Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1)
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“So what…we’re just done? Until when?” She asked, tears forming once again in her eyes.

“For now,” I told her, cupping her face.

Her head leaned forward until it rested against mine.

Forehead to forehead.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “If I’d known it was going to be like that, I would’ve never gone over there.”

“Did you get the information you needed to get to the next step?” She asked.

I nodded.

Her head moved with mine, and our lips brushed.


“Then it was worth it.”

I wasn’t so sure.

I could’ve found that out in a different way.

Maybe not threatened Justin as I had.

But I had, and look where that led me.

“So what are we going to do? Do I get to go home?” She asked.

I nodded, leaning my head to the side and taking her mouth with mine.

Her tongue ran along mine, and her eyes darkened.

I wasn’t usually an eye open kind of kisser, but I wanted to see Lenore.

Wanted to absorb everything that was her.

Our kiss was explosive.

And quite honestly, it got a little bit out of hand.

Once I found the strength to end the kiss, we were both panting.

“You get to go home,” I confirmed.

“And what about you? Can you spend the night?”

I shook my head. “No.”

Her eyes closed, and she leaned her face forward.

“What if I need you?” She asked.

“Then call me. If I don’t answer, then call one of the members,” I told her. “I’ll program their information into your phone before you leave tonight.”

“You’re going to let me ride on the back of someone else’s bike?” She asked, surprised.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

“No. I was going to have Alison take you home in her Jeep,” I explained.

“When will I see you again?” She whispered.

“I’ll come by when I’m sure I’m not being followed. And we can meet here, too,” I told her.

“So…” she hesitated. “We only have tonight before you act like you don’t know me?”

I pressed my lips against hers. “Yeah.”

“Then make me remember you,” she whispered.

Chapter 12

If a week goes by and your man isn’t confused or scared by something you’ve done over the past week, then you’re being a woman wrong.

-Lenore’s secret thoughts.


Then make me remember you.

I growled when I smashed my lips against hers.

“You’ll have no problem remembering me, honey,” I declared between kisses.

I held her face close to mine, keeping her in place while I ravaged her mouth.

“I don’t have any condoms,” I told her, figuring I’d get that out there now.

“Shit,” she breathed. “

I snorted and stood up, keeping my lips on anything I could reach as I walked to my room.

Her mouth.

Her lips.

Her neck.

She moaned loudly when I got into my room.

“I’m putty in your hands when you do that,” she panted, arching her neck and gasping in gulping breaths of air as I ran my beard along her collarbone.

I shucked her shirt off over her head roughly, moving my lips down, coming to an abrupt stop when my exploring lips met something different under the skin of her chest.

“What’s that?” I asked, lifting my hand up and circling the patch of skin that looked like it had something underneath it.

“A med-port. When I was getting my treatments, they would shoot the stuff into my veins by placing a needle into this right here,” she said, picking my hand up and pressing down on her chest. “It’s like a spongy thing or something. It’s meant for caustic drugs, like chemo, to go into my veins without tearing them up.”

I bent down and placed a soft kiss on the area, wishing she didn’t have something like that that she had to worry about.

It was a reminder every day that she wasn’t a hundred percent.

That something could happen to her tomorrow and she’d have zero control over it.

That’s when I knew…right then…that I would do everything to make Lenore’s life one of happiness. I would help her live life like it was her last day. And I hoped she’d make me do the same.

Because I knew better than anybody how life could change in the blink of an eye.

I knew that one second, you could be standing outside waiting to be picked up, and the next you could be laying on the ground, leaking your life blood on the concrete you were playing Hop-Scotch on only an hour before.

Because that was what my son had experienced.

I’d dropped him off at school that day with every intention of picking him up later that afternoon.

I’d promised to take him to a movie, one he’d been begging me to see for a week.

Then put his lamp together that I’d bought him the week prior that I hadn’t gotten around to doing yet.

Afterwards, we were going to have his favorite meal of spaghetti and meatballs.

Then I was going to read him his bedtime story, like I did every night, and watch an episode of Scooby Doo as I laid in bed with him.

“Griff,” Lenore whispered. “You okay?”

“When this is all over…” I hesitated, looking down into her eyes. Studying the way her beautiful red hair, in her long, thick braid, curled around her head like a snake. “I don’t want to fuck around anymore. And I want you to make sure I don’t. I need you to know who Tanner was. Who he still is to me.”

She brought my face down closer to hers by placing two hands on both of my cheeks.

“I can’t wait to learn more about him,” she whispered, placing a soft, gentle kiss on my mouth.

The spark that I’d pushed away when I started thinking about my son reignited with just a brush of her soft, sweet lips.

My mouth moved from her lips, traveling back down her neck.

I licked a line from the tip of her chin all the way down to the top of one beautiful swell of her breast.

She shivered and started to squirm.

I looked up at her face as I trailed a finger down the middle of her chest.

Then I rubbed my lips slowly over the hardened tip of her nipple while I watched her eyes flare.

She had perfect breasts.

So perfect.

They were smaller than I usually went for, but when I took the entire nipple into my mouth and sucked, I decided I didn’t need any more than what she had.

The rest was just overkill when sucking on her nipples got her screaming in excitement.

“Griff!” She gasped, arching up into my mouth.

My free hand traveled over to the other side and tugged roughly.

When my fingers found her other breast, I smiled when she couldn’t decide which direction she wanted to arch her body.

I chuckled as I switched to the other side, gently circling the tip of her nipple with my tongue.

She grabbed my hair and held on for dear life as her hips started to move up and down in agitation.

“Do I make you hot?” I asked her, rubbing my lips along her nipple.

“You know you do,” she breathed, her hands moving from my hair to run along my neck and shoulders.

