Whispers of the Heart (21 page)

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Authors: Barbara Woster

BOOK: Whispers of the Heart
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When they were clothed, they repositioned themselves against the headboard and Dalian filled her in on his visit to the sheriff’s office early that morning.

“So, you and the sheriff are now one-hundred-percent convinced that the Cantons had nothing to do with the assault on us. So now what?” Kat asked, trying to keep the worry from her tone.

“Well, while we’ve been busy up here, about a dozen officers have been busy downstairs, questioning and fingerprinting my guests and my ranch hands.”

“Oh my stars! Could it really be someone that we’ve spent the better part of three weeks with?”

Dalian shook his head, “There’s really no way to know. A disgruntled former employee could be hanging about the place unseen; or a current employee could have a beef to grind. I can only speculate, which is not a good thing to do if I want peace of mind. The best thing we can do is let the sheriff do his job and never go anywhere unattended. If I can’t be with you, one of the sheriff’s men should be.” Dalian sighed heavily.

“We’ll get through this, Dalian,” Kat assured, placing her hand on his.

“Damn straight,” Dalian said quietly, “and when we do, I’m marrying you.”

Kat looked into Dalian’s gaze, startled. He grinned, and leaned forward until his face was mere inches from hers, “That’s what I said. Any objection?”

Kat shook her head, barely perceptible, and Dalian placed a kiss on her lips.

“Sorry it wasn’t the most romantic of proposals, but there doesn’t seem to be much normal about our entire time together to date.”

Kat laughed shortly and had to agree. From the time she arrived at his ranch, life had been a whirlwind of activity, good and bad, so for him to bend formally on one knee to propose marriage seemed contrary somehow; and if she were honest with herself, she was just thrilled that he proposed. She was a novelist who lived and breathed romance; so to her, his proposing the way he did was more significant than the romantic accoutrements of a fairytale proposal. But it did give her an idea.

“Once we get through this, I think I’m going to turn our story into a novel,” she said, smiling widely. “I mean, if you think about it, what’s been happening to us sounds like it came straight from a book anyway, doesn’t it?”

Dalian grinned and nodded, “It sure doesn’t sound real life. Hey! Can I name it?”

“The book? I haven’t even written it yet.” Kat laughed at his enthusiasm; felt a deep sense of pride that he wanted to be a part of her world, as she wanted to be a part of his.

“I know, but if you’re going to write about our time together, I think I have the perfect title.”

“Okay. Tell me this perfect title.”

“Whispers of the Heart,” Dalian said softly, placing her hand on his chest.

Kat’s eyes glistened with tears and she smiled softly. “I get it, and it

“I love you, Kat.” Dalian leaned over to kiss her when a knock sounded at the door. “Well, that’s poor timing.”

Kat laughed, and gave him a quick peck, “Come in,” she called.


“Did you have to invite them in?” Dalian whispered, as the doorknob turned. “I had plans to ravish you again.” Kat laughed as the door swung open.

“Good to see someone’s having a nice time,” Harvey said, stepping into the room, followed closely by the sheriff, Chloe, Mrs. Guthrie, and Cal Withers.

Dalian saw them file in. He brushed their intrusion aside, his brow knitted in concern. He was suddenly glad they’d determined to converse clothed, as it would have been embarrassing to be caught in a compromising position. “Something happen?” He asked, addressing the sheriff. When no one replied immediately, Dalian snapped, “Why are you all standing in our bedroom if nothing is wrong?”

They looked at each other and then shrugged simultaneously. “Nothing really wrong,” Harvey replied. “We just encountered each other heading in this direction, so thought we’d come see you all together.”

Chloe stepped from the pack and headed over to the bedside. She sat down beside Kat, “How are you feeling?” She asked softly. “I feel horribly guilty that I couldn’t come see you sooner.”

“That’s okay, Chloe, I was...um...preoccupied earlier,” Kat’s ears tinted pink, and Dalian laughed.

