When Paris Went Dark (53 page)

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Authors: Ronald C. Rosbottom

Tags: #History / Europe / France, #History / Jewish, #History / Military / World War Ii

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Werth, Alexander.
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Weyr, Thomas.
The Setting of the Pearl: Vienna Under Hitler
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Auschwitz expliqué à ma fille
. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1999.

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. Trans. George Holoch. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2012.

Histoire de La Résistance: 1940–1945
. Paris: Librairie Académique Perrin, 2013

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. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2010.

Will, Barbara.
Unlikely Collaboration: Gertrude Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and the Vichy Dilemma
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. Trans. Christine Donougher. Sawtry, UK: Dedalus, 2006.

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. Paris: Ramsay, 2002.

Zaloga, Steve.
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. New York: Osprey, 2008.

Fiction and Poetry

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Paris: Gallimard, 1998.

Paris: Gallimard, 2006.

Aymé, Marcel.
Le Chemin des écoliers.
Paris: Gallimard, 1946.

Le Passe-muraille: Nouvelles.
Paris: Gallimard, 1943.

Le Vin de Paris: Nouvelles.
Paris: Gallimard, 1947.

Bernardi, Mathias.
La Ville sans regard: Roman
. Paris: J. C. Lattès, 2008.

Binet, Laurent.
Trans. Sam Taylor. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012.

Blottière, Alain.
Le Tombeau de Tommy.
Paris: Gallimard, 2011.

Bober, Robert.
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Paris: P.O.L., 1993.

Boussinot, Roger.
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Paris: Denoël, 1960.

Camus, Albert
. La Peste.
Paris: Gallimard, 1947.

The Plague.
Trans. Stuart Gilbert. New York: Modern Library, 1948.

Catonné, Jean-Marie.
Portraits volés
. Paris: Plon, 2003.

Cauvin, Patrick.
Paris: Albin Michel, 2007.

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand.
Castle to Castle.
New York: Delacorte Press, 1968.

D’un château l’ autre.
Paris: Gallimard, 1957.

Dean, Debra.
The Madonnas of Leningrad.
New York: William Morrow, 2006.

Deforges, Régine.
La Bicyclette bleue.
Paris: Librairie générale française, 1995.

101, Avenue Henri-Martin
. Paris: Ramsay, 1983.

Dutourd, Jean.
Au bon beurre; ou, Dix ans de la vie d’un crémier: Roman.
Paris: Gallimard, 1952. (Published later as
Au bon beurre: Scènes de la vie sous l’Occupation.
Paris: Gallimard, 1972.)

Éluard, Paul.
Au Rendez-vous allemand.
Poems. Paris: Éditions de Minuit, 1945.

Everett, Peter.
Matisse’s War
. London: Jonathan Cape, 1996.

Fallada, Hans.
Every Man Dies Alone
. Trans. Michael Hofmann. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House, 2009.

Seul dans Berlin
. Trans. Alain Virelle and André Vandevoorde. Paris: Gallimard, 2004.

Furst, Alan.
The Foreign Correspondent: A Novel
. New York: Random House, 2006.

Mission to Paris: A Novel
. New York: Random House, 2012.

Red Gold: A Novel
. New York: Random House, 1999.

The World at Night: A Novel.
New York: Random House, 1996.

Grimbert, Philippe.
Un Secret: Roman
. Paris: Grasset, 2006.

Un Traître: Roman
. Paris: Flammarion, 2008.

Kerr, Philip.
Hitler’s Peace: A Novel of the Second World War
. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2005.

Kessel, Joseph.
L’Armée des ombres
. Paris: Plon, 1990.

Littell, Jonathan.
Les Bienveillantes: Roman
. Paris: Gallimard, 2006.

Modiano, Patrick.
Les Boulevards de ceinture.
Paris: Gallimard, 1972.

La Place de l’Étoile.
Paris: Gallimard, 1968.

La Ronde de nuit.
Paris: Gallimard, 1969.

Piercy, Marge.
Gone to Soldiers: A Novel
. New York: Summit Books, 1987.

