Whispers of the Heart (23 page)

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Authors: Barbara Woster

BOOK: Whispers of the Heart
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Well, I think maybe once the competition is eliminated, we’ll have a shot.

“And if we don’t?”

No one I’ve set my sights on has ever turned me down. And neither will this one, or there may very well be a double homicide before we move on.

“I would rather just move on. I’m getting too old for these games anymore. If you’d looked in the mirror
me lately, instead of just shouting at me
it, you’d have noticed that too. It won’t be long before we’re no longer appealing to the opposite sex; and I’d rather find someone before I’m old and gray, if you don’t mind.

Once you’re happily wed, I’ll see about moving out of the sphere you call a brain. You’re getting too argumentative for me anyway. Takes the fun out of my amusing pursuits.

“Fine. What do I need to do to see that happen?” The prospect of getting rid of the voice had a euphoric effect, which made the question more enthusiastic than intended. The voice didn’t miss it.

Don’t let your eagerness to be rid of me spoil my plans again or I may decide to find another host and rid myself of you instead of allowing you your freedom.

“I understand.”

Good. Then let’s see about getting those two separated, shall we?

“Actually, they already are, remember? I heard that Kat is still in her room and Dalian is downstairs in his study. If you are going to act – I mean, if
are going to act – now is the perfect time. Also, I heard Dalian say that he’s going to ride out to check on the cattle soon. It won’t be easy to execute, but if your plan is as good as the ones in the past, we have a perfect window of opportunity now.”

Glad to see you’re back in the game. I was beginning to think you’d gone wishy-washy on me, but now is a little too soon to implement what I have in mind. First, I need to find another suitable patsy. I already have someone I think may suit. Still,
would be a good time to take advantage of that excuse you gave earlier for being in their bedroom when you bungled my other plan. It may have been a blunder before, but now that I can use it to my advantage, I’ll give you that ‘good job’ you were panting after a few minutes ago.


“Ah, there you are, and looking as fresh as a spring daisy.” Dalian quickly signed off of his chat session, shut down Firefox, and closed the lid on the laptop. He walked over and met Kat halfway with an affectionate embrace and a passionate kiss. While the greeting was genuine, his purpose for being overly expressive was two-fold. He wanted to ensure Kat felt secure when in his company, and didn’t want the negativity swirling about the ranch to intrude on their newfound love.

He broke away only when he heard Harvey clear his throat loudly. Dalian grinned at Harvey and winked at Kat, “Sorry Harvey, but ever since I managed to break through Kat’s wall I can’t seem to keep my hands off of her.”

“Can’t say as I blame you. Anyhoo, since I’m back now, I can go about tending to the guests, and you can focus on the ranch. Think you
focus on the ranch?” Harvey quipped.

“It won’t be easy...”

“I’ll keep him on the straight and narrow,” Kat interjected and Dalian laughed.

“Already planning to hen-peck me?”

“Only if you get to misbehaving too much.”

“Okay you two; let’s get back to focusing on something besides each other. Did you have a chance to check in on the guests, Dalian? Everyone still willing to make a go of their remaining time here?”

“Last I heard. The only one ready to bail, as you know, is Cal.”

“I was just pondering over that very guest. I expected Chloe to want to leave sooner than Cal Withers bolting. His cowardice shocked me a bit.”

“I was thinking along those same lines. Fear making him nauseous? Really? You’d think a man built like that shouldn’t fear much of anything.”

“You’d know about that first-hand too, I’d wager,” Kat supplied, admiring Dalian’s well-built form.

Dalian smiled and Harvey shook his head grinning. It tickled him something pink to see his boss off the sidelines, and said as much, much to the chagrin of his boss and new ladylove. Harvey laughed at the embarrassment on their faces and then brought the subject back around to the business of their business, “You still planning on riding out to check on the cattle?”

“Headed that way now,” Dalian said. “I was just waiting on Kat to finish showering to see if she wanted to join me.”

Kat smiled, “You bet I do. Can we take a picnic dinner with us?” As with Dalian’s enthusiastic greeting, Kat’s exuberance had more to do with wanting to feel normal, and wanting to stay near Dalian, than at the actual prospect of having a picnic. Not that the idea of riding with Dalian and spending some time alone . . . Kat’s pace paled and she swayed slightly.

“Whoa, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” Dalian asked, grasping Kat’s upper arms firmly.

Kat shook her head and smiled shamefaced, “Sorry, Dalian. I just . . . it’s just that I realized we would be alone if we went on a picnic, and I guess the thought jarred me a little.”

Dalian moved to a nearby chair, pulling Kat along with him. He lowered into the seat and gently tugged Kat onto his lap, hugging her tight against his chest. After a few moments, he spoke softly, his breath brushing the hair on top of her head, “We are both anxious over what happened, and I think you and I are thinking along the same lines in that we are trying to remain in control of our minds and emotions during this time – which is a good thing. We just have to lean on each other and our friends and have confidence that the sheriff will do everything within his power to catch whoever is trying to harm you or me.

“I am and I do,” Kat whispered, “but sometimes the memory of what happened sneaks in and . . . well, I give it the boot as quick as possible.”

“I promised to keep you safe, right?” Kat nodded, and Dalian kissed the top of her head. “If I thought I couldn’t defend us, I wouldn’t take you out with me today. You trust that I will?” Kat nodded again.

“If it helps any,” Harvey interjected from across the room, “Dalian’s a deadly accurate shot with a firearm.”

Kat smiled, sucked in a deep breath, and released it with a whoosh, “I’m okay now. And the thought of a picnic does sound lovely.”

“Yes it does,” Dalian concurred. “Want to go help Mrs. Guthrie get something ready for us?”


