When I Look to the Sky (17 page)

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Authors: Barbara S Stewart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: When I Look to the Sky
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While Carlee and Matthew chatted, Andy made anther call.

Good evening, White’s Hotel of London.”

Good evening, Andy Stevens, I’d like to speak with a manager please.”

Damon Ware, how may I be of assistance Mr. Stevens?”

made reservations for their return to London and talked to him about Matthew and left a number for Matthew to return a call.

Later, as Andy and Carlee relaxed, his phone rang.
“Excuse me,” he told her. “I need to take this.” He went in the other room and a plan was made…

~ Back to London



they prepared for their journey to Rome, Carlee packed a picnic with the meats and cheeses they had left from the night before. She wrote a thank you note to leave with the wine they were leaving at the villa. She looked around, and wished that they could stay, just a little longer.

They squeezed in as much as they could in the three days they were in Rome, and then were off to Barcelona. When they exited the terminal, Carlee’s phone vibrated in her pocket.

up, look down, look all around…
it said. It was a text from Matthew. She had a puzzled look on her face.

What is it?” Andy asked.

Silly message from Matthew,” she laughed.

howing Andy her phone, he said, “Maybe you should.”

Should what?” she asked, and about the time she did, Matthew was approaching. “What are you doing here?” she yelled, excitedly, as he grabbed, and hugged her.

He came by train and was at the airport waiting for them, waiting for Carlee, when they exited. “He’s a special guest,” Andy laughed.
Andy had a limo meet them at the station.

I’m so happy to see you both,” Matthew said, hugging Andy too.


Andy booked a suite on the beach and that afternoon he stayed in to “rest,” allowing Carlee and Matthew some time alone. They went to the beach, and when they reached the lounge chairs Carlee removed the cover-up she wore. She was wearing a bright yellow and white polka-dotted bikini.

Matthew noticed every curve of her body. He couldn
’t take his eyes off of her. She was small, and she was beautiful. He was struggling to keep his mind from wandering, wondering…

Carlee notice
d him too. He wasn’t buff, but he was built. He was lean, and a
tall, dark, and hunk
thought popped in her head.

She noticed him watching her.
“Are you staring at me,” she asked him and laughed.

Uh hunh, I think so. I’m connecting dots,” he laughed, a reference to the polka dots. “Carlee…”

Yes?” she smiled at him.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at polka dots again without this vision popping in my head,” he laughed, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts. He was so glad to be ‘together’ there with her.

She smiled back at him.
“Behave yourself, Papa’s watching you,” she laughed, cocking her head toward the hotel where Andy was on the balcony ‘reading.’

They walked to the water.
The sun was hot, and the water was warm as they swam. After a while they went back to the lounge chairs and stretched out. Matthew reached for her hand. As their fingers twined together, Andy noticed, and smiled.


Later that evening, the three of them shared dinner at a traditional Spanish restaurant, including a Flamenco show. They drank local wine, and brought Spanish Churros back for a late night snack.

When they returned to the hotel
, Andy said good-night, and went to bed. The suite was one big open space with two lofts, one for him and one for Carlee. The sofa made into a bed for Matthew. Lying in bed reading, he listened as Carlee shared their trip. She was showing Matthew all the pictures she’d taken. Her excitement was a pleasant sound.


“When Andy called and invited me, I was so happy. I hoped I’d see you again, soon,” Matthew whispered in her ear.

Me too,” she said and snuggled closer.

I have holiday from university the end of August. I’ll be going home to see my family. I was wondering if I might get to see you while I’m in the states.”

I have camp the week of the 17
, move in at Flagler is the 28
, and classes start for me on the 31
,” she replied, disappointment in her voice.

Could your camp use any more volunteers?” he asked with a smile. “I’m pretty good with a camera. I looked it up on-line. It seems like a good experience.”

She turned to
look at him, and said excitedly, “It is! I’m sure we could find something for you to do with your photography!”

I’d love that…”

Me too! Papa is coming to teach music for a day or two, aren’t you, Papa?” she asked, just a little louder, knowing he was listening.

Go to sleep,” he replied with a laugh.

But they were too excited to sleep. They whispered into the late hours of the night, eating Churros, and sneaking kisses.
Finally, Andy heard quiet and leaned to look over the loft. He found them stretched out on the sofa, Carlee’s head on Matthew’s chest, his arm around her, both of them sound asleep.


After breakfast Wednesday morning, the three of them were off to tour the city. Later that evening, Carlee and Matthew took a walk on the beach. He was leaving the next day, and dreading it.

I’m serious about seeing you when I come home. If you can use someone to teach photography, or chronicle the week, I’d love that. I never went to camp as a kid, plus,” he added, taking her hand, “it’ll give me a chance to see you again.”

I’d like all of that,” she replied.

He turned her toward him
to kiss her. In a soft voice that sent shivers through her body, he whispered in her ear, “Carlee, I like you, a lot.”

I like you too,” she smiled and responded with another kiss.


Thursday, Andy rented a car and they took Matthew to the train station. Carlee stepped out of the car to say good-bye. “I can’t wait to see you again,” she said as he hugged her.

