Whispers of the Heart (20 page)

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Authors: Barbara Woster

BOOK: Whispers of the Heart
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“She’s a strong woman with a positive outlook on life, so losing Dad, while hard, wasn’t an end-all. He’d been sick for a long time too, so she’d been preparing for this day for over a year.”

“What about you? You okay?”

“Yeah. I’m good. I’ll miss the old man, but I was prepared too.” Harvey settled into a chair and looked up at his friend, “Have any theories?”


“You damned well know what about

“My theory was shot to hell as soon as the sheriff cleared the Cantons. I can’t even begin to fathom who would want to hurt Kat and me. Where’s the motive? She’s been here less than three weeks. We’ve only just come to an understanding this past week.”

“So I see,” Harvey grinned. “About time you got back into the game.”

Dalian grinned, “Yeah, well, I was the one running all the moves and making all the passes, so it wasn’t an easy understanding, I can tell you that! But she’s a special lady, and I can’t even tell you why

“There’s just something about her that called to you; whispered to your heart.”

Dalian nodded. “Yeah, just like with me and Carolyn, and you and Scarlett. Think anyone will whisper to your heart again, old man?”

“My heart’s too old, but I keep its ears free of wax, just in case some pretty lady starts talking.”

Dalian laughed, “I think we’ve done beaten that analogy to death, so change of subject. How are you planning to keep our guests entertained when the police are roaming the place and all anyone can think about is a possible killer roaming free? If it were up to me, I’d refund their money and send them all packing, but as that doesn’t appear to be an option...”

“Well, as you said, it may not be business as usual, but maybe I can consult with them. See what they want to do about it all. With a little
, they might just decide the distraction of a daily routine is preferable to sitting about frettin’. I know I’d find it preferable.”

“Sounds good. So, while they’re hole up in the dining room, why don’t you go and speak with them. I’ve got something I want to take care of in here and then I’m going to check on Kat.

Harvey slapped at his thigh and stood, “Sounds like a plan, and I’m looking forward to seeing the little lady up and about before too much longer.

“You and me both, and thanks Harvey.”


“For doing everything possible to help me out; for helping me keep my head on straight and for helping me with the guests.”

“Not a problem. Oh, and I sent a deputy to sit outside Kat’s door until you can get up there to protect her yourself.”

“Damn, I should have thought of that.”

“It’s been a hell of a day. Cut yourself some slack.”

Dalian nodded. When Harvey left him alone, Dalian reached for the phone and dialed Directory Assistance for Covington, Georgia, “I need the number for Janet Ackers, please. Thank you.”


Dalian hung up the phone after a longer conversation than he intended, and then left his office. The dining room was on a direct line of sight to the staircase, so he veered off to watch his guests milling about, whispering among themselves. Some were seated with a police officer, answering questions and some were seated before the portable fingerprinting machine, which would digitally transport their information to the lab for identification. He shook his head in wonder, thinking that the next step in technological advancements would provide instantaneous results. Scan the prints, wait five minutes, and have a person’s rap sheet pop up on the screen.

He spotted Chloe, the only woman in a room full of men, sitting and speaking with one of the state police officers. He felt for her. Partly because of the current circumstances, and partly because she wasn’t garnering the attention she was used to. Her interviewer was completely professional, Chloe’s beauty wholly unobserved. He wondered whether the knit in her brow was to do with that, or simply at having to be interrogated like a common criminal. He made a mental note to say something to her later; comment on how pretty she was looking. Lift her spirits a bit. Then he sighed and headed for the stairs.

He hoped this latest disaster to strike at him didn’t affect the future of his ranch. He would need to make an appearance shortly to reassure his guests after checking on Kat. Despite his unease at having his guests stay disrupted, his primary concern was the woman who’d slept through the better part of the mayhem. Besides, he trusted that his friend and foreman would do his best to deter negative feelings and threats of lawsuits.

He knocked softly on Kat’s door and was pleased when that charming lilt of a southern accent bade him enter. He pushed the door open and smiled widely. Kat was sitting up in bed and Mrs. Guthrie was beside her, coaxing her into eating some soup. “Mind if I intrude?”

Both women smiled and shook their heads, “We were just finishing up a bite to eat,” Mrs. Guthrie said. She stood and collected the dishes and headed for the door. “Don’t tax her overly much,” she advised Dalian. “She’s recovering nicely from her ordeal, but I’m not certain any stress right now would be good for her.”

“I’ll take good care of her, Mrs. Guthrie. I promise.”

With a knowing grin, Mrs. Guthrie stepped into the foyer. “I’ll see to it you’re not disturbed,” she said, pulling the door closed. Dalian saw the hue in Kat’s cheeks brighten and laughed. He would never tire at how easily she blushed. He liked it.

Kat lowered her gaze and then a moment later looked back at Dalian, invitation in her eyes. Dalian’s grin widened and he closed the distance rapidly. He sat down on the side of the bed, scooped Kat onto his lap, and kissed her thoroughly. When he broke the kiss, he started to say something, changed his mind, and resumed kissing her.

Kat’s breathing was coming in gasps when he finally allowed her up for air the second time, “Wow! You certainly know how to take a woman’s breath away.”

“I could say the same about you taking a man’s breath away, but,” he said with a devilish arch of his brow, “I’m far from finished with you. I intend to leave you panting a good long while, woman.”

“I take it that I’m in a whole heap of trouble?” She giggled.

“Damn straight!”

Kat grinned and lowered her gaze; however, unlike before, she wasn’t afraid. She was through running, was ready to love again. To be loved. She ran her hand along the nape of Dalian’s neck, her fingers fanning through his thick black hair. She gently tugged his face to hers and for the first time in her life, initiated a kiss.