“Good.” Kat planted a kiss on Dalian’s mouth, and then slid from his lap. “Sure you’re okay?” Kat nodded and headed for the kitchen. “Straight to the kitchen, Kat!” Dalian called after her, only realizing that he’d sent her running off unescorted. He turned when one of his ranch hands walked in. “Can you go after Kat?” He asked without preamble. “I would rather she not wander about unaccompanied and I need to have a word with Harvey.”

“Sure thing,” the ranch hand said, “just wanted to let you know that word has spread about the barn burning, and our neighbors are already spreading word for a barn building this weekend. If you think that’ll work for you. I know we have a lot on our plate right now...”

“No, this weekend sounds great. That will give our guests another aspect of ranch life to try out; another way to keep them all distracted. Thanks, Mitch, and relay my agreement and thanks to our neighbors
I relieve you of watching over Kat. She’s in the kitchen.”

Mitch nodded and took off for the kitchen. Dalian turned back to Harvey and quirked his brow at the look his foreman’s eyes. “What’s on your mind, old man?”

could have gone after her, you know.”

“I know. I am just trying for a sense of routine here, Harvey. I hover over her too much, and it’ll likely drive her nuts. I want her to feel at home here, not as if she’s trapped in a prison. God, all I want is our lives back.”

“She looks like she’s holding it together pretty good. A lot of women would have gone into full meltdown and stayed a puddle of goo until their attacker was safely behind bars. You’re a lucky man, Dalian.”

Dalian nodded, “Yeah, but right now I feel like I’ve got luck on one side and ill-fortune on the other.”

“You shouldn’t think like that.”

Dalian moved to settle behind his desk, running his hands through his hair. He was tired and worried, although he did his utmost to hide it. He couldn’t hide it from Harvey though.

“Everything will be right as rain before too much longer, Dalian. You know the sheriff is going to do everything humanly possible to see your attacker brought to justice.”

“I know. If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t have told Kat that.

“Still, despite what I said about being a good shot, I can’t say as I think traipsing about with Kat after the cattle and having a leisurely picnic is the safest course of action for you to be taking right now. Kat had every reason to be worried.”

“It goes back to being as normal as possible. The more I focus on routine, the less anxious I’m likely to be over everything that’s transpired.”

“The less you focus on what’s happening, the less you’ll be on your toes and able to head off another attack. Still, if you want to head out on the range, why not take someone along to act as protection. Someone who isn’t likely to keep their eyes solely on Kat.”

“I’ll have my rifle with me.”

“Yeah, but your focus won’t be on potential danger.”

Dalian’s face reddened beneath his tan and he smiled wryly, “You make a good point, old man, but what I plan to do with Kat out on the range, I don’t want
no ranch hand getting a peek at.”

It was Harvey’s turn to turn crimson, and he laughed, “Good point. Just keep that rifle handy so that you can get at it quick-like if needed.”

“That’s my intent.”

Harvey nodded. “I’ll see your horses saddled, and then get the guests engaged in some sort of activity.”

“Thanks again for everything, Harvey.”

“Not a problem. Just be safe out there.”


“Is this what your life is like all the time?” Kat asked, as they rode from the house and headed out toward what Dalian called ‘the range’.

“Minus people trying to kill me, yeah,” Dalian grinned, and Kat laughed. “Think you can live with that?”

“Minus the people trying to kill us, yeah.”

“Well, that and knowing there will be many a days where I’ll be gone for hours at a time, tending to the cattle; and that I’ll be gone for upwards of two months when it’s time to drive them to market?”

Kat smiled. Love swelled throughout her at this simplest of conversations; knowing that  Dalian and she were truly planning a life together gave her hope for a future that she hadn’t felt in over two years. “Well, if you can live with the fact that I’ll stay burrowed in a room pecking away at a computer for hours on end
, then I can handle you being gone for hours on end. I’d miss you when you’re gone, but I’ll have plenty with which to keep myself preoccupied.”

Dalian pulled on the reins and halted his horse, turning it around so that his stallion stood in close proximity to her mare, “Does that mean you’re really willing to marry me, Kat? That you’re willing to uproot to way out here and be my wife?”

“Well, this
about as far from civilization as I ever imagined being. A lot different from Covington, that’s for sure. Still, I watched my hometown turn from a small community into a booming little metropolis over a few decades and have to confess I was tiring of it pretty quickly. I find this preferable somehow. I kind of said all of that to say that, yes, I would be more than willing.”

“Glad to hear it.” Dalian flung his leg over his horse’s rump and dismounted, moving to Kat’s side to assist her in dismounting. “Is this where we’re having our picnic?” Kat slid from her horse into Dalian’s embrace. “We didn’t get very far from the house, and we haven’t even checked on the cattle yet.”

“No, we have a ways to ride before we stop for dinner, and yes, we have to check on the cattle before we eat, but this is what I consider a perfect place for this.” Dalian reached into his pocket and then bent onto one knee. Kat’s eyes widened and tears welled in her eyes. She immediately knew what he was planning, but never imagined he would propose so formally, especially not after his less-than-formal declaration in bed the day before.

Dalian reached for her hand and kissed the palm softly before looking up at her, “Thank you for coming into my life, Kathryn McMurray. For proving to me that there can be love after tragedy; and for showing me that hope does spring eternal. I guessed already that you’ve consented to being my wife, but I have to ask just the same. Will...”

“Yes!” Kat dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Dalian’s neck, hugging him tightly. She pulled him down until his lips met hers and gave him a yes to remember.

Dalian laughed when he finally broke the kiss, “You didn’t even let me get around to asking the actual question. What if I was going to say, ‘will you consider shacking up with me for the next...oof...hey, watch where you land those punches, woman.”

Kat laughed and hugged him again, “
you going to ask me to shack up with you?” She whispered near his ear.

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