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de.
Pilote de guerre
. Paris: Gallimard, 1942.

Semprun, Jorge.
Adieu, vive clarté…
Paris: Gallimard, 1998.

Slocombe, Romain.
Monsieur le Commandant.
Paris: Pocket, 2011.

Soazig, Aaron.
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Vailland, Roger.
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Wescott, Glenway.
Apartment in Athens
. London: Harper & Bros., 1945.

Films, Filmstrips, and Music

Autant-Lara, Claude, dir.
La Traversée de Paris
(Crossing Paris). Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: Gaumont Video, 2009. DVD.

Bard, Nicole and Barak, dirs.
Ich bin Jude! Ich bin Jude! Jewish Youth Movements’ Resistance in Occupied France.
Tel Aviv, Israel: J.M.T. Films, 2005. DVD.

Batty, Peter, dir.
The Battle for Warsaw: The Nazi Annihilation of Poland’s Historic Capital
. Newton, NJ: Shanachie Entertainment Corp., 2004. DVD.

Bosch, Roselyne, dir.
La Rafle
. Québec, Canada: Séville Pictures, 2010. DVD.

Carasso, Jean-Gabriel, Boris Cyrulnik, et al.
Nous étions des enfants: Dix-huit témoignages d’enfants rescapés des rafles et des camps de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
. Paris: L’Oizeau rare, 2011. DVD.

Chabrol, Claude, dir.
The Eye of Vichy (L’Oeil de Vichy).
New York: First Run Features Home Video, 1993. DVD.

Clarke, Isabelle, and Daniel Costelle, dirs.
L’Occupation intime.
Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: TF1 Vidéo, 2011. DVD.

Clément, René, dir.
La Bataille du rail
(The Battle of the Rails). Chicago: Faces Multimedia, 2006. DVD.

Is Paris Burning?
Hollywood, CA: Paramount Home Entertainment, 2003. DVD.

Clouzot, Henri-Georges, dir.
Le Corbeau.
New York: Criterion Collection, 2004. DVD.

Cohen, Peter, dir.
The Architecture of Doom.
New York: First Run Features, 1995. DVD.

Cozarinsky, Edgardo, dir.
La Guerre d’un seul homme, d’après les “Journaux parisiens” d’Ernst Jünger.
Paris: Marion’s Films et INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel), 1981. DVD.

Curtiz, Michael, dir.
Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video, 2003. DVD.

Drach, Michel, dir.
Les Violons du bal.
Santa Monica, CA: Connoisseur Video Collection, 1993. VHS.

Frankenheimer, John, dir.
The Train
. Santa Monica, CA: MGM Home Entertainment, 2005. DVD.

Guédiguian, Robert, dir.
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. London: StudioCanal, 2010. DVD.

Halimi, André, dir.
Délation sous l’Occupation/Chantons sous l’Occupation
. Paris: Editions Montparnasse, 2009. DVD.

Isaacs, Jeremy, prod.
The World at War.
New York: A&E Home Video, 2004.

Jeuland, Yves, dir.
Being Jewish in France
(Comme un juif en France). Waltham, MA: National Center for Jewish Film, 2007. DVD.

Kern, Jerome, with Oscar Hammerstein. “The Last Time I Saw Paris.” New York: Chappell, 1940.

Lanzmann, Claude.
. Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2013. DVD.

Losey, Joseph, dir.
Monsieur Klein.
Home Vision Entertainment, 2004. DVD.

Madsen, Ole Christian, dir.
Flame and Citron
. Toronto, Canada: Mongrel Media, 2009. DVD.

Malle, Louis, dir.
Au revoir les enfants
. Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2006. DVD.

Lacombe Lucien
. Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2006. DVD.

McLeod, Norman Z., dir.
Lady Be Good
. Culver City, CA: MGM/UA Home Video, 1991. DVD.

Melville, Jean-Pierre, dir.
L’Armée des ombres
(Army of Shadows). Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2007. DVD.

Le Silence de la mer
. MKS Video: Distributed by Water Bearer Films, 1997. DVD.

