands on her skin. Fingers in her hair.
Knuckles rolling down her spine, over the tingling planes of her ass—

Then fingers
again, spreading her…there.

Growls filled
her ears. Appreciative versions of naughty words. She moaned as the fingers pulled
apart her labia, seeking and finding her intimate entrance.

Gods, yesss!”

There was
another harsh groan. Not Kellan. She knew many of his sounds of passion by now.
, her little Polynesian words are a turn-on.”

“Roger that,
brother. With the volume turned up.”

One of the
fingers slipped inside her. “Dear fuck. Her pussy is an inferno.” A hand grazed
her ass before drawing back and giving her another swat. The blow was fast but
hard, tearing a sharp keen off her lips. “That’s it, dreamgirl. Give me some
more juice. Damn, Slash. This is going to be a good fuck for you, man.”

Just above her,
Kellan emitted a tight grunt. “I can’t wait much longer. My balls are on fire.”

“Mmmm,” she
managed while writhing against Tait’s finger. When he curled another digit in,
capturing her clit beneath, it escalated into a moan before she could help it.

Tait laughed. “I
think she’ll be willing to help you with that blaze.”

“Thank fuck.”
The audio backdrop for his declaration was the crackle of foil being opened,
the wet sluice of latex against skin, and the louder tumult of the rain against
the earth outside. Through it all, Tait sparked new flames through her body and
mind, fanning her blissful ether, spinning her senses higher, reaching for a
pinnacle that seemed so close yet so far…


“Ready to rock this,

Their large
bodies shifted. The pressure on her clit was pulled away, along with Tait’s
fingers from her vagina. Lani whimpered in protest. “Ahhh!” she cried. “Please—I

“What?” How
Kellan could turn one word into a work of sensual art, she’d never fathom. He
continued that satyr’s growl while scooting her knees out with his own,
spreading her wide to accommodate his muscled bulk. “Tell me what you need,
starshine. Don’t hold it back any longer. What can I give you?”

“Fill me.” She
gasped when he teased her entrance with the tip of his cock. The heat of his
desire was palpable even beneath the condom, the edges of her entrance
trembling from the kiss of the tip, now filled with his pre-cum. “Ohhhhh,” she
moaned. It was everything she’d yearned for, yet it wasn’t. In an instant of
clarity, she realized the illicit thrill she
Ohhh, shit.
The express elevator to Hell’s basement is waiting on you now, Hokulani.
licked her lips nervously. Then again. Did she dare say anything? They’d told
her this was safe ground. Guided her to it themselves. Opened her senses to so
many new horizons already. If there was ever any time to ask for this fantasy
to come true, this was it. “Fill me,” she repeated before biting her lip and
blurting, “B-both of you.”

For a second,
the only sound in the air was Heaven’s waterfall, pounding everything around
and over them. More thunder snarled. The torrent intensified.

Exactly like the
tension inside the house.

Tait’s gritted
voice was the first to crack the silence. “Dear Christ.”

Lani had
expected that. Waiting on Kellan’s reaction was a harder ordeal—

Ending in a much
greater surprise.

“That’s our good
girl.” Once more, he sounded like the talking version of a Godiva bar. “Very

Tait’s cough
hammered the air. “Dude, do you understand what she’s—”

“Of course I do.
Maybe you don’t. Say it again, starshine, so T-Bomb has the full message. Let
him hear what you need right now—from both of us.”

She smiled at
the new surge of warmth in her heart, this time as a gift from Kellan instead
of Tait. Had this man really walked onto her beach a week ago by sheer chance?
How could that be possible when he saw into her mind, knew all of her darkest
and dirtiest desires, and shelved his own ego to help make them reality? Either
she’d racked up a huge favor from the deities of luck and magic somehow, or
there was another power at work here.

Right now wasn’t
the time for figuring it out. This moment was simply about savoring the gift.

“I need to be
filled.” With the repeat, she dared a glance up at Tait. She discovered his
stare already locked on her, his eyes burning with amber lust, but his lips
twisted in beautiful conflict. “By both of your cocks,” she whispered.
“Pleasing both of you…at once.”

Kellan gave both
her ass cheeks a reassuring squeeze. It burned in all the right ways, making
her tremble with need for the hot stalk he still teased at her sex. “You heard
the woman, my brother. You still all about meeting her needs or not?”

The torment
deepened on Tait’s face. Despite the need in her body, her heart ached with the
appearance of every new crease around his eyes and along his jaw. She witnessed
the battle being waged in
heart. Embracing this moment, this
passion, meant stepping out from the shadows of his yesterday—and the six
months of yesterdays before that. It meant being vulnerable again. Feeling
something besides grief and anger again.

She knew the
fear well.

Though he still
didn’t say a word, Tait reached down to her. He pulled in a stark breath. His
fingers shook against her head, twisting her long hair in his grip. His hold
tightened as he kneeled on the couch again—and now there was no way she could avoid
the view of his penis, swollen and crimson, sprouting from the nest of dark
gold curls between his rock-hard thighs. He was inches away now. She breathed
heavily in hopes she’d soon taste his thick, hot flesh…

“Look at me.”
Tait gave her the order from teeth that were bared. “So goddamn beautiful,” he uttered
when she did, coiling her hair tighter, forcing her face a little
higher…aligning her mouth with the head of his cock.

“No more
beautiful than you, Sir.” Every word was true. Tait’s physique was as
drool-inducing as Kellan’s. His chest, looming like a cliff above her, was his
most striking feature. He had pecs, delts, traps, and biceps that should have
had their own Facebook page, especially with how the lamp’s glow turned them
into a collection of copper artwork. She longed to reach up and explore every
ridge and valley of his magnificent torso, but the man had decided on other
plans for her. Thank the gods.