Then, with a movement so sudden, I found her out from under me as she ripped her shorts off her legs.

“Get naked!” She ordered as I watched her in surprise.

I smiled as I followed the little queen’s orders.

Her panties followed her shorts, and I was left with a very enticing, naked Lenore.

Her pubic hair matched her hair, and paired up with her porcelain white skin, I was left salivating.

The light in the store earlier hadn’t been enough to let me see all of her, and this was my first time seeing her from the front without clothes on with the lights blazing…and I liked it.

“You really are a Queen Bee, aren’t you?” I asked her teasingly.

She narrowed her eyes at me. “And don’t you forget it.”

I placed my gun on the bedside table before I let my pants drop to the floor.

Stepping out of my boots one by one, I held my hands out to her.

“Now what, my Queen?” I lifted my eyebrows at her.

She smiled and patted the bed.

The movement let her breasts hang, and the dusky points of her nipples rasped against her arm as she leaned forward to rip the comforter on the bed.

“What was that for?” I asked as I let my body fall to the bed.

“Well,” she said, “you said you don’t have a condom…and all the other things I can think of doing are kind of… messy,” she said as she climbed onto the bed between my legs.

That was true.

Then, without further ado, she swallowed my stiff cock.


“Jesus,” I growled, arching my back without conscious thought. “Warn me next time you go swallowing me to the root.”

She giggled as she started to work herself down my length, sucking, licking, and flicking as she went.

“God,” I groaned, throwing my hand out on the bed to clutch the sheets underneath me.

Instead of sheet, I found the braid of her hair, and grasped it tightly.

My erection was about three seconds from exploding when I roughly yanked her off my cock by pulling her hair, causing her to laugh.

“That’s not what that is for,” she teased.

Her lips were puffy and red from her ministrations, and I did the only thing I could at that moment in time.

I pulled her on top of me and took her mouth with mine once again.

She straddled my hips with her thighs, and started to undulate on my erection.

My previously blocked orgasm started to creep back up, but the way Lenore started to frantically rub her clit against my hard cock meant I wouldn’t have to hold out much longer.

Keeping her lips against mine with my hand in her hair, I let my free hand sneak down her back, curve over her beautiful ass, to finally stop at the entrance of her pussy.

It wasn’t long before she was trying to go both ways, to urge my fingers into her tight sheath as well as work her clit against my cock, making me smile as I finally sank three fingers inside of her.

She moaned into my mouth and I picked up the pace, letting her pussy lips frame my cock as we moved together.

She yanked her lips away from mine with a gasp and screamed.

Her nipples pebbled impossibly harder, and a red blush started from her chest and moved up her shoulders to her face.

I watched her explode, and only when she was finished and collapsed on my chest did I start to come.

I used the pressure of the two of our bodies pushed together to pump my release out of my cock.

Grunting with each spurt, I coated our lower bodies with my release, and I found it oddly satisfying to know she was covered in me.

“Who said we’d need a condom anyway,” Lenore said sluggishly, exhaustion hanging heavily in her voice.

I chuckled and hugged her tighter to me, relishing in the comforting weight of her body on top of mine.

I hated that, in just a few short hours, I’d have to let her go for God only knew how long.

Chapter 13

What’s worse than a man that wants his woman? A woman that wants her man.

-Note to self


I don’t know what I expected when it came to
Griffin Storm.

What I hadn’t expected, though, was to see him everywhere I turned.

It was like he hadn’t left me at all. He was

I saw him at the supermarket.

I saw him at the store when he came for batteries.

I saw him at the diner.

I saw him out of town at the hospital when I went for my checkup.

Sighing, I laid my head back against the soft cushion of my couch.

Old re-runs of
were playing on the TV on TBS, something I found out just lately.

Well, the last three days, to be specific.

It was a special kind of torture to say the least.

Especially with that last night we’d spent together.

The entire night.

We’d gone until the sun had peeked out over the horizon, and only then did he have Alison take me home.

Alison had wisely gone to sleep in hers and Peek’s room.

Something I hadn’t noticed since Griffin had brought me to his room and hadn’t let me up for air until I could see him clearly in the rising sun.

Now here I sat, three days after I’d seen him last, and I was already thinking this was going to be impossible.

Really impossible.

Because my body yearned for his.

I wanted to talk to him.

To tell him about my day.

My phone rang about thirty minutes later when the rolling credits on the last
they would play for the day flashed over the screen.

“Hello?” I answered breathlessly.

I didn’t know why I was holding out hope for it to be Griffin.

He’d flat out said he wouldn’t be calling me.

Even on a burner phone. Apparently those could be traced, too.

Something I hadn’t known, and had told him so.

You read too many books. The government can do anything it fucking wants to.

“Hey, honey bee. I know you’re not going to like this, so I’m just going to cut to the chase,” my father said without preamble. “A little girl is missing in the woods behind our house. Their boat capsized when they hit an exposed tree stump in Lake Caddo.”

My heart plummeted.

I knew what he was going to ask me even before he asked me.

“I’ll be there,” I whispered.

I changed into a sturdy pair of jeans, knee length snake boots, grabbed my shotgun off the wall over the door, and strolled out of the door with my phone to my ear.

“Hello?” Remy answered, sounding groggy.

“I need to borrow your handheld GPS…and you if you’re here,” I said quickly as I hurried down the sidewalk to my car.

I loved my car.

It wasn’t the best in the world, now that it was over five years old, but it was mine.

I’d bought it used. Now it was what I would consider ‘well used.’

I yanked the door open, dropped into the seat, and immediately started my baby up.

“Yeah,” Remy said, sounding clearer. “I’m at home taking a nap. But I can go with you when you get here.”

I nodded. “I’m already on my way. A little girl’s missing in the woods behind my dad’s place…they think.”

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