Whistleblower (17 page)

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Authors: Alysia S. Knight

BOOK: Whistleblower
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“G-guard? I, I’m under a-arrest? I hav-ven’t done anything wrong.” Marley felt a wave of panic and her fear for Zan surged.

“Relax,” the shorter man spoke up quickly. “You’re not in trouble.” There was a slight drawl to his words. “We’re just to make sure nothin’ happens to you. You’re safe. Don’t you worry, so is Colonel Masters.” He tacked on the end.

Marley wasn’t sure if it was the down-home honesty in his voice, or that exhaustion finally burned out the last of her energy, but she did relax. “Thank you,” she got out, her whole body becoming numb.

“If there’s anything you need just let us know,” the taller guard said.

Marley was tempted to say Zan and the thought must have shown on her face because the shorter soldier shook his head.

“I can’t do that. Anything else?” A smile accompanied the drawl.

This time it was Marley that shook her head and she closed the door, leaning back against it. She was ready to drop but her anxiety over Zan kicked in and she started pacing the room.

Had the drug worked its way out of his system? Was he all right? What about his shoulder? Was he close?

Marley tried to convince herself that if something was wrong surely someone would have told her, but she wasn’t really positive that was the case. She wasn’t his wife or even his girlfriend as far as they knew. Who would believe that they could build a relationship in four days?

She went to the window and looked out, subconsciously hoping to see Zan looking out another window, but no such luck. Marley dropped her head to the glass and the tears started to make their way free.

She wanted Zan. She wanted him to hold her and she wanted to hold him. Take care of him and make him better.

Fear hit her deep. After all the pain and trouble she’d caused him, maybe he wouldn’t want her anymore. She couldn’t blame him. In the time she’d known him he’d had to run for his life, he’d been shot, tortured and drugged twice and his house had been attacked.

All in the four short days of their time together. It seemed so much longer. It felt like she’d known him forever.

Marley finally pulled away from the window and stretched out on the bed. Burrowing in the blankets, she doubted anything would warm her. Still, she was surprised that she actually went to sleep, her thoughts lingering on Zan, focused on the memory of his kisses.

In the morning, she was given a plain blouse and skirt to wear, and after a breakfast was served to her in her room, the process was started all over again with questions and no sight of Zan. After lunch, she was taken back to the room and left for the rest of the day with the ever present guards at her door.

Frustrated, Marley tried to watch movies, but all she could think about was Zan. Again she was assured he was fine, that he had recovered fully from the effects of the drug, but it didn’t help.

She wanted to yell.
Didn’t they understand she was in love with him
? Her heart ached.

After another awful night of worrying and nightmares, Marley had reached the end of her endurance. As she was escorted down the hall the next morning, she decided she was going to demand to see Zan. That she had rights. She was working herself up into a fevered pitch when she came around the corner and ran straight into an officer in full dress uniform, her nose bumping into the medals and ribbons on his chest. Marley started to pull back only to find herself caught by an arm around her waist. She lifted her head to protest and the words in her throat changed to a cry.

The love and fear in her burst. Marley launched herself at him. Zan caught her up, pulling her tight to his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Marley hung in the air, not caring who was around, only that he was there and he was kissing her.

When they finally came up for air, she cupped his face, hardly believing she was actually in his arms. “You’re okay.” She brushed her fingers over his cheeks. He turned his head to kiss her hand.

“Yes,” he assured, before kissing her again. Desire was heavy in his eyes when he eased her back, but she knew it had nothing to do with the drug. Something deeper flickered there, too. Before she could begin to figure out what it was the sound of a throat being cleared pulled them apart. Zan lowered her to the ground, and they turned together.

“They’re ready to see you now.” A woman in military dress stood a couple feet away. An approving smile twisted her lips, and she actually winked at them before opening the door.

“What’s happening now?” Marley asked as Zan took her elbow, guiding her in behind the woman. Marley wanted to turn back and assure herself he was staying with her.

“A review board, I’d guess.” He dipped his head close enough that his breath caressed her cheek, making her shiver in awareness.

“For what?” Marley tried to think.

“To go over everything,” he said as they stepped into the room.

Along one wall, sided by flags, was a long raised bench with a row of six highly decorated people. Zan led her to stand in the middle of the room, he took a rigid, military stance beside her and Marley followed suit.

“Dr. Reynolds, Lieutenant Colonel Masters asked that we hold this with you together,” an older, balding man in the middle said in the way of greeting.

Marley glanced at Zan, but he didn’t look toward her, remaining at attention.

The man followed her gaze. “At ease, Colonel.”

Zan’s body lost some of its stiffness but he stayed straight and tall.

The officer continued. “We want to thank you for all that you have done. Your stories have been collaborated by the evidence we found where you were detained in the forms of the microchip in your jacket, videos, including the one of the attempts on you, and other documentation. Corresponding documents were also found at the lab in which you worked.

“While this matter is far from over yet, and you will still be called in to testify, it’s been decided that since you both have security clearance and there’s no longer a threat, you and Colonel Master have been cleared to go. And, on behalf of our government, and all our soldiers whose lives you may have saved, I want to add my personal thanks. What you did was very courageous. Thank you, again.”

Those on the stand stood as one and saluted them before coming around personally to shake hands and talk. It was another half hour before Zan drew her away.