“Kiss my cock,

As her spirit
rejoiced, Lani eagerly obeyed. She opened her mouth and captured his crown, letting
his tangy milk dot her lips. She wiped the liquid clean with the tip of her

Kellan emitted a
sparse snarl. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

“Not arguing.”
Tait’s reply was equally graveled.

Words eluded
Lani as Kellan pressed the first inch of his erection into her channel. She let
her high cry do the communicating. Holy hell. The man’s voice may have been
verbal chocolate, but his cock was solid, sinful meat, filling her body in all
the best ways.

“Christ, man.
Her cunt is even hotter. If I burn alive, what a way to go.”

Tait curled a
hand to the back of her head. With his other, he guided his tip to her lips
again. “Make me hot, too, dreamgirl. Take me deep, Hokulani.”

The heat in her
senses, already so dense, consumed her fully. One word alone resounded through
her mind.



As if Tait would
give her any other choice. With one hand, he fed his stiff flesh into her
mouth. The other, still locked on the back of her head, angled her to suck as
much as she could. And then he was…everywhere. On her tongue. Stretching her
lips. Flooding her with his taste, earth and salt tinged by the hint of cedar
that was simply part of him. She moaned, drew in a deep breath through her nose,
and hungrily took in even more. She wanted as much of his body as she could
hold. As much of his power as she could drink.

“Damn.” His ragged
rasp filtered through her aroused haze, inspiring her to open her throat deeper.


Kellan hadn’t
moved much during that minute, though his clasp on her hips, kneading her skin
with increasing force, communicated that he hadn’t missed a moment of her
exchange with Tait. “You like that, starshine?” he asked in a rugged rasp. She
moaned again, the fire in her body turning it into a sound she barely
recognized. That came as no surprise. Nothing about her body, her entire being,
was familiar anymore, as if the fire of this night had morphed her into another
creature entirely. She felt as untamed as the storm churning across the sky
outside, a force of nature ruled only by her most primordial desires…to give as
much pleasure as she was given. Kellan made it even better by praising, “You’re
so breathtaking, sweetheart. So goddamn sexy. I’ve never seen lips that looked
so perfect around a cock before.”

“I’ve never
lips this perfect before,” Tait amended. “And that tongue…damn, Lani, your
tongue is a gift from every one of your gods.”

Lani sighed from
their veneration, but her pussy reacted more fiercely. Her vagina walls
squeezed down, silently begging Kellan’s cock for more. He groaned, though
stopped to spread her legs a little wider as he solidified his positioning. “I’m
going to fill you up now too, sweetheart. So deep…”

Tait astonished
her by emitting a wry chuckle, right before swinging over to sit on the back of
the couch. The new arrangement ensured that his erection filled her throat from
straight ahead, and freed up his hands to lock her wrists against the cushions
beside his hips. “Let me help you hang on tight, babe. Slash has that fire in
his eyes. I think you’re about to get shot to Heaven.”

The words were
no sooner out of his mouth than Kellan brought the prediction to life—in screaming
detail. His cock rammed her sex, huge and commanding. His balls slapped her
pussy, hot and teasing. His hands, now at her waist, jerked her back against
him, over and over, while his hoarse grunts kept her mind latched to the
primitive pulse of his.

It was pleasure,
total and complete, twined with the pain of Tait’s clamps on her wrists, and
the continued invasion of his flesh in her mouth. He’d hardened to the texture
of a battering ram, stabbing the succor of her throat with violent lunges of
his hips. His hissing breaths mixed with Kellan’s urgent effort. Lani added her
greedy sighs to the mix, unable to fight the rising demands of her body any
more. Her skin throbbed in Kellan’s hold. Her thighs ached. Her ass clenched.
Her nipples tingled. She’d never been more aware of every sensation in her body
before, had never felt all those impulses zinging together, pulling at her like
a rain cloud to lighting, a seagull to the wind…passion to its climax.

As the heavens
collided overhead, those needs crashed in the core of her being. Her scream,
muffled by Tait’s flesh, exploded through her head. Rain fell harder somewhere,
its deluge weaving with the chaos of her mind, the ecstasy of her body, the
completion in her soul. She was drenched in its joy. Wet with its wonder.
Ready, so ready, for her warriors to give her their floods, too.

“Fuck. Even my
balls felt that scream, dreamgirl.”

“She’s going
over. Oh damn, T, she’s squeezing me so tight. I’m going to blow. Any…second…”

“Our sweet girl.
You’re coming so good for us. We’re right there with you. Take my cum…deep in
your throat…yessss…”

Kellan’s bellow
drowned out the rest of it as his penis swelled against her walls then jerked
from his orgasm. Seconds later, Tait’s fluid filled her throat, torrid and
thick and perfect.

And stinging…and

No. What was happening?
What the hell was the rest of this moisture?

The answer came
from the massive fist in her chest and the sharp pricks behind her eyes.

In horror, she
pulled away from him. She tried the same thing with Kellan, but judging from
the trajectory of Tait’s eyes when she looked up, the pair had already exchanged
some message via their mysterious “Bat Signal” connection. Kell had already
received his friend’s silent alarm. “Whoa,” he soothed, looping an arm around
her waist. Nevertheless, she tried escaping again—not an easy feat when trapped
by a hulking man who still had his most significant muscle buried inside her
body. “
, sweetheart. Ssshh; it’s all right. It’s—”

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