Wolf with Benefits (27 page)

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Authors: Shelly Laurenston

BOOK: Wolf with Benefits
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Livy got up, cracked her neck, and walked over to Reece. He stared at her, wondering whether she was about to slap him around. But she grabbed the other half of his cheesesteak and began eating.
“So are we going to do this or what?” she calmly asked.
“Yeah,” he said quickly, trying to ignore the blood-covered claws that were still out and wrapped around that bread and meat. “Yeah. Sure.”
Reece got to his feet, but he looked over his shoulder to see Ronnie Lee, Sissy Mae, and the New York Smith She-wolves standing there watching them. Lord, this wasn’t good. Laura Jane
a Smith, after all. And Smith loyalty meant everything, even when a Smith didn’t necessarily deserve that loyalty.
Yet if Livy was worried . . . she didn’t show it. In fact, she showed no fear at all. Eating his delicious sandwich and staring back at the She-wolves, she waited.
When Livy ate the last bit of the sandwich, she swallowed, burped.
“You ready?” Livy finally asked him.
“Yeah. I’m ready.”
“Good. I’ve got a list of other meatheads to do, too.”
She walked off and Reece looked back at his sister, wondering what she’d do.
Sissy Mae walked over to her cousin, looked down at her, stared for a moment, turned on her heel, and walked off. Without a word, the other She-wolves followed, including Ronnie Lee.
That’s when Reece knew they’d been watching what Laura Jane was up to even before Livy had arrived—and they hadn’t liked it. Slapping her around themselves wouldn’t have been too cool, but letting someone smaller and meaner do it . . . the males of the Pack wouldn’t get in the middle of that. So, as far as the New York Pack was concerned, it was over.
Reece blew out a breath, stepped over Laura Jane’s still unconscious body, and walked into the room Livy was using to shoot the photographs.
She was adjusting lights when he came in—her claws now gone, her hands clean—and she motioned to a metal stool.
“We’ll take a few safety shots first before I try some different stuff.”
“Okay.” Reece sat down, watched the female move around the room. Finally, he just had to ask her.
“What the hell are you?”
She glanced at him. “None of your damn business,” she told him mildly. “Now take your shirt off and look pretty.”
hey ran for over three hours. Three hours of nonstop movement through lush, gorgeous wilderness.
Ricky wondered what the land looked like when it was covered in the snow and ice Siberia was famous for. But this would do for now.
They finally came to rest by the Range Rover, both collapsing next to the tires, both panting with tongues hanging out. They stayed that way for a while until Ricky realized that other canines were roaming in the dense forests. Not wanting to get into a territorial spat with Russian wolves and foxes, he got up, put on his jeans, and tossed the rest of his clothes in the car. He held the door open and Toni leaped into the backseat. She rested on her side while Ricky got in the driver’s seat and headed back the way he’d come. When they returned to the hotel, he went in through the front doors, topless and shoeless. The front desk staff watched him but no one said anything. Maybe they thought the American had drunk too much of the local vodka.
He cut through the hotel until he reached the back. Completely unfazed by the locked doors there, Ricky got them open and let Toni in. Still in her jackal form, she trotted up the stairs until they returned to the ninth floor. She went to her door, but Ricky shook his head. “You can’t stay in there, darlin’. That poor room has been through hell and back.” He jerked his head at his own door while he pushed the keycard into the lock. “Come on. You can crash in here tonight.”
Toni followed after him and once inside, she charged across the room and dove headfirst into the couch. She rolled around there for a good minute, wiggling her back against the cushions. Ricky went into his bathroom, grabbed a towel, and took it out to the now-happy canine.
He tossed it at her so that it covered her completely. A few seconds later, she’d shifted back to human and now he had a damn sexy woman wearing only a towel in his room.
This was one of those moments his daddy would say, “Proof that life is good, son. Life is very good.”
Toni put one hand behind her head and gazed up at the ceiling.
Okay. She’d admit it. She was having a bad case of separation anxiety. Only wolfdogs admitted to having this issue, but all canines suffered from it now and again.
But after tearing apart her hotel room and then that wonderfully luxurious run through the woods, she was feeling damn good. Not only that, she had to admit she was feeling a little . . . well . . . worked up.
