Read Whisper Cape Online

Authors: Susan Griscom

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Psychics

Whisper Cape (39 page)

BOOK: Whisper Cape
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“Cael and I were playing around, you know, the way you and dad and I would practice self-defense. I went at him, he blocked and my arms received the brunt of his blocks. It’d been so long since I’d practiced my skills and I guess I bruise more easily than I used to.”

“I had a feeling it was something like that. So then, why were you upset last Saturday?”

“I was upset because Cael and I had a small disagreement, nothing more.”

“A small disagreement doesn’t put someone in that much distress. What gives? Tell me the truth. Does it have something to do with your dad?”

“Dad? No, of course not, why would you think that?”

“Addie, it’s me, Maia, remember? Your dad, my brother, there are ... things you don’t know about.”

“Things? What things?” Addie wanted Maia to say it.

“I know who Cael is. He’s Bart’s nephew, which means he’s Siana’s son.”

“Right, she used to babysit you, didn’t she?”

“Yes, she did. I know what she can do. I know what your father could do. I grew up with them.”

“What exactly do you know?” Addie whispered.

Maia kept her voice low also, but she was serene, as though it was all very normal. “Your dad and Siana had the abilities to do remarkable things. Superhuman things. I’ve kept their secrets, just as Bart has. I’ve kept quiet about it for your protection. It’s what your mother and father wanted.”

Maia touched Addie’s neck. “So, I take it you’ve discovered your own abilities.”

“Yes, some. I’m learning. I'm sorry—this is a little unsettling for me. I don't know whether to be mad at you for not telling me or excited that I can finally talk to you about it. I can’t believe you’ve known all this time. Why didn’t you tell me so I would know what to expect?”

“And how would I do that? You would have thought I was crazy. I had to wait until you developed your gifts before I could say anything, and when you started seeing Cael, I knew you must have begun to experience them. I knew he had abilities. I wish things could have been different. Sometimes I get so angry at your dad for leaving things the way he did.”

“I’m sorry, too. Why did he go by ‘Richard?’”

“For your protection; he thought it would be easier to keep his life with us separate. He went by Richard when we were kids.”

“Jeez, Maia, I feel like my whole life’s been a lie. I wish he told me and taught me how to use these powers. Wait, does Gerry know?”

“No. It’s your secret to tell, not mine. I know how the world reacts to people with abilities. Most people aren’t kind and besides, Gerry would go crazy with worry if he knew what was going on.” Maia set a plate of brie and crackers on a tray.

“But Maia, Gerry deserves to know about your family. Maybe we should tell him.”

“Let’s just keep it to ourselves for now. Since Cael is here in Whisper Cape, I take it Eidolon is close?”

“I can’t believe you know about all this. I thought I knew you pretty well, but I guess I don’t.”

“Don’t be mad, sweetie. You know everything else about me. It had to be this way. Your dad promised your mother. Have you gone to see Siana yet?”

“Yes. Why couldn’t you tell me any of this? Why did it have to come from her?”

“Because Siana knew your mother better than anyone. I was only a child when you were born and they kept me out of the loop, rightfully so. If anyone knew the story well enough to tell you, it was Siana. She’s a good woman and Cael is a good man. I’m glad you found each other, but you still haven’t told me why you were upset.”

“Cael had this insane idea I would be better off if we weren’t involved, romantically, that is, so he tried to end it. Not a big deal now, but it upset me then.”

“I see. So, you straightened him out, then.”

“Yeah, I did. Um ... today he told me he loves me. God, I can’t believe it. It’s so scary.”

Maia smiled. “Love can be scary, but also wonderful. Do you love him?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Well, I had a hunch. He was very worried about you last night when you got hurt. It was Eidolon, right?”

“Yes. Cael had gone into a burning house to rescue a little boy. Eidolon somehow got in the back seat of the truck and held a knife to my throat. I couldn't move my hands to use my powers.”

“Oh, Addie, that must have been terrifying. I've been so worried about all this. You know he won't go away. You'll have to kill him.”

Addie looked at Maia, shocked that her aunt would actually approve of something so horrible. “Yeah, I know, but I can’t believe you are actually condoning this.”

