Wicked Ugly Bad (A Kinda Fairytale) (9 page)

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this girl was Good.

looked into her wrong colored eyes, saw the soul deep purity of his recklessly kindhearted
True Love, and he… believed.

believed every crazy story she’d ever told in share circle.  Believed all the loony
claims about Cinderella stealing the prince.  Believed that shoeless bitch was
ugly stepsister.  Believed that Letty had been set-up.

glass slipper doesn’t belong to Cinderella, does it?”  He asked quietly.

slowly shook her head.

believed her.  Believed
of it.

just didn’t care.

had waited too long to find Scarlett to ever give her up.  Maybe she wasn’t exactly
how he’d pictured his True Love, but there was something very appealing about
the girl.  The mix of the soft and the tyrannical charmed him.

importantly, she reached out to offer him comfort when there was absolutely
nothing in it for her.  He’d never imagined having a True Love that nice.  He’d
never even
nice before, but he liked it now.  Every selfish,
criminally inclined, biologically driven instinct in his body told him to do
whatever it took to keep Scarlett.

for a guy serving time in a psych ward for Baddies “whatever it took” was a
pretty broad mandate.

shoe will prove Cinderella isn’t the real princess?”  He persisted.  “That’s
why she wants it?  To destroy the evidence?”

wanted to marry a foot.  At least that’s how it seemed to Marrok.

fairy godmother had given him the glass slipper right before that infamous
costume ball a couple months back and told him it would only fit his destined princess. 
If Cinderella had somehow tricked that nimrod and the shoe didn’t actually fit
her, she’d be out of the castle on her ass.

slipper will blow Cindy right out of the water.”  Scarlett confirmed with
visible satisfaction.  “It doesn’t fit her and I can prove it.  Once Charming
sees that she’s an imposter, it’s all over for that twisted nymphomaniac.”

she really fuck those mice?”

and yes she does.  I’ll be telling Charming about that, too.”

really think he’ll believe you?  Even with the shoe?”

There was absolute conviction in Scarlett’s tone.  “Charming is under some kind
of spell, but I know we can get through to him.  We grew-up together.  Dru and
I wouldn’t even be in here if he’d been able to prevent it.”

Marrok believed that too.  Why wouldn’t the Prince of Blondness want Letty? 
Especially, if they had a history.  Which meant
True Love was
Charming’s destined bride.


and Cinderella were actually on the same side in this.  That shoe couldn’t see
the light of day.  He had to find it and make sure that Scarlett didn’t show it
to Charming.  Otherwise, the closest Marrok would ever get to Letty was chasing
after Charming’s ridiculous pumpkin-shaped coach.

why we need to escape.”  Scarlett continued earnestly.  “Once I get the glass
slipper, everything will be the way it’s
to be.”

smiled and thanked the Lord he was unrepentantly evil.  “Oh, absolutely it
will.”  He agreed.  “I’ll make sure everything works out how it should.  No
matter what I have to do.”

Chapter Five


delusions about her stepsister grow more elaborate and perverse.

I can’t
even speculate on what kind of damaged mind would concoct such twisted tales
about our beautiful Cinderella.


Psychiatric case notes of Dr. Ramona

slapped her dressmaker, knocking the woman to the ground.  “You stupid cow! 
You call this a wedding gown.  I wouldn’t wear this to clean out a sewer!”  She
gave the embroidered silk a vicious yank, tearing the fabric from her body. 
Pearls scattered as threads ripped, destroying days of work.  The round gems
scattered around the bedroom, bouncing on the marble floor.

goblin seamstress desperately tried to gather up them up, again.  “But, your
highness, we made it exactly to your specifications.”

It’s a rag.  Is that what you want me to wear when I become princess of the
”  Her eyes narrowed.  “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?” 
She gave the woman another shove.  Like most of the castle’s servants, the dressmaker
was a Bad folk, so
of course
she’d be a deceitful bitch.  “You’re

Your highness, I swear I…”

it enough that I suffered all my life?”  Cinderella’s eyes filled with misty tears. 
“That I’ve worked and slaved every day, with nothing but my gentle nature to
get me through?  Now, you don’t even want me to have a dress on my special
day.  You
me to be a laughingstock!”

your highness, the greatest designers in the Four Kingdoms worked to create
this dress for you.  It’s the most expensive and beautiful…”

Cinderella shrieked, cutting her off.  Instantly, the double doors to her
golden bedroom were thrown open and her gang of rodents marched in.

moving into the castle, she’d given all the human-sized mice blue palace
uniforms and made them guards.  They were now in every vital position within
the Westlands, answerable only to her.  They were her only defense against
dissidents in her new kingdom; all the naysayers and whiners and assholes who
were working against her.  Agitators were everywhere.


she looked she saw smirking and judgment; heard whispers and snickering.  Her
men were making sure all those enemies were punished.  Unlike Charming’s
dickless guards, her men weren’t afraid to get the job

was gratifying to see the goblin’s eyes widen in panic as the mice bore down on
her.  You had to show the Baddies who was boss.

The woman scrambled to her feet.  “I didn’t do anything!  Don’t let the rats…” 
She trailed off with a scream as two of them seized her arms and dragged her
from the room.

