Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1)
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He laughed.

“You need more attention than I can give you? That’s why you need poor substitutes?” He asked me.

I let go of the dildo to answer, and Griffin wasted no time running it along my spine.

It crested the swell of my ass, teasing my anus, as it slid down my crack, and my eyes widened in panic.

I gasped when I thought he was going to do something else with it I wasn’t entirely sure I ever wanted, but he kept going until he hit where we were connected.

Then he started to push it inside, next to his cock, causing my eyes to nearly pop out of my skull.

“Griffin!” I screeched.

The entire wand was maybe an inch thick at most, but then he turned the wand on, making me start to pant.

He held it next to his cock as he started to slowly push in and out of me.

Then the orgasm that had been on the verge of exploding before was suddenly there and blowing me out of freakin’ orbit.

I screamed.

I screamed so loud and hard that my knees gave out and I became light headed.

Lights swam in my vision as my brain tried to recover from the lack of oxygen.

Vaguely, I was aware that Griffin was coming behind me.

His cock jumped and pulsed inside me.

The wand was gone.

As was my sanity and desire to ever masturbate again.

I wasn’t sure I could ever top what had just happened to me.

And I was fairly sure my life would never be the same.

“You’ve ruined me,” I said from my collapsed position on the bed.

Griffin squeezed my ass as he pulled out of me, walking to the bathroom, I guessed to dispose of the condom.

I didn’t pay attention, though.

I couldn’t move my face.

Which happened to be buried in the comforter that’d bunched up underneath my head with Griffin’s exuberance.

“You want a drink before I get into bed with you?” He asked from the doorway.

I shook my head. “I don’t want anything. I have to get up in an hour, anyway; to get ready to go into work.”

He grunted in response, turning his back on me to walk naked out to the living room.

I thought for sure we’d talk, but the moment he was back in the room with me, he laid down next to my still splayed body, curled one huge arm around my middle and promptly fell asleep.

No explanation about where he was. No apology.

No nothing.

But knowing that he was tired as hell, and had come to me to sleep when he could’ve just as easily gone to his own place, made it all seem okay.

Until he did it again two days later.

And again two days after that.

By the time a week from when he’d done it the first time rolled around, I was hot.

And not in a very accepting mood.

Chapter 16

Make love loudly. Make war silently.

-Bumper Sticker


I was on day eight of little-to-no sleep when I finally tracked my wayward woman down.

At a bar no less.
At eleven in the morning.

A bar where she was surrounded by men watching her every move.
Men who had nothing better to do, apparently.

She was in the shortest skirt I’d ever seen on a woman. It was so short that it just barely concealed her underwear, and she’s lucky that it did.

A black sparkly halter top that accentuated her beautiful breasts, and a pair of black Chuck’s completed the outfit and had her looking absolutely adorable.

Lenore’s hair was up in a ponytail, her long hair flowing freely down her back.

Her eyes were ringed with black eyeliner that gave her a certain look about her.

I’m sure all the men there were having similar thoughts.

She was absolutely stunning, even though she looked pissed off.

It didn’t make matters any better that Remy was, of course, sitting so fucking close to her that I couldn’t see a goddamned gap in between the two.

“Looks like your girl’s moved on again, you poor fucker,” Mig said at my side.

I turned my head only and glared at the little piece of shit next to me.

Well, ‘little’ being a figurative term.

He was, in all actuality, pretty fucking large.

He was the size of a small horse, to be honest.
A jackass, possibly.

“So why are we here again?” Mig asked for the fourth time.

“Because my girl is here. I can’t tell you why the fuck you’re following me, though,” I snapped.

Mig smiled a tad bit frighteningly at me.

“Because someone tried to kill you last night, that’s why.”

I ignored Mig’s answer and started in the direction of my girl and the man that was about to have his ass handed to him.

Except I slowed when I got close enough to the table that I could hear their conversation.

“It’s not ladylike to swear, Lenore,” Remy said with mirth filled eyes. “It’s extremely unattractive.”

