Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1)
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Which was excellent timing seeing as I was the one to file the motion with my superior to execute a wiretap on the phone number I’d gotten from Justin Hayes.

They’d tried the scare tactics, and then moved on to attacking me professionally, thinking that if they got me mired in bullshit lawsuits and charges, they could damage my name or position.

Little did they know that I was so far off the straight and narrow that it no longer mattered.

If I never worked another day of law enforcement in my life, it would be okay.

As long as my son’s killers were taken care of, that was.

“I can keep an eye out for you.”

However, Rodney’s eyes were on the man who was still trying to fix his boat.

It was funny to watch.

I knew he wouldn’t be able to fix that.

He’d have to take it to a welder who could handle aluminum.

“I can see that my dad showed you his trick,” Lenore called from the tree line.

I turned to find her standing as far away from the river as she could without actually being able to see it.

I nodded. “He did.”

She snickered. “Most people know not to speed through here. My dad’s lost way too many fishing poles in the water to deal with them doing it anymore.”

I could imagine.

But it wasn’t the fishing poles he was worried about.

A boat had sunk in this very spot earlier today due to all the tree stumps in the water…and
had been carrying a kid in it.

I could imagine he was pissed off and had no other way to stop them from doing that unless he took control of the situation.

Rodney couldn’t be out there twenty-four hours of the day.

People needed to learn some common sense.

“I think I’m ready to go when you are,” she called.

I took the hint for what it was and offered my hand to Rodney, who smiled at me.

“I’ll see you this weekend for the BBQ cook off,” Rodney ordered.

I didn’t bother arguing as I took his hand and shook it once before giving him a tap on the back with my opposite hand and turning to leave.

“So…did you have fun?” Lenore asked once I got close enough.

I gave her a look that clearly showed her what I thought about her father’s type of fun.


I opened the door to my place and winced as I saw all the piles of shit…everywhere.

Case files were strewn across every available surface.

Beer bottles littered the floor where I happened to be standing at the time I finished them.

The last three days had been long.

“Something happened, didn’t it?” Lenore asked.

I turned to her, studied her face for a few long moments, and nodded.

“Yeah, something happened,” I confirmed.

“Can you tell me what?” She asked softly.

I thought about that for a long moment before nodding.

“Some of it, yeah. You just can’t repeat anything I say to you,” I told her.

She gave me a look that clearly showed how annoyed she was with hearing me say that.

I raised both hands up in surrender.

“I had a lot to think about over the last couple of days,” I said. “When I was forced to give my son’s case over to Wolf, I got his weapons case that he’s been working on. A certain set of individuals are on our watch list because of their suspected participation in a gun smuggling case that runs along this very waterway.” I cleared my throat. “And I got to thinking about the case, and started to look up some of the known individuals that they suspect to be involved.”

Lenore nodded. “Yeah.”

I really liked being able to talk with her.

It was nice to get some of this jumble of mess out of my brain and spell it out into words.

“Back to my son’s case, I got an address and number of a man that was threatening my ex-wife’s husband to pass a bill through the senate. One of the names of the men that’d been seen in that house over the last week that they’d had the information is the same man that’s been suspected of smuggling guns on my case,” I continued. “Which was what made me start asking for warrants to raid this house since I now had probable cause that the two cases were linked.”

“How would they even know it was you?” Lenore asked in confusion.

“If he’s able to get enough information on a Texas state senator to either blackmail or threaten him with, there’s no reason in the world he wouldn’t be able to get information about the Texas Ranger on the case that he’s a suspect in,” I explained.

“So you think that the two cases are related, and they’re responsible for all this?” She asked.

“That’s my suspicion, yes. I think that by getting this bill passed, it would clear the way to their case being dropped since all the evidence we’ve seized would be thrown out,” I explained. “Not to mention that he wants all the guns that were seized returned so he can deliver whatever shipment they were supposed to be a part of.”

“So let me get this straight, you’re being accused of sexually assaulting someone and have the potential to lose your job. You lost your son to this jack wad. And you think, next, they’ll try threatening me,” she growled.

I smiled at her indignation, walking to my room and bringing her with me.

The moment my bed was within reaching distance, I put a knee into it and collapsed.

Lenore followed me down.

“The woman won’t get too far. My boss isn’t a harsh man most times, but he really detests liars and doesn’t abide by it,” I explained, turning over to my back in the bed. “She’ll get torn apart once he gets a hold of her. Not to mention the boys were on it before I’d even realized it was potentially a problem for me.”

She followed me as I rolled, moving until her front was plastered against my back.

We laid in silence, for long minutes, as we both contemplated our own thoughts.

And before long, I heard the tale tail sign of Lenore sleeping at my side.

Me, though…I didn’t sleep.

I worried, and I started to make plans.

Contingency plans that I would put in place if anything started to get out of my control.

I had plans forming in my mind, and I had a to-do list now, too. And right there at the top of that to-do list was a visit to Justin-fucking-Hayes.

Chapter 15

If I stop my car so you can cross the road, you better wave your thanks. I also don’t want you to dawdle. Knees to chest, bitch, knees to chest.

-Driver’s etiquette 101


I was mad.

In fact, I was beyond mad.

After spending the entire day with Griffin, I’d woken up the next morning and found an empty pillow with no sign nor trace of him anywhere.

If he’d left for work, he didn’t let me know. Now I’d gone a good thirty-six hours, and hadn’t seen nor heard from him.

My one attempt at calling him had taken me straight to voicemail, and I hadn’t tried since.

I’d been at his place and I was unsure of what he wanted from me.

Should I leave?

Wait for him?

At first, I’d tried to wait.

But it became apparent, after six hours, that he wasn’t planning on coming home anytime soon; nor was he planning to call me.

