What to expect when you're expecting (87 page)

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Authors: Heidi Murkoff,Sharon Mazel

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Postnatal care, #General, #Family & Relationships, #Pregnancy & Childbirth, #Pregnancy, #Childbirth, #Prenatal care

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Get off to a slow start every time you start.
Warm-ups can be tedious when you’re eager to get your workout started—and over with. But as every athlete knows, they’re an essential part of any exercise program. They ensure that the heart and circulation aren’t taxed suddenly and reduce the chances of injury to muscles and joints, which are more vulnerable when cold—and particularly during pregnancy. So walk before you run; swim slowly or jog in place in the pool before you start your laps.

Finish as slowly as you start.
Collapse may seem like the logical conclusion to a workout, but it isn’t physiologically sound. Stopping abruptly traps blood in the muscles, reducing blood supply to other parts of your body and to your baby. Dizziness, faintness, extra heartbeats, or nausea may result. So finish your exercise with exercise: about 5 minutes of walking after running, easy paddling after a vigorous swim, light stretching exercises after almost any activity. Top off your cool-down with a few minutes of relaxation. You can help avoid dizziness (and a possible fall) if you get up slowly when you’ve been exercising on the floor.

Watch the clock.
Too little exercise won’t be effective; too much can be debilitating. A full workout, from warm-up to cool-down, can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. But keep the level of exertion mild to moderate.

Divide and conquer your workout.
Can’t find time in your day for a 30-minute workout? Divide your exercise schedule into two, three, or even four shorter ones. Not only will any combo that adds up to 30 minutes do the trick, this can tone muscles more effectively.

Keep it up.
Exercising erratically (four times one week and none the next) won’t get you in shape. Exercising regularly (three or four times a week, every week) will. If you’re too tired for a strenuous workout, don’t push yourself, but do try to do the warm-ups so that your muscles will stay limber and your discipline won’t dissolve. Many women find they feel better if they do some exercise—if not necessarily their full workout—every day.

Compensate for the calories you burn.
Perhaps the most fun part of a pregnancy exercise program is the extra eating you’ll have to do. You’ll have to
consume about 150 to 200 additional calories for every half hour of moderate exercising. If you believe you’re consuming enough calories but you still are not gaining weight, you may be exercising too much.

Shoulder and Leg Stretches

Shoulder stretch.
To ease tension in your shoulders (especially good if you spend a lot of time at the computer), try this simple move: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bring your left arm out in front of you at chest height and bend it slightly. Take your right hand, place it on your left elbow, and then gently pull your left elbow toward your right shoulder as you exhale. Hold the stretch for 5 to 10 seconds, then switch sides.

Standing leg stretch.
Give your legs a much-needed break with this easy stretch: Stand and hold on to a countertop, the back of a heavy chair, or another sturdy object for support. Bend your right knee and bring your right foot back and up toward your buttocks. Grasp your foot with your right hand and bring your heel toward your buttocks while extending your thigh backward from the hip joint. Keep your back straight and hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat with the left leg.

Replace the fluids you use up.
For every half hour of moderate activity, you will need at least a full glass of extra liquid to compensate for fluids lost through perspiration. You will need more in warm weather, or whenever you’re sweating
a lot. Drink before, during, and after exercising—but no more than 16 ounces at a time. It’s a good idea to start your fluid intake 30 to 45 minutes before your planned workout.

Choose the right group.
If you prefer a group approach to exercise, take an exercise class that is specifically designed for pregnant women (ask for the instructor’s credentials before enrolling). For some women, classes are better than solo exercising (particularly when self-discipline is lacking) and provide support and feedback. The best programs maintain moderate intensity,. meet at least three times weekly, individualize to each woman’s capabilities, and have a network of medical and exercise specialists available for questions.

Make it fun.
Any workout, group or otherwise, should be an experience you look forward to rather than dread, one you think of as fun, not as torture. If you choose something you like doing, it’ll be easier to stick with—particularly on days when you have no energy, feel the size of an SUV, or both. Some women find it helpful to pick a workout with a social component, from a prenatal yoga class to a romantic after-dinner walk. Exercising with a mate or a pal, incidentally, increases the odds of sticking with a program. So instead of meeting a friend for a coffee and scone, meet for a walk.

Do everything in moderation.
Never exercise to the point of exhaustion, especially when you’re pregnant. (Even if you’re a trained athlete, don’t exercise to your fullest capacity, whether it exhausts you or not.) There are several ways of checking to see whether you’re overdoing it. First, if it feels good, it’s probably
okay. If there’s any pain or strain, it’s not. A little perspiration is fine; a drenching sweat is a sign to slow down. So is being unable to carry on a conversation as you go. Work hard enough so you feel yourself breathing more heavily, but never be so out of breath that you aren’t able to talk, sing, or whistle while you work(out). Needing a nap after completing a workout means you’ve worked too hard. You should feel exhilarated, not drained, after exercising.

Dromedary Droop

A great way to relieve back pressure (your constant companion these days) is to get down on your hands and knees and relax your back, keeping your head straight and making sure your neck is lined up with your spine. Then arch your back—you’ll feel your abs and buttocks tighten. Let your head gently droop down. Slowly return to your original position. Repeat several times—and do several times a day if you can, especially if you’re standing or sitting a lot on the job.

Neck Relaxer

This exercise will ease tension in your neck. Sit up straight in a supportive chair. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, then gently tilt your head to one side and let it slowly drop toward your shoulder. Don’t raise your shoulder to meet your head, and don’t force your head down. Hold for 3 to 6 seconds, then switch sides. Repeat three or four times. Gently bring your head forward, letting your chin relax into your chest. Roll your cheek to the right toward your shoulder (again, don’t force the motion, and don’t move your shoulder toward your head) and hold for 3 to 6 seconds. Switch sides and repeat. Do three or four sets per day.

Know when to stop.
Your body will signal when it’s time by saying, “Hey, I’m tired.” Take the hint right away, and throw in the towel. More serious signals suggest a call to your practitioner: pain anywhere (hip, back, pelvis, chest, head, and so on); a cramp or stitch that doesn’t go away when you stop exercising; uterine contractions and chest pain; lightheadedness or dizziness; very rapid heartbeat; severe breathlessness; difficulty walking or loss of muscle control; sudden headache. increased swelling of your hands, feet, ankles, or face; amniotic fluid leakage or vaginal bleeding; or, after the 28th week, a slowing down or total absence of fetal movement. In the second and third trimesters, you may notice a gradual decrease in your performance and efficiency. This is normal and another signal to take it easier.

Taper off in the last trimester.
Most women find that they need to slack off somewhat in the third trimester, particularly during the ninth month, when stretching routines and brisk walking or water workouts will probably provide enough exercise. If you feel up to sticking with a more vigorous program (and you’re in excellent athletic shape), your practitioner may green-light your usual exercise agenda right up until delivery, but definitely ask first.

Even when you’re not working out … don’t just sit there.
Sitting for an extended period without a break causes blood to pool in your leg veins, can cause your feet to swell, and could
lead to other problems. If your work entails a lot of sitting, or if you watch TV for hours at a time or travel long distances frequently, be sure to break up every hour or so of sitting with 5 or 10 minutes of walking. And while at your seat, periodically do some exercises that enhance circulation, such as taking a few deep breaths, extending your lower legs, flexing your feet, and wiggling your toes. Also try contracting the muscles in your abdomen and buttocks (a sort of sitting pelvic tilt). If your hands tend to swell, periodically stretch your arms above your head, opening and closing your fists several times as you do.

Pelvic Tilt

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