Dalian placed his hands beneath her knees and stood, without removing his lips from hers. He turned toward the bed, lowering Kat to its center, his body following until they were lying in each other’s embrace. Slowly, with near-reverence, his hand traversed along the side of Kat’s body, sliding across her breast and then down to her hip. Her body arched into his caress, her own hands beginning an exploration of the muscles rippling along his back.

On the return trip from her hip, Dalian’s hand found the edge of Kat’s nightshirt and slowly edged beneath, his hand stopping when it encountered the warm flesh of her side. He broke the kiss and looked questioningly at her.

“I’m ready,” she whispered.

“You are my heart,” Dalian replied.

Kat lowered her hand to his, and slid it upward, pressing it against her chest, just above her breast, “And you’re mine.”

Dalian felt the rapid beat beneath his palm and looked at where the material had slid up, uncovering one of her breasts. He lowered his head and placed a tender kiss on it, and then skillfully shed their clothing and claimed her for his own.


You saw him standing there at the door; knew that he was headed upstairs to check on Kat; and you just sat here talking to this cop.

There was no way to counter the harsh reprimand; to object, speak – say
in response, but the cop was saying something, posing more questions. Why did he have to pry; why be so thorough? Secrets weren’t meant to be revealed.

Tread softly, answer the inane questions, and then go take care of business!

“Okay. We’ve established your whereabouts, now just one more question, and then I’ll send you along to the fingerprint officer for a quick read, and you’ll be free to roam about unimpeded. Sound good?”


Sounds peachy! Unimpeded, my eye! Someone is going to be watching your every move. You’ll have to be stealthy. No one can know that the culprit is you. They can’t know your motivations.

“Is there anything in your past that we need to know about
that may show up in our records? Anything that you may want to reveal? Even if it’s just an overdue parking ticket.”

You’re in the clear. Nothing can be tied to you, and no one is allowed access to your juvenile records. Just say ‘no’.


“Very good then. Take a seat next to the man over there. You should be finished shortly. Next!”

Knees knocking, the person stood and headed to the designated chair, but at least the hard part was over.

I hate questions! Why is someone always asking questions!

“Please be quiet!”

“I haven’t said anything,” the man in the next chair said.

“Sorry. I was talking to myself.”

The man quirked a brow, then returned his attention to his iPad. He slipped on a pair of headphones, turning his back slightly.

As soon as you’ve done fingerprinting, slip off to the bathroom, and find a way to get upstairs undetected. I’m here now, so we’ll take care of this together.

“What if
together?” The reply was barely audible, but the worry of being overhead still great.

Separate them. We don’t want them both harmed. We need the one alive, remember?

“Can’t we just find someone else? Why this particular one?”

Because I said so, that’s why, and I always get what I’m after. You should know that by

“Yeah, you’ve been getting what you want for over twenty years, can’t I have a say for once?”

No, and lower your voice.

The sigh that followed was one of defeat. Never getting what was wanted was beginning to wear thin; so was hoping for a longer-term relationship. A break was in order. The police officer summoned, and instructions issued on the steps required for obtaining fingerprints. “Just slip your hand flat on this screen and remain very still. We’ll repeat with the other hand, and you’ll be all done for the day.”

About time.

“Next hand.” The machine whirred for another minute and then, “All done.”

Nonchalant, the person stood, slipped from the room, and ducked into the powder room downstairs.

“Now what?” The person asked the reflection in the mirror, which would have raised the eyebrows of any onlooker; however, it had become a common occurrence for the person staring at the reflection; a reflection from whom there was seemingly no escape.

Time to head upstairs and finish what we started, and try not to let anyone see you.


Kat lay nestled in Dalian’s embrace, feeling drowsy and sated. She smiled at the small ache in her abdomen, as she lifted her leg and laid it over his; snuggling closer. Her hand slid from his chest, down by his side, and she hugged him slightly, a sigh of contentment escaping. Dalian instinctively drew her nearer, nuzzling his chin on top of her head. He placed a kiss on her hair and released his own sigh.

“Think anyone would mind if we didn’t make an appearance until tomorrow? I’m beat,” Dalian said, and Kat laughed.

“It may take me that long to be able to walk again,” she admitted sheepishly.

Dalian laughed and hugged her tight, then relaxed his grip and kissed her hair again.


“Yes, darling.”

Kat closed her eyes and savored the endearment, even more reluctant to broach the topic of their assailant. She felt compelled to know what was transpiring; yet, at the same time, wanted to keep that part of the world shut out of their bedroom and their world forever. Wishful thinking, she knew.

“I know it may not seem the best time to talk about this, but I won’t be truly satisfied until I know what’s going on with the sheriff’s investigation. Do they have any leads?”

“I meant to talk to you about it earlier, but you were too inviting by far, and I completely lost my senses.” Dalian shifted to a sitting position, and Kat reached over to grab her nightshirt from the floor. He sighed, “You don’t have to get dressed, you know.”

“I do if we’re going to have a conversation, and you put a shirt on too. Talk about a distraction,” she declared, gazing lustfully at his bare chest.

Dalian laughed, “Fine, we’ll get dressed first. I suppose it does seem absurd to have a serious conversation in the nude.” Kat laughed and shimmied into her nightclothes, watching with increasing desire a naked Dalian slowly don his own attire. She smiled and then shook the lustful thoughts away. She had a lifetime to lust over her man, she mused, and then the smile vanished altogether when reality intruded. She could only hope right now that they would have a lifetime together. Until the sheriff apprehended the assailant, there were no certainties.

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