Mitrani, Michel, dir.
Les Guichets du Louvre
(Gateways to the Louvre). Paris: Les Films de Parnasse, 2007. DVD.

Ophüls, Marcel, dir.
Le Chagrin et la pitié: Chronique d’une ville française sous l’Occupation
(The Sorrow and the Pity: Chronicle of a French City Under the Occupation). Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: Gaumont Video, 2011. DVD.

Paquet-Brenner, Gilles, dir.
Elle s’appelait Sarah
(Sarah’s Key). Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: TF1 Video, 2011. DVD.

Resnais, Alain, dir.
Hiroshima mon amour
. Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2003. DVD.

Nuit et brouillard
(Night and Fog). Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2003. DVD.

Ronce, Philippe, dir.
Archives de guerre 1940–1945: Ce que les Français ont vu dans les salles de cinéma
. Paris: INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel), 2004. DVD.

Rossellini, Roberto, dir.
Germany, Year Zero.
Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2010. DVD.

Roma, città aperta
. Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2010. DVD.

Schuler, Hannes, dir.
Hitler’s Museum: The Secret History of Art Theft During World War II
. West Long Branch, NJ: Kultur, 2009. DVD.

Spielberg, Steven, dir.
Schindler’s List
. Universal City, CA: Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2004. DVD.

Tarantino, Quentin, dir.
Inglourious Basterds
. Universal City, CA: Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2009. DVD.

Truffaut, François, dir.
Le Dernier métro
(The Last Metro). Irvington, NY: Criterion Collection, 2009. DVD.

Viseur, Reinhardt, ed.
Jazz sous l’Occupation
. Paris: Universal Music/Gitanes Jazz Productions, 2002. CD.

Waren, Mark.
Dancing Lessons: A Documentary Film
. New York: Dramatic Risks, Inc., 2010. DVD.

The very northern part of France was attached to the military government of Belgium; the eastern provinces of Alsace and Lorraine (which Germany had assimilated in the Franco-Prussian War and lost in the 1918 armistice) were reabsorbed into the Reich. Sections of southeastern France were put under Italian control. But the most significant division was between what became known as the Occupied and the Unoccupied Zones (which lasted until November of 1942): the northern zone ranged from the Rhine to the entire Atlantic and Channel coasts, down to the Spanish border, and of course included Paris. The Unoccupied, Vichy, or “Free Zone” comprised essentially central and south-central France to the Pyrénées, including most of the Mediterranean coast.

is an underused English term for a military blockade or the imposition of a controlling authority.

French astronomers, engineers, and the artillery corps began using a combination of guesswork, physics, geometry, and air reconnaissance to discover the site from which the Germans were lobbing these shells.

Warsaw had been bombed into submission in 1939. On May 14, 1940, the Luftwaffe conducted a devastating air raid on Rotterdam, Europe’s largest port. The old center of the city was destroyed; hundreds were killed and tens of thousands made homeless. The Dutch government surrendered the next day. The scenes of shattered cities were thereafter embedded in the minds of Europeans under Nazi threat.

What was the historical event that had occasioned this work? A French naval vessel, the
, had foundered off the coast of western Africa. Crew and officers had escaped onto a hastily built raft with only enough water and food to last a few days. Although the men had intended to float to shore, the improvised raft moved farther out to sea. Before long there was a mutiny against the officers, who were killed. Many of the rest died before the raft was finally rescued. A subsequent trial brought out horrible stories of desperate attempts to survive, including murder and cannibalism. These published accounts tarnished the reputation of the French navy and the legacy of the French Revolution:
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.

The guide contained information about Paris’s most chic shops and services, Métro maps, lists of French phrases, cultural advice (e.g., how to deal with Parisian police), and many, many ads for bars, restaurants, and cabarets (even those featuring Gypsy music; while their fellows were murdering Romanies in eastern Europe, the touring soldiers would line up to hear Django Reinhardt and other “approved” Gypsy musicians).

The Maginot Line was an extensive series of massive forts built into the terrain in the 1930s from the border of Switzerland to Luxembourg. This was France’s first line of defense against a German invasion. The Germans, of course, went around it in 1940.

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