“Completely my fault, Miss Chloe, I assure you. So, what’s up everybody? Cal? I guess I
should ask you first, since you’re a guest here. Then again, so are you, Chloe. Unless you came up here for another reason other than to check on Kat?”

“No, no other reason,” Chloe said and settled into a chair next to the bed. Dalian turned his attention back to Cal.

Cal’s face was flushed and Kat could tell it was taking a monumental effort to keep his temper in check at seeing her and Dalian in bed together. At least she read his demeanor, and his expression, that way. He was also avoiding eye contact – a sure sign of discomfort. When he finally spoke, it was in a barely polite and completely insincere tone of voice. “I’m sorry to intrude, Dalian, but I didn’t really come up here to see you or Kat. I just happen to see the sheriff headed this way and wanted to ask his permission to leave.

“I’m sorry sir, but I can’t allow anyone...”

“I don’t mean to return home,” Cal interrupted. “I just mean to take a motel room in town, until this blows over. I’d be mighty grateful, since the thought of staying under the same roof as a killer . . . well, it just doesn’t sit well with me. In fact, it’s making me downright nauseous,” he concluded with a quick glance at the bed.

Dalian looked at the sheriff and then at his foreman. He missed the contempt aimed in Kat’s and his direction, because his mind was on the potential fallout to his ranch. This was just the concern he had earlier – that people would try to bolt out of fear and the reputation of his ranch would suffer. Still, while he was doing everything possible to resume and maintain some sort of normalcy, that didn’t mean his guests were willing to do the same.

“I can’t allow anyone to leave until cleared. Even if cleared, there may still be questions I need to ask, so it isn’t likely anyone will be free to return to their homes for a few days at least. Have you had your fingerprints taken?” The sheriff asked.


“Okay. Good. We should know something before tomorrow afternoon. If we don’t find anything that implicates you in this attack, I’ll let you leave, but only in so far as I’ll permit you to take a motel room in town. That’s the best I can do.”

“Understood. Thank you, sheriff, and again, I wish I wasn’t the squeamish sort. Kind of a turn off to the women, let me tell ya.”

Dalian nodded, not understanding at all. Still, it wasn’t his job to judge people and their proclivities. “I’ll prorate your payment and try to have it to you before you leave – tomorrow?”

“Yeah, probably tomorrow afternoon,” the sheriff concurred.

“ Ordinarily, I would say keep the money, since I’m not really hard up for cash, but since this is a business and my vacation has been interrupted because someone apparently holds hatred for the owner of this business, I’d say a refund would definitely be in order.”

“Completely understood. I only hope that you can come to realize that I am not responsible for the actions of a madman. Still, collaterally, this person has inconvenienced all of my guests severely. Kat included.”

Cal nodded, but didn’t reply. He appeared to lack empathy completely for anyone else’s circumstances.

“Harvey will drive you into town...”

“I’d rather he rent a car for me. I may decide to tool around here a bit before returning to the airport. After all, I still have several weeks of vacation time left. Might go to Yellowstone.”

“We can’t rent the car for you, but as we only have the one rental agency in town, it shouldn’t be too difficult to have a car brought around tomorrow evening.”

“This vacation has been very inconvenient,” Cal griped, “anything but the fun I expected to have.”

“We’re very sorry that things turned out the way they did.”

“You and me both,” Cal said and then turned to leave.

“Oh and Cal,” Dalian called, stalling his departure, “I do have one request.”

Cal quirked a brow as if any request would add yet another inconvenience to his life. Still he nodded his acquiescence.

“When you do leave tomorrow, try to do so quietly. Don’t let the other guests see you go. I don’t want to start a stampede for the doors. As you said, this is a business, and I don’t want the remainder of my guests unduly agitated. I’m sure you understand.”

Cal nodded again, and then, as if suddenly realizing that his manners had been atrocious, turned to address Kat, “I should have said something to you first, Kat. I guess I just let my fears overshadow my manners. I just want you to know that I’m happy that you weren’t hurt – too badly, that is. I haven’t known you long, but I can tell you’re a special lady – which I’m certain Dalian will agree with. Anyway, you take extra care of yourself, and if you ever tire of this particular ranch owner, I wouldn’t be overly upset if you decided to look my way.”