“I do know what kind of monster he is. I’ve lived with this my entire life. Just, please be careful.”

“Don't worry too much. Next time, I’ll be ready.”

“You’re very brave and I’m proud of you. Your neck seems to have healed pretty well. How did you manage that?”

Addie’s hand instinctively went up to her neck. “Oh, I forgot. My scarf.”


“Um ... Red, the doctor at the Sectory, he and dad discovered a way for dad to heal himself, and it works for me, too.”

“That might be hard to explain to Gerry. Here, let’s put a bandage over it so he won’t notice. We better go join them before they start dueling or something.”

Maia secured a bandage to Addie's neck, picked up the tray, but set it back down. “Oh, yeah. There’s one more thing I wanted to tell you before we join the men.”


“I’m late.”

“Late for what?”

“Addie!” Maia placed her hands on her stomach. “I’m late.”

“Oh, God. You’re late! You’re pregnant?” She gathered Maia in her arms; they clung to each other swaying and crying.

Addie stepped back and wiped her tears. “When, how soon?”

“I’m a little over seven weeks, so sometime in late June.”

“Oh my God, Maia, this is so fantastic. I bet Gerry’s just beside himself about it.”

“Well, I haven’t told him yet, so mum’s the word.” Maia put her finger to her lips before picking up the tray again and they walked out to join the men.




Except for the roar of the fire, not another sound came from the small parlor. Cael sat on one of the tan loveseats skimming through an issue of House Beautiful. Addie smiled at the sight.

Nervous babe?

Cael glanced up.

Well, I just thought you might be, the way you’re flipping through that magazine, hardly stopping long enough to actually read anything.

Cael frowned and set the magazine down on the table in front of him. The rectangular glass table trimmed in mahogany positioned between the two loveseats complemented the array of multicolored pillows of red, sage, tan, blue and even a little purple that adorned each small sofa. The three pieces of furniture sat in front of a gray and tan stone fireplace where Gerry stood, moving the wood around with the fire poker, then adding another log to it as Addie and Maia crossed the room. Gerry finished fiddling with the fire and sat down on the opposite sofa facing Cael. The two men looked as if they had their territories staked out and neither one would attempt to invade the other’s.

Addie went to join Cael and Maia sat next to Gerry, who had discarded the apron. Addie was a little disappointed she'd missed her chance to tease him, but that was just as well.

Everyone took a glass of wine and Gerry held his up, saying, “Here’s to Maia, the love of my life and our wonderful hostess.”

Maia blushed, smiled, and allowed her lips to barely touch the wine.

Addie was so excited that Maia knew everything, she couldn’t contain her thoughts.

She knows, Cael, she knows it all!

She sat close to him trying hard not to think about the baby.

Good. Now don’t you feel relieved?


“So, Addie, how are you feeling today?” Gerry sipped his wine as he settled back against the pillows on the loveseat.

“I’m okay.”

“Have you remembered what happened?”

She sipped her wine before explaining. “Yes, it came back to me this morning. When Cael left the truck to rescue the little boy, I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. The battery in my cell phone was dead and all I could think of was getting help so I started to drive to the Cliff Hanger to get you. I was speeding, and lost control.”

Gerry raised his brow.

“I appreciate your faith in me, but I don’t know what good I could have been, and driving like a maniac, you could have died.”

“I know, but I needed you.”

His face flushed with a smile that sparkled in his eyes. “Well, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you then.”

His reaction was everything she’d hoped for, but she saw the disdain in Cael’s eyes—which he so graciously refrained from rolling—and she had to chuckle to herself.

Hell, Addison. Why don’t you just ask the man to bend over so you can kiss his ass?

Ha, the only ass kissing that’s going to happen is you kissing mine once I clear his suspicions away.

Mmmm ... looking forward to it, baby.

Get out of my head and let me finish.

“How did your neck get hurt?” Gerry asked.

“I’m not entirely sure, but we found this on the seat this morning when we went to get the truck.” She reached into her purse, pulled out a plastic compact, opened it and showed him a broken mirror inside. “We found this piece on the seat in the truck. I guess that’s what cut my neck.”

“Ah, yes.” Gerry took the jagged piece of glass and examined at it before placing it on the table in front of him.