”  Cinderella shrieked after her.  Why did
e want to
she had?  What had she done to make the entire world
turn against her?  Why was she soooooo unappreciated?

highness?”  Gustav, her top mouse, stepped into the room and closed the door,
lowering his eyes respectfully.  Because, why
you address a
future princess in a deferential and obedient way?  Was it really so much to
ask that she be given just the
bit of reverence?  “May I speak
with you?”

She decided, because she was a gracious and giving person, goddamn it.

had another call from the Wicked, Ugly and Bad Prison.”  Gustav was taller than
she was, with the long nose, red eyes, and sharp teeth of a mouse. 
a rat.  She would never surround herself with
.  He was a

“Dr. White says she may have had a breakthrough with finding your glass

lips pressed together, trying to hold back a fit of totally justifiable
swearing.  Everything in her life came down to a
fucking shoe!
  This was
all Scarlett’s fault.  Her stepsister was the most petty and uncooperative
bitch in the world.  “What
of breakthrough?  Does she have my
slipper or not?”

far?  Not.”

hands clenched around Snow White’s invisible throat, a strangled sound of
frustration in her throat.  “How hard is it to just beat some information out
of someone?  Huh?!  It’s like that slut of a doctor is
to make
this difficult!”

she was.  Maybe Scarlett had gotten to her.

eyes narrowed in consideration.

was against her.

again, your highness, I would be happy to question Scarlett for you.  I know I
could get her to…”

you that won’t work!”  She tore off her veil and threw it at him.  “Charming
would find out if I had Letty tortured by my men!  He’s so pathetically

he would look at her and Cinderella sensed that Charming didn’t want her at
all.  Ever with the spell convincing him that she was the one who fit that
glass slipper, he looked mildly repulsed with his destined bride.  He’d seize
any opportunity to leave her.


lower lip trembled in self-pity.  “Letty would’ve already gotten word to
Charming, if she wasn’t safely locked away.  He’s
liked her and
Dru better than me.  He’d be getting them out of the WUB Club, right now, if he
could.”  His disloyalty made her hate him, but Charming was the only way to the
crown.  “Do you
my future husband to think I’m some kind of
Do you?!

course not, your highness.  I seek only to make your life perfect.”

can it be perfect when everyone wants to see me fail?”  Cinderella wiped at her
eyes.  She was under attack from every direction.  “I need that shoe!  Why
won’t Scarlett just give it to me?  How did she even smuggle it out of the Westlands?”

don’t know, but we searched everywhere and it’s definitely not in this

so duplicitous.”  Cindy sniffed back more tears.  “And I can’t find a single
black-market godmother to make me another one.  It was mystically patented or
some fucking thing.  What am I supposed to do if Scarlett somehow gets free and
shows everyone the truth?”

could just kill her, your majesty.”

think that hasn’t occurred to me?!  But, you heard her shouting when they
dragged her away.  She said she sent the shoe to some friend of hers, who will
take it straight to Charming if anything happens to her or Dru.  He’s already
fighting the spell.  That could tip him over the edge into remembering.”

you believe her?”

couldn’t take the chance.  Not with the rumors about Scarlett’s family.  “
I need to find that shoe and get through the wedding.”  Once she was officially
a princess not even Letty could fuck things up.  “
, I can kill her.”

locate the glass slipper soon, your majesty.”

eyes instantly dried.  “You’d better.”  She turned back to the mirror and made
sure her makeup wasn’t running.  Thankfully, she still looked fairest of them

golden hair was tied up in a neat bun; her tiara was big and sparkly.  Really,
she was the most beautiful woman in the Four Kingdoms.  Her head tilted.  Maybe
this dress wasn’t
bad, after all.

do I look?”  She demanded.

your majesty.”

course she did.  Cinderella smirked at her reflection.  Charming was lucky to
have her instead of some ugly stepsister.  If he knew the truth he’d be
her.  Any man would be thrilled to touch her.

was the

lifted her hands to cup her breasts, singing a cheerful song as she stroked her
own nipples through the bodice of the dress.  Her stress level was high, thanks
to everyone being so endlessly cruel to her.  She could use some release and
there was one surefire to achieve it.

long do we have before the cake tasting?”  She asked in a sultry tone.

met her eyes in the mirror, already anticipating what she wanted.  His whole
demeanor changed, trained to perform his role whenever she asked.  If he didn’t
there would be hell to pay.

time for you to do some chores, wench.”  He said harshly.

gave a shiver of pure lust.  “Yes, sir.”  She went to gather the supplies, her
body already humming.

was the only thing that ever turned her on, but, to make the experience
erotic, she needed her mice guard watching.  She was so pristine and
important.  A true princess.  Subjugating herself in front of lesser beings was
just delightfully twisted.  She loved the feeling of being submissive to
something as useless and ugly as these rodents.  It completely violated the
natural status quo.

was so wrong.


least once a day, Cinderella was on her knees in front of her men, cleaning the
floor and panting for release, so she kept her scrub brush and bucket close at hand. 
The stupid palace maids didn’t understand that.  She was always screaming at
them to stay out of her room and let her do the cleaning herself.

soooooo enjoyed chore time.

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