His expressionless delivery left Kat confounded, so that all she could do was nod. Cal turned and left the room. Dalian looked at Kat, “Well, that was interesting,” he said, and then shook off the feeling of menace lingering in the room. He affected a positive demeanor and then turned to the sheriff, “I feel like the Kind of England, holding court.”

The sheriff laughed. “Well, I’ll keep my visit brief. I just wanted to let you know that our job here is done, so I’m headed back to town. The lab is already providing information, so I should know something by this evening as to whether someone has a criminal background.”

“I thought you said it would be tomorrow evening before you knew anything?”

“No, it could be tomorrow evening before all of the information returns for all sets of prints. Those that have already generated a report, I can go ahead and review, but I’d rather do that at the office, not on my IPad. So, it could very well be another day before I can grant anyone permission to leave the premises. I couldn’t give Mr. Withers leave because I don’t know if a report has been generated for his prints yet. I’m not rushing through this process. I want to be extremely thorough – this time.”

“Thank you, sheriff.”

“No problem. Anyway, as soon as I know something, I’ll give you a call, so keep your cell phone handy. I’m leaving two deputies, as I said earlier, so if there’s trouble you’ll have backup.”

“If there’s trouble, I’m prepared to handle it.” Dalian said, nodding to his firearms sitting on the dresser.

“I can’t condone your taking the law into your own hands, Dalian, but at least you know the law is on your side, but only if an assailant enters your house. It’s important you make that distinction. I don’t want to arrest you over this. It’ll make me feel real bad.”

“I promise not to fire my weapon anywhere but in my house.” Dalian said in his best oath-taking voice.

“Good to know. Well, I’ll head on over to the office and get to work. Ladies.” He tipped an imaginary hat toward Kat and Chloe and then departed.

“Next?” Dalian said with a grin. “What’s up, Mrs. Guthrie?”

“Well, I have the guests settled in for lunch and thought perhaps you could use a bite, since I know you haven’t eaten since before sunup.”

Dalian’s stomach chose that moment to growl, and he grinned at Kat, whose face flushed at the implication it was she responsible. She laughed, “Go eat, Dalian. I can’t have you passing out from lack of nourishment; and I’ve already had my soup.”

“Mrs. Guthrie, would you mind putting something aside for me? I’ll be down in a bit to eat.”

“Not at all, Dalian. Can I put something aside for you too, Kat?”

“No thank you, Mrs. Guthrie. Your marvelously delicious soup was very filling.”

Mrs. Guthrie blushed, and then turned and left the room. Dalian turned his attention to his foreman. “Well, that just leaves you, old man.” Dalian pointed to a seat near the bed and Harvey moved to sit down. “What gives?”

“I talked to the guests. You already know where Cal stands, but I guess the sheriff handled it well enough that none of the others felt their civil rights were trampled on, so I don’t foresee any lawsuits in our future. What about you, Miss Chloe? Plan to sue over this little nightmare?”

Chloe laughed softly, “It
mean I wouldn’t have to try to snare a rich rancher.”

“Hmm, good point. Her, we may have to bribe.” Harvey said, cocking his head at Chloe.

Dalian grinned. “I guess the biggest concern, besides paying Miss Chloe hush money, is whether the guests feel safe now. Did any express a desire to leave? Request a refund? Other than Cal?”

“Nope, not even Miss Chloe over there.”

“You willing to hang around a bit longer, Chloe?” Dalian asked.

“There isn’t anyone trying to do away with me, that I know of, so I can’t see why I should be concerned about staying. Of course, since Kat managed to snare the only eligible rancher in this county, I may pack up as soon as I’m cleared and head on to the next county. See what sort of men they have over there.”

“Hey, hey, hey, what am I? Chopped liver?” Harvey retorted playfully.

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