Cael cleared his throat. “So, Maia, my mom tells me she used to babysit you.”

“Yes, she did. Our families were very close when I was young. How is Siana?”

“She’s great.”

“You never told me you knew Cael’s mother,” Gerry said.

“I didn’t know I did. Not until Addie told me his last name. I didn’t realize he was the same Cael I met when I was a child. He was just a baby then.”

“How long has it been since you’ve seen her?” Gerry asked.

“Oh now, let’s see. I don’t believe I’ve seen Siana since I was about ten or eleven. Jeez, let me think. It was about twenty-five years ago. I think you were about four or five years old then, Cael. I’m sure you don’t remember me.”

“Don’t you think it’s strange that Cael and Addie should meet now and start seeing each other?” Gerry asked, eyeing Cael suspiciously.

“I don’t think so. I’ve always thought they would get together someday. Both their families grew up here in Whisper Cape. It’s fate. I think Bart would agree.”

Gerry smiled at Maia. “You’re such a romantic, but I guess that’s what I love about you.”

“I may be a romantic, but it just makes sense in this case. Cael’s family and our family have known each other since we were children. Bart still lives here, and Cael came to visit his uncle. Addie’s here now, so it must be fate.”



Chapter 38



“So, do you always use flattery to get to Gerry?”

“It worked, didn’t it?”

Cael and Addison sat at the corner table at the Cliff Hanger sharing a glass of port wine, feeling safer around other people. It was a slow night and not too many customers lingered past the dinner hour. For the first time it was quiet enough for Cael to hear the soft melody playing from the jukebox.

“Yes, but I didn’t see the need to put him on such a pedestal. You laid it on a bit thick, don’t you think?”

“You’re just upset because I made it look like you needed his help.”

“Well, I know how to be humble when it’s deserved, but not in this case. You know he hates me and this just made it worse, but I guess I should commend you on your quick thinking. You do know how to get to the man, that’s for sure.”

And to you.

I heard that.

“Shit, I forgot. Anyway, I’m glad Maia knows everything. It makes life easier for us.”

“Yes. It helped when you explained to Gerry about the bruises on your arm, substantiating my story. He still hates me though, and I'll probably have to put up with that for a long time. But I suppose you, my sweet, are well worth it.” He intertwined his fingers with hers, remembering what Maia said about fate.

Hmmm ... yes. Maybe that’s why my dad left my training to you.

He smiled at her.
Our secret fate discovered in Whisper Cape?

Addison snorted, “Exactly.”

“Yes. Maybe we should write a song.”

She snorted again.

Cael lifted her hand to his lips and placed soft kisses against her fingers. “Listen, since it’s quiet now, can you focus on the people around here? Is there anyone new to the area?”

“Let me see.” She glanced around. “I can’t think of anyone new.”

“Think hard. Maybe you should just list the people you know, and then we’ll eliminate them as we go.”

“Okay. Oh, there’s Tim, that loser Darcy was seeing.”

“What can you tell me about him?”

“Jeez, I don't know. He’s been in here a few times. He’s that jerk with the Harley. Remember Darcy liked him for a while until she found out he was married? He’s so creepy and skuzzy-looking. He could definitely be Eidolon.”

“Hmmm, anyone else come to mind?”

“No. Not really. Except, there's Lieutenant Whelan, but it better not be him, because he has a date with Darcy tonight.”

“Naw, I've already ruled him out.”

Addison glanced over Cael’s shoulder.
We need to put this conversation on hold; Gerry and Maia are coming over to join us. And Jared, too.

Cael looked behind him and stood as the three approached, pulling out a chair for Maia, and pushed his own closer to Addison.

“We won’t be sitting,” Maia said.

“I will, if that’s okay,” Jared chimed in and sat down on the empty chair.

“We just came in to start closing up and make sure Nick has everything under control. We enjoyed having you over for dinner tonight, Cael, and look forward to seeing you on Thursday,” Maia said.

“Let’s get to work, sweetheart.” Gerry took Maia by the arm, leading her behind the bar.

Jared sipped his beer but kept glancing around the room.

BOOK: Whisper Cape
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