Lenore flipped him off, narrowing her eyes at him in the process.

“It’s also unattractive to scratch your balls for long periods of time in front of everyone, but do I ever say anything about that? No, you fucking fucker. I do fucking
. So fuck off,” Lenore growled.

She was three sheets to the wind and was using
like a comma.

I wondered what had happened to get her into such a fine mood.

And I’d also have to check the urge to scratch my balls in public since it was vastly apparent she didn’t like it when men did that.

“Well,” I said, walking up to the table. “This is a loud conversation y’all are having.”

I looked around at the patrons of the bar, and nearly every one of them were glaring at Lenore and Remy like they were the plague in the room.

“Fuck them,” Lenore growled. “And fuck you, too.”

I rose a brow at her.

“And what was that for?” I asked carefully.

She sniffed at me, refusing to answer, instead turning to Remy and snapping her fingers at him.

“Pass the mother fuckin’ salt, bitch,” she ordered.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, trying in vain to hide my smile.

She was absolutely trashed.

Whatever was the level of intoxication beyond drunk, it was fair to say that Lenore had exceeded it.


She didn’t sound drunk, though.

“What do you do for a living, Mig?” Lenore asked the man at my side.

“I’m an ATF agent. Why?” Mig asked shortly.

Mig wasn’t big on answering questions, especially ones that came from women.

He, for some reason, thought it was because all women were out to make his life a living hell like his wife did.

It could never be an innocent question, according to Mig.

Lenore’s brows rose at Mig’s short answer, and she leaned forward.

“You’ve got to have the worst attitude on the planet earth,” she declared as she leaned even closer. “You remind me of someone I used to know.”

Mig’s brow rose. “Oh yeah? Who’s that?”

Lenore leaned back and smiled. “My grandfather. He was so awesome,” she gushed. “He used to yell at everyone but me, though. No one else was saved from his abuse.” She smiled dreamily. “He used to go pump gas and complain that the pump pumped too slow. Or when he got a cake from the bakery and the colors were wrong, he’d make them remake it or he’d get his money back. He was the king of complainers.”

It bothered me that she was fond of the fact that Mig resembled her grandfather.

In fact, I was downright jealous of Mig in that moment.

Lenore hadn’t so much as said a single nice thing to me in the time I’d been sitting there, and I was getting really irritated with that fact.

Which was probably why my mouth got away from me.

“Why the fuck are you ignoring me?” I asked shortly.

Lenore slowly turned to face me with a ferocious frown on her face.

Mig picked up his beer to hide his smile, and I wanted to beat the shit out of him.

“You want to know why I’m ignoring you?” Lenore asked sweetly.

A little too sweet, in fact.

I nodded my head. “Yeah, I fucking do, or I wouldn’t have asked.”

I was getting just as pissed as she was, which wasn’t a new thing.

In fact, I’d always had temper problems.

When I was younger, my mother liked to call me her little
bull baby
because I was like a bull in a pasture. If something pissed me off, I would charge it.

I had gotten a check on that part of myself when I’d gotten into the military and the army boot camp sergeants knocked the absolute shit out of me for talking back to them.

But it never went fully away.

And there were times that it reared its ugly head when I least wanted it to.

“Shit,” Remy sighed. “Why don’t y’all take this outside?”

Neither one of us listened as we both made our way to our feet.

Lenore stood about six inches from me as she moved so close to me I could see the different hues of her beautiful, angry eyes.

“I am not the type of woman that you just fuck and sleep with,” she said angrily. “I am a woman that you should take out on dates. I am a woman that you should call and give updates on your daily life. I am a woman that deserves to know that you’re alive and not dead in some fucking ditch on the side of the mother fuckin’ road!”

Ahh, the fucks were back.

Got it.

And I was just as angry as she was.

“I haven’t had fucking time to call you the last week,” I replied just as angrily. “I’ve been working. I’ve been trying to catch the piece of shit that killed my son.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Well, would it have killed you to tell me that?”