Which got me to thinking.

Why should I wait for him when it was apparent he didn’t want me involved in his activities anyway?

So, after deciding to go home, even after stopping myself from going through the man’s very bare house, I went home and started cleaning.

Then I mowed the lawn. And weeded. And planted a vegetable garden with seeds from three years ago.

After exhausting myself, I’d gone to work. Spent eight hours at work and went straight to sleep once I’d gotten home.

Which led me to now.

I’d just masturbated.

Why? Because I was pissed off, and that always seemed to help me relax.
Plus, shouldn’t one try out the products she sells?

It was one in the afternoon, and I was laying in my bed contemplating the merits of getting up against the advantages to staying in bed all day.

I’d just about decided to do it, too, when my front door opened and closed.

I could hear him walking through my house.

Well…kind of.

I could hear him purposefully making noise.

He stopped by my fridge.

Got a Coca-Cola.

Went to the kitchen sink and washed his hands.

Then I heard the bathroom door open, close, the toilet flush, then the sink going again.

Why did he wash his hands when he was going to go to the bathroom anyway?

That made very little sense.

But I was too annoyed to ask him.

Instead, I rolled over onto my side and glared at the door.

I even managed not to gasp when he showed in the doorway buck naked.

“You look rough,” Griffin said by way of hello.

I glared at him.

“You’re supposed to say I’m beautiful, even if I’m not.” I gave him the stink eye.

His eyebrows rose at the annoyance in my voice.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say you’re beautiful. I thought staring at you with my hard cock in my hand was sufficient. I’ll be sure to remember you want hearts and flowers on our first anniversary,” Griffin said, giving his cock a good stroke before he let it go and started to climb up between my thighs.

I wanted to stay mad…I really did.

But the first touch of his lips on the inside of one of my thighs had all of my annoyance and reservations about how he thought it was okay to leave without a word and not check-in for days on end.

What he did next was no less than spectacular.

In fact, it was extremely amazing.



His tongue trailed up the inside of my thigh like a snake seeking heat.

And boy did he find the heat.

Once his face was near the apex of my thighs, he inhaled deeply, making me feel like a voyeur watching him about to inhale the finest of five course meals.

And when his tongue touched my clit, I started to squirm.

When his tongue ran the length of my slit, my back bowed off the bed like a woman possessed.

Something he didn’t like since it was taking his meal away from him.

“Fuck me,” I pleaded when his mouth disconnected from my sex.

He shook his head.

“Not a chance. You need to come a few times before I give you my cock,” he laughed, grabbing a hold of my hips and suddenly throwing me onto my stomach.

I flopped to my belly with a startled laugh, but I wasn’t laughing anymore when his rough hands pulled me up to my knees.

Seconds later his entire tongue was buried in my pussy and I was barely holding onto my sanity.

“Griff,” I whispered brokenly. “Please.”

“You want to give me attitude when I haven’t slept in thirty-six hours, that’s fine. While you’re throwing it off, I’ll be fucking it right out of you,” he whispered darkly against my center.

“B-but you’re n-not fucking me!” I said accusingly.

“You want to fuck before you’re ready? You want it rough? You want to not sit for a week? That’s fine. I’ll accommodate you,” he replied, just as annoyed as I was this time.

I heard him roughly tear into the condom and slick it down over his cock in less than three seconds.

Followed moments later by the feel of his cock at my dripping entrance.

Now, Griffin was right about one thing.

Normally, I would’ve been too tight.

Because it was no lie that Griffin had a monster for a cock.

One that would take a lot of preparation on his part and mine to get me ready for.

But I’d just masturbated with the newest toy I’d gotten in yesterday only a few minutes before.

A dildo that had a rotating head and vibrating pearls in the middle that stimulated your G-spot.

And I’d come so hard that I could almost replace Griffin.


But my orgasm had left me feeling pleasantly buzzed, and exceptionally wet as well as blissfully ready for anything he wanted to give me.

Something he noticed the second he thrust his cock inside of me to the hilt.

He bottomed out inside of me in one single thrust, something he’d never been able to do before today.

And he knew instantly.

“You masturbated without me, didn’t you?” He accused me, squeezing my ass cheek with one, large hand.

He said it with such affront that I couldn’t help but try to soothe his feathers.

Because he was about to get riled if the tone of his overly calm voice was anything to go by.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I panted, pushing back against him.

He growled.

“You.” Thrust. “Do.” Thrust. “Know.”

I gasped.

“And what’s it to you?” I panted in between thrusts. “You weren’t here for fucking forever, and I couldn’t get ahold of you to tell you I had needs that needed to be met.”

He growled at my answer and slowed down to the leisureliest of thrusts I’d ever felt in my life.

In and out.


And they had me panting within seconds of him showing me just what it meant to be teased by Griffin Storm.

His bent ankle came up so that he was resting his foot next to my knee, and at first I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.

It was different, yes, but nothing I couldn’t handle.

Then the small dildo…the one I’d used last night on myself, was suddenly wagged in front of my face.

I hadn’t even felt him reach into my nightstand drawer.

So the appearance of the hot pink, slim line dildo nearly whacking me in the nose had me pushing back on his cock in surprise.

Which, in turn, hit a spot deep inside of me that I liked, so I did it again, all the while the pink vibrator touched me on the nose.

“Suck it into your mouth,” Griffin ordered. “Get it wet for me.”

I blinked.

I had given the thing a good wash of course.

But I was worried about just where he thought he was going to put that thing.

“W-where are you going to put it?” I asked nervously as I took the small wand into my mouth and sucked it.

I was glad I’d washed it as good as I did.

He groaned at the sight, making my core even wetter for him.

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