Usually, she spent so much time worrying about her siblings that Toni didn’t focus too much on that side of herself. She simply didn’t have the time or the inclination. Yet lying here on this couch, wearing only a towel, with a very cute, bare-chested wolf standing over her, she was having all sorts of thoughts she didn’t normally entertain.
And, they were thousands of miles away from her family. Just the two of them in this room . . . alone.
“Darlin’,” the wolf practically growled, “you keep looking at me like that and we’re gonna have a problem.”
“Looking at you like what?”
“Like you could eat me alive.”
She shrugged, her gaze moving across the room. “Maybe I could.”
“Uh-uh,” Ricky said, stepping closer to the couch. “If you’re gonna hit on me, Antonella, you need to look at me.”
Toni did and they ended up staring at each other for a long moment.
Finally, Toni admitted, “I have no idea what to say next.”
“Why do you have to say anything?”
“Don’t I need to?” she asked honestly. “To entice you into bed?” She’d always had to work harder than the pretty full-human girls at school and in college. Toni always had to engage men first with her intellect and then let them find their way into becoming sexually interested in her.
But Ricky Lee only laughed. “Darlin’, you really have been hanging around too many full-humans.”
He slowly dropped to his knees beside the couch. “Do you know what I need to entice me to bed?”
“You looking at me the way you’re looking at me and . . .” Ricky carefully pulled the towel off her body. “This.”
Toni knew she had scars. It was hard to grow up a predator and not have scars, but she also knew it was something fellow predators didn’t give a shit about. Ricky would never suggest medicinal pads she could place on her scars to make them fade or kindly suggest a good plastic surgeon who could help her out. Her scars didn’t matter to him, and that had her toes curling.
Ricky studied her body for a long moment, his gaze moving from head to toe and back again. When his eyes focused on hers, he said nothing because there was nothing to say.
Raising herself on her elbows, Toni leaned in until their faces were only inches apart. “I think,” she teased, “I’m still a little anxious. Being away from my family and all.”
“Really?” Ricky said, his grin wide. “You know, darlin’, I think I can help ya with that.”
“I really hope so, because I am desperate.”
“Oh, yeah?” He leaned in closer, but still didn’t touch her. “Then you better prove it before I get scared off and make a run for it.”
So Toni did. She proved exactly how desperate she was.
Ricky wouldn’t lie. He’d kissed a lot of women over the years. Many of them predators. Quite a few who were full-human. But there was something about this passionate, but shy kiss that made his knees weak and his heart race. Something he didn’t remember ever happening before. At least not like this.
Toni’s arms slipped around his neck and she pressed her mouth against his. Her lips parted and he felt her breath seconds before her tongue eased into his mouth.
Ricky melted into that kiss. He couldn’t help himself. It was such a sweet kiss. And somehow, supremely honest.
While still holding on to him, Toni got to her knees on the couch, her breasts brushing against him as she moved. Her hands slipped into his hair and her fingers flexed, massaging his scalp.
Growling low, Ricky stood and grinned down at Toni. “Now that was just mean.”
Toni’s smile was purely devious. “Not mean . . . just calculated.”
“I like calculated.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled Toni up until they were eye level. He kissed her. Hard, pushing her, needing to know that this was what she really wanted.
She eagerly returned his kiss without hesitation, her grip tightening around his neck.
That was all Ricky needed.
He lifted her off the couch and took her to the bed. They fell onto it, Ricky’s body pushing her into the mattress.
Ricky Lee Reed was a big wolf with wide shoulders and muscular thighs. When she’d first met him, Toni had found them a tad off-putting. She kept thinking it was too much body for a woman to handle. Now, however, she knew she’d been wrong. Nothing felt better than having this wolf ’s narrow hips between her thighs, his strong chest pressing against her breasts.
Toni felt safe and turned on all at the same time.
Ricky dragged his fingers up her thighs, her hips, the sides of her breasts. Toni arched into those hands, her head thrown back. Who knew such big hands would feel so good?
Resting his hands on her hips, he leaned into her, taking her mouth with his. Claiming it as his own.
