Read Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It Online
Authors: Gary Taubes
Sugar by any other name is still sugar!
All of these are forms of sugar: sucrose, dextrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glucose, honey, agave syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, brown-rice syrup, molasses, evaporated cane juice, cane juice, fruit-juice concentrate, corn sweetener.
Any journalistic project that’s been in the works as long as this one is bound to have required the help, faith, talent, and patience of so many sources, editors, researchers, and friends that enumerating them all is an effectively impossible job. To all of them, though, I am exceedingly grateful.
For this book alone, I’d like to thank Dave Dixon, Petro Dobromylskyj (aka “hyperlipid”), Mike Eades, Stephan Guyenet, Kevin Hall, Larry Istrail, Robert Kaplan, Adam Kosloff, Rick Lindquist, Ellen Rogers, Gary Sides, Frank Spence, Nassim Taleb, Clifford Taubes, Sonya Treyo, Mary Vernon, and Eric Westman, all of whom took the time to read a draft of this book and give me their thoughtful critiques and ideas for how to improve it. Ellen Rogers was also kind enough to do the illustrations and help me bring a little clarity to the subject of fat metabolism; Bob Kaplan was generous with his time and his impressive skills as a researcher. I’m grateful to Mary Dan and Mike Eades, Stephen Phinney, Mary Vernon, Eric Westman, and Jay Wortman for taking the time to discuss what they’ve learned about treating patients with carbohydrate-restricted diets. I’d like to thank Duane Storey for his gracious help with my website, and Ulrike Gonder for her research in Germany.
I’d like to thank Jimmy Moore for being, well, Jimmy Moore.
Thanks, once again, to Hugo Lindgren and Adam Moss; to Adam Fisher for his editing of my article “The Scientist and the Stairmaster” in
New York
magazine; and Rebecca Milzoff for her fact-checking.
At Knopf, my peerless editor Jon Segal first made this book happen and then made it work. Thanks go to Kyle McCarthy and
Joey McGarvey for their expert and endlessly cheerful assistance. My agent, Kris Dahl, at ICM continues to make me grateful for her friendship and her support.
My wife, Sloane Tanen, makes this possible (and tosses enough hibernating African llamas into the mix to keep it amusing). Our sons, Harry and Nick, make it worth the effort.
The list below includes relevant sources for each chapter and, in some cases, academic review articles or books that provide reasonably balanced analyses of the science. As I suggested in the Author’s Note, those who are serious about deconstructing my conclusions in this book (or challenging them) and the history of the relevant nutritional issues should refer to
Good Calories, Bad Calories
for the logic, the evidence, and the more detailed annotations.
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