I glared at her. “I was busy.”

“I see,” she said in a deceptively quiet tone. “So what I’m hearing, basically, is that you’re busy, and I don’t rank high enough on your to-do list to warrant more than a quick fuck every few days followed by a nap. Got it. I see where I stand.” She narrowed her eyes. “Unfortunately, that doesn’t work for me, so I’m thinking that maybe you should leave me the fuck alone and tell your damn friends to do the same.”

My ‘friends,’ as she called them, were protecting her, and had been for nearly two weeks now.

They’d been taking turns watching her during the day and into the night until she got home.

When she got home, they used the surveillance I’d rigged up at her house to give her her privacy, but they were still able to ensure her safety by keeping an eye on the feed.

“My friends are there to make sure you don’t get shot at like I did yesterday,” I hissed, moving so close that her nose was touching mine.

Her eyes widened.

And I wanted to keep shouting at her, but I could tell that my words had thrown her.

“Y-you were shot?” She stuttered.

I fucking loved her stutter.

Hell, I fucking loved

Which was a startling realization in that moment.

I hadn’t loved anyone since my ex-wife.

Someone that I thought I could count on forever.

But I couldn’t, and in this moment, when I realized how deeply I felt about this woman who was so extremely upset with me, I knew I’d have to let go of the anger I still held for my ex-wife.

Oh, I could still be pissed off at her husband, but I didn’t have to be pissed off at her.

Because if she hadn’t cheated on me, I wouldn’t have Lenore. I wouldn’t have just realized I loved her in the middle of a goddamn bar.


I refused to think about how Tanner’s life would be affected right now.

About how much I knew he’d adore Lenore.

He always loved when I was happy, and right now, with the love, concern, and anger on Lenore’s face, all emotions she felt for me, I knew.

Tanner would’ve approved.

And that was enough for me to realize that I loved the hell out of the woman in front of me.

I pulled her in so my mouth could touch hers, and I smiled against her lips. “I’m okay. It was a misunderstanding.”

Mig snorted at my back, and I kicked out with my foot, knocking him off his barstool and causing him to laugh.

“You’ll tell me what happened later, though, right? I’m not believing it was a misunderstanding,” she breathed.

She smelled like those fruit margaritas she’d been drinking, and tasted like tequila.

An odd conversation Lenore and I once had popped into my mind about her not liking the taste of alcohol, and I hid a smile.

Tomorrow was bound to be fun for her.

She hugged me tightly before letting me go.

I let loose of her briefly to retake my seat, then pulled her between my thighs.

She fit perfectly in my arms, and I buried my nose in her neck, loving the smell of the lotion she’d put on each time she got out of the bath.

I’d have to remember to ask her which one it was and buy her some more.

She had about a gazillion bottles in her bathroom of just lotion alone.

“What. The. Fuck,” Remy suddenly snarled, pulling my attention to him.

I saw he was gazing somewhere over my shoulder, so I turned to see what caught his attention, and my eyes widened when I saw the woman drawing Remy’s gaze.

“Shit,” I muttered, as Remy stood and started to barrel his way through the crowd of dancers.

He came to a stop in front of a tall, skinny guy in jeans standing next to a horror-stricken Jenna.

Then, as if in slow motion, Remy pulled back his fist and slammed it into the man’s face that had been kissing Jenna.

The man went down like a rock, falling to the dance floor where he’d been standing only moments before, while Jenna stared on in shock.

“You bastard!” Jenna screamed.

“What the fuck, Jenna? What the ever loving
?” Remy bellowed in anger. “
What are you doing?”

“You weren’t even supposed to be home tonight!” Jenna shrieked. “Why are you even here?”

Yeah, like that was going to go over well
, I thought.

“I’m here because they moved our rig today,” he bellowed. “Not that you wanted to know since you’re out practically fucking in front of the goddamned town!”

“I would’ve loved to know! I bet
knew!” Jenna pointed at Lenore accusingly.

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