“Come on.” Zan grabbed her hand, leading her down the hall out into the sunlight. Marley tried to stop to take a deep breath, feeling free now that it was all over, but Zan propelled her down the step toward a car waiting at the curb.

“Where are we going?” She broke off, hurrying to keep up with him. “Whose car is this?”

“A rental. I had one ordered for us until we can get the motorcycle fixed.” He sent a grin over his shoulder, not breaking his pace.

“Wait, Zan, we’ve been through this.” She tried to dig in her feet but didn’t even slow him down. “You can’t just drag me all over the place. Where are we going?”

“To get married,” he said, again not breaking his stride.

“What!” She stopped only for him to pull her forward. “We can’t get married.”

That stopped him, and he turned so abruptly she plowed into him. His arms snaked around her, easing her against him. “Do you love me?” he demanded as one hand came up to cradle her face, tilting it up so their eyes met.

“Yes, but−”

His head swooped down. He kissed her firmly, cutting off any objection, leaving her breathless when he eased a couple inches away to ask his next question. “You don’t want to marry me?” His eyes bore into her with need plain for her to see.

“Well, yes, but−”

Again, she was cutoff, this time by a quick kiss then she was jerked forward as he started walking. “Then what’s the problem?” he asked over his shoulder. “I love you, you love me. The only way I can keep an eye on you is to marry you. And I think I’d better watch you. Two broken noses, Doc. Who would have guessed?”

“You love me?” Marley was stuck back at that point.

He stopped again, turned and said simply, “Yes.”

Marley couldn’t believe it. “You can’t love me. I’m nerdy.”

He laughed, reaching out to wrap his arms around her, pulling her back into him then leaning down to kiss her nose. “I happened to find nerdy very appealing. In fact, I’d like to find who convinced you, you were nerdy. First, I’d like to beat the daylights out of him and then thank him since you’ll always be only mine.”

“Only yours?” Joy burst inside her.

“Oh, yes.” He drew it out as if savoring the word.

“You sound awfully sure of yourself.”

“You love me.” He shrugged his shoulders as if it was simple.

“How do you know that?”

“Besides the fact that you’ve admitted it, it’s there every time you look at me and when you kiss me.” He leaned down and kissed her hard and heated, taking away her breath. “I love you, Marley. Will you marry me?” He cupped her face, tilting her head up to him. “Marry me, please, now? I want to spend tonight and the rest of my life loving you.”

“Yes.” The answer came out clear, without a single tremble.




Marley glanced out the kitchen window to where Zan sat on the back patio, talking to her parents and brother-in-law. She couldn’t believe they’d been married five days. She had to admit her parents were handling the news pretty well. Her sister, on the other hand, was not, and she was coming in for another attack.

Julie made a show of refilling her glass. “I still cannot believe that you could just go off and get married like that.” The words hissed from her. “What were you thinking? You’re supposed to be the smart one. You don’t even know him?” Julie put her hands on her hips and struck one of her poses.

“I know everything that’s important.” Marley smiled, not rising to her sister’s bait. Nothing her sister said could hurt her. She didn’t doubt Zan’s love.

Julie stared at her. “This is kind of sudden, and you don’t have any experience with men.” She shifted her tactic. “Especially any men like him. You hang around eggheads and nerds, not hunks with muscles.”

Marley shrugged her shoulders, feeling heat bloom on her cheeks as she thought of running her hands over Zan’s muscles. “Zan has brains, too, and I know him. That’s enough.”

“Are you pregnant?” Her voice filled with accusation.

Marley didn’t even pause. “No, at least I don’t think so.” A little trill went through her at the thought of the possibility. “We haven’t even been married a week.”

“You’re not planning on waiting?” Her sister expression turned to one of aghast.

“We’ve talked about it.” Marley thought about three evenings ago as they strolled on the beach not far from the little inn where they were staying in the honeymoon suite. “We’d like to have three or four children, and unless we have twins, which, I think is doubtful, we decided now is the time to start. At our ages, we don’t want to wait too long.”

Her sister broke in. “Why would you think of twins? We don’t have twins in our family.”

“No, but Zan is a twin.”

Shock registered on her sister’s perfect made up face. “You mean there is another one of him out there?”

Marley let her eyes lock on Zan. “No. There’s only one Zan.” Love filled her.

Zan caught her gaze, smiled back, rose, and strode to her. Wrapping her in his arms where she’d feel safe and loved forever.




There’s only one Zan, for Zac’s story you’ll have to join me for Mindblower.


About the Author Alysia S. Knight



I grew up in a small town in Wyoming loving the outdoors, sports, art, and reading Hardy Boys books. After reading them all at least a half dozen times, I started writing my own stories.

Thirty years ago I married a wonderful, honorable man. I’m mother of five children and grandmother of seven boys. I love traveling. Through my husband’s work and vacations, I have visited much of the United States, all over Eastern Europe, Canada, Mexico, China, Thailand, Cambodia and Australia, giving me many intriguing locations and experiences for my stories.

I am a storyteller. I write the classic hero story because I think there’s a need for more heroes, love, and adventure in our lives. I’m not out to change the world with my writing; I’m just hoping to make your day a little better.


Alysia S. Knight


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