“Four days…” Matthew said. “I can’t wait either.”

After Matthew entered the station, Carlee and Andy started their journey to Narbonne, in the south of France. It was about a three and a half hour drive, and when they arrived they found the Food Market and went in for a look. The outside of the building was old and beautiful. Inside was a conglomeration of anything and everything; from gourmet baked items to cheese and wine. They bought cheese and wine to take with them, and found a place to grab sandwiches for lunch.

On the road again Andy had music playing. Carlee heard Zane
’s latest release, “Love Drunk”


I lose my head when you are near

You kiss me drunk

You kiss me high

’t need nothin’ else

To make me feel th
e way you do

Sometimes I just gotta stay clear

It’s the way you move

’s what you say

I can
’t control it

You make me feel this way

Your kiss leaves me breathless

Your touch makes me reckless


After a while, Carlee asked, “How come you didn’t record that song?” She knew he wrote it, he had a treasure trove of songs stashed away.

Just didn’t feel like something I would sing anymore,” he looked at her, and smiled.

Thoughtful a moment, she asked him,
“How come?”

I don’t know, Carlee; for me, I have to
feel it
to sing it. I don’t feel that one. Zane can pull it off, I don’t think I could,” he smiled.

Yes, you could. But Papa,” she hesitated and Andy waited. “How come you don’t date?”

I see women,” he started but she interrupted him.

Not counting Addy, I mean, you didn’t date.”

How about this,” he said glancing at her, “when I do go out, I haven’t met that person that I want to date. Very seldom do I even have a second date. Just not feelin’ it…”

Well, I hope someday you do.”

He smiled and said,
“Oh, are you gonna be one of those people?”

She scrunched up her nose thinking,
“What people,” she asked.

Andy loved that face she made when she was pondering something.
‘I’ve met someone who makes me happy and now you should too’

He does make me happy, Papa,” she smiled. “I just think you would make someone happy. It’s been a long time.”

They gotta make me happy first,” he said and patted her knee.

They made
several stops for pictures and exploring. He loved the travel time they were sharing, there was nothing to interrupt or distract them and the conversation was good. Later, as they drove, Andy asked her; “Were you serious about the music thing for camp?”

She turned sideways in the seat and looked over at him. She loved him so much
, and she could tell he was thinking about it, and it made her happy. “Would you do it?” she asked.

That’s not answering my question,” he laughed.

Answer mine and then I’ll answer yours,” she replied.

I would.”

Then, I’m serious,” she laughed.

Question,” Andy said.

She looked at him and smiled.

Yes?” he looked puzzled.

Yes, I already said you would do it! Sucker!” she laughed.

Oh geez,” he laughed.

I knew you would, if I asked,” she said. “I’m thrilled that Matthew is going to come too!”

Carlee,” Andy said, “I like that young man.”

I know,” she smiled. “Me too, Papa! Me too!”


They continued on to Bordeaux. Stopping for ‘photo ops’ along the way, their trip took a total of nine hours. It was late when they checked into their hotel. After settling in, they had some of the fruit, cheese and bread from the market in Narbonne.

Enjoying their last days, they toured
and visited wineries, and the sights of Bordeaux. Neither was really ready for it to end, but Carlee was excited to get back to London to see Matthew again. They continued their daily calls, and she loved getting to know him.


Back in London, they were staying at White’s for three nights before heading back to the states. Matthew took those days off work to spend time with them. He met them at the hotel after his class. When she heard the knock on the door, Carlee ran to get it and flew into his arms.

Oh man, I’m happy to see you,” he whispered in her ear as he hugged her. Andy noticed and smiled.

made arrangements with his friend, Cook, to have a pepperoni pizza made, and room service delivered it to their room and the three of them spent the evening talking.

Andy, I’d like to show you and Carlee a good time tomorrow evening. I’d like to take you out to dinner, to thank you for all you’ve shared with me this summer,” Matthew said.

Carlee didn
’t give Andy a chance to object, or to tell her he ‘had a headache.’ “We would love that!” she said.

Good, I’d like to share one of my favorite places with you,” he said. “Porters serves the best comfort food in London. When I miss my family I go there and indulge in one of the meat pies and homemade ice cream. I’ll look forward to sharing that with you tomorrow evening.”

After a while
, Andy said ‘goodnight’, and Matthew and Carlee were alone. She snuggled against him on the sofa. “I think this is one of my favorite places,” she said.

London?” Matthew asked.

No, right here, in your arms,” she smiled up at him.


Carlee and Andy rested the next morning while Matthew was in class. He came afterward to spend the afternoon with them. Later, they went to Porters;
Matthew liked showing them part of his life there in London.

When they returned to the hotel
, Matthew and Carlee went out for a walk. They held hands as they walked the streets of London, and made their way to Green’s Park, across from the hotel, and found a bench. Matthew slid his arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

That’s all I get?” she teased.

He turned,
pulled her to him, and kissed her.
A kiss bordering on earth-shattering,
Carlee thought. “Wow, Matthew.”

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