Toni reached between them with her right hand, lowered it until she could cup his cock through his jeans. Ricky groaned and buried his face against her neck. She tipped her head to the side, giving him better access as she found his zipper, undid it. She slipped her hand inside. He hadn’t bothered to put his boxer briefs back on when he’d dressed by the car. She didn’t mind. It just made it easier to run the tips of her fingers around his cock.
Fangs grazed Toni’s neck before Ricky was kissing her again.
After several minutes, he leaned back a bit, gazing down into her face. His eyes had shifted to a vibrant blue, meaning the Reeds had some Arctic wolf in them.
“I can’t wait anymore,” he told her plainly. There was no smirk. No easy patter. Just a desperation in those Arctic wolf eyes.
“Me, either,” she admitted.
“Thank God.” He got up and reached for his jeans.
“Wait,” she said, and she almost laughed when he stared at her in abject horror. “Tell me you have condoms.”
“Condoms?” He acted like he didn’t even know the word. Then he blinked, nodded. “Right. Condoms.” With his cock hanging out of his unzipped jeans, he tore across the room and began tossing clothes out of his luggage. He finally held up a box of condoms, facing her with a huge, triumphant smile.
When Toni frowned, Ricky quickly added, “I was hopeful is all. Just hopeful. A man can be hopeful.”
Knowing that he’d brought those condoms for her didn’t upset Toni nearly as much as she’d thought it would. So when he just stood there, cock hanging out of his jeans, his blue eyes silently begging her, Toni could only ask, “Are you just going to stand there or get over here and do me?”
When Ricky dived for the bed, Toni could only squeal and speed out of the way.
Ricky managed to catch hold of Toni before she rolled off the bed.
“Sorry,” he said when he pulled her back to safety. “I didn’t mean to . . .”
He stopped talking when he realized she was laughing, her smile wide.
“Someone is a horny little monkey,” she teased.
“Just for you, darlin’.” He laughed. “Can’t control myself.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want you to.” She reached up, pressed her hand to his face, stroked his cheek. “I don’t want you to control yourself.”
So he didn’t. Instead he kicked off his jeans and put on a condom. Then he got on his knees, leaned back on his heels, and reached for Toni. He didn’t have to reach far. She got up and put herself in his arms, trusting him in a way most predators would not. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he brought her up and then down, right on his cock. She gave a startled yip, then wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist.
“Kiss me again,” she told him. “I really like it when you kiss me.”
Ricky had no idea why he enjoyed hearing those words so much. It wasn’t simply that he liked kissing her, too. Maybe it was more because her words were direct and simple and that’s what he liked so much about Toni. No matter what was going on around her or, in this particular case, inside her, she was always direct. Although he had to admit, there was very little about her that was simple. Except now. When it was just the two of them.
He kissed her, kept kissing her, while he started to fuck her. Slowly, carefully. Not wanting to scare her off or hurt her. It wasn’t easy, though. She was so tight. It was obvious she hadn’t fooled around much since she’d broken it off with her last boyfriend.
Ricky kissed her harder, realizing he didn’t want to think about her last boyfriend. And he definitely didn’t want her to think about her last boyfriend.
No. All Ricky wanted at the moment was for her to think about him and his cock and his hands on her. He’d make sure that was all she thought about.
Holy shit. So
was what she’d been missing with her safe, full-human boyfriends? No wonder Coop kept trying to push her toward other shifters. She thought he was just being a bigot. But no. Not really.
Ricky’s grip tightened around her waist as he stroked into her, his cock pushing in and out of her again and again.
Toni dropped her forehead against Ricky’s shoulder, her fingers digging harder into his hair. She knew he liked that, and it was all she could really manage when she wasn’t kissing him back.
She began to squirm. Her entire body feeling hot, her nipples getting so hard they hurt. She shuddered, unused to feeling this intense.
Toni wouldn’t realize it until later, but it was during this part that she stopped thinking about anything. Anything but what was going on between her and Ricky. She didn’t worry. She didn’t analyze. She didn’t plan. She just let him rock his body against hers until she began to tremble. Until she began to pant and groan into the man’s thick neck. She got so lost in what she was doing that when she came, her entire body gripping Ricky tight, she didn’t know she’d lowered her hands to his back, unleashed her claws, and dug them into his spine until he climaxed, shuddered, and said, “Ow,” into the silence.

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